We went to a small restaurant in Meguro called "Meguro Flat" over the holiday and had a really nice lunch together. The place had a nice atmosphere and seemed very multicultural. There were newspapers on the walls in some other languages I'm not sure what languages, but they were Latin based at least and posters of wines from different countries and the menu was interesting as well. If I remember correctly, jerk chicken is a local specialty of Jamaica and I've never had the chance to try it before, but this place was offering it so I decided to order it. It tasted really nice and the salad that came with it was refreshing. There was also a spoonful of mashed potatoes on the side with the pickled carrots and the place also offers all-you-can-eat bread! I love bread so that was a plus. My girlfriend ordered an assorted platter and the cream in the middle went really well with the bread so we got another free basket to eat it with lol.
추천 기사
동영상 기사 11:05
걸의 성지, 도쿄도 시부야 109를 산책! 일본의 젊은이의 카와이 문화와 최첨단 패션을 즐길 수 있는 마르쿠는 어떤 곳일까요?
koチャンネル名- 102 회 재생
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동영상 기사 17:22
단골 손님과 함께 인기 일본 요리 "돈까스"를 먹어보세요! 일본의 돈까스점 "후지키(후지?)" 도쿄도 주오구 바시 닌교초 바삭하고 육즙이 많은 요리는 어떻게 만들어지나요?
구르메.- 140 회 재생
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동영상 기사 7:21
전 세계의 미식가들이 칭찬하는 "스키야키"를 즐겨보세요! 120 년의 역사를 가진 인기있는 노포 가게 인 "닌교 쵸 이마한"은 도쿄도 주오 구 바시 닌교 쵸에서 먹는 법을 가르쳐줍니다 추천!
구르메.- 49 회 재생
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