Video article 11:25
Enjoy a Plethora of Popular Activities While Looking Out Onto the Magnificent Natural Scenery of Mount Fuji and Suruga Bay, and Watch Shizuoka's Local Idols Try Out Paragliding and Bungee Jumping!
Action & Adventure- 19 plays
- YouTube
Shizuoka Prefecture Sightseeing Guide! This video, titled "Shizuoka Sightseeing Activity Edition Part 1" (静岡観光 アクティビティ編 Part-1), contains footage of Shizuoka prefecture's idol group ROSARIO+CROSS (ロザリオクロス) introducing sightseeing activities in Shizuoka prefecture! There are numerous activities to enjoy in Shizuoka prefecture; an area steeped in natural beauty and home to the World Heritage Site Mt. Fuji and the magnificent Suruga Bay. Enjoy the reactions of idol group ROSARIO+CROSS as they try out different activities and share their thoughts! Paragliding in Shizuoka Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:07 in the video, you can see the Asagiri Plateau Paragliding School (アサギリ高原パラグライダースクール, asagirikougen paraguraida-suku-ru) located in Nebara, Fuji city. The thought of paragliding may be slightly intimidating for someone who has never done it; however, this school offers a "Tandem flight course" where you can paraglide alongside an instructor, so even beginners can enjoy it. You can reach the take off area easily by mine cart. After a brave take off, you'll enjoy a beautiful view of the nearby scenery as you soar across the sky. There is also a paragliding area at the nearby Sky Asagiri (スカイ朝霧). On top of that, there's a practice area and facilities for children, making it an experience that you can enjoy with the whole family! Recently an increasing number of people are using the area for paragliding training and to polish their skills. In the video, you can see two members of ROSARIO+CROSS receive guidance from an instructor and from 2:52 you can see them paraglide down a small hill all by themselves. Then, from 4:10 you can see them take the mine cart to the take off area. Watch as they soar across the sky like birds! Bungee Jumping in Shizuoka Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 6:42 in the video, you can try bungee jumping from Sudokeikoku bridge (須津渓谷橋, sudokeikokubashi) at Sudokawa ravine (須津川渓谷, sudokawakeikoku) located in the Hina area (比奈) of Fuji city. Bungee jump instructors are there to guide you so you will feel safe and secure. Secured by a safety rope, you can experience the thrilling 54-meter drop surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Odana Falls (大棚の滝, oodananotaki). The Sudokawa ravine area is also famous for the scenery created by the beautifully colored leaves in fall. From 8:24 in the video, after listening to the instructors guidance the two members of ROSARIO+CROSS let out a scream and jump! Many More Activities to Enjoy in Shizuoka! Photo:A hiker enjoying the early summer wetlands There are plenty of other activities you can enjoy in the Fuji and Gotemba areas (御殿場エリア) of Shizuoka prefecture. Some of these include trekking, barbecuing, river and sea rafting, sea kayaking, scuba diving, wakeboarding and standup paddleboarding. Summary of Sightseeing in Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Mount Fuji and Asagiri Plateau For those looking to try out the activities featured in the video, such as paragliding or bungee jumping, we recommend taking a trip to the Mt. Fuji area in Shizuoka! Please be aware that the activities in this video require a reservation beforehand. Make sure to check the address, business hours, access, and parking information ahead of time. Enjoy your trip to Shizuoka! 【Tripadvisor】Asagiri Plateau Paragliding School https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g780857-d8512092-Reviews-Asagiri_Kogen_Paraglider_School-Fujinomiya_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:23
There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Shizuoka Prefecture! One of Japan's Most Scenic Destinations Condensed Into Three Minutes!
Local PR- 26 plays
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魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「The Moment SHIZUOKA」が公開した「The Moment SHIZUOKA - 静岡県公式観光プロモーション映像」です。 「静岡」といえば「富士山」や「駿河湾」などの雄大な景色と「緑茶」などがまず連想します。 しかし、静岡の魅力はそれらだけではありません。 こちらの動画では、美しい自然と多くの名所が散在する静岡の見どころが存分に紹介されています。 観光地として日本有数の景勝スポットを誇る静岡の素晴らしさの一端を垣間見ることができるでしょう。 静岡県の素晴らしい絶景の観光スポット 静岡への観光旅行でまず決めるべきなのが宿泊先。 静岡観光で人気なのは伊豆市の「新井旅館」や藤枝市の「岡部宿大旅籠柏屋」など。 どちらも建物自体が貴重な文化財で、日本古来の伝統・文化を感じさせる宿泊施設です。 さて、宿泊先が決まったら、静岡の名所巡りを楽しみましょう。 静岡観光での最大の魅力は、無数にある絶景スポットです。 日本だけでなく海外の観光客からも人気を集めている美しい健勝地は「富士山」「富士川」「駿河湾」「大瀬崎」「柿田川湧水群」「鮎壷の滝」「河津七滝」「龍宮窟」「十国峠」「浜名湖」「弁天島」「新居関跡」「三保松原」「奥石廊崎」「城ヶ崎海岸」など。 これらに加えて「西伊豆の夕日」は静岡随一のインスタ映えする観光スポットとして大人気です。 静岡県の歴史に触れる史跡群と、たっぷり遊べる施設 静岡は「新居関跡」「黒田家代官屋敷」「韮山反射炉」「御前崎灯台」などをはじめとする、日本の歴史的建造物や史跡の宝庫としても知られています。 そして、神社・仏閣では「小國神社」「伊豆山神社」「三嶋大社」「須山浅間神社」「富士山東口本宮」「富士山本宮浅間大社」「松蔭寺(白隠さん)」などが有名です。 そして、日本の近代的な施設および建造物「焼津さかなセンター」「ヤマハスタジアム」「御殿場プレミアム・アウトレット」が人気で、「小山城」「徳川家家康公像」「韮山反射炉」も一度は訪れたい名所です。 さらに、ファミリー層へのおすすめが「小笠山総合運動公園エコパ」と「熱川バナナワニ園」。 どちらも一日たっぷり遊べる楽しいアミューズメントパークです。 また、空からのアクセスならぜひ「富士山静岡空港」の利用を。 建物自体がグルメにも遊びにもショッピングにも満足できます。 そして、美術鑑賞なら「伊豆の長八美術館」も静岡観光には外せないスポット。 スポーツ好きには、日本有数の自転車競技施設として知られる「伊豆ベロドローム」もおすすめです。 遠州の景観を存分に堪能しよう 静岡観光で日本古来の「遠州、駿河国・伊豆国」の歴史に触れたい方は「遠州横須賀街道」と「十国峠」は外せません。 そして、雄大な自然の景色を堪能したい方には「急勾配日本一」として有名な「南アルプスあぷとライン」がおすすめ。 また「世界一の木造橋」として知られる「蓬莱橋」も必見です。 さらに、日本有数の「秘境駅」とされる「奥大井湖上駅」からの眺望はまさに絶景と呼ぶに相応しい名所です。 魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介まとめ 動画をご覧になれば、すぐにでも観光したくなる、見処がいっぱいの魅力あふれる静岡。 あなたも静岡観光でその素晴らしさを存分に堪能してみてください。 -
Video article 1:57
Atami, Shizuoka - A Hot Spring Resort Enjoying Renewed Popularity. Introducing the Hidden Attractions of Atami!
Local PR Travel- 38 plays
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魅力がたくさんの「静岡県熱海市」の紹介動画について こちらの動画は「あたみニュース - Visit Atami」が公開した「「意外と熱海」プロモーションムービー」です。 「日本の有名な観光地である熱海の魅力を知りたい」 「熱海に旅行の予定があるんだけど、おすすめの場所はどこかな?」 このように、熱海に興味がある人や熱海に旅をする予定のある人に必見の動画です。 熱海の有名な観光名所や観光スポットが紹介されています。 動画をご覧になれば、熱海の様々な魅力を知り、旅をしたいなと思えてくるはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光エリアである静岡県熱海市の情報や魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である静岡県熱海市には、景色を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 まず、熱海といえば南国のような雰囲気のあるサンビーチでしょう。 綺麗な砂浜にどこまでも広がる海。 景色がいいので、サンビーチを散歩しているだけでも楽しめます。 また、夏の時期なると熱海海上花火大会が開催されます。 熱海のサンビーチは海以外の面が山に囲まれているので花火の音が反響され、ド迫力の花火を鑑賞できます。 熱海に行ったときは熱海城に行くのもおすすめ。 熱海城の天守閣展望台から見る眺望はすごく美しいです。 海や山などの熱海の雄大な自然を一望できます。 他にも熱海駅周辺には、熱海遊覧船のサンレモ号や熱海梅園、伊豆山神社、起雲閣など綺麗な景色を楽しめる人気スポットが多くあります。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の癒しスポット 日本の観光エリアである熱海には、日頃の疲れを取ることができる癒やしスポットも充実しています。 駅からすぐ近くの場所にある足湯(家康の湯)は、観光の起点になっているので多くのお客さんが訪れます。 商店街の買い物などで少し疲れたら、ここで休憩すると疲れも取れるでしょう。 日本で珍しい横穴式の温泉の走り湯もおすすめです。 他にも、たくさん買い物をしてリフレッシュしたい人は、平和通り商店街のお土産や食べ歩き。 温泉地を楽しみたい方は、熱海七湯めぐりがいいでしょう。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市のおすすめ絶品料理 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市は、新鮮な海鮮料理を楽しむことができます。 熱海は毎日港から上がってくる新鮮な海の幸を調理しているお店がたくさんあります。 平和通り商店街や、熱海の近くの初島のお店で食べるのがおすすめ。 絶品の海鮮丼を堪能できます。 日本の観光地である「静岡県熱海市」の紹介記事のまとめ 旅でリフレッシュしたいときにおすすめの静岡県熱海市。 自然の綺麗な景色や温泉、グルメなどで心身をリフレッシュできる、満足いく旅行になるはずです。 -
Video article 3:33
A Beautiful View of the Tea Fields Lining the Rolling Hills of Okubo, Shizuoka! The Serenity of Japan's Tea Fields Will Move You...
