Age 58
I love Japanese scenery, history, and culture.
On my days off, I enjoy visiting shrines and temples, visiting historical sites in Tokyo, eating yakitori, and working out in the gym.
Even now, at over 50 years old, I still love Japanese anime culture.
Video article 12:01
Hokkaido's Hamatombetsu Is Surrounded by Lush Nature, Including a Paradise for Waterfowl! The History of the Gold Rush and the Baths of Beauty... It's a Place Where Time Seems to Stop...
Local PR- 36 plays
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日本の穴場観光地!北海道浜頓別町ってどんなところ? こちらで紹介する動画は「Hamatombetsu Hokkaido」が公開した「北海道浜頓別町観光PV【日本語】」です。 日本には風光明媚な観光地が数々ありますが、今回は北海道の人気観光地、野鳥の里「浜頓別町」をご紹介したいと思います。 浜頓別町は北海道最北端にある宗谷岬に近く、北海道浜頓別町内にあるクッチャロ湖には白鳥やコハクチョウなどの渡り鳥がたくさん集まることで知られ、ラムサール条約保護区の指定を受けています。 豊かな自然が残る絶景の景勝地、野鳥、砂金、そして温泉の様子を動画でお楽しみください。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「クッチャロ湖と野鳥」 北海道浜頓別町最大の魅力は豊かな自然景観を見せるクッチャロ湖の湖畔観光です。 大沼と小沼の二つの沼が細い水路で繋がれていて、ひょうたんのような形をしたユニークな形をしています。 湖の南側には北海道浜頓別町クッチャロ湖水鳥観察館、キャンプ場、温泉施設、白鳥公園などがあり、夏はマリンスポーツが楽しめます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ウソタンナイ川と砂金」 北海道浜頓別町は日本のゴールドラッシュの地としても有名です。 明治時代までウソタンナイ川では良質な砂金が採れていました。 そしてかつて砂金採掘が盛んに行われていた時期に建てられた神社が金山神社(現在は金山神社跡)です。 昭和63年にウソタンナイ砂金発見90周年を記念して造られたゴールドハウスでは取れた砂金を加工してくれます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「温泉&ホテル宿泊情報」 美人の湯として有名な浜頓別温泉は良質の天然温泉です。 おすすめは宿泊可能なとんべつ温泉ウイングです。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ベニヤ原生花園」 日本最大級!330ヘクタールの広大な園内には遊歩道が整備されているので、ゆったりとした時の中で自然を満喫しながらの散策を体験できます。 おすすめ観光スポット「オオワシの森」 頓別湖畔には国の天然記念物に指定されている大ワシの姿を観察できるおすすめのスポット「オオワシの森」があります。 北海道浜頓別町のその他の観光エリア 北海道浜頓別町には他にも ・クローバーの丘 ・斜内山道 ・北見神威岬 などのインスタ映えする名所があります。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のグルメ情報 北海道は日本でも有数の酪農地です。 北海道浜頓別町でも酪農が盛んで、周辺のレストランやカフェでは地元産の牛乳やバター、チーズといった乳製品を使った料理やスイーツが堪能できます。 そしてオホーツク海にも面しているので新鮮な海産物も楽しめます。 ホタテや鮭をふんだんに使った海鮮料理は絶品です。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のイベント情報 手つかずの自然が残る北海道浜頓別町ではさまざまなイベントも企画されています。 ・クッチャロ湖湖水まつり:湖上に咲く花火大会が人気です。 ・マラソン大会 ・ウソタン砂金フェスティバル ・ふるさとまつりin浜頓別:オホーツク海の新鮮な魚介類が大集合します。 ・クッチャロ湖氷上ウォーキング など。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町紹介まとめ ゴールドラッシュの歴史と豊かな自然が残る北海道浜頓別。 観光と酪農が主な産業のこの町には四季折々の自然の景観を楽しむための散策ルートが設定されています。 中でもおすすめなのは町のシンボルであるスワットンの名前がついたスワットンロードです。 クッチャロ湖やベニヤ原生花園など浜頓別町の観光名所が散策できます。 北海道浜頓別町の美しい景色を動画でお楽しみください。 -
Video article 9:41
Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories!
