Video article 2:30
Yuki Sarashi Is a Technique Used to Produce Echigo Jofu and Can Only Be Seen in the Winter Season in Niigata Prefecture. Echigo Jofu Is a Symbol of Japanese Style, and Is Used to Decorate Kimono Beautifully.
Traditional Culture- 37 plays
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雪さらしとは? 「【4K】越後上布の雪さらし(南魚沼市塩沢地区)」は、麻織物を作る工程で大事な雪さらしについて紹介をしている動画です。 雪さらしとは、雪の紫外線反射を利用して漂白をする、越後上布において重要な工程の一つです。 この工程は江戸時代から行われており、その工程が取り入れられている越後上布は日本が誇る伝統工芸品です。 自然の力に頼ることで、人工的にするよりも綺麗に漂白することができます。 その鮮やかな仕上がりから、越後上布では無くてはならない工程となっています。 この雪さらしは毎年2月下旬から4月上旬までの良く晴れた日の新潟県南魚沼市で行われており、一つの布に対して雪さらしは約1週間程度行われます。 雪さらしを必要とする伝統工芸品について 越後上布の重要な工程である雪さらしですが、他の工芸品にもこの工程は受け継がれています。 一つ目は小千谷縮で、麻織物の最高峰ともされている立派な日本が誇る織物です。 苧麻(ラミー)を素材として使用しており、ユネスコ世界無形文化遺産登録されていることから、世界的にも有名な日本の伝統工芸品の一つとされています。 二つ目は塩沢紬で、越後上布無くして塩沢紬は作られなかったほど、縁の深い織物となっています。 塩沢紬も伝統工芸品として日本に登録されています。 雪さらしの歴史と織物についてのまとめ 日本が誇る伝統工芸品の一つ越後上布、その工程において重要とされている雪さらしについて、ご紹介させて頂きました。 日本の歴史においても深く繋がりがあり、和の象徴でもある着物にも使用されていることから、その重要性が分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 動画でも雪さらしの雄大さを堪能することが出来ますが、新潟県にある塩沢織物研修センターに行くことで、実際に雪さらしを見学することも出来ます。 2月から4月にかけて日本に、そして新潟県に足を運ぶ機会がありましたら、ぜひ見学を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 7:04
Visit Scenic Spots in Toyama Prefecture on the Tateyama Line Train in Winter! The Age-Old Traditions and Beautiful Silver World Will Be Etched in Your Memory for a Lifetime!
Travel- 41 plays
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富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「富山地方鉄道 冬の立山線PR映像 (ロング版)」という動画を中心に、冬の立山線エリアの魅力を紹介します。 冬の時期に旅行をするなら、日本ならではの自然と気候をたっぷりと堪能が出来る観光スポットがいいですよね。 ここでは、日本の冬にぜひおすすめしたい観光スポットである富山地方鉄道、冬の立山線について詳しく紹介をしていきます。 景色を堪能出来るだけでなく、富山の地産地消のグルメでお腹も満たされる素晴らしい観光スポットである立山線について、少しでも知って頂ければ幸いです。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線おすすめ観光名所! 富山地方鉄道観光のスタートは、動画0:33でも紹介されている『電鉄富山駅』から。 そこで名物でもある『アルプスエキスプレス』という電車に乗って、立山線の道のりに広がる雪で彩られた路線と幻想的な景色を堪能しましょう。 途中には、動画1:12で紹介をされている日本の伝統工芸として有名な和紙製造をされている『川原製作所』や動画1:29で紹介されている漆器製造をされている『荻野漆工房』があり、どちらも日本の歴史と文化に興味がある方にはおすすめです。 そして更に進んでいくと、動画2:29で紹介をされている『陶農館』があります。 