Local PR Travel Festivals & Events- 63 plays
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The Terraced Tea Plantations Lining the Hills of Okubo, Shizuoka This video, titled "03 Okubo. Tea plantations Lining the Rolling Hills (Morimachi, Shizuoka)" (03 大久保 立体集落の茶園(静岡県森町)), was produced by "静岡県森町Morimachi Tourism." It shows the breathtaking views of the tea plantations lining the hills of Morimachi (森町), Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Tokai region. Shizuoka Prefecture is famous as a tea-producing district in Japan, and there are many tea farmers in the area. Okubo, located at the foot of Mt. Fuji and known for its mild climate, has scenic tea plantations lining the hills of villages. The Beautiful Scenery of Okubo's Tea Plantations Source :YouTube screenshot Featured in the video at 0:45, you can see a scenic view of the tea plantations where Shizuoka tea is produced, via aerial footage. Okubo is also called the "Little Kyoto in Enshu" because of the beautiful nature and traditions that remain from the old days of Japan. Okubo once prospered from "Akiba-mode," a pilgrimage to Akihasan Hongu Akiha Shrine in Hamamatsu City (浜松市) Shizuoka Prefecture, and the salt trade around Lake Hamana (浜名湖). The area around the Sengoku Yume Kaido (Sengoku Yume Highway), shown at 1:13 in the video, has many historical sites remaining from the Warring States Period. Also Mt. Sanmaru, featured at 1:05, creates a beautiful natural landscape as it overlooks the village. Traditional Events in Okubo, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot The Summer Festival in Okubo, introduced at 1:24 in the video, is a popular summer tradition in the Okubo, Morimachi, Shizuoka. The parade of floats through the Tea plantations on the hills of Okubo brings on a feeling of tradition. Tea plantations coupled with music and taiko drums echoing among the nature-rich mountains will have you feeling like you're in a Japan of the past. If you want to experience the beauty Japan's landscapes, be sure to make your way out to the village to see the festival. Summary of Okubo, Shizuoka's Tea Fields Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces the amazing scenery of Okubo, Shizuoka's tea plantations. The scenic view of the endless tea plantations on the gentle hillsides is great for Instagram as well. For those looking to take a relaxing trip to some of Japan's lesser known sightseeing destinations, consider visiting the tea plantations lining the hills of Okubo, Shizuoka! -
Video article 3:20
Soak up the Beautiful Scenery Around the Oi River and Enjoy the Fascinating Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka! Don’t Miss the Steam Locomotive Running Through Town, Either!
Local PR- 123 plays
- YouTube
Shimada, Shizuoka "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River" (島田市 大井川と生きるまち) is a video created by "Shimada JAPAN," which introduces the charms of Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture. Shimada is a tourist destination replete with attractions such as the beautiful Oi River flowing through the city, historical sites, and local specialties like green tea. It's a place rich with nature and abundant with photogenic spots perfect for your Instagram. It's a well-recommended destination for anyone seeking to enjoy the scenery and different food cultures of Japan. In this article, you'll find some of the most famous tourist attractions and hidden areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. The Attractions of the Famous Tourist Destination Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Tokai Region (東海地方, Tokai-chiho) is a place of various attractions such as culture and history, centered on scenic spots with beautiful nature. The Oi River that cuts through Shimada is the symbol of the town and there are many popular sightseeing spots in the vicinity. Particularly popular is the Oigawa Main Line (大井川本線, Oi-gawa Honsen) operated by Oigawa Railway Company (大井川鐵道株式会社, Oi-gawa Tetsudo Kabushiki-gaisha) which is full of opportunities to take nice photos with its rare steam locomotives and beautiful scenery. Thomas from Thomas & Friends is here as well. There are many highlights, such as the nostalgic, wooden Ieyama Station, the historic railway bridge, the sight of a steam locomotive running through town, and the cherry blossoms in the spring. We recommend visiting Kawane Onsen Fureai Spring (川根温泉ふれあいの泉, Kawane Onsen Fureai-no-Izumi) and Roadside Station Kawane Onsen (道の駅川根温泉, Michi-no-eki Kawane Onsen) to relax and wind down after a day of sightseeing. In the video, you can see Kawane Onsen Sasamado Station from 1:11 and the steam locomotive from 2:24. In front of Shin-Kanaya Station, which is the base of the Oigawa Railway, there is an SL express ticket sales counter, a souvenir shop, a coffee shop, and the SL Museum at Plaza Loco. Shimada is famous as "the most green tea-loving city on earth" and produces delicious tea leaves. This is shown at 0:11 in the video. You can also see how the artisans make green tea. The production of other seasonings such as miso and soy sauce, which can be seen at 1:46 is also popular. Shimada is also characterized by its mild climate, which is pleasant all year round. Enjoy touring around Shimada on a beautiful sunny day! Historical Sites in Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, is full of tourist sites where you can learn about Japan's history. Chimanji Temple (智満寺, Chiman-ji), which can be seen at 1:03 in the video, is a temple with a long history and is said to have been revered by warlords, such as the Tokugawa Shogun. The main deity, the Senju Kannon, has been designated an Important Cultural Property, and its imposing form is a sobering sight. Suwahara Castle Ruins (諏訪原城跡, Suwahara-joseki) is the ruins of a historic castle from the Warring States Period (戦国時代, Sengoku-jidai) and where Suwa-daimyojin (諏訪大明神, Suwa-daimyojin) was enshrined. The ruins are surrounded by tea fields creating a unique landscape. There are also many other historical sites, such as the Shimada-shuku Oi River Kawagoshi Ruins (島田宿大井川川越遺跡, Shimada-shuku Oi-gawa Kawagoshi-iseki), Oi Shrine (大井神社, Oi-jinja), the Fujinokuni Tea Museum (ふじのくに茶の都ミュージアム, Fuji-no-kuni Cha-no-miyako Museum), Shimada Museum (島田市博物館, Shimada-shi Hakubutsukan), and more. Scenic Areas in Shimada, Shizuoka Shimada, Shizuoka has many places where you can enjoy the natural scenery as well. Makinohara Park (牧之原公園, Makinohara-koen), is a signature scenic spot in Shimada with Mt. Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san) in front of it, Suruga Bay to the right, and the Minami-Alps (南アルプス, Minami-Alps) to the left. From here, you can observe the Oi River and the tea fields, capturing every the beautiful natural scenery of Shimada. Other places we recommend are Horai Bridge (蓬莱橋, Horai-bashi), shown from 2:09 in the video, Shimada Rose Hill Park (島田市ばらの丘公園, Shimada-shi Bara-no-oka Koen), and Makinohara Highland (牧之原台地, Makinohara-daichi). You can see a spring view with blooming cheery blossoms at 2:45 in the video as well. You can also enjoy festivals and events such as the Kawane Sakura Festival (かわね桜まつり, Kawane Sakura-matsuri), where thousands of Somei Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom. Summary of Shimada, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot "Shimada, Japan in 8K HDR – Shimada Together with Oi River," created by "Shimada JAPAN," is a video introducing the nature and culture of Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture. One day is probably not enough to look around the city with all of the appealing tourist attractions it has to offer, but there are many hotels in the area, so you can also stay overnight. Shimada in Shizuoka Prefecture is a great place to visit for those looking to relax in the tranquil landscape of Japan. Consider visiting Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, on vacation to rid yourselves of all the stress and exhaustion of everyday life. 【Official Website】Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.shimada.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 1:24
Enjoy an Elegant Time in the Luxurious Space of "Umi-no Hotel Isaba" in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Where All Rooms Have an Ocean View. Relaxing Hot Spring Baths, Delicious Cuisine... This Hotel Is One To Add To Your Bucket List!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 17 plays
- YouTube
As if You're Floating on the Sea... A Look at "Umi-no Hotel Isaba," a Popular Inn in Nishiizu! This video, titled "Umi no hotel ISABA” YADO PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 海のほてるいさば02," was uploaded by "private-onsen JAPAN." Umi-no Hotel Isaba is located in Heda Onsen, a famous hot spring resort in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Surrounded by Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay, this is a hot spring hotel in a fishing town that's crowded with beachgoers in the summer. All guest rooms at Umi-no Hotel Isaba are luxurious oceanfront accommodations. Suruga Bay is a treasure trove of seafood with approximately 1,200 species of fish, including deep-sea species! At Umi-no Hotel Isaba, you can enjoy the freshest seafood from Suruga Bay in a luxurious setting. You can see some of the gorgeous dishes served at Umi-no Hotel Isaba at 0:57 in the video. The hot spring is an alkaline sulfur hot spring that is very popular among women as it's effective at promoting beautiful skin. The hotel's hot spring facilities include a large public bath, an open-air rooftop bath called "Tenku Onsen," and each room has its own personal hot spring, so you can relax to your heart's content. The rooftop hot spring overlooking Suruga Bay is also available for private use once per stay. The hot springs at Umi-no Hotel Isaba can be seen at 0:37 in the video. The rooms are very luxurious and we highly recommend the special room floor "Akane-no-Uta," which was renovated and reopened in July 2020! There is also a beauty spa, souvenir shop, terrace lounge, and lobby, all of which are very beautiful! Why not relax and spend a luxurious holiday at Umi-no Hotel Isaba? Sightseeing Around Umi-no Hotel Isaba Photo:Mihama Cape, Shizuoka Prefecture Nishiizu in Shizuoka Prefecture, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, has many spectacular sightseeing spots. Let's take a look at some of them! ・Mihama Cape Mihama Cape is a cape shaped like a bird's beak, and was formed through the accumulation of sediment carried in by the currents of Suruga Bay. It's also a good fishing ground where you can enjoy fresh seafood at lunch time. ・Deai Misaki Cape This is a great sightseeing spot with a panoramic view of Heda Port, Mihama Cape, and Mt. Fuji. The name "Deai" (出会い) means "encounter" and the monument, from the hole of which you can see Mt. Fuji, signifies a meeting between two lovers. ・Tabibito Misaki Cape Tabibito Misaki Cape is located about 1km north of Matsubara Park on Prefectural Road 17. The beauty of the sunset that can be seen from here is absolutely breathtaking. The name "Tabibito" (旅人) means "traveler(s)." ・Koibito Misaki Cape Koibito Misaki Cape is a cape along Route 136, approximately 8 km south of Toi Onsen. "Koibito" (恋人) means "lovers," and, as its name suggests, it's a popular location among couples as a power spot for romance. It is said that couples who take a photo with the "I Love You" hand-sign statue on the cape or get a certificate of declaration of love from the Koibito Cape Office are said to have a better chance of achieving a successful relationship. (Whether or not you believe that is entirely up to you...) Summary of Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a Popular Hotel in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Umi-no Hotel Isaba, Shizuoka Prefecture To get to Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a hotel popular for its many attractions and luxurious facilities, it's about a 50-minute bus ride from Shuzenji Station to Heda (a shuttle bus is also available). All-you-can-eat mandarin oranges are available from November to December every year, and the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is held from mid-February to early March every year, attracting many tourists. Be sure to check with your travel agency or the official website of Umi-no Hotel Isaba for information regarding accommodation rates and tours. ◆Umi-no Hotel Isaba|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】3878-20 Heda, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by bus from Shuzenji Station to Heda. A shuttle bus is also available 【Telephone】0558-94-3048 【Official Website】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.isaba.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1019668-d1065897-Reviews-Isaba-Numazu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:14
A Helicopter Dedicated to Transporting Supplies Takes off From the Shizuoka Heliport! Check Out the Noise-Free, Intermeshing Rotor Helicopter as It Takes to the Skies!
