Nice to meet you! We are Kaichi International School of Japanese. In this page, we will introduce our school and provide information about what prospective international students want to know.
Connect your study in Japan to your career!
There are five reasons why you should choose Kaichi International School of JapaneseKISJ.
1 We offer educational opportunities that match your objectives.
2 Located in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, with easily accessible.
3 Fully furnished dormitory in the school building.
4 Privilege for recommendation for our group university, Kaichi International University.
5 Approved as “a satisfactory school” by Tokyo Immigration Bureau of Japan.
In Japan with aging population and declining rate of birth, many companies are looking for talented young global human resources. In this context, the employment rate of foreign human resources is increasing every year.
Would you like to take a step that will change your life? Please feel free to contact us for more information.
はじめまして! 私たちは開智国際日本語学校です。 このページでは学校の紹介や留学予定者の知りたいことについて情報を発信する予定です。
日本留学をキャリアにつなげよう! 開智国際日本語学校を選ぶべき5つの理由。
少子高齢化が進む日本では、多くの企業が優れた若いグローバル人材を求めています。 その中で外国人人材の雇用率は年々上昇しています。
人生を変える一歩を踏み出しませんか? まずはお気軽にご相談ください。