Video article 3:01
Azaleas in Full Bloom at Shiofune Kannon-ji Temple in Ome, Tokyo. Approximately 20,000 Azaleas Cover the 1,300-Year-Old Temple Grounds With Vibrant Spring Colors!
Travel- 302 plays
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◆東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺の満開のツツジを紹介 こちらの動画は「AQUA Geo Graphic」が公開した「[ 4K UHD ] 塩船観音寺のツツジ - Azelea garden in Shiofune Kannon Temple - (shot on Samsung NX1)」です。 寺院や庭園など日本らしい趣きのある景色を楽しみたいと思っている方はいませんか? 今回はそのような方に、今回は塩船観音寺で見られるつつじを紹介します。 こちらの記事では、東京の人気観光名所である塩船観音寺のつつじの魅力や、見頃の情報などを紹介します。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺とは 美しい風景が特徴の塩船観音寺は、東京都の青梅市にあります。 とても古いお寺として有名で、大化年間(645年~650年)に開山したと言われています。 塩船観音寺は護摩堂を中心にすり鉢状の丘の斜面があり、その丘にたくさんのつつじが咲いています。 見頃の時期には「つつじ祭り」も開催され、多くの観光客が訪れます。 つつじ以外にも、あじさいや紅葉も鑑賞でき、四季折々の絶景を楽しめるおすすめのスポット。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺は日本らしい景勝を楽しめる! 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺は「花と歴史の寺」と言われており、四季折々の花と歴史ある文化財を鑑賞できます。 塩船観音寺では、つつじやあじさい、ヤマユリ、彼岸花、紅葉とさまざまな花が楽しめます。 その中でも特に綺麗なのがカラフルな色を鑑賞できるつつじです。 約2万本のつつじが塩船観音寺の境内の周りに咲きほこり、品種は約15種類もあります。 とても綺麗に手入れされているので、庭園としても楽しめます。 つつじの満開の季節は、塩船観音寺をとても美しく染め上げます。 赤、白、ピンク、紫などのカラフルなつつじを鑑賞できるインスタ映えスポットです。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のつつじの開花状況 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のつつじの見頃は、例年4月中旬から5月上旬頃です。 開花情報については、塩船観音寺のホームページでご覧になることができるので、是非チェックしてください。 アクセス方法は、JR青梅線の「河辺駅」を降り、西東京バスか都バスに乗車し、「塩船観音入口」で下車します。 駐車場は3カ所あるので、車で訪れることも可能です。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のツツジ紹介まとめ こちらの動画は東京都青梅市の塩船観音寺のつつじを綺麗な映像でご覧になることができます。 日本らしい風情のある景色を楽しめる塩船観音寺。 東京観光で自然を満喫したいときに、塩船観音寺はおすすめのスポットです。 -
Video article 2:10
Delicious Ramen From a Ramen Cart Full of Smiling Faces! The Secret Behind the Traditional Taste That Captivates So Many People...
Food & Drink- 42 plays
- YouTube
日本で人気のグルメ屋台のラーメン紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「IS JAPAN COOL? Ramen」です。 日本には美味しい食べ物が色々あります。 グルメを目的に日本全国を渡り歩くのも日本の楽しみ方の一つ。 日本で多くの方に親しまれている料理の一つが屋台のラーメン。 ラーメンは日本の食文化を支えており、全国各地に多くのお店が存在します。 屋台ラーメンの魅力をまとめた動画「IS JAPAN COOL? Ramen」 こちらの動画では「ちゃるめら」の音が鳴り響き、世界中の人達が屋台のラーメンを美味しそうに食べている様子を映し出されています。 屋台のラーメン屋について知りたい、日本でグルメを楽しみたい方は一度動画を視聴してはいかがでしょうか? 焼豚や玉子等をひとつひとつ丁寧に調理し、一杯のラーメンが出来上がっていく様子は食欲をそそります。 グルメを楽しむ際に知っておきたい!日本のどこで屋台ラーメンを食べられるか こちらの動画をご覧になった方は屋台のラーメンを日本のどこで食べられるのか気になっている方も多いのではないでしょうか? 有名なのが福岡県の博多。 博多ではラーメンをはじめ、もつ鍋や明太子等、おいしい料理を楽しめます。 日本でグルメを満喫するなら一度訪れることをおすすめします。 東京でもラーメンの屋台が存在するので、観光に訪れた際は一度チェックしてみてはいかがですか。 ラーメンの楽しみ方は屋台以外にもたくさんある 日本全国にラーメン店やインスタントラーメンが存在しており、屋台以外の楽しみ方が充実しているのが特徴的。 ランチ等でラーメンを食べる方も多く、国民食の1つと言えるでしょう。 日本におけるラーメンの歴史は長い 室町時代に中国から伝わった経帯麺等の料理が日本におけるラーメンの歴史の始まりとされています。 今日に至るまで様々なラーメンが日本で誕生しています。 屋台のラーメン紹介まとめ 日本のグルメを楽しむ際は全国各地のラーメンを食べ歩いてみると良いかもしれません。 今回紹介した動画で屋台のラーメンに興味を持つことができた、日本のグルメについてイメージできるのではないでしょうか。 -
Video article 21:39
Dojo Loach Hot Pot Has Been a Local Specialty in Old Town Asakusa for a Long Time! Watch as This Chef Turns These Energetic Little Fish Into Top-Notch Cuisine!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture- 345 plays
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Dojo Loach Hot Pot at Tatsumi-Ya (たつみ屋), a Famous Restaurant in Asakusa! Dojo loach hot pot, which is famous as a traditional Japanese old-town dish, comes into season from spring to summer. The area around Kaminari-mon Gate, in particular, is full of famous dojo-hot-pot restaurants and hot-pot pubs surrounding a sunken hearth with a downtown feel that is still very much alive today. This video introduces Tatsumi-Ya, a traditional restaurant in old town Asakusa that serves dojo loach hot pot, as well as the cooking process for this traditional Japanese cuisine. As a famous dojo-hot-pot restaurant, Tatsumi-Ya has been loved by intellectuals and sightseers for years. Just looking at the crunchy dojo loach karaage and dojo loach hot pot is enough to get your mouth watering. Watch this video to learn all you need to know about the delicious dojo loach hot pot! The Origin and History of Dojo Loach Hot Pot Source :This article Video When did people start eating dojo loach hot pot? Dojo loach, an exceptionally resilient river fish, was an important source of protein for local residents, referred to as "Edokko" (江戸っ子), in the town of Edo (Current day Tokyo) thanks to its well-developed waterways. There were many pilgrims around Sensoji Temple (浅草寺 Sensoji), the oldest temple in Tokyo, and the local people in Asakusa welcomed them with dojo loach dishes, using the dojo loach from the Sumida River (隅田川, Sumidagawa), formerly the Arakawa River (荒川, Arakawa). This is said to be the origin of dojo loach hot pot. In 1806, dojo loach hot pot started to be written "どぜう" (typically pronounced dozeu) instead of its original name "どじょう" (Both are pronounced "dojo"). The origin of this change is said to be Echigoya Sukeshichi (越後谷助七), the founder of Komagata Dojo (駒形どぜう), one of the most popular restaurants in Asakusa. When his restaurant burned down in the Great Fire of Edo, he thought a store name using four characters would bring ill fortune. Because of this, instead of four characters, he spelled his store name with three characters. The number "4" is pronounced "shi" in Japanese, and traditionally it is also connected with the word “death” (死) in Japanese, which is pronounced the same. The Menu and Recipe of Tatsumi-Ya Source :This article Video Dojo loach hot pot has three main cooking styles. Given the fact that it goes by 3 different names- dojo loach nabe, Edo-Nabe (江戸鍋), and Edomae-Nabe (江戸前鍋), we can tell that it was a very famous dish in the city of Edo. The first cooking style is called "Maru-Nabe" (丸鍋). This involves putting live dojo loach into a container of Japanese sake and covering it with a lid. When the dojo loach stop kicking, they are placed on a round iron plate with lots of green onions and eaten with seasonings, such as Japanese