ここでは実際に伝統工芸品の陶芸体験や園芸教室が開催されているので、ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。 そして、動画3:00で紹介されている富山地方鉄道立山線の名物で選奨土木遺産にも認定されている『千垣橋梁』を通ります。 そして動画3:35の立山駅に着いたら、富山地方鉄道立山線での旅は終了となります。 富山地方鉄道立山線を堪能した後はここ! 鉄道での旅も終了したことで、ご当地グルメを味わいところ。 ですが、まずは長い旅の疲れを癒す為にも、動画4:39で紹介をされている立山吉峰温泉ゆーランドへ寄ることをおすすめします。 サウナやハーブ湯等の4種類のお風呂が楽しめ、身も心も温まるはずです。 その後は、動画4:50でも紹介をされているグリーンパーク吉峰にて、立山の旬の素材をふんだんに活かした『立山育ち御膳』を。 もしくは『立山芦峅ふるさと交流館』にて日本の古き良きお食事を頂きましょう。 日本ならではの四季によって彩られた景色を堪能し、温泉で疲れを癒してご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つ、これこそ観光の醍醐味と言えるでしょう。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線の魅力紹介まとめ 立山線、そして立山駅周辺のおすすめ観光スポットについて紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 インスタ映えのする景色や絶景は勿論のこと、食事や温泉、伝統文化の体験など楽しみが盛りだくさん。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた記事と動画がきっかけとなって、富山県への観光を検討してくれる方が少しでも居て下されば、幸いです。 -
Video article 2:11
View Nature From the Sky on the Tateyama Ropeway in Toyama Prefecture! A Must-Visit Spot With Spectacular Views That Change With the Seasons!
Travel- 63 plays
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立山黒部アルペンルートとは ここでは、立山黒部アルペンルートに広がる観光スポット"立山ロープウェイ"について『(TKAR011)立山黒部アルペンルート 立山ロープウェイ- Tateyama Ropeway -【4K】JAPAN』という動画を元に紹介していきます。 立山黒部アルペンルートとは、標高3,000mにもなる山々で構成された北アルプスを貫く、世界でも有数の山岳観光ルートのことを指します。 バスやトロリーバス、ケーブルカーにロープウェイという乗り物を乗り継いでいくだけで、立山黒部アルペンルートの素晴らしい絶景を堪能することが出来ます。 立山ロープウェイとは 立山ロープウェイは、立山黒部アルペンルートの途中にある大観峰駅と黒部平駅を繋いでいます。 立山ロープウェイは、ワンスパン方式という雪崩を防ぐために支柱を1本も使わず、駅と駅の間に張られたメインロープ(支索)の上を走行する方式を景観と環境の為に採用しています。 ワンスパンロープウェイとして日本一の運行距離を誇り、動画でも紹介されている立山黒部アルペンルートにある立山連峰等の絶景の大パノラマを堪能することが出来る有数の観光スポットです。 大観峰駅には展望台もあるので、ぜひ美しい景色をご覧下さい。 立山ロープウェイだけじゃない!立山黒部アルペンルートの魅力 立山ロープウェイに焦点を当てた動画でしたが、立山黒部アルペンルートの観光名所としての魅力はそれだけに留まりません。 立山山麓の絶景を楽しむことが出来る美女平、トロリーバスで通る立山トンネル、4月から6月にかけて巨大な雪の壁を見ることが出来る雪の大谷等、観光スポットが盛り沢山です。 立山ロープウェイのまとめ 四季や気候によって違った美しさを見せる立山黒部アルペンルート、動画では紅葉がメインでしたが、冬には雪によってまた違った顔を見せてくれるので、ぜひ観光目的で足を運んで見て下さい。 立山ロープウェイと立山黒部アルペンルートが織りなす景色の素晴らしさに、動画以上の感動を味わえること間違い無しです。 -
Video article 8:04
Itsukushima Shrine Is a Popular Spot in Hiroshima You Don't Want to Miss! The Vermilion-Lacquered Torii Gate Over the Sea Is a Fantastic Sight, Chosen as One of the Three Most Beautiful Sights of Japan!
