Dylan Gibson


What a beautiful photo! I've seen a Japanese friendship garden in Portland I think it was but this one has a totally different atmosphere. It's really cool to see the different styles. I hadn't heard of West Lake before but I looked at some pictures of it and it looks like a beautiful place. I like how the architecture of the pavilions is very similar as well. I'm certainly a fan of all of the winter scenery I've gotten to see this year, but I feel like the cherry blossoms would certainly look amazing here. That or even the foliage in the autumn. I'd like to check this out when I get the chance. It looks like there are some interesting restaurants in the area as well so I can look forward to some tasty food!

石原 良慶
岐阜公園 日中友好庭園 雪景色❄️

1989年(平成元年)に、岐阜市と中華人民共和国 杭州市の友好都市提携10周年を記念して作られた庭園で、中国情緒溢れるデザインの門や土塀、庭園、杭州市の名所である西湖(せいこ)を模して作られた池