pepper and Shichimi-Togarashi (七味唐辛子), a chili pepper spice. In this video, you can watch the live dojo loach getting quieter and quieter in a container of Japanese sake around 1:53. Be sure to check it out! The second style of recipe is called "Nuki-Nabe"(ぬき鍋); a hot pot dish similar to sukiyaki. This method involves cutting the dojo loach open along the back, and cooking it with burdock roots. The third and most popular style of dojo loach hot-pot is called "Yanagawa-Nabe" (柳川鍋). This involves dropping eggs in Nuki-Nabe and stewing everything together. What these styles have in common is not just dojo loach; all of these methods involve stewing dojo loach with tofu and green onions. In the introductory video of Tatsumi-Ya’s dojo loach dishes, the chef shows how to cook dojo loach hot pot. You can see this at 14:52. You can also see people eating the cooked dojo loach hot pot with lots of chopped onions over fluffy eggs. It looks like it pairs nicely with white rice as well. In addition to the hot pot dishes, another famous dish is dojo loach karaage. This involves putting flour on live dojo loach and then deep-frying them. This can be seen at the beginning of the video. Tatsumi-Ya’s Dojo Loach Hot Pot: The Stamina-Boosting Dish to Beat the Heat! Dojo loach dishes in Asakusa are a common theme in the summer, but you're probably wondering why people would want to eat hot dojo loach dishes in the warmest season of the year. First, dojo loach is a stream fish, so it has a unique smell. To get rid of the smell, chefs often cook dojo loach with burdock roots. Since burdock roots are very hard, they must be stewed in a nabe pot to make them softer and easier to eat. Another reason for this comes from a traditional Japanese trick for staying cool in summer. After working up a sweat, the cool evening breeze allows us to cool our bodies. Around 18:09 in the video, you can see a piping hot dojo loach hot pot dish. Look at all the mouth watering goodness! Summary of Dojo Loach Hot Pot in Old Town Asakusa Source :This article Video Dojo loach dishes have been very popular among local people since the Edo period. This video shows how to cook dojo loach dishes by the chefs of Tatsumi-Ya in old-town Asakusa, Tokyo. Dishes like this are eaten less often these days, but if you're looking to boost your stamina to survive the hot summer in Japan, then you've got to try the dojo loach dishes at the famous Japanese restaurant "Tatsumi-Ya" in Asakusa! It’s also fun to watch the chef's amazing knife skills. Be sure to take a look at the video to see all the amazing dojo loach dishes! 【yelp】 TatsumiYa https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A4%E3%81%BF%E5%B1%8B-%E6%B5%85%E8%8D%89%E5%BA%97-%E5%8F%B0%E6%9D%B1%E5%8C%BA?osq=%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A4%E3%81%BF%E5%B1%8B -
Video article 2:25
Edomae Jokamachi – A New Sightseeing Hotspot in Toyosu Market, AKA "Japan’s Kitchen"! Enjoy Fresh Seafood at This Traditional Japanese Market!
Shopping News- 35 plays
- YouTube
Toyosu Market's "Edomae Jokamachi" Is Open for Business! This video is titled "[Edomae Jokamachi] Opened on the 24th in Toyosu Market." It introduces Edomae Jokamachi, a popular destination opened for a limited time in Tokyo's Toyosu Market in 2020. To mark the opening on January 24, 2020, a commemorative ceremony and preview were held the day before. The interior of the Edomae Jokamachi, seen from 0:12 in the video, is in a traditional Japanese style completely made of wood. There are 21 restaurants. including charcoal-grill restaurants and sushi restaurants that use fresh seafood delivered directly from Toyosu Market, as well as Oden restaurants. There are also 70 shops located here as well. Governor Yuriko Koike can be seen enjoying her visit to the preview of Edomae Jokamachi at 0:48 in the video. Limited Time Items at Edomae Jokamachi Source :YouTube screenshot The highlight of Edomae Jokamachi is the shops selling limited time items! At 1:08, you can see the sweets made by Nishikawawa, a fruit wholesaler at Toyosu Market, and other shops that offer fresh seasonal ingredients. The main purpose of opening Edomae Jokamachi was to create a lively market. Originally, the facility was scheduled to open with the relocation of Toyosu Market in 2018 creating a flood of customers, but due to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's difficult negotiations with the operator, the opening was pushed back to the spring of 2023. Edomae Jokamachi General Information Source :YouTube screenshot -
Video article 6:39
Savor the Delicate Cuisine at Sushi Saji, a Popular Sushi Restaurant in Meguro, Tokyo. Beautiful Dishes Put Together by Master Chefs!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
- YouTube
A Single Plate of Sushi at Sushi Saji This video shows a single plate of sushi being made at Sushi Saji. The sight of the chef making one piece of sushi after another with his brilliant knife skills is a sight to behold. Definitely check it out in the video! ◆Sushi Saji Store Information◆ 【Address】3-10-18 Jiyugaoka, Meguro, Tokyo 【Access】470 meters from Jiyugaoka Station 【Avg. Cost】¥1,300+ 【Hours】[Monday・Tuesday・Thursday・Friday] 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-23:00 [Saturdays・Sundays・Holidays] 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-22:30 【Closures】Wednesday, the third Tuesday of every month 【Phone】03-3724-2424 【Official Homepage】Sushi Saji (Japanese) https://www.sushi-saji.jp/ 【TripAdvisor】Sushi Saji https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g14134860-d1679233-Reviews-Sushidokorosaji-Jiyugaoka_Meguro_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:10
The New "I-Road" Gliding Through the Streets of Tokyo. The Futuristic, Ultra-Compact Car Developed by Toyota Is a High-Performance Machine That Will Blow You Away!