Local PR Travel- 31 plays
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四季を通じて自然豊かな温泉の郷「湯原温泉」について こちらの動画は「真庭市公式チャンネル」が公開した「湯原温泉」です。 湯原温泉は岡山県にある自然豊かな温泉郷です。 昔から自噴する温泉が数多く存在し、湯治客や観光客で賑わってきました。 また古墳時代より「たたら製鉄」が盛んだったエリアで、金山(製鉄後のくず鉄を積んでできた山)や史跡がそこかしこに残っています。 人気アニメ「もののけ姫」にもたたら場が登場し、そのモデルが湯原温泉郷だったと言われており、聖地巡礼の場としても旅行客の人気を集めています。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のイベント情報 湯原温泉では夏の季節はイベント満載ですが何と言っても「はんざき祭り」が一番の目玉です。 このお祭りは日本の特別天然記念物に指定されているオオサンショウウオ(岡山の方言ではんざき)にちなんだお祭りで、「はんざき山車(はんざきねぶた)」が湯原温泉郷を練り歩きます。 華やかな道中ばやしが鳴り響き盆踊りも開催! また美甘夏まつりで行われる花火大会は中国山地の山々に音が反響するので海辺の花火大会よりも迫力満点でとても人気のあるイベントです。 さらに秋には紅葉、冬は雪見風呂や冬至のゆず湯、雪景色の中のキャンドルファンタジー、正月明けのしし祭り、6月の砂湯が人気の露天風呂の日など、湯原温泉では一年を通じてさまざまなイベントを楽しむことができます。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のグルメ情報 清流と山間の自然あふれる湯原温泉では毎年1月になると伝統的な「しし祭り」が開かれ多くの人がご当地グルメのイノシシ料理を楽しみます。 そして清流釣りの本場としても人気のスポットなので、ヤマメやイワナ、マスなどの川魚料理が多くの観光客に愛されています。 ホテルや旅館では本格的な山の幸をふんだんに使った郷土料理をお楽しみいただけますよ。 岡山県湯原温泉郷周辺の観光スポット情報 はんざきセンターはオオサンショウウオに関する資料や湯山温泉郷との文化・歴史的なつながりを示す資料を展示している隠れた観光名所です。 また「はんざき祭り」のルートには「はんざき大明神」の祠があり、ここもおすすめの穴場景観地。 ご祭祀のオオサンショウウオがとても可愛いと評判なのです。 湯原温泉郷旅行では絶対に外せないインスタ映えポイントとしておすすめ。 さらに、絶景好きな方やダムマニアにとって欠かせない景勝地が「湯原ダム」です。 湯原ダムは昭和23年に岡山県が立案し昭和30年に完成した歴史あるダムです。 今でも湯原温泉郷の大切な水源として、また電力供給源として活躍しています。 スポーツ好きな方は湯原温泉トライアスロン大会がおすすめ! そしてとっておきの観光スポットをもう一つ!温泉街の中央に位置する温泉薬師堂をご紹介。 温泉薬師堂は無くしたものが返ってくるお薬師様として信仰を集め、すぐ近くから温泉がこんこんと湧き出ているので手湯足湯が無料で楽しめるんです。 湯原温泉郷紹介まとめ 湯原温泉郷へのアクセスは米子自動車道湯原ICより約3キロ、JR岡山駅またはJR中国勝山駅から路線バスを乗り継いで湯原温泉バス停のご利用が便利です。 湯原温泉郷に旅行するなら日帰り温泉が楽しめる湯元温泉館にも足をお運びくださいね。 -
Video article 4:06
Kurume Gasuri is a Traditional Craft of Fukuoka Prefecture That Has Been Loved Since Ancient Times For Its Simple Yet Sophisticated Beauty! A Look at the Fascinating Handiwork of One Traditional Japanese Artisan!
Traditional Crafts- 20 plays
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Kurume Gasuri - A Traditional Craft of Fukuoka Prefecture? This video, titled "Handicraft TEWAZA "Kurume Gasuri" kurume pongee" (手技TEWAZA「久留米絣」kurume pongee/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square), was released by "JAPAN TRADITIONAL CRAFTS AOYAMA SQUARE" (伝統工芸 青山スクエア), a channel that features introductions to many of Japan's traditional crafts. This video shows how simple yet geometric and beautiful Kasuri patterned kimono are created by two Kurume Gasuri craftsmen in a tranquil environment. Kurume Gasuri - A Traditional Japanese Craft With Beautiful Patterns Photo:Working at Kurume Gasuri in Fukuoka Prefecture Few people are familiar with the Kurume Gasuri fabric manufactured in the Chikugo region (筑後地方) of southern Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region (九州地方). Kurume Gasuri is a weaving technique said to have been invented by a 12-year-old girl at the beginning of the 19th century. She was apparently inspired by the threads of old cotton scraps that had become faded. Nowadays, it's known as one of the three major Kasuri in Japan, alongside Iyo Kasuri, made in Matsuyama (松山市) in Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県) in Japan's Shikoku region (四国地方), and Bingo Kasuri, made in Fukuyama (福山市) in Hiroshima Prefecture (広島県). The craft has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan. Since Kurume Gasuri is made of cotton Kasuri, it is gentle to the touch and can be washed. This makes it suitable not only for kimonos, but also for clothing, such as dresses and accessories, and even face masks. Unlike silk kimonos, Kasuri fabrics were used for everyday clothing, such as monpe (a kind of Hakama casual wear) until after the war. The Process of Making Kurume Gasuri, a Traditional Craft of Southern Fukuoka Photo:Kurume Gasuri Yarn, Fukuoka, Japan Let's take a look at how hand-loomed Kurume Gasuri are made by two designers/craftsmen from the Kurume Gasuri brand "GIEMON." Each step can be seen in the video. ・Eito Kaki - (video 0:40~) Eito is the thread that will become the "pattern" when woven. The thread that will become the Eito is fixed, and the designer carefully inks it by hand according to the design. ・Kukuri - (Video 1:15-) This is an important process that involves tying a string to the Eito so that a pattern remains after dyeing it. ・Some - (Video 1:43~) Generally, indigo dye is used. The indigo dyeing process makes the cotton fabric more resistant to insects and odors. It also increases the strength of the fabric. ・Kasuri Toki - (Video 2:39-) This steps involves untying the bundle to check if the pattern stands out properly. It's an exciting moment. ・Ori - (Video 3:10~) This is the process of weaving the finished yarn into a Tanmono. A Tanmono is a roll of kimono fabric, and a Kijaku (standard length of material used in a kimono) has a weaving width of about 38cm. The History of Kurume Gasuri, a Traditional Craft of Southern Fukuoka The 12-year-old girl who invented the Kurume Gasuri is named Den Inoue. She was born in Kurume-Torihoka, Chikugo-no-Kuni (present-day Kurume (久留米市), Fukuoka). It's theorized that the technique of "Kasuri," the basic pattern of cotton fabric, was introduced to Kyushu and Shikoku via the Ryukyu Islands. This video features the indigo-dyed hand weaving of Kurume Gasuri, but there are other styles, such as Aizome Kasuri, Tateyoko-Kasuri, Yoko-Kasuri, Dasshoku-Kasuri, Tsumami Zome, and Tate-Kasuri. Summary of Kurume Gasuri, a Traditional Craft of Southern Fukuoka Photo:Kurume Gasuri, Fukuoka Prefecture It's said that the charm of the Aizome Kurume Gasuri is its beautiful patterns and the texture that becomes more profound the more you wear it. It can be washed at home, and the more you wash it, the softer it becomes and it also conforms to your skin. This is a classic piece of traditional craftwork, yet one that you will want to use everyday. GIEMON (儀右衛門), featured in this article, sells Kurume Gasuri products online. If you're interested, be sure to check out their official website. -
