Video article 2:43
The Precious Okinawa Rail – A Look at the Awkwardly Adorable Flightless Bird of Kunigami, Okinawa, Registered as a Protected Species!
Living Things- 332 plays
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Introducing the Okinawa Rail - A Protected Species in Japan This video, titled “Wild Okinawa rail (Kunigami, Okinawa prefecture) May 11th-12th, 2019(野生の ヤンバルクイナ (沖縄県国頭村) 2019年5月11-12日) introduces the Okinawa rail, a protected species on the Red List of the Ministry of the Environment. The Okinawa rail is also a critically endangered species and a Specified National Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. They are flightless birds and live only in Okinawa. This video was taken in 2019 on the street in Kunigami, Okinawa prefecture. As indicated by the name “Yabaru” which is a dialect of Okinawa prefecture, this bird is an endemic species found only in northern Okinawa prefecture, Kunigami, Ogimison, and Higashison. It's a very rare bird, not only in Japan but also around the world. The forest area located in the northern part of Okinawa is called the Yanbaru Forest. Kunigami Village, where wild Okinawa rail (Yanbaru Kuina) appear frequently, is called the Forest of Kuina. There is an Okinawa Rail Ecology Center, and the Yanbaru Kuina observatory is located there. The Ecology of the Okinawa Rail Photo:Okinawa rail The wild Okinawa rail is characterized by the following morphology and characteristics: ・Birds, Order Gruiformes, Family Rallidae, scientific name: Gallirallus okinawae ・Size: approx. 35 cm in length with a weight of 230 gramst ・Wild distribution:The woodlands near Mt. Yonahatake ・Eating habits:Omnivorous ・Nesting:They build nests on the grounds of the forest, and lay about 4 eggs in breeding season. ・They have vestigial wings and are unable to fly, but parent birds have bright red bills and beautifully striped feathers. Chicks have a protective coloring of deep black feathers. ・Their calls are distinctive, and very loud. The Origins of the Name "Yanbaru Kuina," and the History the Okinawa Rail Photo:Okinawa rail The first discovery of the wild Okinawa rail by experts was in 1981, which is actually quite recent. There are various kinds of Rallidae (rails) around the world, but it gained a lot of attention as the first rail species to be discovered in the wild. In Okinawa Prefecture, they were called by different names such as Agachi, Agacha, and Yamadui, depending on the region, and it turned out that they are a species indigenous to the region with a long history. Therefore, they were named Yanbaru Kuina from Yamadui, which means bird of the mountains, using the Kanji "山原"as a phonetic equivalent (pronounced Yanbaru in Okinawa dialect). Other than Yanbaru Kuina, Yanbaru Fumiru and Okinawa Kuina were other possible names. Summary of Very Rare Okinawa Rail Photo:An Okinawa rail crossing sign The Okinawa rail is an endangered species of wild bird that can only be seen in Yanbaru Forest on the main island of Okinawa. Even in Okinawa Prefecture, you cannot see them on remote islands such as Miyako Island. They are a very rare endemic species. The reasons for the decline in the Okinawa rail's population are due to deaths from car accidents and attacks by alien predators such as mongooses, Yellow fever mosquitoes, and stray cats. At 0:10 in the video, an Okinawa rail is seen crossing the road at a brisk pace, raising concerns about traffic accidents. Japan is still an island country with 70% of its land surrounded by forests, and there are many rare wild indigenous species that are only found in Japan, so it is said to be very important for the protection of indigenous species that we do not pollute the natural environment through overexploitation, nor bring dangerous alien species into the country without care. Currently, the Ministry of the Environment is taking the lead in protecting the Okinawa rail, breeding mates, increasing their numbers, and returning them to the wild. However, it is important not only to protect them strictly, but also to make people widely aware of Okinawa rails. In this way there are goods such as stuffed animals sold at roadside stations and airport shops in Okinawa. These awareness raising activities are also part of the important protection policies. -
Video article 4:48
Mountaineer Ken Noguchi Talks About Environmental Issues. The Climber Who Conquered the Mountains of the World, Now Spends His Time Cleaning up the World Heritage Site Mt. Fuji, With Children.