Vehicles- 31 plays
- YouTube
Introductory Video for Toyota's New "i-Road" In this article we introduce the video "TOYOTA i-ROAD driving around Tokyo!". The i-ROAD is a futuristic compact vehicle developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation that is attracting attention worldwide. The sight of the new age, electric-powered i-ROAD swiftly gliding through the streets of Tokyo is truly fascinating. Please take a look at this new and exciting model in our video! Throughout the video we will introduce you to the special features and sales strategies of the Toyota i-ROAD. More About the Toyota i-Road Source :YouTube screenshot Since being revealed to the public at the Geneva Motor Show in 2013, the electric-powered Toyota i-ROAD has gained huge popularity among car fanatics worldwide. Combining the maneuverability of a bike and comfort of a car, the interior of the compact, two-seater i-ROAD is surprisingly spacious. The Toyota i-ROAD features sides which can be manually opened and closed, making it comfortable to drive even in rainy conditions, however it is not equipped with air conditioning. The three-wheel vehicle (two wheels at the front and one at the rear) drives like a motorcycle but with more stability, automatically leaning to maintain balance when turning corners for a safe and secure ride. You can watch the i-ROAD's smooth and stable corner turns from 0:25 in the video. The Toyota i-ROAD was designed to meet the needs of generations young and old. From 0:59 in the video, you can watch an interview with an individual who took a test ride in the i-ROAD. Watch the i-Road Drive Around the Streets of Tokyo! Source :YouTube screenshot In this 2-minute long video, you can watch the i-ROAD glide through the streets of Harajuku , Akihabara, Shibuya, the area surrounding Tokyo station, the National Diet Building (国会議事堂, kokkaigijidou), Asakusa, and Odaiba . You can check out the exhilarating footage of the i-ROAD traveling around all of the famous spots in Tokyo from 0:10 and 1:34 in the video. After watching this video i'm sure you'll want to take the i-ROAD for a drive yourself! Unfortunately, the i-ROAD is still a concept car undergoing field trials, and therefore only a small number of models have been produced. A few have been sold to regular customers, however, the majority have been sold to companies and local governments. How to Drive the i-Road Since 2015, Toyota has been offering an i-ROAD sharing service and a test drive monitor service. For those who are hesitant about whether to purchase an i-ROAD or not, we recommend making the most of Toyota's car rental service (which comes at an affordable price), or testing out the comfort and feel of the i-ROAD at an exhibit during the Tokyo Motor Show. As long as you hold a regular driver's license you will qualify to drive the i-ROAD. Unfortunately, those who hold a driver's license for a moped or motorcycle license do not qualify. Toyota i-Road Introductory Video Summary Photo:Toyota This video explains in detail all about the new i-ROAD vehicle which has been developed by Toyota. Please enjoy watching the i-ROAD with its chic style and eye-catching colors effortlessly gliding through the streets of Tokyo. In 2017, Toyota released their new model i-TRIL which we highly recommend checking out as well! Look forward to news of original and exciting micro-car development from Japanese car manufacturers in the near future! 【Official Website】TOYOTA i-ROAD | Toyota Motor Company https://global.toyota/en/detail/1225223?_ga=2.148155319.1464172541.1586412657-302881253.1586412657 -
Video article 5:16
The Powerful Training of Sumo! What Training Do the Wrestlers of the “Takadagawa Stable” Usually Do? Check out the Tradition of the National Sport That Has Been Handed Down Through Japan Since Ancient Times!
Sports- 78 plays
- YouTube
Sumo Wrestling at the Takadagawa Stable! This video titled “SUMO- A DAY in the Life at Takadagawa Stable” is a Sumo stable coverage video, created by “nippon.com”. Sumo, a Japanese national sport, is a sport that attracts attention not only in Japan, but also overseas. However, it is usually not known what kind of training the Sumo wrestlers do. Check out the video for a detailed introduction on the rigorous Sumo wrestling exercises. What Is Sumo Wrestling? a Look Into Its History and How It Is Performed Photo:Sumo Wrestlers Battling Sumo is a "Bushido" (Martial art) that originates in the ancient Shinto rituals of Japan, and the wrestlers battle while the “Gyoji” judges their play. "Honbasho" (an official professional sumo tournament) is an important performance where the Sumo wrestlers are ranked. There are also regional tours that are held in various areas such as Fukuoka (福岡, Fukuoka) and Nagoya (名古屋, Nagoya). Many Sumo fans come to the venue to get a glimpse of the powerful Sumo wrestling, that wrestlers from each Sumo stable, such as Yokozuna and Ozeki wrestlers, participate in. The Training of Takadagawa Stable Source :YouTube screenshot The stable covered in this video is Takadagawa Stable in Kiyosumi Shirakawa (清澄白河, Kiyosumi Shirakawa), Tokyo (東京, Tokyo), and it is known as the stable that Ryūden Gōshi belongs to. As shown at 0:15 in the video, the Sumo wrestlers begin their morning exercise with a warm-up at 7:00 O'clock. The first step is to get their bodies warm using movements such as “Shiko” (Sumo-style leg stomps), “Suriashi”, and “Teppo”. The “Oyakata” (master of the room) seen at 0:44 in the video, enters the training room together with Katsumi Takadagawa at 8:30. The wrestlers’ head-to-head exercises, introduced from 1:13 in the video, is the training of wrestlers from the lower ranks. As you see from 1:45 in the video, Katsumi Takadagawa, the master, also wears Sumo wear and coaches enthusiastically. Finally, “Makuuchi Rikishi” Sumo wrestlers rise to the ring and perform their head-to-head defensive exercises. Taishi Kagayaki, introduced at 1:49 in the video, is also one of the wrestlers in the Makuuchi division. Source :YouTube screenshot After the exercise finishes at 11:00, Lunch starts at 11:30. The meal is “Chanko Nabe” (a type of hot pot) introduced from 2:54 in the video. It is a traditional custom that the master (Oyakata) and “Sekitori” start eating first. The wrestlers don’t eat before the exercise introduced above, so their first meal is lunch. At 12:30 after the meal, Tokoyama (a hairdresser for Sumo wrestler) ties the Sekitori wrestler’s hair in a private room. Wrestlers other than Sekitori, who have finished cleaning after meal then have their free time. In addition to Tokoyama, which is featured in the video, Okami is also an important person who supports the Sumo Room. Summary of Exercises at Takadagawa Stable Source :YouTube screenshot The impressive and powerful performances seen at the main Sumo wrestling venues and local tours are the result of constant daily training. Depending on the Sumo stable, they may open the training to the public so you can visit, so be sure to check their official websites if you want to attend. If you want to support Japanese Sumo wrestling, think about joining a Sumo stable! -
Video article 10:49
Himiko - A Stylish Waterbus for Touring Tokyo! Enjoy Traveling to Popular Places in Tokyo, Such as Asakusa and Odaiba, in This Futuristic Vessel Shaped Like a Space Ship!