Travel- 109 plays
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世界遺産「厳島神社」をご紹介! ここでは、世界遺産にも数えられている厳島神社と宮島について、『[4K] 宮島と厳島神社(世界遺産) ltsukushima Shrine&Miyajima(World Heritage)宮島観光 広島観光 Hiroshima Trip』という動画を元に、紹介をさせて頂きます。 厳島神社は、広島県の宮島北東部にある紅葉の景色で有名な弥山の北麓に位置しており、世界遺産の一つに数えられています。 広島湾の海の上に建つ朱塗りの大鳥居と海上社殿は非常に幻想的です。 広島県においては、原爆ドームに並ぶ観光スポットとなっており、その幻想的な佇まいから、外国からの観光客も多いです。 日本三景「安芸の宮島」 宮島は松島と天橋立に並ぶ『日本三景』に数えられる程の景勝地となっています。 『安芸の宮島』とも呼ばれ、広島県廿日市市宮島口駅からフェリーでアクセスが出来る島です。 広島県の中でも、自然に恵まれた土地で、桜や紅葉による景色や景観は勿論のこと、表参道商店街では多くのグルメスポットがあります。 また街中に溶け込む鹿(ニホンジカ)も見どころの一つです。 厳島神社の"3つの顔" 広島県廿日市市に位置する宮島の代表的な建造物である厳島神社には、3つの顔があるとされています。 1つ目は、満潮時の広島湾に浮かぶ幻想的な佇まいの厳島神社。 2つ目は、干潮状態で社殿の足元が見える厳島神社。 3つ目が、燈籠に明かりが灯された、夜景での厳島神社。 いずれも魅力にあふれた景観ですので是非ご覧ください。 厳島神社と宮島のまとめ 広島県の宮島と厳島神社についてご紹介いたしました。 綺麗な景色に美味しい食べ物、素敵な思い出を作れること間違い無しの宮島と厳島神社にぜひ足を運んでみてください。 -
Video article 3:59
From Cultural Experiences to Delicious Food, Oita Prefecture’s Kunisaki City Is Full of Things to Do!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 146 plays
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A Look at Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture If you're interested in Japanese culture and looking to find some cultural experiences during your visit to Japan, then look no further! "Kunisaki City, Oita Sightseeing PR Video【Kunisaki Way】" (大分県国東市観光PR動画【Kunisaki Way】), made by Kunisaki City Tourism Office, is packed with the charm of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture. Experience ascetic practices, Japanese cuisine, and traditional crafts. This is where you can have various Japanese cultural experience. This city is a great place for foreign visitors interested in Japan, or those who just want to learn more about Japan. Enjoy the culture, traditions and nature of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture in this video. Traditional Japanese Culture in Kunisaki City Photo:Futagoji Temple in Kunisaki When we say traditional Japanese culture, you're probably thinking of tea ceremony, ikebana and Haiku. However, Buddhism is also an important part of Japanese culture. Kunisaki City has many temples where you can try out zazen. Meditating while performing homa in a quiet mountain village will take you on a spiritual journey to discover what lies within. As you carry on with your busy daily life, do you sometimes feel like your mind is clouded or tired? If, like most people, you do, then we highly recommend trying meditation at a historic temple in Kunisaki City. Popular training Dojos include Senpukuji Temple, Rurikoji Temple, Monjusenji Temple, and Futagoji Temple. Meditation practice at Senpukuji Temple is shown from 0:33 in the video. It could become the highlight of your trip to Japan. Enjoy Delicious Japanese Cuisine in Kunisaki City Photo:Seki mackerel Kunisaki City faces the Seto Inland Sea and offers plenty of fresh seafood. Fish from Bungo Channel are fresh and lean thanks to the warm water of the Pacific Ocean and nutritious water of the Seto Inland Sea. Yellowtail and mackerel, as well as brand name fish like horse mackerel and Largehead hairtail, are delicious. Sashimi made from horse mackerel and yellowtail from Bungo Channel is to die for. Sakurao pork from Kunisaki City is also quite popular. The pigs here are raised in a