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This video, released by "MOVE," is titled "LEXUS GLAMPING."

This video introduces how to enjoy LEXUS and is perfect for those who are wondering whether or not to buy a LEXUS in the future.
The video is only a minute and a half long, making it easy to check out even if you're busy.
In addition to the cool look of LEXUS, the video features beautiful natural scenery.
At 0:40, there's a scene showing LEXUS owners enjoying a camping trip.
The array of delicious-looking food looks quite appetizing.

This is a great video that allows those who don't plan to buy a car to enjoy the feeling of going camping in a LEXUS.
For some people, it may motivate them to get outdoors!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
You'll Feel Like You're Going Camping in a Lexus! If You're Looking for Ways to Enjoy Your Car, Check This Out!
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