Vehicles- 236 plays
- YouTube
The Popular Water Bus "Himiko" in Tokyo! This video, titled "HIMIKO -2016-|Water-Bus (Asakusa-Odaiba) [4K]" (ヒミコ 「HIMIKO」-2016- | 水上バス ( 浅草- お台場 ) 【4K】), publicized by "miyaga1," shows the popular, futuristic water-bus that travels between Asakusa and Odaiba, as well as surrounding tourist spots. "Himiko," introduced in the video, is a water bus run by Tokyo Cruise. The water bus Himiko, where you can enjoy a lovely voyage visiting famous places in Tokyo, is quickly gaining popularity among tourists. The Water Bus "Himiko" Source :YouTube screenshot The water bus Himiko, introduced in the video, has a distinctive teardrop shape. The futuristic form of the boat makes it look like a spaceship. You can see Himiko in its entirety at 2:33 in the video. This popular water bus "Himiko" was designed by famous manga artist Reiji Matsumoto, who is known as a master of the manga world. The Himiko began service in 2004 and has a capacity of 160 passengers. Onboard Himiko, you'll hear an onboard broadcast by Hoshino Tetsuro, Maetel, and the conductor from Reiji Matsumoto's masterpiece, "Galaxy Express 999. You can see the interior of Himiko and the on-board announcements at 4:23 in the video. All Aboard the Himiko! Source :YouTube screenshot The water bus "Himiko," introduced in the video, is great for those looking for a different way to experience the major sightseeing spots of Tokyo. Himiko starts from and returns to Azuma Bridge, passing Odaiba Kaihin Koen and Toyosu alongside the way. You can see Tokyo Sky Tree, shown at 0:41 in the video, and Rainbow Bridge, shown at 6:05 in the video, on the water bus route. Enjoy a refreshing cruise through scenic spots in Tokyo, including Ryogoku, Takeshiba, Hamarikyu, Hirai and Aomi. Shown at 8:35 in the video, we recommend getting off at Odaiba to enjoy the Statue of Liberty, a Life-size Gundam, a statue of Shenron from Dragonball, as well as the delicious food in the area. In addition to Himiko, Tokyo Cruise operates other types of watercrafts, such as the Hotaluna, Emeraldas, and Ryoma, so be sure to hop on board if you have the time! Summary of "Himiko" and Cruises Through Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot Boarding the beautiful Himiko will have you feeling like you're on a spaceship! Himiko can be rented out for personal use or chartered. Also, event cruises are held as well, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for these. For more information about timetables and prices, or to book a cruise, please visit the official website. ◆Water Bus Himiko Line Facility Information◆ 【Address】1-1-1 Hanakawado, Taito-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 1-minute walk from Tobu Skytree Line Asakusa Station and Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Asakusa Station 【Telephone】0120-977-311 【Official Website】Himiko |Tokyo Cruise https://www.suijobus.co.jp/en/ -
Video article 1:10
The Official Goods Shop of One of the World's Most Popular Characters, Doraemon, Is Now Open in Tokyo's Minato City! Try Out Secret Gadgets and Purchase Exclusive Products You Won't Find Anywhere Else, in Odaiba!
Action & Adventure- 31 plays
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The Doraemon Future Department Store! This video is titled "The World's First|Doraemon Official Store|A Secret Gadget Experience!" (世界初、「ドラえもん」の公式店 ひみつ道具体験も). It introduces the facilities of the world's first Doraemon official store, as well as the secret gadget experience. It was produced by The Nikkei Shimbun. In 2019, Doraemon, a popular manga/animation, celebrated the 50th anniversary since the beginning of its serialization, with an official goods store commemorating it opening in DiverCity Tokyo - Plaza in Odaiba. (Koto ward, Tokyo). There is a merchandise sales area where official goods that are sold nowhere else can be bought, and a corner where you can try out secret gadgets! First, let's check out what kind of limited merchandise is available in the store! The Doraemon Future Department Store Photo:DiverCity Tokyo Doraemon is a Japanese manga/anime with many fans, and is popular among both children and adults alike . Serialization began in 1969, from Shogakukan's yearly magazine, and TV animations and movies have also become popular. The Doraemon Future Department Store, a mecca for Doraemon fans, is a 5-minute walk from Yurikamome Daiba Station and a 3-minute walk from Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line. You can also use the parking lot at DiverCity Tokyo. There is no admission fee, but you will need to purchase a Future-Department Store coin (fee required) in order to enjoy the secret gadgets shown at 0:22 in the video. It can be quite crowded on weekends, but no numbered tickets are given out, so those visiting will need to wait in line. The shop is open from 10:00 to 21:00. The Doraemon Future Department Store is not a limited-time event store, but rather, a permanent store. That being said, if you miss visiting it on one trip, there's always next time. Official Goods at the Doraemon Future Department Store Source :YouTube screenshot In the shopping area of Doraemon Future Department Store, you can find character mugs, with characters including Nobita, Shizuka, Giant, and Suneo. In addition, at the "Customize Zone," you can have characters embroidered on handkerchiefs sold in the store (this has a fee). This can be seen at 0:14 in the video. You can also post a Doraemon stamp on a special postcard and post it to a post in the store. A point card that earns 1 point for every ¥100 spent at Doraemon Future Department Store has also been implemented. Doraemon Future Department Store Secret Gadget Experience Source :YouTube screenshot At Doraemon Future Department Store, there's a "Secret Equipment Lab" where you can play with secret gadgets from Doraemon's pocket. The "Anywhere door" allows you to voice your desired destination and open the door and experience being there, and there are games such as one where you wear a "bamboo copter" on your head to aim for the sky and another where you tap Dorayaki on a screen. You can see the gadget experience at 0:22. The Suntory Doraemon Time Square, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the series, has a Doraemon-themed clock and, as you can see from 0:54 in the video, a bench where you can take pictures with Doraemon, Nobita and Shizuka. It's a popular photo spot, and you can take great photos to commemorative your trip here. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! The clock is set up in different versions for day and night, and the theme song of Doraemon, sung by Hoshino Gen, is also played from it. It can be seen at 0:40 in the video. Summary of Doraemon Future Department Store Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think about Doraemon Future Shop? Like we said, it's a place popular among both children and adults alike, so if you feel like visiting, don't be shy! The official goods that can't be bought anywhere else, are the perfect souvenirs for any Doraemon fans you know. Visit popular sights and enjoy heaps of fun at Doraemon Future Department Store! ◆Doraemon Future Department Store Facilities◆ 【Address】〒135-0064 1-1-10 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo DiverCity Tokyo Plaza 2F 【Access】5 minutes walking from Yurikamome Daiba Station 【Hours】10:00~21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Parking available at DiverCity Tokyo 【Phone number】03-6380-7272 【Official Website】Doraemon Official Shop Future Department Store https://mirai.dora-world.com/en/ -
Video article 5:52
The Allure of Sushi That Attracts Food Connoisseurs From Around the World. The Master Chefs at the Famous Sushi Aoki in Ginza, Tokyo Create Masterpieces That Will Blow You Away!
