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Justin Schultz
Went to Diver City in Tokyo over the weekend. We'd visited in the past as well but my gf's friend was in town so we decided to go again. There's so much to do there that it would take a month to do everything probably. We decided to go to the "Unko Museum" this time lol. It was a lot more fun than I was expecting to be honest. When the clerks would say "thank you" they would say "arigatounko" and it was pretty funny. It was really colorful and there was a bunch of different games you could try as well. We heard people yelling "unko" extremely loudly and were confused until we found out that it was a game. The objective of the game was to yell "unko" as loud as you can, and whoever managed to do so, would create the bigger poop. It was embarassing to do, but at the same time pretty funny (I managed to win lol?). Besides the "Unko Museum," we also did the VR experience and ran away from zombies, etc. Couldn't take photos since we were in VR but it was fun. We also ate dinner at a steak restaurant that was pretty good and picked up a couple desserts before leaving. Lots of fun though. Definitely plan on going again lol.
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 藝能/娛樂
  • 博物館
  • 卡哇伊
  • VR
  • 牛排
  • 甜點
Dylan Gibson
Some photos I took during my visit to the Edo-Tokyo Museum. I really enjoyed seeing the recreations of the Edo cityscape and seeing what the city would have looked like back in the day. I like that you can also get a feel for what life was like at that time and you can even see people doing various jobs or holding tools related to them. I enjoyed seeing the boats as well, as it showed how shipping would been carried out at the time, and you also get to see the architecture of the ships, which was really awesome in my honest opinion. I also tried getting a decent photo of Tokugawa Ieyasu but I was really short on time when visiting as the museum was about to close, so I definitely need to go back there again. I wanted to see some of the other exhibits as well, stuff like the Great Kanto Earthquake exhibits, etc. so I have an excuse to visit again lol.
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 觀光
  • 博物館
  • 船艇
  • 建築物
  • 歷史
Dylan Gibson
I managed to get a good workout in today as well. I can already feel my stomach muscles starting to get sore. I found a pretty decent coffee today. Decided to try something besides a black coffee today. Still a Boss coffee but it has a pretty low sugar content and doesn't taste too sweet or too bitter. Considering trying a new one tomorrow but this one was quite good so I might just be drinking this from now on. I want to keep my options open but it's hard to keep searching once you find something good. I found a photo that I forgot to upload before. I visited the Edo Tokyo Museum and outside there was a statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu riding a turtle lol... It's probably one of the more interesting statues I've seen in Japan but I suppose it symbolizes power and longevity, which Ieyasu certainly had both of.
  • 東京都
  • 博物館
  • 運動
  • 咖啡