stress-free environment, making their meat extremely tender. We recommend trying pork cutlets made from them. The video shows delicious foods from Kunisaki City at 1:25. Why not go to Kunisaki City and try some of the delicious local cuisine? Traditional Japanese Crafts and Art Are Also Big in Kunisaki City! Source :YouTube screenshot You can try out traditional Japanese culture and art in Kunisaki City as well. A place called Toinryo in Kunisaki City is a community center where people engaged in handicrafts and art activities meet. It is also an art exhibition venue, where you can see various artistic creations. The Shichitoi plant is also produced in Kunisaki. Shichitoi plants have 350 years of history and are used in tough Ryuku Tatami. The cardboard crafts are also beautiful. You wouldn’t guess that they are made of cardboard just by looking at them. If you're interested, check out the video from 2:13. Summary of Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecure Kunisaki City is a great place to experience Japanese culture. The Kebesu Festival, a fire festival in Kunisaki, Kunimi Furusato Exhibition Hall and Imibetsu Shrine are all great ways to experience Japanese history and culture. If you're curious, be sure to do some sightseeing! In addition to introducing Japanese culture, the video also introduces some spectacular areas and events where you can admire the natural landscape of Kunisaki City. The video shows a lot more than what we could get around to in this article, so be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Oita Prefecture Kunisaki City Hall Website https://www.city.kunisaki.oita.jp/ 【Tripadviser】Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Tourism-g1023446-Kunisaki_Oita_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:43
Get a Feel for Saga Prefecture, a Popular Destination for Visitors to Japan! Food, Nature, Traditions... Enjoy the Charms of Saga Prefecture in Beautiful 4K Video!
Local PR Travel- 70 plays
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魅力たっぷりの佐賀県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「SAGA City JAPAN」が公開した「Surf Slow SAGA, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 佐賀市」です。 「佐賀インターナショナルバルーンフェスタ」で空を行く色とりどりの熱気球、有明海のひょうきん者ムツゴロウ、肥前びーどろの制作現場など、興味深い地域プロモーション4K動画をご覧ください。 魅力たっぷりの佐賀県の人気イベント 訪日観光旅行の穴場佐賀県、佐賀と言えば人気イベント「佐賀インターナショナルバルーンフェスタ」です。 近年では佐賀県を代表する国際イベントに成長しましたが、始まりは1978年に福岡県で開かれた「バルーンフェスタin九州」と言う小さな大会でした。 1980年から佐賀平野で開かれるようになり、今では佐賀県観光の代名詞になっています。 色とりどりの熱気球が空に舞う様子や、気球目線で見下ろした美しい佐賀平野の自然景観を、鮮やかな4K動画でお楽しみ下さい。 魅力たっぷりの佐賀県の人気グルメ 佐賀県を観光で訪れたなら、佐賀ご自慢の名物グルメ佐賀牛は是非味わいたいもの。 佐賀県の豊かな気候と自然がはぐくんだ、絶品佐賀牛ステーキを焼くシェフの鮮やかな手さばきを、4K動画でご紹介しています。 魅力たっぷりの佐賀県の人気スポット 自然豊かな三瀬村での、穴場観光スポットとしておすすめなのが「どんぐり村」です。 自然溢れる村で、ウインナーやバター作り体験、グルメ派にも自然・景観を楽しめる人気の観光ルートです。 江戸末期からの歴史を受け継ぐ肥前びーどろは、手作りの宙吹きガラス造りの伝統工芸です。 佐賀市の重要無形文化財に指定されており、職人の熟練の技と完成品の美しい色合いを動画でお楽しみください。 かじかの里公園は古湯温泉にある嘉瀬川沿いの公園で、自然溢れる小川での水遊びが人気の、お子様連れの旅行にもおすすめの穴場スポットです。 佐賀藩鍋島氏の居城、佐賀城跡の佐賀城本丸歴史館も人気の観光スポットです。 今に残る石垣や、夏ならば水面に揺れる美しい蓮の花が出迎えてくれます。 佐賀城本丸歴史館では、幕末維新の頃に佐賀藩が果たした歴史的役割を紹介しており、この佐賀城本丸歴史館も佐賀城本丸御殿の一部を忠実に復元した建物で、歴氏好きに人気のおすすめ名所です。 魅力たっぷりの佐賀県紹介まとめ 魅力たっぷりの観光地がいっぱいの佐賀県。 あなたも佐賀県へ実際に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Wilderness of Tokyo’s Akiruno City! Healing Scenery, Full of Greenery and Plenty of Negative Ions!