Vehicles- 24 plays
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This video, titled "An Akagi helicopter takes off from the Shizuoka Heliport|Kaman K-MAX JA6236" (静岡ヘリポートを離陸するアカギヘリコプター カマン K-MAX JA6236), was released by "Blue san" (ブルーさん). This stylish helicopter is the Kaman K-MAX, a cross-rotor helicopter developed by Kaman Corporation. This helicopter does not have a tail rotor, but instead flies with two rotors on each side (intermeshing rotors). With this system, all the power of the engine is transmitted to the main rotors. The movement of the left and right rotors, which rotate alternately to avoid collision, is very interesting to watch. Watch the video to see this unique helicopter taking off! -
Video article 1:50
The “Mishima Festival” in Mishima, Shizuoka Is a Valiant Festival Held During the Summer Holiday. Enjoy Japanese Culture and History Through Parade Floats, Fireworks, and the Musha (Samurai) Procession!
Festivals & Events History- 149 plays
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Introducing the “Mishima Festival” in Mishima, Shizuoka This video “[Official] MISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN" (しゃぎり!歴史ロマン!【公式】三嶋大祭りMISHIMA FESTIVAL JAPAN) is a promotional video of a festival with a profound history that is held in Mishima, Shizuoka. Mishima Festival is held from August 15th to 17th and it is a summer tradition in Mishima, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. Please enjoy the video of the traditional Japanese parade floats. Mishima Festival Day 1: Floats and Flutes Source :YouTube screenshot Mishima Grand Festival, one of the summer festivals in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, is held from August 15 to 17 and is one of the main festivals of Mishima-taisha. On the first day of festival, you'll see floats decorated with drums, bells, and chimes parading throughout the town. Hearing the noises beckons people to continue to observe the activity. Please check the video at 0:22 and see the dynamic parade floats. They're perfect for taking Instagram photos. If you watch the video at 0:31, you'll see the sunset and the lanterns on the floats shine throughout the town. Mishima Festival Day 2: Traditional Culture August 16th is day 2 for the Mishima Festival, and it is a day for traditional culture. On the second day, there will be a parade as well as the formal ceremony of Minamotono Yoritomo raising an army. Minamotono Yoritomo is a samurai with a history in Shizuoka. Every year, a Japanese celebrity performs the role of Minamotono Yoritomo, therefore, it attracts many visitors. Please check out the video at 0:50 to see an actor playing Minamotono Yoritomo. The performance and the armor of the participants for this event is very impressive. There are more performances such as the Kid’s Flute Piece and the dedication of Ninjomai and Uyarasumai. At 1:01 in the video, we see the Tezutsu fireworks display which is truly a magical sight. Mishima Festival Day 3: The Day of Dancing Source :YouTube screenshot August 17th is the last day, and it is a day for dancing. On the last day, Yabusame Shinji is held, and many people visit to see this exciting event. Please see the video at 1:16 to see what Yabusame Shinji is. Different performances, such as folk songs and the Mishima sun parade will heat up the festival. At night, a religious ceremony will conclude the three-day festival. Summary of the Mishima Festival in Mishima, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot Towards the end of the video at 1:38, many people get on Yagura (a wooden stage) and perform Mishima Bayashi. There is a raffle event at Mishima Festival. Fans are distributed to visitors, and each one has a different number on it. If you have a winning number, you can receive gift such as gift cards and more. Be sure to watch the video to see more details of the festival. The Mishima Festival in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a grand festival that enlivens Shizuoka during the summer season. Wear a Yukata (summer kimono) and enjoy the delicious food from the different stalls scattered about the market. On the day of the festival, you can use the Mishima-taisha parking lot and the city's central parking lot, but there are traffic restrictions at nearby spots, so please leave early and plan ahead. 【Official Website】Mishima Festival https://www.mishima-cci.com/maturi/ 【Tripadvisor】Mishima Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g780865-d1313050-r606940142-Mishima_Taisha_Shrine-Mishima_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:03
A Luxurious Stay at "ATAMI Sekaie," a High-Class Hotel in Atami, Shizuoka Where You Can Enjoy the Hot Springs of Atami! Enjoy Unparalleled Hospitality in an Open-Air Bath With an Ocean View!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 145 plays
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PR Video for "ATAMI Sekaie" This video, produced by “ARKADEAR,” is a PR video for the Japanese luxury resort hotel, “ATAMI Sekaie” where every room uses fresh hot spring water from the source. "ATAMI Sekaie" is a popular hotel on review and travel comparison sites. This video features detailed information about ocean view rooms and food for the luxury hotel located in Izusan, Atami. Watch the video and enjoy the charm of Atami Onsen, one of the three oldest hot springs in Japan. What is "ATAMI Sekaie"? Source :YouTube screenshot ATAMI Sekaie is only a 5-minute taxi ride from Atami Station, which is about 40 minutes from Tokyo, on the Tokaido Shinkansen. You can use the transportation service provided by this hotel, if you book a room. The rooms overlook the Pacific Ocean and are equipped with a luxurious outdoor bath with a spectacular view of Japan's famous Atami hot spring. You can see how luxurious the rooms are from 0:22. There are six types of rooms available: "Ocean View Superior," "Ocean View Premium TSUKI NO MICHI," "Ocean View Suite," "Ocean View Suite TSUKI NO MICHI," "Ocean View Penthouse KUMO NO NAMI," and "Ocean View Penthouse TSUKI NO MICHI." There are no Japanese style rooms at ATAMI Sekaie. All rooms are western style. You can see the Atami Sea Fireworks display from every room. Dining at “ATAMI Sekaie” Source :YouTube screenshot One of best parts about staying at this hot spring hotel is the exquisite cuisine. Guests have a choice of between two sublime Japanese restaurants located within the hotel. At “Hito-SHIO,” one of the two restaurants located within the hotel, you can experience a new style of cuisine, a fusion of charcoal grilling and traditional Japanese flavors. You can see this restaurant in the footage from 1:13. In addition, the ocean view penthouse "TSUKI NO MICHI," has a private teppan (鉄板, iron griddle) counter where you can enjoy Japanese cuisine made from the finest seasonal ingredients in a lavishly decorated space. You can see the food served in this room, with breakfast at 0:47 and dinner at 1:27 in the video. Halal foods is also available for those of Muslim faith. Information About ATAMI Sekaie's Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot ATAMI Sekaike House has a full range of facilities. The Open-air Azure Terrace, where you can enjoy cocktails prepared in an authentic bar overlooking Sagami Bay, as well as the Lounge Lookout" and "Meeting Rooms" all of which are available for use. The hotel also offers extensive accommodation programs, including a conditioning salon where you can receive tailored treatment for your body, and a morning yoga session to relax your mind and body. Other activities such as "finest conditioning," "walking methods," "fasting," and more are also available here at ATAMI Sekaie, so you can spend your time however you please. Summary of ATAMI Sekaie Photo:Kinomiya Shrine As shown in the video, staying in guest rooms with luxury open-air baths is the charm of the ATAMI Sekaie hotel in Atami.During your stay, you can also enjoy visiting popular sightseeing spots around the hotel, such as Atami Plum Garden, Kinomiya Shrine, Atami Castle, Atami Sun Beach and Atami Onsen”. For those of you who wish to enjoy a luxurious onsen trip in Japan and experience the finest hospitality, be sure to check out this video and experience the wonders of ATAMI Sekaie. There are also many Instagrammable spots in the hotel, so be sure to take some pictures! Room rates vary by season and room type, so please check the travel website or official website for more details. ◆ATAMI Sekaie◆ 【Address】 269-1 Izusan, Atami-shi Shizuoka-ken 413-0002 【Access】About 5 minutes by car from Atami Station on the JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0557-86-2000 【Official Website】ATAMI Sekaie https://www.atamisekaie.jp/ 【Official Website】Atami Tourist Office https://travel.ataminews.gr.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】ATAMI Sekaie https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298122-d7767305-Reviews-ATAMI_SEKAIE-Atami_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:53
A Luxurious Time at Inatori Ginsuiso in Higashi-izu, Shizuoka! Experience the Spirit of Japanese Hospitality With a Gorgeous Ocean View!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 72 plays
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Accommodations of Inatori Ginsuiso This official video, titled “Inatori Ginsuiso PV 180 second version(稲取銀水荘PV180秒版)” is produced by Inatori Ginsuiso. There are many hot springs in Shizuoka (静岡県:Shizuoka- prefecture) in Japan's Tokai region. Especially Inatori onsen, one of most famous hot springs in Japan. Inatori Ginsuiso was established 60 years ago. This long establish Ryokan is famous for its use of fresh seafood such as alfonsino, ise-ebi, abalone, and seasonal vegetables in its delicious Japanese cuisine. Every room has an open air bath and a view of Izu East Ocean or Izu oshima. These rooms and a lounge with an observation area attract many tourists every year. It's 20 minutes walking from Izu Inatori station off the JR Ito-line Izu Kyuko. A free shuttle bus with a wet hand towel service is available for guests as well. The most important thing for Inatori Ginsuiso is the spirit of hospitality. A young proprietress and female employees always aim to provide the spirit of service and hospitality to every guest. Be sure to check out the video clip provided by Inatori Ginsuiso, that features their hospitality. Kaiseki Meals Using Carefully Selected Ingredients Source :This article's vVideo With their motto “Serve warm meals warm and cold meals cold,” fresh seafood such as alfonsino, ise-ebi or dishes using seasonal ingredients are served. You can enjoy these delicious foods with spirits, such as Japanese sake. Special meals for children are also served. In the morning, a buffet breakfast is available. You can eat Izu's specialty, "new summer orange." You can see their morning spread at 0:50 in the video. Luxurious Upper Floor Rooms Source :YouTube screenshot All guest rooms, including standard rooms, have an ocean view. There are executive suites with open air baths called "Gin no shiori" or "Mahoroba." Inatori ginsuiso was renovated in 2018 and the "Omotenashi suite" with