
May. 17, 2024

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再生6,616回 | どうしても深夜に中華が食べたい人におすすめのお店『南京亭 八王子新滝山街道店』🍜 八王子IC近くにある24時間営業の中華店。 『チャーハン&ミニラーメンのAセット(1,080円)』のチャーハンの味は王道にして至高。ギトギトしていないし米の固さもちょうどいい!✨🍚 名物『手作りジャンボ餃子(480円)』は驚くほど大きくて具がぎっしり! 店内飲食もテイクアウトも可能!👝 THE街中華を食べたい方、ぜひ行ってみてくださいね👐 八王子ジャーニーライター ヌビア(Nubia) @nubia_cello ================ 【南京亭 八王子新滝山街道店】 ※情報は取材当時のものです。来店の際は公式情報をご確認下さい。 住所:東京都八王子市梅坪町134-1 アクセス:八王子駅 車10分 営業時間:24時間営業 定休日:年中無休 電話:042-696-6789 ================ #八王子ランチ #八王子グルメ #麻婆豆腐 #ラーメン #hachioji #八王子 #八王子駅 #京王八王子駅 #八王子市 #餃子 #グルメ #チャーハン #802 | 八王子ジャーニー
どうしても深夜に中華が食べたい人におすすめのお店『南京亭 八王子新滝山街道店』🍜 八王子IC近くにある24時間営業の中華店。 『チャーハン&ミニラーメンのAセット(1,080円)』のチャーハンの味は王道にして至高。ギトギトしていないし米の固さもちょうどいい!✨🍚...
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May. 17, 2024 We often hear "It's a work style reform!", but is it actually progressing because only words are ahead...? The Hachioji Journey is busy and difficult, but I'm quite satisfied with the way I work! It's hard, though! (Say it twice) Recently, I learned that it was because there was an unsung "Labor and Social Security Attorney" who kindly listened to how we wanted to work! This time, we would like to introduce "RIMONO Work-Life Design", which supports the labor of our company at support! ✨? Mr. Takeshi Nishishige, the Representative of RIMONO, says that although he is an expert as a social labor attorney, he wants to be "a person who draws ideas that enrich the lives of working people." The company name "RIMONO" is said to be taken from the initials of the names of Mr. Nishishige's three daughters ?♡ It contains the message of wanting to support "the creation of a company and society that we want to leave to the children of the next generation"! RIMONO, which supports companies through labor consultation, payroll calculation, and social insurance procedures as a partner of companies, is friendly to both managers and employees ? Why don't you consult with RIMONO Work-Life Design, which has the concept of "Human Centered" and all kinds of management and labor issues? Click here ? for the detailed article ================ [Social Insurance and Labor Attorney Corporation RIMONO Work-Life Design] *Information is current at the time of the interview. Please check the official Information when you come to the store. Address: 3-26-10 Myojin-cho, Hachioji City, Tokyo Tsuchiya Building 3F Access: Keio Hachioji Station 1 minute walk / Hachioji Station North Exit 3 minutes walk Business hours: 9:30~17:00 (12:00~13:00 is available on voicemail) Regular holiday: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays Phone: 042-649-2385 ================ #Labor management #Management issues #Payroll calculation #Labor and social security attorney #RIMONO #Social insurance procedures #Hachioji Station #Keio Hachioji Station #Hachioji City #Labor and Social Worker #Work-Life Designer #802