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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名店の寿司職人を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「SUSHI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (寿司)」です。 銀座にある名店「鮨 青木」の店主、青木利勝(アオキトシカツ)氏のインタビュー動画です。 青木利勝氏が寿司を握っている様子が収録されており、寿司ができるまでの過程が分かり、日本のグルメ・和食、寿司について知るのにうってつけの1本です。 世界で人気のグルメ「和食」とは 世界で多くの方に好まれている日本料理。 2013年12月には和食がユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されています。 寿司は人気の和食の1つ挙げられます。 日本には魅力的な和食を提供しているお店が多く、いろいろなお店を巡ってグルメを満喫するのも日本観光の醍醐味です。 日本の人気グルメ寿司を紹介 寿司には一体どのような材料が使われているのか、調理する際に一体どういう点に注意しているのかをこちらの動画から知ることができます。 寿司は魚介類の新鮮さで味が左右されるので、グルメを楽しむ際は注意しないといけません。 多くの職人が旬のネタを求め、築地市場等を訪れています。 また、動画の3:23のところで日本人と海外の方との食べ方の違いについて触れている点もチェックしておきたい部分。 青木利勝氏が寿司を作る際にどのような工夫をしているかが分かります。 海外ではアボカド等を用いたカリフォルニアロールをはじめ、ヤムイモの天ぷらを使ったヤムロール等の寿司が食べられているのが特徴的。 人気の和食の一つでもある寿司には様々な種類がある 日本でグルメを楽しむ際、どのような寿司があるか知っておいて損はありません。 店によって色々な寿司が楽しめます。 ・握り寿司 ・巻き寿司 ・稲荷寿司(イナリズシ) ・ちらし寿司 といったものが挙げられます。 中とろ・サーモン・いくら・うに・ねぎとろ・大とろ等の寿司を食べ比べ、お気に入りのネタを見つけてはいかがでしょうか? また、カウンターで店主に直接注文するタイプの店もあれば、回転ずしのタイプも店もあります。 日本でグルメを満喫する際はそれぞれの違いを知っておきたいですね。 人気グルメ寿司紹介まとめ 寿司は知れば知る程、奥が深い和食です。 日本のグルメを楽しむ際は色々な寿司屋を巡ってはいかがでしょうか? こちらで紹介した動画は寿司とは一体どういうものかを丁寧に説明しており、和食を知る上で参考になります。 この記事をご覧になって、日本のグルメを満喫してみたい、本場の寿司や和食を味わってみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 4:51
Fusuma and Folding Screens Affixed With "Edo Karakami" to Become Works of Art! This Historic Craft, Which Was Used to Write Waka Poetry in the Heian Period, Is Filled With the Japanese Spirit of "Wa"
Traditional Crafts- 205 plays
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A Traditional Japanese Craft - Edo Karakami This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「江戸からかみ」Edo Karakami/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square," introduces how traditional Edo Karakami is made. The video was uploaded by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (伝統工芸青山スクエア). Edo Karakami is a traditional craft that involves decorating Japanese paper in various ways. Washi (Japanese paper) has been closely related to Japanese art culture since ancient times. Check out the video to learn more about the traditional techniques of washi paper that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The History of Edo Karakami and Japanese Washi Culture Source :YouTube screenshot The origin of washi dates back to the Heian period (794-1192) when it was used to write waka poems. During medieval times, washi came to be used for decorating fusuma and folding screens, mainly in Kyoto. In the Edo Period, due to the prosperity of the Tokugawa Shogunate, many Edo Karakami were made for Edo Castle and the residences of feudal lords. As a result, many washi artisans emerged and began to produce high-quality Edo Karakami by hand. After the Meiji Period, most of the printing blocks and paper stencils were lost due to earthquakes and air raids, but some of them have been reprinted by craftsmen and still exist today. Traditional Edo Karakami - How It's Made Source :YouTube screenshot Edo Karakami is made through various techniques, such as woodblock printing using woodblocks, textile printing using Ise katagami (pattern paper), brush-dyeing using brushes, and with hand sprinkled gold dust. The designs of Edo Karakami reflect the culture of the Edo Period and the tastes of samurai and merchants at that time. Even today, fusuma and the wallpaper of Japanese-style restaurants and hotels still use the elegant Edo Karakami techniques. In the video, you can see various techniques, including woodblock printing at 0:52, brush painting at 1:06, paint making at 1:47, and woodblock printing at 2:31. Where to Buy Edo Karakami Source :YouTube screenshot Tokyo Matsuya (東京松屋), a long-established maker of Edo Karakami, is a washi wholesaler dealing in fusuma paper and interior washi made by skilled artisans. On top of the large pieces of washi to decorate hotel entrances and guest rooms, Tokyo Matsuya also sells attractive accessories, such as uchiwa fans, ceremonial pouches, and New Year's decorations made of Edo Karakami, so be sure to check out their showroom and online shop. You can see completed Edo Karakami at 4:04 in the video. Summary of Edo Karakami, a Traditional Japanese Craft Source :YouTube screenshot Washi is an industry that has developed alongside Japanese culture since ancient times. In the video, you can see Yukio Koizumi, a traditional craftsman, making beautiful Edo Karakami. We encourage you to incorporate items made with beautiful Edo Karakami, a traditional Japanese craft, into your daily life! -
Video article 10:57
A Rare Look Behind the Scenes of a Ramen Resurant! A Lot of Passion Goes Into the Perfect Bowl of Noodles Made by Mengokoro Kunimoto...
Food & Drink- 39 plays
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This video, titled "Becoming a Ramen Shop in Japan" (日本でラーメン屋さんになるということ), was released by "Life Where I'm From." In this video, you'll learn what it's like to run a ramen shop in Japan. Depending on the shop, ramen restaurants have almost no free time, as it takes up a lot of time outside of business hours to stock up and prepare the food. The work that goes into making delicious bowls of ramen for customers is not just because it's their job, but because the ramen shop owner wants to make his customers happy. In other words, it's a passion. In this video, the owner of a ramen shop who left his job at a ramen shop to start his own business talks about his passion for ramen. -
Video article 6:42
The Chef at Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya Makes Some of the Best Bowls of Ramen Around! From a Chef Who's Been Making Ramen for More Than 30 Years!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video titled "Kazumoto Ochiai is One of Tokyo's Ramen Masters — First Person," was released by "Eater." In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai introduces himself as the owner of Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya. Kaotan Ramen Entotsuya is a long-established ramen shop that was established in 1983 and has been open for 37 years in Nishi-Azabu. Not only do they focus on the taste of the food, but they also focus on customer service, and they always try to match each customer's bowl of ramen to their own palette. In this video, Kazumoto Ochiai, the owner of a restaurant where you can enjoy both the taste and the interaction with staff, talks about his journey and what his ideas behind his ramen. Be sure to check it out. -
Video article 2:17
This Combination of Carefully Selected Soup and Noodles Is Irresistible! What Is the Deeper Meaning Behind the Unique Name of the Restaurant?