an open air bath was opened afterwards. You can see what it looks like in the footage from 0:26. The Bountiful Springs of Inatori Ginsuiso Inatori Ginsuiso uses the mineral rich waters of the hot spring that gushes out of the ground from its own premises. The qualities of this spring are natrium, calcium chloride, and mild alkalinity. This spring is good for cuts, burns, chronic inflammation of the skin, neuralgia, myalgia, and joint pain. There are saunas, dressing rooms, a large bath, open air bath and lounge. Varieties amenities are prepared as well. You can see what the hot springs look like in the footage from 0:42. The Facilities of Inatori Ginsuiso Source :YouTube screenshot There are various facilities for guests such as a lounge with an observation deck called "Nami no oto," a souvenir shop where popular bells are available, a morning market, an aesthetic salon called "Fleur," a massage room, and facilities that provide showering and grooming services for dogs or cats. Also, tea is served to every guest when they arrive. You can feel the hospitality of this ryokan, without actually being there, through the video. There are various types of accommodation plans not just for families, but also for those traveling alone. You can choose to eat dinner at your own room or a restaurant, called "Gin no Umi." In addition, you can enjoy sea fishing as well. For detailed information, see the official web site, viral sites, or various travel websites. Tourist spots around Inatori Ginsuiso Photo:Banana Wani en There are various tourist spots in Higashi-izu. For example, the spectacular "Atagawa Banana Wani en," the vast "Inatori Hosono Kogen (細野高原:Hosono Highland)," the "Izu Animal Kingdom" where guests can see giraffes and owls, the "Morning market in Inatori port (稲取港:inatori port) which is held every Saturday, Sunday and national holidays, “Hinano Tsurushi Kazari Matsuri” that dates back to the Edo Period, “Oyukake Benzaiten" with hot springs spewing out of the onsen turret, Higashi-izu Wind Power Plant" which has giant windmills, “Atagawa YOU Beach" where visitors can enjoy the beach or nearby pool. If you're staying at Inatori Ginsuiso,” it's a good idea to check out some of the places mentioned above. Japan, Where Visitors Can Have a Good Time at Ryokan Hot Springs Did you enjoy the video? If you stay in Inatori Ginsuiso in Izukogen, you can experience Japan's hospitality and enjoy a star sprinkled sky (1:25). After watching this video, you're sure to feel the urge to visit Inatori Ginsuiso. Please visit there with your friend to have a good time. ◆Information for Inatori Ginsuiso◆ 【Address】1624-1 Inatori Higashi-izu machi Kamo Gun Shizuoka ken 413-0411 【Access】20 minutes walking from Izu Inatori station off the JR Ito-line Izu Kyuko (Free shuttle bus is available) 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0557-95-2215 【Official Website】Inatori Ginsuiso https://www.inatori-ginsuiso.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Inatori Ginsuiso https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121205-d1130974-Reviews-Inatori_Ginsuiso-Higashiizu_cho_Kamo_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:46
Woven City, a Completely New City in Japan! Toyota's Urban Development Plan. An Automobile Company to Drive the Future of Japan?
Life & Business- 18 plays
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This video, titled "Woven City|Image Video (long ver.)" (Woven Cityイメージビデオ(long ver)), was released by Toyota. This video introduces the Woven City, a project envisioned by Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyota has announced the launch of the Connected City project, a demonstration city where all the goods and services that support people's lives are interconnected. Toyota is building a city you wouldn't expect of an automobile company, and while it's still a long way off, it's a project that has a great deal of promise. This video introduces Woven City as envisioned by Toyota, so be sure to check it out. -
Video article 4:17
Spend a Blissful Moment Swimming With Wild Dolphins. Diving at Hatsujima, the Closest Island to Tokyo!
Action & Adventure- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Hatsujima|Diving with Dolphins|January 21, 2020" (初島 イルカとダイビング 2020年1月21日), was released by "Sazanami Marine Diving School" (サザナミマリンダイビングスクール). Hatsujima, located in Atami, has been a place where dolphins have been swimming since ancient times. Because of this, the possibility of encountering dolphins swimming around Hatsujima is incredibly high, even when diving. This video shows a dolphin encounter during a dive. The video shows two dolphins swimming around people in a friendly manner. They're so adorable! In addition to the dolphins, the video also shows a school of labracoglossa (sea chubs). Hatsujima is a resort island close to the Tokyo metropolitan area where you can spend a luxurious time surrounded by the sea, which is so blue it's known as "Hatsujima Blue." -
Video article 1:46
The Historic Nihondaira Zoo, Celebrating Its 50th Anniversary, Gets a Renovation! Meet "Futa-Kun," the Red Panda Who Stole the Spotlight With His Dignified, Human-Like Appearance!
Living Things- 63 plays
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The Nihondaira Zoo Located in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka! This video, titled "[Nihondaira Zoo] Grand Opening:Promotional Video" ([日本平動物園]グランドオープン:プロモーションビデオ), was released by "Nihondaira Zoo." The Nihondaira Zoo opened in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture around 1965. In the renovation project completed in 2013, "Wild Animal House 299," "Flying Megadome," the petting zoo, and other fun facilities were developed, and the zoo opened with the theme of "a zoo of surprise, excitement, and dreams" where visitors could learn about the relationship between animals and people through behavioral exhibits and interaction with animals. The new logo of Nihondaira Zoo is based on the characteristic shape of the zoo. In this article we'll introduce the new Nihondaira zoo promotional video in beautiful 4K resolution. The History of the Nihondaira Zoo Photo:Asian Elephants at Nihondaira Zoo The Nihondaira Zoo started as a project to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Shizuoka City’s municipal administration in 1965 and the current model of the zoo began in 1969. In 2007, a redevelopment project for the entire zoo was started and in the spring of 2013 the new Nihondaira Zoo had its grand opening. In recent years, many zoos have been focusing on behavioral exhibits. This is to minimize the stress on animals as much as possible by creating enclosures that match the ecology and living habitats of the animals. At Nihondaira Zoo, there are also events such as the "Night Zoo" to exhibit the behavior of nocturnal animals. In the video, you'll see facilities where you can view the ecology of red pandas from 0:20, tigers from 0:33, polar bears from 0:38, as well as elephants and various other animals from 0:55. The former Emberson House, which is adjacent to the Nihondaira Zoo, has also been designated a Tangible Cultural Property of Shizuoka City. The Role of Zoos in Japan Photo:Giant Anteater Most people probably have the perception that a zoo is an amusement park. However, the real role of the zoo is for researchers around the world to share information, study animal behavior, and spread and share information about animals to avoid extinction. They are research institutes that provide education by allowing children to interact with animals to learn the importance of life. As a matter of fact, many wild animals are on the verge of extinction due to the recent extreme weather conditions and overfishing happening around the globe. Public zoos and aquariums around the world are collaborating to launch species conservation projects and collaborating with universities to conduct animal research day in and day out, such as sex identification via DNA and breeding cycles through hormone analysis. The Nihondaira Zoo is also in charge of registering the pedigree of domestic animals living in Japan. In the species conservation project, has the best breeding record in Japan, especially for giant anteaters. The breeding journal of the giant anteater has received attention from other zoos as the longest dissertation in Japan.br> The park, which covers an area of 13 hectares, also has a treatment facility where injured and sick wild birds and animals are housed until they can finally be released back into the wild. In this way, they also provide physical therapy services for animals. The Facilities of Nihondaira Zoo Photo:Red Panda The zoo is of course a fun and valuable place to interact with rare animals. Let's take a look at the renovated facilities of the Nihondaira Zoo. First off, you can meet fierce beasts such as the lion at "Wild Animal House 299," and see rare birds at "Flying Megadome." You can also see the popular "Futa-kun" who is kept at the "Red Panda House," as well as pet rabbits and capybaras at the petting zoo. The "Orangutan House" is a place where you can meet cute orangutans with their gentle gestures, which can be seen from 1:13 in the video. Besides that, there are specialized exhibition corners, such as the "Herbivore Huts," exhibits for nocturnal and tropical birds, "The Castle of the Mysterious Forest," the "Reptile House," and the "Penguin House," as well as the general exhibition corner where you can meet giraffes, elephants, and gorillas. In addition, there is an amusement park with a "roller slider," and a restaurant where you can buy souvenirs and enjoy lunch. It's crowded with parents and children every day! Summary the Nihondaira Zoo Located in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot If you're headed to Shizuoka, be sure to stop by the Nihondaira Zoo where you can enjoy the behavioral exhibits of various animals! You might be able to discover an unexpected side of the animals that you didn't know existed. ◆Nihondaira Zoo|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1767-6 Ikeda, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】A 10 minute bus ride from JR East Shizuoka Station, then a 5 minute walk after getting off at the zoo entrance (動物園入口, Doubutsu-en Iriguchi) 【Hours】9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Entrance open until 16:00) 【Admission Fee】General Admission (High school+): ¥620, Elementary|Jr. High School students: ¥150 【Closures】Every Monday (or the following day if it is a national holiday or observed holiday), from the end of the year to New Year's Day 【Parking】4 parking lots available 【Telephone】054-262-3251 【Official Website】Shizuoka Municipal Nihondaira Zoo|A behavioral exhibition that can be observed from various angles up close and also a sacred place for red pandas https://www.nhdzoo.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Nihondaira Zoo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298124-d1403957-Reviews-Nihondaira_Zoo-Shizuoka_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:09
Obuchi Sasaba - Beautiful Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka, Japan!