Video article 5:35
The Flower Fields at Yakurai Garden in Miyagi Prefecture Are Breathtaking! A Look at the Beautiful Sightseeing Destination Popular on Instagram!
Travel- 36 plays
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Yakurai Garden - A Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled “Rainbow Flower Garden|A Beautiful View of Rainbow-Colored Flowers at Yakurai Garden, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku Region|Travel To Miyagi Japan|BMPCC6K” (Rainbow Flower Garden 虹色の花が美しい やくらいガーデンの絶景 東北・宮城の花の名所 | Travel to Miyagi Japan | BMPCC6K), was released by “Japan Videography.” It introduces Yakurai Garden (やくらいガーデン) in Kami, Miyagi Prefecture, a place famous for its flowers. It was Halloween season when the video was shot, and Yakurai Garden's park was decorated with many cute jack-o-lanterns to celebrate the occasion. During spring and fall, when the weather is particularly nice, the park offers a variety of events that allow visitors to see a myriad of colorful flowers in full bloom. The LED lights and seasonal decorations add to the atmosphere of the park, creating an exciting space. Yakurai Garden has more than 400 varieties of plants in full bloom from season to season. There are several flower fields at Yakurai Garden, and at the far end of the garden there's a small hill called "Rainbow Garden Fululu no Oka" (虹色ガーデン ふるるの丘) where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the flowers in full bloom. The beautiful flower garden at Rainbow Garden Fululu no Oka can be seen from 2:57 in the video. Red, purple, yellow, white, orange, and other colors are spread out creating a carpet of rainbow colors. If you're ever in Miyagi Prefecture, be sure to check out Yakurai Garden. The beauty of the flowers in full bloom is sure to captivate you! Facilities at Yakurai Garden, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture Photo:Yakurai Garden, Miyagi Prefecture Yakurai Garden is a vast area of 150,000 square meters with eight themed gardens, including a rose garden, herb garden, and more. The park is open from mid-April to late November when the colorful flowers are at their best. Admission is 700 yen for adults and 200 yen for elementary and junior high school students. Yakurai Garden, which has many limited-time fairs and seasonal events, as the types of flowers you can see change with the seasons, also has a chapel which can be seen from 2:38. It’s a very popular place for weddings. Pledging eternal love while surrounded by candles under the starlight makes for one of the most romantic weddings imaginable. There's also an herb store popular among women, a beer hall with local beer popular among men, and a family-friendly restaurant where you can enjoy lunch at a reasonable price. The herb store at Yakurai Garden also offers aromatherapy, garden interior design, and arts and crafts classes for both parents and children. Summary of Yakurai Garden, a Famous Spot for Flowers in Miyagi Prefecture Photo:Yakurai Garden, Miyagi Prefecture The Yakurai Garden area has been redeveloped as Yakurai Resort. As a result, the area around Yakurai Garden is full of lodging facilities, such as pet friendly cottages and hot springs, and affiliated hotels for you to stay at. The resort is a popular picnic area in the summer and in the winter it's popular as a ski resort, with ski slopes for children as well, so families can enjoy the resort all year round. For the dads out there, we recommend the restaurant Bunarin, which has an all-you-can-drink local beer plan! Enjoy the beautiful, out-of-this-world scenery at Yakurai Garden! ◆Yakurai Garden|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1 Ajigafukuro Yakuraihara, Kami, Kami, Miyagi Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 40 minutes by car from JR Furukawa Station and 40 minutes by car from the Furukawa I.C. on the Tohoku Expressway 【Hours】10:00 - 17:00 【Admission Fee】Adults 700 yen, children 200 yen (elementary and junior high school students) 【Closures】Open from early April to late November; open irregularly in April, July, August, November, and December; open May, June, September, and October without holidays 【Parking】Available, 800 spaces 【Telephone】0120-677-273 【Tripadvisor】Yakurai Garden https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120951-d1386236-Reviews-Yakurai_Garden-Kami_machi_Kami_gun_Miyagi_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:01
Introducing the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, With a Lighthearted Rap! The Yamaguchi Dialect Goes Great With Rap! Which Popular Spot in Southern Yamaguchi Do You Want to Visit?
Travel Local PR- 19 plays