Food & Drink- 15 plays
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This video, titled "What Are We Eating Today? Introducing All of the Ramen at Sanpomen!" (今日はどれにする? 三豊麺 全ラーメン紹介!!!), was released by "勝たすトロ負ぃ [Katasutorofi]" (勝たすトロ負ぃ【かたすとろふぃ】). This video introduces the ramen shop "Sanpomen" that is developing mainly in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe. Sanpomen (三豊麺) is a profound name that is filled with the meaning of "richness of taste (味の豊かさ), richness of mind (心の豊かさ), and richness of body (体の豊かさ)." Their noodles and soup are made with the utmost care, and both ramen and dipping noodles are made into very tasty dishes. This video introduces all the menu items available at Sanpomen, so if you are interested in the menu, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 9:58
Tanpopo Ramen - A Famous Restaurant in Arakawa, Tokyo! A Look at The Hidden Gem of a Ramen Shop With No Media Coverage!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, released by "ramenwalker," is titled "Machiya [Tanpopo Ramen] Cooking Highlights! A Bowl of Delicious Chicken Flavor Made With an Original Method [Ramen Walker TV Episode #228]" (町屋『らーめん タンポポ』調理シーンから見どころ満載!オリジナル製法で作られる、鶏の旨味溢れる一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #228】). This video introduces "Tanpopo Ramen," a hidden gem of a ramen shop that has no media exposure. Their popular menu item is "Tori Mamire," which is a combination of chicken skin soup, whole chicken soup, and chicken paste, which gives it a refreshing, clean taste. The menma (bamboo shoots) are also very distinctive, and the ramen shop offers a new taste that you won't find at any other shop. In this video, the chef talks about the menu at Tanpopo Ramen, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 12:12
The Best Looking and Most Impressive of All Is the Amazing Niboshi Ramen Nagi! Making Ramen With Tons of Niboshi on It!
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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This video, titled "[With Cooking Scenes] Super Golden and a Massive Portion of Niboshi Ramen at Niboshi Ramen Nagi [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (【調理風景あり】すごい煮干しラーメン凪でスーパーゴールデン+煮干し激盛りにしたらとんでもない事になった・・・【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces the famous ramen shop "Niboshi Ramen Nagi," which is famous for its large amount of niboshi (dried sardines) on top of its noodles. The shop opened in 2004, and it's no exaggeration to say that they love niboshi more than any other ramen shop in Japan, stocking over 5 tons of niboshi every month. One of the features of this ramen shop is that they have a special type of ramen called "niboshi-mashi," which adds even more niboshi, just like other ramen shops have extra onions or chashu. In this video, you can see the ramen with niboshi-mashi Niboshi Ramen Nagi, a delicious niboshi ramen shop that appeals to those who like niboshi, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 13:13
Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Is the World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded a Michelin Star! Neither the Amount nor Price Are a Laughing Matter!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "The World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded One Michelin Star|Eating High-Class Ramen at Tsuta for Around 3,000 Yen [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (世界初のミシュラン一つ星を獲得したラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」で約3,000円の高級ラーメンを食してきた【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta, the world's first ramen restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star. Until now, numerous ramen restaurants have only been able to achieve "bib gourmand," but in 2014, Tsuta was the first ramen restaurant in the world to earn a star. The ramen, which is lavishly flavored with black truffles, is known as a high-class ramen that is stunning in both appearance and price, as it costs about 3,000 yen per bowl. Check out the video to get a feel for the atmosphere at Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta! -
Video article 9:29
The Ramen Produced by Chef Tenshu, Who Was Trained in Japanese and Italian Restaurants, Is Truly an Exquisite Dish! What Kind of Toppings Are Used to Make This Delicious Ramen?
Food & Drink- 13 plays
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This video, titled "Asakusabashi [Motenashi Kuroki] High quality ramen made by a master of Japanese and Italian cuisine! [Ramen Walker TV #211]" (浅草橋『饗 くろ㐂』和食やイタリアンで腕を振るってきた店主が手掛けるハイクオリティーなラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #211】), was released by "ramenwalker." Motenashi Kuroki in Asakusabashi is one of the most popular ramen shops in Tokyo. The owner of Motenashi Kuroki was trained in Japanese and Italian restaurants, and his special soy sauce soba noodles have a concentrated flavor of seafood, Japanese soup stock, and back fat. This ramen is served with toppings such as black pork chashu simmered in mellow red wine and Fuji Genton pork grilled in sauce. If you're looking for supreme ramen, which the culinary professional considers to be a culmination of his work, be sure to visit Motenashi Kuroki. -
Video article 5:00
Noh - A Popular Traditional Performing Art That Has Been Handed Down in Japan Since Ancient Times. Learn More About Noh With the Head of the Kanze School of Noh Theater!
Traditional Culture- 75 plays
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Learn About Noh Theatre With the Kanze School of Noh! This video, titled "Manners and Etiquette Handed Down Through Generations of the Kanze School of Noh|nippon.com" was created by "nippon.com." Noh is a traditional performing art of Japan. It has a long history in Japan, much like Kabuki, tea ceremony, and Buyo. There are many schools of Noh, including the Kanze school of Noh featured in the video. Style and performance can vary greatly depending on the school that an actor belongs to. In this video, we'll introduce the Kanze school of Noh. If you're interested in traditional Japanese performing arts, we highly recommend checking out this article and video! The Ever Popular World of Noh Theatre Photo:Noh stage In this video, the 26th head of the Kanze School of Noh, Kiyokazu Kanze (観世清和), talks about Noh and the importance of passing on the art to next generation. At 2:38 in the video we see Saburouta Kanze (観世三郎太) performing as a heron, one of the highlights of the video! From 1:00 in the video, Kiyokazu Kanze talks about teaching his son Saburouta. Then, at 2:20, he goes on to say that "to learn Noh, it is not enough to simply imitate a performance, one must make the performance their own and elevate it to another level." From 3:53, he explains how constantly improving one's performance until their full potential is reached is the most important aspect of Noh. You can hear Kiyokazu Kanze talk about his feelings towards his son throughout the entirety of this 5 minute long video. A Closer Look at the Traditional Performing Art, Noh Photo:Noh "Nougaku" (能楽) is the general name given to the performing arts Noh and Kyogen (狂言). It is one of Japan's oldest traditional performing arts and is registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. There are six important features of any Noh play: ・Shosa (所作): Performance ・Utai (謡): Chanting ・Hayashi (囃子): Musical accompaniment ・Men (面): Masks ・Shozoku (装束): Costumes ・Kodogu (小道具): Props Movements in Noh involve standing up straight with ones chin tucked in in a posture called "Kamae" (カマエ). Walking without lifting one's heels off the ground, called "Hakobi" (ハコビ), is another characteristic feature of Noh plays. Back when Noh was first being performed by Kan'ami (観阿弥) and Zeami (世阿弥) in the Muromachi period (1336 AD - 1573 AD), "Kamae" had yet to even be established. "Utai" refers to the lines or speech in a Noh play performed by the lead role called the "Shitekata" (シテ方). This is important in correctly portraying the feelings of the characters in the play. "Hayashi" refers to the musical accompaniment, which usually include a flute, small and large hand drums, and taiko drums (太鼓). In some cases, the taiko drum may not be used. The music is often played at a low volume as not to interfere with the performance. "Men" refers to the masks worn during a Noh play. There may be times when masks are not worn as well. "Shozoku" is the term used for Noh costumes. White is often worn by nobles, whereas young women are often dressed in red. Many props are used on stage during Noh performances. In contrast to the larger props which must be prepared well in advance of the performance, many small, simple props are often repurposed for each performance. More About the Kanze School of Noh Source :YouTube screenshot The Kanze school is but one of many different schools of Noh Theatre. Its name originates from the Yuzaki guild (結崎座) of Yamato Sarugaku (大和猿楽). "Kanze" was the childhood nickname of Kan'ami, the founder of Noh. The Sarugaku performances of Kan'ami Kiyotsugu were what led to the creation of the Kanze School. The Kanze School of Noh's traditions and performances continue even today. Summary of Japan's Noh Theatre Performers of the Kanze school of Noh are continually working hard to perfect their performances in the hope that the traditional art continues for generations to come. If you're interested in watching a Kanze school performance, we highly recommend watching the video to get a taste of Noh theatre! There more you learn about the family trees and schools of Noh, the more interesting it becomes! 【Official Website】Kanze School of Noh https://kanze.net/en/publics/index/ -
Video article 10:00
Aoi Renga Is a Specialty Store for Castella in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. A Look at the Castella Made by the Best Baby Castella Maker in Japan!