Nature Travel- 191 plays
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Tea Fields and Mt. Fuji This video, titled “Drone Shot Tea Plantation and Mt. Fuji Obuchi Sasaba(空撮 茶畑と富士山 静岡 大淵笹場 | Tea Plantation and Mt. Fuji),” is a video using drone footage of a tea plantation around Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka in the Tokai region of Japan. It was produced by "crescendo L DESIGN." The Mt.Fuji area in Shizuoka has two famous tea growing locations called Obuchi Sasaba and Imamiya. Early summer, when the lush tea plantation spreads across the slope on the outskirts of Mt. Fuji and shows natural scenic beauty unique to the famous tea growing locations, is the best time to visit. You can watch drone footage of the tea plantation at Obuchi Sasaba in the video. With Mt. Fuji faintly covered in snow in the background, the vast, solid green tea plantation creates a beautiful landscape unique to Japan. Please watch the video and enjoy the scenic beauty that can only be seen in Japan. How Japanese Tea Is Grown Photo:A Tea Plantation Tea plants grow well in warm weather. In Japan, the largest producers of tea are the Mt. Fuji area in Shizuoka, Uji in Kyoto, and Sayama in Saitama, and teas from these area are called the "Three Famous Teas of Japan." An evergreen tree called camellia sinensis is grown in tea farms nationwide and tea picking is held during May when fresh tea leaves are harvested. The tea is harvested and sold as new tea, so be sure to taste the freshly harvested, elegant flavors. In Shizuoka tea plantations, windmill-like structures are installed to protect the new tea from frost damage in the early spring. Obuchi Sasaba in this video is in Shizuoka Prefecture, which boasts the largest tea cultivation and production area in Japan. Experience Tea Picking on the Outskirts of Mt. Fuji! Photo:Tea picking A popular attraction in tea producing areas, including Obuchi Sasaba in the Shizuoka area, is tea picking. There are also spots where you can borrow a tea-girl costume to pick tea and enjoy a memorable experience. Picking tea in the sprawling tea fields of Obuchi Sasaba, is a great way to remember your trip. We recommend that you buy some delicious tea as a souvenir after a leisurely tour of the tea plantations around Mt. Fuji. Let’s Visit the Obuchi Sasaba Tea Plantation Photo:The tea plantation of Obuchi Sasaba Shizuoka Prefecture is known as one of Japan's leading tea-producing regions and there are many tea plantations in the prefecture. In spring, you can see the verdant landscape of tea fields at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The scenery has become so popular among foreign tourists in recent years that you can take a tour of the tea plantations by minibus. Obuchi Sasaba is also very popular with photographers as one of the most popular spots to take photos of Mt. Fuji. During Golden Week, the Oobuchi Tea Festival is held, where you can take photos of "tea-girls" picking tea. You're sure to get some great Instagram pics! Summary of Obuchi Sasaba In this video, you can see a spectacular view of the greenery of young tea leaves against the backdrop of Mt. Fuji. After viewing the scenic beauty of Obuchi Sasaba, your everyday tea may be more flavorful. We hope you enjoy your early summer sightseeing trip in the scenic beauty of Shizuoka, where you can experience tea picking, buy delicious tea, and enjoy Japanese tea culture! ◆Obuchi Sasaba◆ 【Address】Near 1516, Obuchi, Fuji City, Shizuoka 【Access】About 35 minutes from JR Fuji Station by bus or about 20 minutes from Tomei Fuji IC/New Tomei New Fuji IC by car 【Parking】Toll parking is available near the tea plantation 【Tripadvisor】Obuchi Sasaba https://www.tripadvisor.en/ShowUserReviews-g303147-d10282623-r377490474-Obuchi_Sasaba-Fuji_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 12:21
A Resort Island Known as a Natural Fishing Reef. Fish Watching on Hatsujima in Atami!
Action & Adventure- 25 plays
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This video, titled "March 2, 2019 - Hatsujima Diving" (2019年3月2日 初島ダイビング), was released by "munecyan." Hatsujima, located in Atami, is a resort island just two hours from Tokyo and 30 minutes by boat from Atami Port, making it possible to take a day trip to the island. The warm ocean currents from the south keep the climate mild all year round, allowing you to enjoy subtropical marine life and fresh seafood. There are also a variety of diving schools that offer hands-on programs and license courses for beginners who are interested in diving. In addition to schools of angelsharks, the waters of Hatsujima are home to nudibranchs, jawfish, and a variety of other fish, making fish watching here a blast! -
Video article 9:06
Experience a Thrilling Walk Across the Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Hanging Between Two Cliffs! The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Shizuoka's Izu Area Is Enchanting!
Travel Nature- 65 plays
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The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge in Shizuoka Prefecture! This video, titled "Kadowaki Suspension Bridge – Shizuoka – Full HD" (Kadowaki Suspension Bridge - Shizuoka - 門脇吊橋 - Full HD), was created by "TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the Kadowaki suspension bridge, located in Ito, Shizuoka in the Tokai region of Japan. Popular tourist destinations, such as Atami hot springs and Izu Plateau, can also be found in eastern Shizuoka prefecture. Many tourists visit the Izu area and spend time at one of the many resort hotels to enjoy the various tourist attractions, cafes and hot springs. In this article we'll introduce the Kadowaki suspension bridge, a popular tourist destination in the Izu area. The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge! Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge As you can see from 6:20 in the video, the Kadowaki suspension bridge hangs from two cliff faces making it a thrilling experience to cross! You can also enjoy a stunning view of Kaiyo Park from the bridge and the surrounding area. The Jogasaki Coast (城ヶ崎海岸, jougasakikaigan) was formed from the lava of an eruption which took place over 4,000 years ago at Mt. Omuro (大室山, oomuroyama), one of the volcanos in the Izu-Tobu volcano range (伊豆東部火山郡, izutoubukazangun). The corrosion caused by the lava created a sea cave known as "Hanshiro otoshi" (半四郎落し). The Kadowaki suspension bridge, which hangs between this sea cave and Kadowaki cape, is 48 meters in length and 23 meters high. The Kadowaki suspension bridge is also referred to as the Jogasaki suspension bridge, as it hangs above the Jogasaki Coast in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park (富士箱根伊豆国立公園, fujihakoneizukokuritsukouen). Other Tourist Spots Around Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Photo:Izu-Jogasaki・Kadowaki Lighthouse You can enjoy a view of Kadowaki lighthouse (門脇灯台, kadowakitoudai), built in 1995, Mt. Amagi (天城連山, amagirenzan), and the islands of the Izu Peninsula (伊豆七島, izushichitou) from the Kadowaki suspension bridge. There is a walking course nearby called "Jogasaki Pikkunikaru Course." It's popular with dog-walkers and hikers. A variety of fish can be caught at the nearby Futo Harbour (富戸漁港, futogyokou) and Uomigoya (魚見小屋, uomigoya). We highly recommend trying some fresh seafood dishes at the nearby restaurant Boranaya (ぼら納屋) as well! There is another bridge with a great view in the Jogasaki Coastal area, called the Hashidate Suspension Bridge (橋立吊橋, hashidatetsuribashi). If you're visiting the area, we recommend crossing both bridges. If you have time to spare, we also highly recommend visiting other popular tourist spots, such as Renchakuji temple (蓮着寺) and Manaita Iwa (俎岩). Summary of the Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge In this video, we introduced the thrilling Kadowaki suspension bridge, hanging between two cliffs! As you can see from 5:23 in the video, the scenery of the flora by the seaside of the Kadowaki suspension bridge area can be enjoyed all year round. If you're taking a trip to Izu in Shizuoka prefecture, be sure to stop by the Kadowaki suspension bridge! ◆Kadowaki Suspension Bridge General Information◆ 【Address】Futo 842-65, Ito city, Shizuoka prefecture 【Access】A 50 minute bus ride from Ito station (伊東駅, itoueki) 【Parking】Available. The first 15 minutes are free, after that it's 500 yen/day 【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes 【Tripadvisor】Kadowaki suspension bridge https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298123-d1238313-r490101510-Kadowaki_Bridge-Ito_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:33
Saphir Odoriko: The Limited Express Luxury Train Making Its Debut in 2020. All Seats First Class or Better!