Local PR- 198 plays
- YouTube
An Oasis in Tokyo "Akiruno City Tourism PR Video" The video “[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno City Sightseeing PR Video([4K] Akiruno city - the unknown Tokyo/ JAPAN / あきる野市観光PR動画)" released by "NAKAJI" mainly focuses on recommended sightseeing spots such as the natural scenery of the Kanto region and the city of Akiruno in Tokyo. If you watch the video, you'll be surprised by the natural beauty of greenery that you couldn't possibly attribute to Tokyo. Akiruno is recommended as a place to relax and get away from the crowds. This article introduces sightseeing spots in Akiruno where you can enjoy nature, history, culture and delicious food. More About Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Akiruno, Tokyo is a place rich with nature, about 40 to 50 km west of central Tokyo. With a population of about 80,600 (March, 2020), the climate is colder than in central Tokyo, and the altitude is high, so the area is not so hot in the summer. Akigawa and Itsukaichi merged in 1995 to form Akiruno. The name of the city is derived from the fact that "Akiru Shrine" was located in the former town of Itsukaichi. It is a recommended travel destination for those who are tired of urban life, and has places such as instagram spots and stylish cafes that can be seen in the video. Photo:Yozawa River Speaking of Akiruno's symbol, the clear stream Akigawa, the largest tributary of the Tama River, definitely comes to mind. It flows about 20 km from Hinohara Village to Akiruno, and the surrounding scenery is superb. You can see various landscapes depending on the season, such as fresh greenery in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall. In addition, Ishibune Bridge in the Akigawa Valley is one of the places to see when you go to Akiruno. It is a must-go-to location for checking out the scenery of the river and the autumn leaves that you can see from the top of Ishibune Bridge. The lush nature of Akigawa and the surrounding area can be seen at 0:12 in this video. Akiruno is also famous for Shiroyama. Shiroyama in the Togura district, is a mountain that used to be called "Togura Castle". From the top of Shiroyama, if the weather is nice, you can see the city center, and you will be impressed by the superb view. Since the altitude is not high and it is a gentle mountain trail, it is also a recommended route for beginners climbing and hiking. In addition, "Yamasaki no Oukashi," "Itsukaichi Basin," "Otake Limestone Cave," and "Akirudai Park" are other recommended scenic spots. Information About Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Akiruno, Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot One of the recommended spots when visiting Akiruno is Seotonoyu. Seotonoyu, located near the Akigawa Valley, is a popular hot spring facility surrounded by greenery. The quality of the hot spring is highly talked about, and its modern interior is also very popular. It is a must-visit place when visiting Akiruno. Other recommended sightseeing spots include Kotoku Temple, Daihigan Temple, Ryushuin Temple, Fukazawa Small Art Museum, Akigawabashi River Park Barbecue Land, and Tokyo Summerland. Also, if you want to enjoy gourmet food in Akiruno, we recommend Kurochaya, where you can eat exquisite Japanese food. Cuisine using river fish such as sweetfish and the famous Tama Yuzu cider are popular. You can also enjoy the atmosphere at an old house. There is also a place in the garden where you can view the bamboo forest. The video also introduces plenty of these local gourmets from 1:37. Akigawa corn, norabou greens and Akigawa pears are also popular foods in Akiruno. Summary of Akiruno Photo:Akiruno・Autumn Colors at Ishibune Bridge "[4K] Akiruno city-the unknown Tokyo / JAPAN / Akiruno sightseeing PR video" is a video introducing recommended sightseeing spots in Akiruno, Tokyo. In addition to the ones introduced in this article, there are also traditional events such as Ninomiya Shrine Fall Festival (Ginger Festival), Shoichiiiwabashiri Shrine Festival (Ina Festival), and Akiru Shrine Festival (Itsukaichi Festival). Akiruno is full of nature. It has access from the city center, and it is a hidden healing location. Why not give it a visit? 【Official Website】Akiruno-shi, Tokyo https://www.city.akiruno.tokyo.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Akiruno-shi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060923-Akiruno_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:10
Delicious Ramen From a Ramen Cart Full of Smiling Faces! The Secret Behind the Traditional Taste That Captivates So Many People...