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Introducing Southern Yamaguchi With a Lighthearted Rap! This is a unique promotion video by "Yamaguchi Channel" titled "[Nambu Area RAP] A PR Video for the Southern Area of Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture" (山口県山口市南部地域のPR動画「ナンブエリアRAP」). It introduces attractive local products, crafts, events and scenery through rap music. A Brief Look at the History of Yamaguchi Photo: Rurikoji Temple, Yamaguchi Yamaguchi City is the capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It's a warm area, with little rain and snow each year. It has the second largest population in the prefecture after Shimonoseki. In 2005, Ajisu and other areas were merged to form the current Yamaguchi. It is said to be one of the smallest prefectural capitals in Japan, but it has a long history that includes historical sites associated with the Choshu Domain which helped lead the Meiji Restoration, as well as a coin factory that has been in operation since the Heian period, and Seto-mono-no-Sato (瀬戸物の里). Also, a number of prime ministers have been born in Yamaguchi. In the southern part of the city, there are Kagawa and Sayama where there are many scenic spots. Setouchi gourmet is also popular, attracting many tourists every year. Popular Sightseeing Locations in Yamaguchi Photo:The SL Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi The following are popular sightseeing sights shown in the video. - Natajima (0:38) This is a beautiful countryside scene featuring the young MC. It is a straight line stretching about 2km and is a part of the course for the international cycling event "Tour de Yamaguchi Bay." - Suegatake This mountain stretches across Aiofutajima, Sue, and Suzenji, and is called the "Mini-Fuji of Yamaguchi" because it looks like Mt. Fuji. It is also famous as a place to practice and experience climbing, and is a great place for beginners to climb as it's located 230 meters above sea level. This can be seen from 0:26 in the video. - Sand Art Large-scale sand art that can be seen around September and October, when the water in Nagasawa Pond recedes. You can see it from 0:34 in the video. - Natajima Shingaisaku Nambanhi This is the site where large-scale land reclamation work was conducted during the Edo period (1603-1868 AD). It was called "Nanbanhi" and used the latest technology at the time. It has since been designated as a National Historic Site as an Important Historical Resource. - The Former Katsuragatani Storage Dam The oldest dam in Yamaguchi that was completed in 1923. - Minogahama A warm and calm beach along the Seto Inland Sea. It has been crowded with SUP and swimming since it was opened in 2019. You can barbecue and camp in the specific area. - Japanese Tiger Prawns Aio, Yamaguchi is the birthplace of tiger prawn farming. Every year when the shrimp are in season, the "World Shrimp Hunting Competition" is held. - Setouchi Hot Spring Southern Yamaguchi is famous for its hot springs. "Aio-sou," a hotel with a view of the sea, is shown from 0:49 in the video. - Iwayasan Jizo-in You can visit pilgrimage sites in the southern area of Yamaguchi. It is the 83rd temple of the 88 sacred places of Aio. - Mejima A unique island referred to as the Mont-Saint-Michel of Yamaguchi. At low tide, the island is connected to other islands and can be crossed on foot. - Aio Fruit Tomatoes (秋穂フルーツトマト) There's a lot of delicious food to try in southern Yamaguchi. Aio Fruit Tomatoes are so sweet and delicious that they're called the king of tomatoes. There are local sake and pumpkins too. - SL Yamaguchi The SL Yamaguchi is a very exciting train. In the southern part of Yamaguchi, you can still see the steam locomotive in action. Photo:Suo Bridge, Yamaguchi Prefecture - Suo Bridge It connects the cities Ube and Hofu and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Bridges in Japan. At the foot of the mountain is the Fujio Mountain Slide, where you can experience the thrill of the slide while enjoying a spectacular view. - Yamaguchi Kirara Expo Memorial Park The remains of the site of the 2001 Yamaguchi Kirara Expo, the 21st Century Future Exposition, have been developed into a park and is loved by many locals of Yamaguchi. - The Izeki River The southern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture used to experience a lot of damage from storm surges, but with the completion of the Izeki River Tide Gate in 1991, storm surge damage has been reduced. - The Statue of Omura Masujiro He was one of the ten leading people of the Choshu clan who were active at the end of the Edo period. He contributed greatly to the Meiji Restoration and is said to have been well educated in Dutch studies, Western medicine, and military science. - Sue-no-Sue Kamaato Said to be a kiln using in the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.) to fire Seto Ware pottery. High- quality pottery has been produced in the Setouchi region since ancient times. - Fireworks Festival In Ogori, Yamaguchi, fireworks festivals have been held since the Meiji period (1868-1912 AD). Nowadays, a large-scale fireworks festival is held at Fushinogawahigashitsu Kasen Park in southern Yamaguchi. Summary of Southern Yamaguchi Photo:Osaba Hachiman, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Access to Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, is convenient from Yamaguchi Station on the JR West Line and Shin-Yamaguchi Station on the Sanyo Shinkansen. Many places and events are introduced in the video. There are some seasonal events as well, so please check the brochure or the official website of Yamaguchi City for details. 【Official Website】Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.yamaguchi.lg.jp/site/userguide/11129.html 【Tripadvisor】Yamaguchi City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298142-Yamaguchi_Yamaguchi_Prefecture_Chugoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 11:28