Vehicles Travel- 106 plays
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The Limited Express Sightseeing Train From Tokyo to Izu: Saphir Odoriko - All Cars First Class or Better This video, titled "The Opening of Saphir Odoriko - All Seats First Class or Better" (「サフィール踊り子」公開 全座席がグリーン車以上), was released by "KyodoNews." The video of the news was made open to the press in December 2019. The Limited express train “Saphir Odoriko” will operate on Tokyo-Shinjuku・Shizuoka-izukyuushimoda route, and it will be entered into train schedules by March 14th, 2020. The characteristics of the Saphir Odoriko are its private rooms, and first class or higher seating. It will become a frequently used line connecting the Metropolitan area to Izu. Please watch the video for an inside look at the luxurious accommodations, and to feel the high class nature of this limited express sightseeing train that allows for a comfortable journey between Tokyo and Izu. Saphir Odoriko: All Seats "Green" Source :YouTube screenshot After the Super View Odoriko of JR East is decommissioned in March 2020, the Saphir Odoriko (Railway series: E261) limited express sightseeing train is a brand new train that will grant easy access to popular sightseeing locations around Izu. The namesake "Saphir" in French means "sapphire" reminiscent of its appearance which looks like the beautiful blue sea and sky in Izu. Saphir Odoriko has 8 cars with a capacity of 164 people and the first car (which is a premium Green Car) has skylight seating, so when traveling towards Shimoda passengers can feel the natural light of the sky with luxury 1 to 1 seating accommodating up to 20 people in each row. This can be seen at 0:56 in the video. The seating in the 2nd and 3rd cars are for groups of families and friends, and the private green rooms placed in them can accommodate 4 to 6 people. The seating in cars 5 to 8 are Green Cars and have 1 by 2 (◼+◼◼) seating. They are introduced at 1:29 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot In addition, car 4 is a dining car, and is made in the style of an open noodle bar, so you can enjoy some great tasting noodles during your journey. According to the chief of vehicles at JR East's railroad technology center, the appearance of the "Saphir Odoriko" is a metallic blue that is based on the beautiful colors that can be seen in Izu's natural scenery ( 2:05). You can see the train's appearance at 0:14 in the video. In 2020, the popular toy train manufacturer"Plarail" and the model train manufacturer N scale are going to release versions of "Saphir Odoriko", so they might be great gift ideas. Facilities on the Saphir Odoriko Photo:A woman using a laptop on a train Conscious about the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, the facilities on board the “Saphir Odoriko” were designed to accommodate the large influx of inbound tourists, and are thus equipped with large luggage compartments, and free Wi-Fi services. In the private green rooms, luggage compartments are installed inside the room itself. Every seat on the Saphir Odoriko also comes with its own personal electrical outlets for charging laptops, phones, and other electronic devices. That being said, you won’t need to worry about preserving data and battery life while riding on the “Saphir Odoriko”, and can instead use your time freely and effectively. Summary of the Saphir Odoriko On the way to popular sightseeing spots in Izu, you won’t need to worry about traffic jams or if the train is running on time as it’s a reputable railway. As shown in the video, with the light pouring in through the skylights, and the train’s high-class feel, you’re sure to have a relaxing, unforgettable experience traveling with friends or family on the Saphir Odoriko. As of this news' release, the Saphir Odoriko is scheduled to make a round trip once per day between Tokyo and Izu. The currently announced stops for the Saphir Odoriko are: Tokyo station, Shinjuku station, and Izukyuushimoda station, but please keep in mind that these are still subject to change. For ticket prices, or to make reservations, please stop by a JR ticket office. -
Video article 3:29
Suruga Bamboo Ware: A Traditional Japanese Craft With Breathtaking Detail in Shizuoka Prefecture. You Won't Be Able To Take Your Eyes off These Amazing Works of Art!
Traditional Crafts History Life & Business- 289 plays
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Introducing Suruga Bamboo Ware This is a promotional video for Suruga Take Sensuji Zaiku (Suruga Bamboo Ware), created by Aoyama Square, a shop specializing in traditional Japanese crafts. Suruga Bamboo Ware is a traditional craft made from bamboo stems. Created using professional techniques whereby the craftsman creates flower vases, bug cages, and handbags by assembling thin strips cut from bamboo stems. In recent years, it has become popular with more modern items, such as bags and wind chimes. Today, we'll introduce in detail the highly valued traditional Japanese craft, Suruga Bamboo Ware. Be sure to follow along with the video! The History of Suruga Bamboo Ware ©SUN Modifying Due to rich bamboo resources, bamboo crafts were commonly used in daily life from olden times in the Suruga area, in Shizuoka prefecture. The origin of the craft is rooted in ancient history. Bamboo products like baskets and cages have been excavated from Toro ruins in this area, major ruins of the Yayoi period. In the Edo period, bamboo crafts established a position as side jobs for samurai. After retiring from the shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu lived in Sunpu Castle, and a local culture of bamboo craftsmen was established in the Suruga area. Suruga Bamboo Ware was recognized as national traditional craft by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1976. How Suruga Bamboo Ware Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot The production process of Suruga Bamboo Ware is divided into 4 parts: Measuring and cutting bamboo, Bending, Weaving, and Assembly. Japanese timber bamboo (Madake) or Moso bamboo (Mosochiku) are used as materials, and strips are cut from their stalks. Flat strips are used for bamboo crafts in other areas, but Suruga Bamboo Ware uses round cut strips. They are made using a unique technique that involves bending the strips into round shapes and connecting them through weaving. The distinctive feature of Suruga Bamboo Ware is that all processes, from the cutting and measuring of bamboo to the finishing touches, are done by a single craftsman. A more detailed process is shown in the video at 0:25. Please enjoy the techniques of Suruga Bamboo Ware craftsman, Takahide Sugiyama. Suruga Bamboo Ware Products Source :YouTube screenshot There are many different Suruga Bamboo Ware products; snack trays, which are great for hosting guests, flower vases, tea cup saucers, small pouches, lightings such as lanterns and lamps, wind chimes/desktop wind bells, bug cages, and more. Beautiful Japanese style handbags are also popular. These products can be purchased on amazon and Japan’s major online retailer, Rakuten. Prices range from several thousands to several tens of thousands of Japanese yen (tens to hundreds of dollars), depending on the product. Summary of Suruga Bamboo Ware As introduced in the video, Suruga Bamboo Ware is traditional Japanese craft handmade by a single artisan. If you're looking to take in some Japanese culture in your daily life, we recommend purchasing some Suruga Bamboo Ware products. They make great souvenirs and gifts as well. 【Official website】Suruga Bamboo Ware "Shizuoka Bamboo-crafts Cooperative" http://www.takesensuji.jp/?mode=f8 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:46
Only an Hour From the Heart of Tokyo, Atami Nakamise Shopping Street on Izu Peninsula Has No Shortage of Delicious Food. A Look at Atami, Shizuoka, a Popular Tourist Spot Just an Hour Away From Central Tokyo!
Shopping- 110 plays
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Strolling Around Atami Nakamise Shopping Street! This video is titled “Introduction to Atami Nakamise Shopping Street(熱海 仲見世商店街 紹介動画)” and it was created by “Atami Nakamise Shopping Street.” Atami is a popular resort since it is easy to get to from Japan's Kanto region. There are many retro and nostalgic views in Atami, as you can see in the video. In front of the station, is Heiwa Street, the Hellos Atami Building, and ATAMIX. You can go shopping, eat the local food and look for souvenirs. There's also a foot bath in front of the station, so you can feel like you've stepped into a hot spring resort as soon as you come out of the station. Let’s explore the attractions of Nakamise Street in Tawarahoncho, Atami, Shizuoka. Recommended Spots and Popular Food! Source : YouTube screenshot Nakamise Street starts from “Lusca” which is built within the station grounds. The video shows shops, hotels and a view of Nakamise Street. The shops sell "kamaboko" (dried fish), seen at 1:29 in the video, as well as "satsuma-age" (fried fishcakes) and "iso-age" another type of seafood. Some of them have been in business for 70 years and you can buy local food such as rice crackers and hot spring manju which is shown at 0:54 in the video. Hyakunen Youkan is a popular sweet sold by “Honke Tokiwagi”; a long-established Japanese sweets shop. Atami pudding is also popular among instagrammers, due to its photogenic nature. There are also restaurants and cafes for sushi and other types of seafood. Sightseeing in Atami! Photo:Kinomiya Shrine We highly recommend going sightseeing around Atami station, while visiting Atami. Some good places include the MOA Museum of Art, Kinomiya Shrine(来宮神社, Kinomiya Jinja), Akao Herb and Rose Garden, Kiunkaku, Izusan Shrine (伊豆山神社, Izusan Jinja), Atami Plum Garden, Atami Trick Art Museum, Atami Sun Beach, Atami Castle and the statue of Omiya and Kan-Ichi. We recommend taking the Atami ropeway to Mt. Hachiman (八幡山, Hachiman Yama) and admiring the scenery as well. Also be sure to check out some of the events in Atami, like Hatsushima's fireworks display and the Atami Sea Fireworks display. A Stroll Through Atami Summed Up Source :YouTube screenshot There are many shops on Atami Nakamise Shopping Street, where you can find local food and delicious sweets. Be sure to grab a map before strolling around Atami Nakamise Shopping Street as it will make your time in Atami much more easily navigable. The average time spent on Nakamise is about two hours. Checking the map and planning out where you want to go beforehand is great way to make sure you don't get overwhelmed by the crowd. There are cheap parking lots around the street as well, so keep that in mind if you plan on going by car. 【TripAdvisor】Atami Ginza Shopping District https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298122-d19121792-r736995457-Atami_Ginza_Shopping_District-Atami_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 8:44
Sunpu Castle, Built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the "Three Unifiers of Japan," Is Full of Surprises! Learn the History of the Warring States Period at This Historical Castle in Shizuoka!
