Dylan GibsonがCame.ll4の投稿をシェアしました。
God the snowscapes of Japan just get better and better. I keep hearing and reading about Ouchi-Juku all over the place and it's really got me itching to visit. I really love these old post stations and their historic feel. The buildings are really rustic and just looking at them makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. I really love the thatched roofs as well. I can imagine enjoying some delicious soup and tea next to an irori and just letting all life's troubles be whisked away. Top it if with some hot springs and I can't even imagine a better way to relax. Apparently there's the hot spring Yunokami onsen about 15 minutes from Ouchi-Juku but I guess there's also a footbath in Ouchi-Juku itself as well? Or maybe it's in the same area as Yonokami Onsen, I'm not 100% sure on that. Hopefully it's heated either way ?
Dylan Gibsonが函館バーテンマスターの投稿をシェアしました。
Wow this is awesome! Looks like a lot of fun. Japan has a lot of great ski resorts and with winter being pretty harsh this year I bet there's tons of fresh powder on top of the mountains. I've never went mountain climbing like this either. I've went hiking of course but not in snow like in these pictures. I'm more of a camper I suppose though lol. I like the different snowmen in these pictures too, it's pretty cool to see them as, like I've said before, there's not much snow in Tokyo. It's pretty cool they built a small house out of snow lol. It reminds me of the ice chapel in Hokkaido. Hopefully once it's easier to get outside I can go visit a resort like this even just to do some sledding or w/e. Start to lack exercise with being indoors all day everyday ?
Dylan Gibsonが巫女の投稿をシェアしました。
それはすぐそこにいくつかの良い外観のカニです!これが自家製であることを本当に印象的です。高級レストランで買うもののように見えます!私は前にそれを言ったと思うが、それは日本のもう一つの素晴らしいことだ - それは島国ですので、良いシーフードのトンがあり、それは世界の他のimoのどこよりも良い準備ができています。特にカニに関しては、このような最も素晴らしい料理を見つけることができます。お父さんと一緒にカニの鍋を投げ出してから数年が経っていますが、もう一度やりたいのですが、いつもとても楽しいです。日本でカニを食いたことがなかったので、何とかここで違う方法で行われているのか知りたいです。たぶん、異なるカニの鍋や方法などのように。私が疑う唯一のことは、?早起きです。それは私のためにカニ/釣りについての最も難しい部分の一つでなければなりません。午前3時に目を覚ますには、いくつかの献身が必要です!おいしいスズガニを食べて、こんな料理を作りたいのなら、それだけの価値はあると思います!それか、単にスーパーマーケットでそれを買う私は笑を推測する
Dylan Gibsonがヒデの投稿をシェアしました。
Wow, that's awesome. I never would have expected that Loui Vuitton would open a café. Surprised I didn't hear about this sooner tbh. Not surprising that they opened in Japan though. Japan has the best cafe's I've ever been to, bar none, so I can imagine that the food is just out of this world as well. It's interesting they went for a French dining restaurant/café instead of just a restaurant, but maybe they decided to go with a café because of Japan's awesome café culture. I'd love to check this place out, but it might be a liiittle bit above my budget so that'll probably have to wait unfortunately? It looks like those are truffles in the picture too so I don't even want to know how much that box itself is worth?
Dylan Gibsonが山田デザイン研究所の投稿をシェアしました。
Dylan GibsonがOctの投稿をシェアしました。
Wow this is awesome. I haven't gotten to see an iguana up close in so many years. They're really amazing creatures, apparently they're an invasive species in Japan. You learn something new every day I guess. I think I went to Sunshine City like last year or something but I haven't been to the Sunshine Aquarium before unfortunately. If they have iguanas then I'd love to go see them lol. I went to an aquarium a few years ago when I visited Kyoto but it's been a while since then. I really love checking out the jellyfish too, there's so many different types and the aquariums I went to in the US never seemed to have any which seemed kind of strange. Still hoping one day I'll get to see one of the dolphin shows that I always see. I seem to always barely miss the line and the wait time until the next one is always really long. Japan has some really cool aquariums though, so I'm looking forward to when I can visit them!
Dylan Gibsonがめんまの投稿をシェアしました。
Dylan Gibsonがちゃんわかの投稿をシェアしました。
Dylan Gibsonがあかねᵕ̈*の投稿をシェアしました。
Dylan GibsonがCame.ll4の投稿をシェアしました。