A Life-Size 8-Meter-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu, Tokyo! The Giant Robot From the Live-Action Film "Mobile Police Patlabor" Is the Most Powerful and High Quality Robot in Japan!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 140 plays
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What Is Mobile Police Patlabor? The video we'll introduce this time is titled "A Life-Size, 8m-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu! Live-Action ‘Patlabor’ Event." It introduces the promotional event held as a part of a project for the live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor launched in 2014. Mobile Police Patlabor is a near-future science fiction work that gained popularity from the 1980s to the early 2000s as a media mix (manga series, anime series, short novel, game, etc.). Ingram, the giant robot introduced in the video, is a robot that belongs to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Vehicle Section 2, Division 2 (aka: Special Vehicle Section 2, Labor Division). The story is set in a world where Japan has succeeded in developing an industrial robot (labor), but there is a high incidence of large-scale crime using labors. In response, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department introduced a large man-made general purpose machine, code-named Ingram, to combat labor crime. Mobile Police Patlabor has been adapted into a TV anime series and three feature films, but ‘The Next Generation: Patlabor’ launched in 2014 is the first live-action version. The car that transports Ingram is called the ‘labor carrier’, and the signal ‘deck up’ is used to launch Ingram from the bed of the carrier in the movie as well, so it must have been exciting for the fans to witness the impactful scene of the life-size Ingram decking up in Toyosu, where Special Vehicle Section 2 is located. Specifications of the Life-Size Ingram Source :YouTube screenshot Let’s compare the specifications of the Ingram from the truly popular comic and anime series and the life-size Ingram in this article. The Ingram in the serialized manga and anime series moves acrobatically to the extent where it is physically impossible as it operates in a 2-dimensional world, but that is not possible using the available technologies in the real world, and "the biggest challenge of the life-size AV-98 Ingram was to make it stand on its own." The first-generation Gundam which used to be exhibited in Odaiba, and the Unicorn Gundam, with a transformation mode, are famous as the first life-size robots, and are popular tourist spots in Tokyo. However, the life-size Ingram is a large-scale standing model following these two. You can see the life-size, 8m-tall Ingram deck up in the video at 1:34. As you can see from the video, the Ingram is highly detailed, but it is slightly different from the original draft as many parts have been added to its legs and feet in order to have it stand on its own, giving it a more muscular look on its lower body. The public exhibit of the life-size Ingram as part of the highly-anticipated new project for Mobile Police Patlabor "The Next Generation: Patlabor," was held in major cities all across the country, such as Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukushima, after launching in Toyosu, Tokyo. Moreover, at Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki and at the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival, the Ingram which was actually used for shooting was exhibited. Summary of the Life-Size Ingram From Mobile Police Patlabor Source :YouTube screenshot The live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor features an all-star cast, including director Mamoru Oshii, Erina Mano as Ingram's pilot, Akira Izumino, and Toshio Kakei as the captain of Division 2, Keiji Gotoda, and culminates in seven short films plus a feature-length theatrical production, "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War." You can watch the interviews in the video as well; Erina Mano from 7:08, Toshio Kakei from 8:18, and the director, Mamoru Oshii, from 8:51. It is said that the story of the live-action version "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War" is based on the second film, but the characters and settings have been revamped. The new series was welcomed by long-time fans, saying it was "Nostalgic!," and "Cool!," and it was highly praised overseas as well. In Japan, there are novelizations and games, as well as plastic models and figurines of Ingram on sale, so be sure to check them out! -
Video article 2:37
Okunoshima AKA "Rabbit Island," Is a Paradise for Rabbits in Hiroshima Prefecture! Soothe Your Spirit With the More Than 900 Rabbits That Inhabit the Island!