Food & Drink- 15 plays
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Japan's Delicious Baby Castella This video shows the artisans at Aoi Renga, which is said to be the best baby castella maker in Japan, making baby castella. Aoi Renga has a branch in Shimokitazawa, Setagaya City, and has been covered by various media outlets. The "Aoi Renga" baby castella, which are also delicious when eaten chilled, were certified by the Setagaya Ward as a "Setagaya Souvenir." In the video, you can see the Fresh Cream Fondue made with fresh cream from Hokkaido, the Fresh Chocolate Fondue made with bitter chocolate and fresh cream from Hokkaido, and baby castella being dipped in them. Be sure to check out the video to see the quick skills of the best castella chefs in Japan! ◆Baby Castella Specialty Store "Aoi Renga" Store Information◆ 【Address】2-25-4 Kitazawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 【Access】44 meters from Shimokitazawa Station 【Castella Pricing】¥500+ 【Hours】11:00-20:00 【Closures】Tuesdays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-5453-8711 【Official Website】Baby Castella Specialty Shop「Aoi Renga」 https://www.aoirenga.com/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Aoi Renga https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066455-d13294823-Reviews-Aoi_Renga-Setagaya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 25:42
The Artisans at Hyorokutei Akasaka Masterfully Process Eel With Their Brilliant Knife Skills! This Video Will Have You Craving Some Eel!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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The Artisans of Hyorokutei Akasaka Will Mesmerize You! From Processing Live Eel, All the Way to Unaju! This video, released by "Travel Thirsty," shows eel being taken straight from the tank and being turned into delicious unaju. The video shows the cooking and serving of unaju as well as tempura and even unseasoned eel. At Hyorokutei Akasaka, the rice is cooked in a cauldron and the eel and fish are grilled over a charcoal fire, with a variety of options on the menu, including unaju, hitsumabushi, set meals, donburis, and more. Additionally, they have natural and farmed eels, so you can compare flavors! Be sure to check out the video to see the chefs preparing and grilling eel over a charcoal fire. ◆Hyorokutei Akasaka Store Information◆ 【Address】3-16-8 Tokai Annex Bldg. 1F, Akasaka, Minato 107-0052 Tokyo Prefecture 【Access】219 meters from Akasaka Subway Station / Akasaka-mitsuke Station 【Avg. Cost】¥3,000+ 【Hours】11:30-15:00 (L.O. 14:00) / Weekdays 17:30-23:00 (L.O. 22:00) / Sat., Sun., Holidays 17:30-22:00(L.O. 21:00) 【Closures】Sundays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-5545-6314 【Official Homepage】Hyorokutei Akasaka https://kiwa-group.co.jp/hyourokutei_akasaka/ 【Tripadvisor】Hyorokutei Akasaka https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g14129743-d15180153-Reviews-Hyorokutei_Asakasa-Akasaka_Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 6:26
Nature Travel Action & Adventure- 1 plays
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Video article 3:54
Autumn in Tokyo – Enjoy a Collaboration of Nature and Art With a Virtual Walk Through the Ginkgo Trees at Hikarigaoka Park via Video
Nature Travel Local PR- 9 plays
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Ginkgo Trees and Autumn Foliage at Hikarigaoka Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Foliage in Tokyo, 2014" (東京の紅葉 Autumn Foliage in Tokyo 2014), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." It introduces the mystical scenery of autumn in Japan accompanied by the sun and the wind, with lovely piano music. The Best Time to See the Beautiful Ginkgo Trees at Hikarigaoka Park Photo:A row of ginkgo trees Hikarigaoka Park, located in Tokyo's Nerima Ward, is the fourth largest park in the 23 wards of Tokyo. Strolling through the autumn foliage in the grassy plaza with its large ginkgo trees is a delightful experience allowing visitors to enjoy autumn in Japan. You and your family or loved ones can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the 200-meter-long ginkgo-lined avenue, which is more than 100 years old. The "yellow tunnel" created by the ginkgo trees is a popular spot among photographers and Instagrammers for viewing the autumn leaves in Hikarigaoka Park, and is usually at its best around mid-November. The "yellow carpet" created by fallen ginkgo leaves can be enjoyed from late November to early December. Hikarigaoka Park's Zelkova Field - A Wonderful Spot for Viewing the Autumn Foliage! Photo:Hikarigaoka Park, Nerima, Tokyo After Passing through the ginkgo trees and crossing Futago Bridge, you'll be welcomed by the silver Arch of Light, an art installation at Keyaki Field. Here, you're sure to be captivated by the autumn colors of the zelkova trees. The reddish leaves of the zelkova trees are what makes autumn in Japan so delightful. The best time to view the leaves is usually from mid-November to mid-December. Experience autumn in Japan to the fullest with the yellow ginkgos and red zelkovas. [Video] 0:51 - The Autumn Colors of Japan's Zelkova Trees A Moving Scene of Falling Leaves at Hikarigaoka Park One way to enjoy the autumn leaves at Hikarigaoka Park is take some time to enjoy the leaves as they fall onto the surface of the pond. Although a somewhat melancholy sight, the red and yellow leaves floating on the surface of the pond in Hikarigaoka Park create a very emotional scene, captivating onlookers. While looking up at the colorful leaves in the trees, don't forget to look down for another perspective. You may even capture some breathtaking photos as well... [Video] 1:51 - Fallen Leaves on the Surface of the Water The Miraculous Art Found in Nature Photo:A duck swimming on a pond Visitors can also experience a convergence of red and yellow leaves at Hikarigaoka Park. There's an amazing carpet of autumn leaves that can only be seen at special times when the falling leaves and the wind are just right. The yellow and red streets, each covered with their own color, are exciting enough in themselves, but when you encounter the boundaries separating them, it's a truly magical experience. [Video] 2:25 - A Boundary of Red and Yellow Leaves A Myriad of Autumn Colors With Each Passing Day Photo:A tunnel of autumn foliage One might ask when the best time to view the autumn colors might be. However, the answer to this question is simply the moment that you visit. In the video, you can see the beautiful green, yellow, and red colors. Enjoy the exquisite atmosphere created by the changing colors. [Video] 2:58 - The Changing of the Leaves to Various Colors Hikari Pageant Festa - A Mesmerizing Light Up Event at Hikarigaoka Park Hikari Pageant Festa, held at Hikarigaoka Park, usually in mid-December around Keyaki Field, is a festival of light and art. The annual illumination, which can be enjoyed from early December to mid-January, features approximately 125,000 LEDs lighting up the ginkgo-lined