Food & Drink- 42 plays
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日本で人気のグルメ屋台のラーメン紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「IS JAPAN COOL? Ramen」です。 日本には美味しい食べ物が色々あります。 グルメを目的に日本全国を渡り歩くのも日本の楽しみ方の一つ。 日本で多くの方に親しまれている料理の一つが屋台のラーメン。 ラーメンは日本の食文化を支えており、全国各地に多くのお店が存在します。 屋台ラーメンの魅力をまとめた動画「IS JAPAN COOL? Ramen」 こちらの動画では「ちゃるめら」の音が鳴り響き、世界中の人達が屋台のラーメンを美味しそうに食べている様子を映し出されています。 屋台のラーメン屋について知りたい、日本でグルメを楽しみたい方は一度動画を視聴してはいかがでしょうか? 焼豚や玉子等をひとつひとつ丁寧に調理し、一杯のラーメンが出来上がっていく様子は食欲をそそります。 グルメを楽しむ際に知っておきたい!日本のどこで屋台ラーメンを食べられるか こちらの動画をご覧になった方は屋台のラーメンを日本のどこで食べられるのか気になっている方も多いのではないでしょうか? 有名なのが福岡県の博多。 博多ではラーメンをはじめ、もつ鍋や明太子等、おいしい料理を楽しめます。 日本でグルメを満喫するなら一度訪れることをおすすめします。 東京でもラーメンの屋台が存在するので、観光に訪れた際は一度チェックしてみてはいかがですか。 ラーメンの楽しみ方は屋台以外にもたくさんある 日本全国にラーメン店やインスタントラーメンが存在しており、屋台以外の楽しみ方が充実しているのが特徴的。 ランチ等でラーメンを食べる方も多く、国民食の1つと言えるでしょう。 日本におけるラーメンの歴史は長い 室町時代に中国から伝わった経帯麺等の料理が日本におけるラーメンの歴史の始まりとされています。 今日に至るまで様々なラーメンが日本で誕生しています。 屋台のラーメン紹介まとめ 日本のグルメを楽しむ際は全国各地のラーメンを食べ歩いてみると良いかもしれません。 今回紹介した動画で屋台のラーメンに興味を持つことができた、日本のグルメについてイメージできるのではないでしょうか。 -
Video article 6:22
Koyado Enn, Kinosaki Onsen: With Its Amazing Service and Hospitality There's a Reason This Ryokan Is So Popular. Be Sure to Try the Delectable "Tanba-gyu" and Relax at Its Soothing Springs.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 61 plays
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A PR Video for Koyado Enn, Where You Can Enjoy the Kinosaki Hot Springs This video, titled "城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn," produced by "First Tone Inc.," features the attractive points of "Koyado Enn" in Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. Koyado Enn is one of the most popular accommodations on travel comparison sites. This video clip includes various information of Kinosaki onsen such as food, hot springs, atmosphere of the town, and the hospitality of the Koyadoen staff, as well as interviews with guests who have stayed at Koyado Enn. If you see this video, you would probably think that you want stay there. Enjoy the sights of Kinosaki Onsen's "Koyado Enn." What Kind of Ryokan Is Koyado Enn? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes 3 minutes to reach Koyado Enn from Kinosaki Onsen Station by foot. This historical ryokan was renovated and reopened in 2013. A sophisticated atmosphere is created by a modern-style, plastered building. There are three types of guest rooms, including Japanese style, Western style, and Japanese-Western style guest rooms. All rooms provide a relaxing experience. There are various options available as well, such as stays without meals, breakfast packages, and the "Tanba-gyu" Dinner plan. Prices start from ¥7700 (~$72 USD). We recommend making a reservation as soon as possible due to the inn's popularity. There is also a business package that isn't offered at most Ryokan. Every guest room has various amenities. According to Seiji Taoka, one of the staff at Koyado Enn, Hyogo's Kinosaki was traditionally likened to a Ryokan (Japanese style inn). It's said that the station is an entrance, the streets are passages, the inn is the guest rooms and outdoor hot spring is a large public bath. Kinosaki consists of a culture centering on hot springs and is a very famous hot spring town where every visitor can feel the Japanese atmosphere. Kinosaki is also promoted as a "Yukata village" because tourists can walk around wearing them. Food Hunting at Koyado Enn Source :YouTube screenshot Guests at Koyado Enn can enjoy delicious Japanese foods including "Tanba-gyu." Koyado Enn has a restaurant, called "Tanba-gyu Irori Dining Mikuni," which specializes in Tanba-gyu and is famous for its high quality meat. All beef served in this restaurant is raised on the contracted farm. You can hear the real voices of guests who ate the delicious Tanba-gyu at Koyado Enn, in this video (1:57). The staff at Koyado Enn strive to maintain the title of Tanba-gyu as the second best food brand in Kinosaki. Second only to crab. Visitors can relax at the café & bar "3rd" on the first floor (4:07). This café/bar serves breakfast, including