Travel Living Things- 33 plays
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Introducing this video of Okunoshima This video, titled "Okunoshima, AKA 'Rabbit Island,' in the Seto Inland Sea" (瀬戸内海の「うさぎ島」大久野島), was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video shows scenes of Okunoshima, an island in Takehara City, Hiroshima, in Japan's Chugoku region. Adorable rabbits fill the screen, hopping around freely and you can enjoy their cuteness to your heart's content. More than 900 rabbits currently inhabit Okunoshima, and in recent years, the island has been attracting attention as a tourist area, with many visitors from both Japan and abroad. Why is Okunoshima known as "Rabbit Island"? Photo:Rabbits on Ohkuno Island, Takehara, Hiroshima You're probably wondering, "Are there really that many rabbits on the island"? Originally there were only 8 rabbits on the island. They were raised at a local elementary school in 1971. Over time, the island was deserted, and the rabbits were released to live in the wild. The rabbits belong to the European rabbit species, and are so fertile that they have actually been designated one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in the world. After being released into the wild, they multiplied rapidly, leading to a massive rabbit population in just a short amount of time. The trading of European rabbits is currently strictly regulated and Okunoshima is one of the few places in Japan where these wild rabbits can be seen. In fact, Okunoshima became a hot topic overseas before it gained attention in Japan. A foreign tourist who visited the island for sightseeing posted a video playing with the rabbits, and the video gained a lot of attention online. In addition, it just so happens that in 2011, it was the zodiac year of the rabbit and Japanese media introduced the island as "Rabbit Island" and that became the reason for the island's rise in popularity. A Look at Okunoshima Photo:Okunoshima, Takehara, Hiroshima Okunoshima is a small island with a circumference of about 4 km. You can make a full trip around the entire island on foot or on bicycle, and driving is prohibited. Additionally, be sure to follow the island's rules when interacting with the rabbits. Rabbits are anxious animals and are very sensitive to sound. Although the rabbits living on the island are wild, they are very friendly towards humans due to having become used to being fed by hand. This can be seen from 0:44 in the video. Unfortunately, the sounds of engines, braking, and honking are frightening and confusing to the rabbits. Furthermore, if you attempt to forcibly pick up or touch the rabbits, they may bite in self-defense, causing injury. Their bites are quite strong, so be careful! There are devices installed along the coastline which visitors can use to find out what the world sounds like to rabbits. This will show you why it's important to be careful around the rabbits. Okunoshima was temporarily uninhabited during World War II, but now almost the entire island has been designated a tourist destination. The land is owned by the Ministry of the Environment, with the Kyukamura Association being in charge of the daily operations of "Kyukamura Okunoshima Hotel". In other words, most of the current inhabitants of the island are the employees of the hotel and their families. The History of Okunoshima Photo:Ruins on Okunoshima, Takehara, Hiroshima Okunoshima Island is now a place visited by many tourists who come to play with the adorable rabbits. However, during the early Showa Period, it was actually home to Japan's only poison gas factory, built by the Imperial Japanese Army. Additionally, it was originally meant to host a factory for building warships. This dark history led to the island being erased from maps for many years. There were a few private houses on the island, but the original islanders were forced out of their homes in order to build the poison gas factory. The history of that time is recorded in the Poison Gas Museum (毒ガス資料館). Summary of Okunoshima Island Photo:Okunoshima Wharf, Takehara, Hiroshima The island can be accessed via the ferry that departs from the Mihara area (三原地域). There is no plane access to the island. A trip by ferry takes only about 15 minutes, which means you can enjoy taking a day trip to see the rabbits on the island. The main facilities of the Kyukamura Hotel are as follows: ・ Tennis field ・ Fishing area ・ Beach ・ Outdoor pool ・ Camping site and more! You can also enjoy lunch at the restaurant. Detailed information can be found on the official website of the Okunoshima Visitor Center. 【Official Website】Okunoshima|Tourist Area|Takehara City Official Tourism Site Hiroshima Takehara Tourism Navigation https://www.takeharakankou.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Okunoshima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022436-d3243254-Reviews-Okunoshima_Island-Takehara_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 4:03
Valuable Footage of "Inami Wood Carving"- A Traditional Handicraft of Toyama Prefecture. The Sculptures Created by These Craftsmen Are the Pride of Japan's Art!
