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This video, released by "Muscle Chef's Simple Recipes, Fish Cuisine" (筋肉料理人の簡単レシピ、魚料理), is titled "How to make Nagasaki-style Sara Udon, a large plate of noodles for everyone to eat and also a great snack with spirits!" (長崎風皿うどんの作り方、皆で食べる大皿盛り、お酒のつまみにもいけます。).

This video introduces how to make Nagasaki-style Sara Udon, a dish of fried, crispy, thin noodles with a thick sauce on top.
Nagasaki-style Sara Udon is a standard menu item served at family gatherings in Nagasaki and is very popular not only among children but also among adults as it pairs well with spirits.
It's a memorable dish that conjures up images of a table full of friends and family.
The video shows you how to make the dish for 6 people.
Try making Nagasaki-style Sara Udon with crispy thin noodles and plenty of vegetables on your own!

Written By
Last Updated : Jul. 5, 2021
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Learn How to Make Kyushu Nagasaki-Style Sara Udon at Home! Have a Good Time With the Whole Family or Enjoy It as a Snack!
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