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커뮤니티 게시물

Dylan Gibson
Was pretty nice weather outside today, felt good to be outside for a bit. Finally got to work out again, wasn't able to since I had to wait after getting my first shot of the vaccine. Trying to eat a bit healthier lately, avoiding sweets and stuff like that. The convenience stores in Japan are really amazing for having pretty tasty salads and even different varieties. Wouldn't be able to find that at most convenience stores in America. I've been trying to do some meal planning but I need some more recipes so I'm not just eating the same thing though. Not being able to go outside much this year was a little rougher on my body than I would have imagined. Managed to put on a couple pounds lol. Gotta get back in shape before winter, though, the heat helps with weight loss which is nice. The weather is supposed to be pretty decent this weekend too, so hopefully that doesn't change. Would like to go to the river and have a picnic or something like that. That's all for today I guess. Here's a photo of a station I took a few days ago. Thought it looked kind of neat with all the wires and everything. Would probably be better with a nicer camera though lol
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Dylan Gibson
The weather in Tokyo was nice today for a bit, unfortunately it changed to rain again, but with rain should come some beautiful greenery around the outskirts of the city. More and more people are getting their vaccines so hopefully we should be able to travel again soon. Looking forward to seeing the beautiful autumn foliage this fall so hopefully things start getting better soon. Hard to believe it's already been more than a year and a half since the pandemic but projections seem to show that Japan is on track to pass the US in vaccination rate by September with its current speed. With that in mind, hopefully we can get back to normal by early next year or at least be in a place to travel for the new years holidays, etc. Looking forward to seeing people again and exploring all of the beauty that Japan has to offer. I STILL haven't gotten the chance to visit Nagano yet... But I guess I want to see it in the fall anyways so fingers crossed that it's possible this year. Here's a couple photos I took near Oji a few weeks ago when the weather was nice. Hoping to see some more sunny days like this before fall!
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
[English/日本語] The Tokyo Olympics is over and the Paralympics will soon begin. At the closing ceremony of the Olympics, it was impressive to see the athletes from different countries communicating with each other. In this article, I would like to introduce the unique way Japanese people communicate. Japanese people who don't ”hug ” but suddenly touch their bodies: a tap on the shoulder I often hear from international students that they were surprised by a sudden tap on the shoulder by a Japanese person. Japanese people don't hug, and they tend to be more distant from others than other countries. However, we often tap people on the shoulder when we talk to them. When talking to people, however, we often tap them on the shoulder, or pat small children on the head to express our feelings of "cute" or "good". This act can also be done to a lover. In some countries, it is absolutely forbidden to pat a child's head. Nodding your head is an expression of affection for Japanese people. If you feel uncomfortable about it, make sure to let the person know about it. Aizuchi At Japanese language schools, we often give guidance to students who don't make a lot of aizuchi during class. Do you know what an aizuchi is? Aizuchi is a method of communication in which you shake your head to indicate that you are listening to what someone is saying, and that you are listening carefully. This is why Japanese people tend to use a lot of aizuchi in their conversations. In some countries, people bend their heads to the side to say "yes" when making an aizuchi. However, this action means "I don't understand" to Japanese people. Learning Japanese grammar and kanji is very important, but if you don't learn communication like aizuchi together, it can lead to misunderstandings, so be careful. What is the meaning of a tongue lashing? Tongue-lashing are a problem that occurs as often in the classroom as aizuchi. In Japan, tongue lashing is used to express sarcasm or frustration with others. Tongue-lashing that can be heard by others are considered bad manners and can cause problems even among Japanese people. Depending on the country of the foreign student, tongue lashing may have no particular meaning, or it may be directed only at oneself. eachers at Japanese language schools are used to this kind of situation, so they give light warnings to their students, but if you use your tongue at your part-time job, you may be fired. When you come to Japan, be careful not to use tongue lashing. While studying abroad, your small gestures can often lead to misunderstandings. If you are misunderstood, polish your Japanese skills so that you can explain yourself properly. At our school, we teach not only Japanese language but also manners in our classes. We will support you so that you can live your life as an international student with peace of mind, so please consider enrolling in our school. 東京オリンピックが終わり、もうすぐパラリンピックが始まります。オリンピックの閉会式では各国の選手たちが国をこえてコミュニケーションをとっている姿が印象的でした。今回は日本人の独特なコミュニケーションの取り方についてご紹介します。 ハグはしないのに突然体を触る日本人 肩をたたくという行為 日本人に突然肩をたたかれてびっくりしたという話を留学生からよく聞きます。日本人はハグはしませんし、他の国と比べても他人との距離を遠くとる国民性があります。しかし、人に話しかけるときに肩をたたくことがよくあります。また、小さい子どもに対して、「かわいい」「いい子」という気持ちを伝えるために頭をなでることもあります。またこの行為は恋人にすることもあります。学生の国によっては、子供の頭をなでることは絶対にしてはいけないことがあります。頭をなでるのは日本人にとっては愛情表現の一つです。もし、嫌な気持ちになってしまう場合は、きちんと相手にそのことを伝えましょう。 あいづち 日本語学校では、授業中にあいづちを打たない学生に対して指導することが多いです。あいづちは何か知っていますか?あいづちとは人の話を聞いているときに、首を縦に振って、「あなたの話をよく聞いています」ということを表すコミュニケーションの方法です。それだけ日本人は会話へのあいづちを多く打ちます。国によってはあいづちを打つときに「yes」という意味で首を横に曲げることがあります。しかし、この行為は日本人にとって「わかりません」という意味になってしまいます。日本語の文法や漢字を学ぶことはとても大事ですが、あいづちのようなコミュニケーションも一緒に学ばないと誤解を生むことがあるので注意しましょう。 舌打ちの意味は? あいづちと同じくらい教室でしばしば起こる問題として「舌打ち」があります。日本では、相手への嫌味や不満を表すときに舌打ちをします。人に聞こえる舌打ちはマナー違反とされ、日本人同士でもトラブルの原因となります。留学生の国によっては舌打ちは特に意味のないものであったり、自分に向けてのみされるものであったりします。日本語学校の教師はこのような状況になれているので、学生に軽く注意をしますが、舌打ちをアルバイト先でしてしまうと、首になりかねません。日本に来たら舌打ちはしないように気を付けましょう。 留学中はあなたの小さなしぐさが誤解を生んでしまうことがよくあります。もし、誤解されてしまったら、きちんと説明できるように、日本語力も磨きましょう。本校では日本語の勉強だけではなく、マナーについても授業中に指導しています。留学生活を安心して送れるようにサポートしていますので、ぜひ入学を検討してみてくださいね。
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