Traditional Crafts- 284 plays
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Inami Wood Carving - A Traditional Japanese Craft The video "手技TEWAZA「井波彫刻」Inami Wood Carving," produced by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square," introduces traditional Inami Wood Carving. The origins of traditional Japanese Inami Wood Carving can be traced back to 1390, the first year of the Meitoku Period. When Shakunyo-Shonin, the fifth suzerain of Higashi-Honganji temple in Kyoto founded the "Inami Branch Temple" in Toyama prefecture by order of -
Video article 6:52
Basho no Sato, Located in Otawara, Tochigi, Is an Important Cultural Property of Japan Where Time Seems To Stands Still. Enjoy Admiring the Beautiful Scenery of Kurobane Daioji Temple, a Place Visited by the Famous Poet Matsuo Basho, in 8K Resolution!
Art & Architecture Travel- 23 plays
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Basho no Sato - A Popular Sightseeing Destination in Otawara, Tochigi This video, titled "JG☆☆8K HDR 栃木 芭蕉の里 黒羽 大雄寺(重文) Tochigi,Kurobane Daioji(Cultural Property)," was created by "JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." Matsuo Basho, a poet active during the Edo period (1603 AD - 1868 AD), is one of the most famous haiku poets in Japanese history. Many of the locations and buildings mentioned in his poetry collection "Oku no Hosomichi" (奥の細道) (often translated as "The Narrow Road to the Deep North") have become famous tourist spots in Japan. Basho no Sato Kurobane (芭蕉の里黒羽), introduced in the video, is one such tourist spot, located in Otawara, Tochigi. There are several famous spots in Basho no Sato, such as Daioji Temple, which belongs to the Soto school of Buddhism (曹洞宗), as well as Kurobane Fukushi Park (黒羽福祉公園), and Kurobane Basho no Yakata (芭蕉の館). Daioji Temple was built in 1404, giving it a long history dating back more than 600 years. Retracing the footsteps of Matsuo Basho in Daioji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot What kind of building is Tochigi prefecture's Daioji Temple? Let's take a look at Daioji Temple alongside the video. ・Sanmon (山門) 0:07~ Many Jizo statues (御地蔵) line the path towards the main temple gate. With these you can experience the atmosphere of the ancient temple. ・Somon (総門) and Kairo (回廊) 0:26~ A small main gate guarded by statues of arhats (羅漢) which marks the entrance to the thatch roofed hallway. ・Kyozo (経蔵) 0:45~ A storehouse where Buddhist scriptures are kept. Behind the storehouse is the treasure house known as "Shukokan" (集古館). Source :YouTube screenshot ・Shoro (鐘楼) 1:40~ After passing through Somon gate, a Japanese garden ornament, which also happens to be a musical device known as a "Suikinkutsu" (水琴窟) can be seen on the left hand side. On the right hand side you can see the bell tower "Shoro." ・Zendo (禅堂) 2:22~ If you turn left into the corridor (Kairo), about half way through you'll find the Zen meditation hall, or "Zendo." Matsuo Basho's poetry collection "Oku no Hosomichi" is an important piece of classical Japanese literature that is famous both in Japan as well as overseas. His journey, which covers all areas of Japan, was no easy feat. He would often walk several kilometers a day, writing haiku poems at many of his destinations. However, he is said to have spent two full weeks in Kurobane, Tochigi (featured in the video) with his disciple. Areas such as Nikko (日光) and Nasu (那須) in Tochigi prefecture are famous for their beautiful autumn foliage. The areas surrounding Kurobane Castle (黒羽城) and Daioji Temple also turn beautiful shades of red in autumn and are covered with peonies and irises. The picturesque scenery is sure to have tugged at the heart strings of Matsuo Basho. Daioji Temple has been preserved in its original form since 1448. At the time, the temple was known as "Kurobanesan Kuonin Daioji" (黒羽山久遠院大雄寺). Summary of Basho no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Tochigi prefecture was an area Matsuo Basho was particularly fond of. In particular, the area surrounding Kurobane Castle and Daioji Temple which has been called "Basho no Sato". The area attracts lots of tourists each year and is one of the top sightseeing spots in Tochigi prefecture. Tochigi prefecture is most famous for its picturesque scenery in fall. However, the hydrangea flowers planted around Daioji temple, when in bloom, are also a spectacular sight to see, and a festival is held each year to welcome them. Peonies and irises are also planted alongside the path to the temple, creating a beautiful landscape that can be enjoyed all year round. 【Tripadvisor】Daioji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021424-d7020346-Reviews-Daiouji_Temple-Otawara_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:00
The Internationally Recognized, Two Michelin-Starred Temple in Tsuruoka, Yamagata – Churenji Temple, Built by Koubou Daishi/Kukai, Is a Sacred Spot Dedicated to "Sokushinbutsu," aka Living Buddhas!