omelets and salad, as well as beverages like coffee, tea and wine. Kinosaki Onsen's Koyado Enn: Experience Japan Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive point of Koyado Enn is the hot springs. There are two chartered baths for family such as "Tsukino-yu" and "Hoshino-yu." Every guest can relax in these baths. The minerals in the spring are are natrium, calcium and chloride. It is said that this spring is very effective against various diseases and symptoms Neuralgia rheumatism, gynecological disease, post-sickness recovery stress relief, motor dysfunction, joint pain, muscle pain, stiff shoulders, digestive trouble, neuralgia, bruises, cold sensitivity, etc. Also, we recommend going to the outdoor hot springs such as "Satono-yu," "Jizo-yu," "Yanagi-yu," "Ichino-yu," "Goshono-yu," "Mandarano-yu," and "Kono yu." Wearing a yukata and walking around a town is sure to be an enjoyable time. These outdoor hot springs are also available as one-day spots. Tourist Spots Around Koyado Enn Photo:Kinosaki onsen There are many sightseeing spots around Koyado Enn in Toyooka city, Hyogo. For example, "Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway," "Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork," "Kinosaki Marine World," "Uemura Satomi Boken-kan" are popular facilities. There are natural instagrammable sceneries including "Genbudo Park," "Takeno Coast," "Michi-no-Eki Kannabe Kogen," the "Sea of clouds of Cruhi-dake.” Also there are historical spots such as "Izushi Castle Town," "Town of Kinosaki Onsen," "Izushi Eirakukan." If you visit Koyado Enn, be sure to check out some of these popular spots. Summary of Koyado Enn This video titled "Kinosaki Onsen Koyado Enn" (城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn), produced by "First Tone Inc." features the attractive points of "Koyado En" in Kinosaki onsen, Hyogo. Guests at the inn will experience the finest hospitality and services and can enjoy their time as they please. Enjoy spending a wonderful time at the popular ryokan! ◆Information for Koyado Enn◆ 【Address】219 Yushima Kinosaki-cho Toyooka shi Hyogo 669-6101 【Access】20 minutes from Tanba airport by bus 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0796-32-4870 【Official Website】Koyado Enn, Kinosaki onsen http://www.koyado.net/english// 【Tripadvisor】Koyado Enn https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022822-d6530942-Reviews-Koyado_En-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:33
"Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen Is a High-Class Japanese Inn in Gunma. The Luxuy of This High-End Ryokan Is Far Beyond Anything You Can Imagine
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 54 plays
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The PR Video for "Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen in Gunma This video, titled "'Bettei Senjuan' YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 別邸 仙寿庵03," produced by "private-onsen JAPAN," is a promotional video for the high-class Japanese ryokan, "Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen in Minakami-machi (みなかみ町: Minakami-town ) in Gunma. Senjuan is located in a beautiful area with natural, picturesque scenery, and is famous for its luxurious hot springs and exquisite food. It is highly rated on travel review and travel comparison sites, making it a popular place to stay when traveling to Tanigawa Onsen. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of Senjuan, a 20,000-square-meter luxury ryokan at Tanigawa Onsen. In just two and a half minutes, you'll learn about everything that the luxury ryokan, Senjuan, has to offer! A Look at Tanigawa Onsen's Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan, located at the foot of Mount Tanigawa in Gunma Prefecture, is an artistic, luxury Onsen that visitors can enjoy both staying and looking at. You'll find masterful Japanese installations and craftsmanship, including a large glass-walled corridor, an 8-meter high curved corridor that's lit up at night, a Kyo-clay wall made from local