avenue leading to the park. On the day of the event, there's plenty to see and do, including light displays, candle art, various music and dance events, and an exhibition stage. Please be sure to take warm clothing and enjoy a magical, heartwarming time. Summary of Ginkgo Trees and Autumn Foliage at Hikarigaoka Park Hikarigaoka Park, the largest park in Tokyo's Nerima ward, boasts an area of approximately 600,000 square meters. The grassy plaza built on a gently sloping hill is dotted with cherry blossoms and zelkova trees, providing delightful scenery in all four seasons. The park also has a wealth of playground equipment, a bird sanctuary for bird watching, and day camping and barbecue areas, making it a popular recreational spot for people of all ages. In this article, we introduced the Zelkova Field and ginkgo trees of Hikarigaoka Park as popular spots for enjoying the autumn foliage of Japan. The area is also easily accessible by train, and is just a 10-minute walk from Hikarigaoka Station. These are highly recommended places in Tokyo's Nerima Ward that you should definitely visit during autumn in Japan. ◆Hikarigaoka Park◆ Address: Hikarigaoka Park Service Center 4-1-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku 179-0072 For inquiries: Hikarigaoka Park Service Center (TEL: 03-3977-7638) Parking: Available (Paid) Access: An 8-minute walk from Hikarigaoka Station (E38) on the Toei Subway Oedo Line, a 15-minute walk from Narimasu Station on the Tobu Tojo Line, Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line Subway Narimasu (F02), and Narimasu Station (Y02) on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line 【Official Website】Hikarigaoka Park - Let's go to the park! https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/index023.html 【TripAdvisor】Hikarigaoka Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066453-d4889941-Reviews-Hikarigaoka_Park-Nerima_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 10:40
Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street: "Grandma’s Harajuku"! Famous Tourist Spots Await You!
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PR Video for the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street, a Famous Tourist Spot in Toshima-Ku (豊島区: Toshima Ward) This video called “What kinda place is Sugamo? Strolling through the Jizo Dori Shopping Street - 4K 50fps(巣鴨ってどんな街?地蔵通り商店街をぷらっと散歩 -4K 50fps)” is produced by “ PlaT JAPAN Ch. ( ぷらっとNIPPON : PlaT JAPAN Ch.) ” to promote the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street which has many places to eat as well as female clothing shops. It can be accessed from JR Sugamo Station (巣鴨駅: Sugamo Eki) to the old Nakasen-do Road (旧中仙道: Kyu Nakasen-do). The nostalgic feel and distinct atmosphere of this shopping street is popular with not only Japanese people, but also among foreign tourists. You can see famous tourist spots or food spotting information in this video. This 10 minute video shows the street from Kogan temple (高岩寺:Kogan-ji) to Koshinzuka - station (庚申塚 : Koshinzuka), the last stop of the Toden Arakawa-line Streetcar. You can feel the lively atmosphere in this street. What Is the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street? Source :YouTube screenshot The Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street in Toshima-ku, Tokyo has flourished since the mid Edo period. The first inn town of the Nakasen-do Road starting from Nihonbashi was located around Sugamo Station. Sugamo is famous as “Grandma’s Harajuku” because many old people visit this town. An on-the-street interview with elderly people is frequently conducted in this area. The access is 5 minutes on foot from Sugamo Station on the JR Yamanote Line, and on the opposite side of the shopping street is Koshinzuka Station off the Toden Arakawa Line. There are many parking lots and accommodations around this shopping street. You can visit there by car as well. Photo:Togenuki Jizo, Kogan-ji There are famous souvenir shops and tourist spots such as Kogan-ji, well-known as “ Togenuki Jizo” and relocated from Ueno in 1891 to Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. Visitors can’t see the Gohonzon (the main object of devotion) of Togenuki Jizo because it is treated as a hidden Buddhist secret, but it is said that if you pray to its divine spirit, that its image will be transferred to a paper and you will receive good luck. Also there is the “Arai Kannon” in the Kogen-ji. It is said that if a person praying washes an affected part of the body of this Kannon, the affected part of that persons body will be cured. In addition, Shinsho-temple (眞性寺 : Shinsho-ji) is another famous temple in this street. The “Zizo son fair” is held in this shopping street on days ending in 4 (4th, 14th, 24th) . There are many shops and flea markets on this street as well. More people visit this street than usual on a fair day, so be sure to check what days you're going on. Recommended Shops on Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Photo:Sugamo's Shichimi stand There are many delicatessens or sweet parlors in the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. You can enjoy the “Fried horse mackerel” of “Tokiwa Shokudo” where there is always a long line outside during lunch time, “Shio Daifuku" (rice cake stuffed with salt seasoned bean jam) made by Mizuno, the “Bean jam buns” of Kifukudo, “Rice cakes” made by Raisindo, and plenty more for you to try. Also there are many female clothing retail shops in the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street. “Maruji” is particularly famous for red underwear that are sold as a good luck charm. The Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is also a well known power spots. Tamaya Sugamo that sells power stones and natural stones, is familiar to many people. “Sugamon no oshiri” placed at the entrance of the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is the mascot character of this street. It is said that if a person touches the backside of this mascot character, they will have success in love. Summary of Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot You can feel what the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street is like in the video “What kinda place is Sugamo? Strolling through the Jizo Dori Shopping Street - 4K 50fps” . Also you can see the old familiar band of musical sandwich men in this video (2:21). The map of this shopping street into which all shops are included is available on the web site of the Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street Promotion Association. Please visit Sugamo Jizo Dori Shopping Street with that map in a hand. 【Official Website】Shopping Street Promotion Association https://sugamo.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sugamo Jizo-dori Shopping Street https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14134309-d1373813-r377821031-Sugamo_Jizo_dori_Shopping_Street-Sugamo_Toshima_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html