Art & Architecture- 135 plays
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Churenji Temple, Yamagata Prefecture – A Michelin-Starred Temple This is a video titled "Michelin Churenji" produced by yamagatakoho to promote Churenji Temple. Michelin Green Guide is a guidebook which introduces various tourist spots in Japan. Michelin is also well-known for its "star ranking" system. Source :YouTube screenshot This article introduces Churenji Temple in Yamagata, Japan. The old temple was built by Kukai. The premises are filled with many attractive spots and the temple serves as a popular tourist destination. Having a two-star rating on Michelin Green Guide, Churenji Temple is a must-visit spot if you're taking a trip to Yamagata. Enjoy the video showcasing the attractions of Churenji Temple recommended by Michelin. Instagrammable Spots at Churenji Temple, Yamagata Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Yamagata was founded by Kukai in 825 AD and his apprentice Shinzen constructed Gongendo in 835 AD. The surrounding area has a lot of shrines and temples such as Dainichibou, Enryuji Temple (円立寺, Enryuji), and Kaikouji Temple (海向寺, Kaijouji), and there are many instagrammable places on the premises, such as the Shimekake Cherry Blossoms, and Waniguchi, Japan's largest metal Buddhist altar. Check out the video at 0:27 to see some of these locations. The elegant Mt. Yudono is filled with a rich natural landscape throughout all seasons and is the tourist spot that represents Yamagata. Many people gather here to collect the sacred red stamps and pray. Attractions at Churenji Temple in Yamagata – Sokushinbutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Churenji Temple in Mt. Yudono has many attractions. Rated two stars in the Michelin Green Guide, Sokushinbutsu is a must-see. Sokushinbutsu (living buddhas) refers to Buddhist priests mummified alive after 3,000 days of fasting. Churenji Temple is dedicated to Tetsumonkai Shonin who was mummified at the age of 62. In addition, six immortalized Buddha statues of former Shurenji priests are enshrined in Yamagata Prefecture, including Tetsuryukai Shonin in Nangakuji Temple (南岳寺, Nangakuji). This is one of the highest numbers in Japan, and the amulets that contain the blessings of the sokushinbutsu are very popular due to being blessed with spiritual power. Sokushinbutsu in Churenji Temple appears in the video at 1:38. Recommended Attractions at Churenji Temple, Yamagata – The Painted Ceiling Source :YouTube screenshot The ceiling of the main temple at Churenji is covered with paintings by notable artists, old and new, famous and unknown. The most renowned ones include "Hiten No Zu" (a drawing of heavenly beings in the skies) painted by Sekisai Murai, "Tenku No Tobira" (Heaven's Gate) and a drawing of dragons by an unknown artist. This is shown in the video at 0:39, and the paintings spread all over the ceiling are a masterpiece. You can see the impressive painting of dragons at 1:25. Summary of Churenji Temple in Yamagata The ancient Japanese temple has another face as the temple where the story of Gassan, a novel written by an Akutagawa-Prize winner Atsushi Mori, takes places. The novel was made into a film and awarded the grand prix at the Salerno International Film Festival. Thanks to the achievement, Churenji Temple and the Mt. Yudono area garnered international attention as tourist spots. You can see a huge rock with “Gassan” carved on it in the video at 0:18. This article introduces the amazing Churenji Temple which represents Japan and is also recognized by Michelin. You can also see the attractions mentioned in the article in the video. Please enjoy the attractive locations, full of Japanese history. Mt. Yudono Churenji Temple Information 【Address】92-1, Ooaminakadai, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata 997-0531 【Public transportation】45 minutes from Uetsu Main Line Tsuruoka Station by bus 【Entrance fee】Adult: 500 yen, under age 15: 400 yen, under age 12: 300 yen (*as of December 2019) 【Opening hour】May-October: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. November-April: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 【Regular holiday】Open throughout the year 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】(+81) 0235-54-6536 【Tripadvisor】Churenji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023682-d1397255-r205050717-Churenji_Temple-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html