Art & Architecture Travel- 46 plays
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Sunpu Castle, Built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan! The video, titled "Top 100 Castles of Japan|Sunpu Castle," was created by "castle shrine." It introduces Sunpu Castle in Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka. Sunpu Castle is a castle built by Tokugawa Ieyasu and has been chosen as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. The castle is also called Fuchu Castle and Shizuoka Castle. During the Edo period (1603 to 1868), the Sunpu domain and head of Sunpu Castle were established. At present, the site of the inner citadel and the ruins of the outer citadel have been transformed into Sunpu Castle Park. Public facilities such as the prefectural government office and the Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Office are located in the outermost area of the castle. About Sunpu Castle and Its History Photo:Sunpu Castle Ruins park・Statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu Shizuoka City in Shizuoka Prefecture was ruled around the 14th century by the Imagawa clan, the Suruga Protectorate of the Muromachi Shogunate. In 1585, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the ruler of Suruga, moved the castle from Hamamatsu Castle to the present site and began to build Surpu Castle in 1585. Sunpu Castle was completed in 1589, but Tokugawa Ieyasu was transferred to Kanto by order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Nakamura Kazuuji became the lord of the castle. In 1605, Tokugawa Ieyasu handed over the title of Shogunate to Tokugawa Hidetada, who designated Sunpu the seat of government for the imperial family. He expanded Sunpu Castle and laid the foundation for the present-day cityscape by dividing Sunpu Castle Town into sections and creating a flood control project for the Abe River. In honor of his career, a bronze statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu was erected in the castle. It can be seen at 2:43 in the video. The interior of Sunpu Castle has been extensively reconstructed, and in 2016, an excavation of the castle tower was carried out to determine the condition of the tower's stone walls and to collect academic data. You can see the site of the excavation work at 2:50 in the video. Highlights of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle There are a lot of things to see at Sunpu Castle. The East Gate, which can be seen at 1:39 in the video, was restored in 1996. Tatsumi Tower, reconstructed in 1989, is one of the few castles in Japan with an L-shaped layout, and was an effective turret for the protection of Sunpu Castle. The complex waterway of the Ninomaru channel, which was discovered during research, is another highlight of the castle. Hitsujisaru Yagura is located in the southwest of Sunpu Castle's Outer Citadel Tower Although it looks like a double-roofed building, it is actually three stories high, and at the time it was used to defend against attacking enemies as an armory and a lookout. At the end of March 2014, it was restored using traditional wooden construction methods from that time period. All of the flooring and ceiling material on each floor have been removed, and some of it is glass, so you can see the subfloor structure of the tower. There's also Jodai Bridge and the Outer Citadel Gate too! You can also experience VR in the space-time room. At the attached Momijiyama Park, you can experience the atmosphere of a daimyo's garden. In spring, you can enjoy a cup of tea while admiring the seasonal changes in the cherry blossoms and other flowers. In the garden's teahouse, you can enjoy a variety of events such as tea ceremony, flower arranging, and haiku. Sunpu Castle General Information Photo:Mt. Shizuhata・Kunozan Toshogu Shrine Sunpu Castle is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Mondays. Admission is ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden). The castle is a 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station. By car it's about 17 minutes from the Shizuoka Interchange of the Tomei Expressway and 18 minutes from the Shin-Shizuoka Interchange of the New Tomei Expressway. There is no parking lot available, so please use the parking lot in front of the Civic Cultural Center (市民文化会館). Nearby Sunpu Castle is Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, a national treasure. This is the shrine where Tokugawa Ieyasu was buried and the temple used to be the site of Kuno Castle. At Rinzai Temple (臨済寺, Rinzaiji), located at the foot of Mt. Shizuhata, there are tombs and a memorial tablet of the Imagawa clan. Summary of Sunpu Castle Photo:Sunpu Castle Park and Mt. Fuji What'd you think of Sunpu Castle, built by the great general of the Warring States period, Tokugawa Ieyasu? Why not visit Sunpu Castle and get a red seal stamp from one of "Top 100 Castles of Japan"? Sunpu Castle is the great place to revisit the history of the Warring States period and learn about the history of Japan! ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Sunpujokoen, Aoi, Shizuoka, Shizuoka 424-0855 【Access】A 15-minute walk from JR Shizuoka Station and a 12-minute walk from Shizuoka Railway Shin-Shizuoka Station 【Admission fee】Tickets for all three facilities (East Gate/Tatsumi Yagura, Hitsujisaru Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) are ¥360 for adults and ¥120 for children. 【Hours】9 am to 4:30 pm (East Gate, Tatsumi Yagura and Momijiyama Garden) 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】054-251-0016 【Official Website】Sumpu Castle Park https://sumpu-castlepark.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sumpu Castle Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298124-d1568848-Reviews-Shizuoka_castle-Shizuoka_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:51
Shirahama Beach - Discover the Beauty of Shimoda, Shizuoka at Izu's Largest Swimming Beach! The Bright Red Torii Gate Perched on the Cliffs Makes for Some Amazing Scenery!
Nature Travel- 131 plays
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Shirahama Beach in Shizuoka Prefecture! The video this time is titled "Shirahama Beach - Shizuoka - 白浜 - 4K Ultra HD." It introduces the beautiful Izu-Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka prefecture. When the weather is nice, Shirahama Beach glows a beautiful emerald green, making it very popular with surfers and tourists alike. The 700-meter-long white sand beach is one of the largest on Izu Peninsula. Enjoy making lasting memories at one of the most beautiful beaches in Japan! Don't forget to bring your camera either; There's plenty of great places to take pictures for your Instagram! Shirahama Beach, Shizuoka Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Shirahama Beach Shirahama Beach, located in Shizuoka prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, is separated into 2 swimming areas: the Shirahama Central Beach section and the Shirahama Ohama Beach section. Shirahama Ohama Beach is the largest beach in the Izu peninsula area. Shirahama Beach becomes very lively during the summer with the Shirahama Fireworks festival being held there as well. Many young people looking to party gather here and the atmosphere becomes very different than that of the afternoon. The Red Torii Arch at Shirahama Beach Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine The torii arch on the coastline, which can be seen at 0:30 in the video, is actually Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, the oldest shrine in Izu. It is commonly called Shirahama Jinja Shrine. The contrast of the bright red beach torii and the emerald green sea is breathtaking. The goddess Ikona, who is the wife of Mishima Daimyojin, is enshrined as the main deity of Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, and is believed to be the goddess of women. If you visit the shrine, it will bring good luck in marriage and increase your romance abilities! The large rock facing the sea is called Daimyojin Rock and is known as a power spot. In addition, at the bottom of the cliff behind the main building, there is a spot called Ogama, which is a sea-eroded cave into which sea water flows. Summary of Shirahama Beach Photo:Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture The Izu area of Shizuoka Prefecture is dotted with hotels, inns, guest houses, cottages, camping sites, and other accommodations. There are also many restaurants where you can enjoy excellent food. If you're looking to hit up some beaches to soak up some sun, don't miss out on Shirahama Beach! Shirahama beach is a 13-minute bus ride from Izukyu Shimoda Station, and there are paid parking lots in the area as well. Shirahama beaches, named after their characteristic white sand (白浜, shirahama, lit. "white sand"), can be found in places other than Shizuoka prefecture as well, including Wakayama prefecture, Chiba prefecture, and Kanagawa prefecture. Japan has a lot of beaches with beautiful sand and great views, so get ready for some fun in the sun! 【Tripadvisor】Shirahama Central Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019670-d1313436-Reviews-Shirahama_Beach-Shimoda_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 9:59
Enshu Onigawara: Traditional Crafts Said to House the Souls of the Demons Themselves! Only the Most Skilled Craftsmen Can Produce Their Soul Piercing Glares. These Master Artisans in Fukuroi, Shizuoka Share Their Thoughts on Enshu Onigawara
Traditional Crafts- 364 plays
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Check out Enshu Onigawara, aTraditional Japanese Craft! This video, titled "Enshu Onigawara: The Last Onigawara Craftsmen" (遠州鬼瓦 最後の鬼板師), shows how Onigawara, a traditional Japanese craft of making "roof ornament oni" (mythical Japanese ogre-demons) is made. Traditionally, Onigawara were put on the roofs of houses, shrines, and temples. The craftspeople making Onigawara are called "Oniita-shi" (鬼板師) This video features Mr. Takashi Nagura, the fourth generation of Enshu Onihide, who has been creating Enshu Onigawara in Fukuroi, Shizuoka prefecture. He continues creating Onigawara with his own hands, and with the help of Mr. Motohisa Nagura, the next successor (the fifth generation of Onihide), in order to save the traditional Japanese craft. The History of Enshu Onigawara Photo:Enshu Onigawara Enshu Onigawara have ancient roots dating back to the 14th century, when local tilers produced smoked roof tiles for the construction of Sunpu Castle (駿府城, Sunpujo). Made on the coasts of Ohta River (太田川, Ohtagawa) and Tenryu River (天竜川, Tenryugawa), the tiles are traditional crafts which have been held in high regard since long ago. Created by combining traditional Japanese art techniques, the oni roof tiles look very impressive as if they were actually artworks. Made in a way that actual spirits seem to be housed within them, Enshu Onigawara haver been popular ever since. How to Make Enshu Onigawara: The Skills of Onigawara Craftsmen Source :YouTube screenshot Made from high quality clay from the local soil of the Enshu area's rice fields, Enshu Onigawara boast a beautiful silvery luster. To create Enshu Onigawara, craftsmen first mold the shape of the clay with a gold spatula before baking it. After that, they begin polishing the tiles over and over. From 2:02 in the video you can see one of the craftsmen draw a rough sketch on clay based on the framework, and you can see craftsmen molding the shape of the tile from 3:16. From 7:40, they can be seen using a special tool to add fine engravings to the clay, gradually creating the powerful facial expression of Enshu Onigawara. Finally, you can see craftsmen baking tiles in a large furnace of the workshop at 9:03. Source :YouTube screenshot Enshu Onigawara, one of Japan's traditional crafts, also have implications as amulets or guardian deities for buildings. Most Enshu Onigawara have angry oni-like faces. Since the Heisei period, however, new designs of oni tiles have been created and now other types of facial expressions, such as smiling oni or humorous tiles of Kappa (a mythical Japanese creature), have begun to rise in popularity. Check out Artworks by Onigawara Craftsmen! Onigawara craftsmen not only produce authentic oni faces, but also oni-faced nameplates for home entrances, family emblems, and display boards. Moreover, they also sell a wide range of local crafts that can be used in daily life, such as pen-holders with oni faces, artistic daruma dolls, oni-faced mail boxes, key chains, and more. Mori town (森町, Morimachi) of Shizuoka prefecture, offers Enshu Onigawara trial tickets at Onigawara workshops to those who donate more than 12,000 yen (~$110 USD) as a hometown tax return gift. In Shizuoka prefecture, people contrive ways to make traditional Japanese crafts closer to our everyday lives. Overview of Enshu Onigawara Source :YouTube screenshot Enshu Onigawara, are generally attached to roofs as you can see at 0:38 in this video, or it is also placed in front of the entrance like you can see from 4:26 in the video. These days, small items in the motif of Onigawara are also popular. In this video you can see interviews of some Onigawara craftsmen. From 2:40 in this video, you can see the interview of Mr. Takashi Nagura, the fourth generation of Onihide; He talks about what made him pursue becoming an Enshu Onigawara craftsperson. From 3:34 he speaks about what he thinks about traditional craft products waning in popularity. From 6:09 you can also watch another interview of Mr. Motohisa Nagura, the fifth generation of Onihide, talking about what he thinks about the future of Enshu Onigawara. If this video makes you interested in Enshu Onigawara, we recommend that you get artwork of Onigawara or visit Shizuoka to try creating Onigawara. 【Official Website】 Enshu Onigawara: Shizuoka Local Craft Promotion Committee http://www.shizuoka-kougei.jp/craft/ensyu-onigawara/ -
Video article 2:41
Kakegawa Kachouen in Shizuoka Prefecture - Enjoy Relaxing and Interacting With Adorable Birds and Beautiful Plants and Flowers All Year Round at This Awesome Theme Park!