Gunma soil, and an entrance with unusual tatami mats. These can be seen from 0:05 in the video. There's also an eight-meter tall curved corridor, which is covered with white snow in the winter season (1:43). Source :YouTube screenshot All 18 guest rooms have open air baths and luxurious interiors. There are 6 types of rooms: the Special room SP, Japanese style room 'S,' a Western-Japanese style room, Western style twin room, Japanese style room 'A,' and Japanese style room 'B.' The spring at Senjuan is a mild alkaline hot spring that is gentle on the skin. It is said to be effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders, neuralgia, and sensitivity to cold. Be sure to try the "Suzumushi no yu" and "Hotaru no yu" open-air baths, as well as the "Ichi no kura" and "Sen no kura" large public baths during your stay. During summer, there is a "walking bath" as well. You can spend a luxurious time in the open-air baths while admiring a spectacular view of the Tanigawa mountain stream (谷川渓流: Tanigawa keiryuu). The Exquisite Cuisine of Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan is proud of its excellent cuisine made from local, seasonal ingredients. You can see some of these dishes in the video at 2:05. The chef prepares kaiseki and creative Japanese cuisine with an incredibly high level of detail, and you can enjoy these exquisite dishes in a private dining room. The seasonal scenery seen through the windows enhances your dining experience as well. There are several restaurants, including Saika, Kisen, Hibiki, Unryu, Gepuu, and Aizuki, all of which are private spaces with a variety of different styles. In terms of seasonal cuisine, guests can enjoy dishes made with local, seasonal ingredients such as Joshu beef and char. The rich Joshu beef in particular is superb. The breakfast is also made with plenty of local ingredients, including those from the town of Minakami. Accommodation Information for Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan offers extensive facilities. The hotel has a glass-walled front lobby, a shop selling local crafts, and a reading room surrounded by trees. we recommend visiting the garden, which, on a clear day, offers a panoramic view of Mt. Tanigawa. You can also enjoy a wonderful time at SORA, a beauty salon by NAOTO, the first Japanese make-up artist to receive the Order of Merit for Art and Culture in Italy, which can be seen from 1:53 Sightseeing Spots Around Senjuan Photo:Autumn colors along the Tanigawadake Ropeway in Minakami, Gunma There are many popular sightseeing spots and landmarks around the town of Minakami, where Senjuan is located. These include the Tanigawadake Ropeway, Takumi no Sato, Doai Station, Suwakyo, the Tanigawadake Tenjindaira Ski Area, Norn Minakami Ski Resort, Teriha Valley, Yagisawa Dam, Tsukiyono Vidro Park, Minakami Hodaigi Ski Place, and more. Be sure to check some of these out when you're in the area. There are also spots where you can enjoy a day trip to hot springs, such as Yuterume Tanigawa and Suzumori no Yu. Summary of Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot "'Bettei Senjuan' YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 別邸 仙寿庵03," produced by "private-onsen JAPAN" is a video introducing the charms of Senjuan, a luxury ryokan at Tanigawa Onsen. Just watching the video and seeing everything the ryokan has to offer is enough to make you want to book a trip. Accommodation fees vary by seasons and room type. Please check the official website, or travel websites for more details. ◆Senjuan◆ 【Address】614 Tanigawa, Minakami, Tone District, Gunma 379-1619 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from the Minakami Interchange 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0278-72-1860 【Official Website】Senjuan at Tanigawa Onsen in Gunma http://www.senjyuan.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Senjuan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121071-d1146500-Reviews-Bettei_Senjuan-Minakami_machi_Tone_gun_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html