Living Things- 149 plays
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Kakegawa Kachouen - A Theme Park of Flowers and Birds This video, titled "Kakegawa Kachouen, a theme park for flowers and birds" (花と鳥のテーマパーク 掛川花鳥園), was released by "Default Name" (デフォルトの名前). It features Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City (掛川市, Kakegawa-Shi), Shizuoka Prefecture. Kakegawa Kachouen is a theme park of flowers and birds. The park has a water lily pond and other ponds, as well as a pasture where you can enjoy flowers and plants all year round. The facility is fully equipped with heating and air-conditioning, including the greenhouse you can see at 0:19 in the video. It's cool in summer and warm in winter. The park is barrier-free for all visitors to enjoy with peace of mind. In this article, you can see inside of Kakegawa Kachouen to fully enjoy its many appealing features. A Closer Look at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Owls at Kakegawa Kachouen, Shizuoka Prefecture Kakegawa Kachouen was opened on September 20, 2003, in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Kakegawa Kachouen is a barrier-free facility for everyone to enjoy, based on a theme of "interaction with flowers and birds." In the park, you can see birds, such as ducks, swans, owls, and shoebills, as well as rare plants such as water lilies, Amazon water lilies, and angel's trumpets (brugmansia). The nearest station to Kakegawa Kachouen is Kakegawa Station off the Tokaido Shinkansen Line. From the station it takes only 10 minutes to get to the park via bus, so it's very convenient. The Birds You Can See at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Emus at Kakegawa Kachouen, Shizuoka Prefecture At Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, you can interact with many different types of birds. There are many birds flying around freely at Kakegawa Kachouen, so you can even enjoy just walking around. There's also an outdoor emu farm and indoor area where visitors can interact with birds, such as Indian peafowl, Hartlaub's turaco, greater flamingos, and giant toucan. Also popular are the bird shows (free of charge), which can be seen from 0:42 in the video, and daily events, such as bird feeding (paid), owl holding (paid), and penguin lap-sitting (paid). Interacting with the Harris' Hawk is really exciting! The emu farm outside is another very popular attraction. This can be seen from 2:23 in the video. Many bird species that are rarely seen in Japan are kept here, so visitors can fully enjoy themselves all day long. Flowers and Plants Found at Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Daffodils While the birds at Kakegawa Kachouen are of course very popular, the flowers and plants growing in the garden are also very pretty. Some tropical flowers, such as Ivy geranium, Aeschynanthus, Indian mallow, and impatiens (Touch-me-nots), can be seen in the greenhouse. There are also many narcissus plants in the garden to welcome visitors. You can see flowers all year round in the large greenhouse in Kakegawa Kachouen, and, as you can see at 1:28 in the video, you can enjoy a buffet under the flowers in full bloom. Summary of Kakegawa Kachouen in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Kakegawa Kachouen Just by watching the video it's easy to tell the Kakegawa Kachouen is a great place to relax amongst nature. The colorful plants and flowers and cute birds are also great for taking Instagram pics. On the official website of Kakegawa Kachouen, there's a blog with tips for visiting the park. Kakegawa Kachouen also sells souvenirs, so be sure to check them out! ◆ Kakegawa Kachouen Facility Overview◆ 【Address】1517 Minamisaigou, Kakegawa city, Shizuoka prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from Kakegawa Station off the Tokaido Shinkansen Line 【Admission Fee】Adults (junior high school students and older): 1,300 yen. Elementary school students: 600 yen. Annual passport: 5,200 yen for Adults (junior high school students and older) and 2,400 yen for Elementary school students. 【Hours】Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 9:00~16:30 (last admission 16:00), Weekends and Holidays (Sat, Sun, and Holidays) 9:00~17:00 (last admission 16:30) 【Closures】None. Open all year around. 【Parking】Parking lot available. 【Telephone】0537-62-6363 【Official Website】[Kakegawa Kachouen] A theme park where you can enjoy interacting with flowers and birds https://k-hana-tori.com/eng 【Tripadvisor】Kakegawa Kachouen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019667-d1410207-Reviews-Kakegawa_Kachouen-Kakegawa_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:02
Hamamatsu Castle, Built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, Made a Name for Itself in the Warring States Period as a Castle of Prominence. Discover the History of the Former Ruler at Hamamatsu Castle in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka!
Art & Architecture- 141 plays
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Introducing Hamamatsu Castle! This is an informational video titled "One of Japan's Top 100 Castles|Hamamatsu Castle|Shizuoka Prefecture" (続日本100名城 浜松城 静岡県 Hamamatsu Castle), that introduces Hamamatsu Castle in Shizuoka Prefecture, which has been selected as one of "Japan's Top 100 Castles." It is published by "castle shrine." A popular theory is that Hamamatsu Castle, in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, was built around the 15th century by Sadasuke Imagawa as a Hikuma Castle. Later on, Tokugawa Ieyasu entered the castle and it became a point of interest among historians. In this article, we'll explore the history of Hamamatsu Castle and look at some of its highlights! What Kind of Castle Is Hamamatsu Castle? Photo:Hamamatsu Castle Hamamatsu Castle is also called "Shusse castle" due to many of the successive lords becoming executive officers of the Edo Shogunate one after another. (出世, or Shusse, roughly means "Success in life" in Japanese, making the rough translation "Castle of Success"). In 1570, Tokugawa Ieyasu entered the castle to prepare for the invasion of Takeda Shingen, and renamed the castle Hamamatsu Castle. After the Battle of Mikatagahara and the Battle of Sekigahara, the castle became the residence of the feudal lords of the Tokugawa family of the Edo shogunate, and the castle was passed down to the twenty-two generations of the nine families. What to Do at Hamamatsu Castle! Photo:Tenshu-mon Gate, Hamamatsu Castle The area around the castle tower at Hamamatsu Castle is independent from the main castle tower and is called "Tenshu Guruwa." On the east side is the castle gate, which can be seen at 1:37 in the video. Hamamatsu Castle was originally an earthen castle without stone walls or tiled buildings. Another feature of Hamamatsu Castle is that the castle is built on a pile of natural, unprocessed stones. Be sure to climb the castle tower and enjoy the view of Hamamatsu city as well. Inside the castle tower, which you can see at 2:50 in the video, you can see treasures such as armor and firearms. You can also receive the castle seal and red seal, and see a realistic statue of Ieyasu. Sightseeing Around Hamamatsu Castle Photo:Hamamatsu Castle Park The area around Hamamatsu Castle is Hamamatsu Castle Park. It is a place of relaxation for citizens and tourists alike. In a corner of Hamamatsu Castle Park, there's a full-scale tea house called Shointei. You can also enjoy stamp rallies and other events at Hamamatsu Castle. It is also known as a famous spot for somei yoshino cherry blossoms, and many people come to view the cherry blossoms when they are in bloom. On weekends and holidays, you can see the popular character, "Ieyasu-kun," in the vicinity of the park, so be sure to keep an eye out for him! Summary of Hamamatsu Castle Photo:Hamamatsu Castle The video introduces the historic Hamamatsu Castle in detail, so be sure to watch it if you haven't yet. In Hamamatsu Castle Park, you'll find lunch spots and cafes such as Starbucks and there are also shops where you can buy souvenirs. At 4:27 in the video, you can see a statue of the brave Tokugawa Ieyasu in Hamamatsu Castle Park. Be sure to give it a visit! ◆Introduction to Hamamatsu Castle facilities◆ 【Address】100-2 Motoshiro-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】An 8 minute walk from Enshu Railway Enshubyouin-mae Station 【Entrance fee】200 yen for adults, free for junior high school students and younger 【Hours】8:30-16:30 【Parking】Available (free) 【Telephone No】053-453-3872 【Official Website】A castle for the sake of 300 years in Tokugawa. Hamamatsu Castle-Hamamatsu Tourism Navigation https://www.entetsuassist-dms.com/hamamatsu-jyo/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hamamatsu Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303148-d1313765-Reviews-Hamamatsu_Castle-Hamamatsu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html