Japanese Celebrities Nature- 104 plays
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The Cool Choice Project The Cool Choice Project is an educational activity that was launched in 2015 to introduce the efforts of the Ministry of the Environment to tackle global warming and call on all people to help fight global warming caused by carbon dioxide. Ken Noguchi, a world-famous, professional mountaineer, and the youngest person to climb the Seven Summits, talks about COOL CHOICE in a video interview titled "Our COOL CHOICE: Mountaineer Ken Noguchi|COOL CHOICE" (私たちができるCOOL CHOICE 登山家 野口健|COOL CHOICE). Who Is Ken Noguchi? Source :YouTube screenshot Maybe the profile of the alpinist (professional mountaineer) Ken Noguchi is more appropriate than the mountaineer Ken Noguchi. Mountaineer Ken Noguchi- No, scratch that, PROFESSIONAL mountaineer Ken Noguchi, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to a Japanese diplomat father and an Egyptian mother. He first came to Japan when he was four years old, and at first, wasn't able to speak any Japanese. His parents also divorced when he was in elementary school. When he was suspended from high school, he received a copy of "Risking My Youth on the Mountains" by mountaineer Naomi Uemura and had his first mountain climbing experience. Even when he was unsure of what to do after graduating from high school, this book inspired him to enroll in Asia University with the goal of conquering the Seven Summits. Ken Noguchi is currently married, with a wife and daughter. It became a hot topic on a TV variety show when it was revealed that he and his wife had lived apart for 15 of their 16 years of marriage and that he had set up a separate house in Otsuki, Yamanashi Prefecture, far from his home, and that even when he was in Japan, he stayed there. His daughter, Eko Noguchi, is a TV personality and mountaineer that does mountain climbing activities with her father. You can find more information about Ken Noguchi and his daughter on Twitter and blog, so if you're interested, be sure to follow him. Source :YouTube screenshot Ken Noguchi Profile ・ Height 169 cm (5'6") ・ Blood type A ・ Alpinist (professional mountaineer) and t.v. personality ・ Visiting Scholar, Asia University -Biography- ・ Climbed Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the European continent, at the age of 16. ・ At the age of 17, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest peak on the African continent. ・Set the record for the youngest person to climb Mt. Everest at the age of 25. ・ Established the Sherpa Fund for Sherpa orphans who died in 2000 ・ Established the Manaslu Fund in 2006 to support children's education in Sama Village ・ Currently engaged in cleaning and climbing the Himalayas and Mt. Fuji as a representative of NPO PEAK + AID Environmental Protection Message From Mountaineer Ken Noguchi Source :YouTube screenshot At 1:00 in the video, Noguchi talks about his reasons for wanting to clean up the environment. A truly admirable task. When climbing Everest for the first time, he noticed there was a lot of garbage, some of which had Japanese writing on it. According to the Sherpas, Mt. Fuji is famous for being one of the most trash-filled mountains in the world, and the Japanese climbers are considered a nuisance because they just kept littering. Hearing this, Noguchi's ego as an alpinist began to change. From 2:38 in the video, Noguchi says, "Above all, it's important to understand our impact on nature." Without mountains, there'd be no mountaineering. Understanding this, Noguchi desired to keep clean the mountains that he treasured so. If you love the sea, you clean the sea. The first thing to do is to discover a connection with nature, even if it's subjective, just wanting to clean the place that you love, that's a start. Summary of Professional Climber Ken Noguchi Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to his work as a mountaineer, Ken Noguchi also focuses on environmental education and organizes classes to clean up mountains around Japan, including Mount Fuji. You can see some of his activities at 2:44 in the video. We hope you take a look at Mr. Noguchi's interview and think about your own impact on the environment. 【Official Website】Ken Noguchi Official Website http://www.noguchi-ken.com/ -
Video article 5:35
Feel the Grandeur of Nature in Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture! Beautiful Natural Scenery Through Realistic Drone Footage of Insta-Worthy Spots!
Local PR Travel- 138 plays
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日本の観光スポット「千葉県富津市」の動画について 千葉県富津市は太平洋に面した場所で、雄大な海を観賞できるスポットです。 いくつものおすすめの鑑賞エリアがあり、それぞれで特徴的な景色を楽しめます。 富津岬は東京湾内を一望できる人気の鑑賞スポット。 絶好のロケーションでみなとみらいや三浦半島まで見渡せます。 富津岬のおすすめのスポットが明治百年記念展望塔。 遠くまで見渡せる東京湾の絶景に心奪われるでしょう。 動画では0:35から紹介されています。 海水浴場として人気の場所が新舞子海岸。 動画の1:44から紹介されています。 どこまでも続く広い砂浜と開放的な雰囲気が特徴の海岸です。 また、新舞子海岸は釣り場としても人気で、堤防の上からのんびり釣りをするのもおすすめ。 富津市の雄大な海を見られるスポットは他にも、磯根崎や上総湊海水浴場、富津海岸、東京湾フェリー、東京湾観音などがあります。 千葉県の人気観光スポット「千葉県富津市」で自然を感じる 千葉県富津市には海以外にも自然の景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 動画の1:07から紹介されているマザー牧場は豊かな自然と触れ合うことができる大人から子どもまで楽しめる施設です。 美しい花々や広大な牧場の中で育つ動物など見どころがいっぱい。 綺麗な空気の中で動物たちと触れ合い、心が癒やされる貴重な体験になるでしょう。 燈籠坂大師の切通しトンネルは、古代遺跡のような雰囲気を楽しめるスポット。 光と影の幻想的な景勝が見られます。 動画では3:37より紹介されています。 他にも湊川上流や鋸山ロープウェー、岩谷堂やぐら群、富津公園、高宕山自然動物園などもおすすめのスポット。 千葉県の人気観光スポット「千葉県富津市」で人気のアクティビティ 千葉県富津市は自然豊かで、海水浴、ゴルフ、釣り、ハイキング、潮干狩りなどのアクティビティが人気です。 また、富津市民の森キャンプ場で綺麗な星空を見ながらのキャンプや天然温泉海辺の湯でゆったり温泉につかるのもおすすめ。 さらに富津市民花火大会で花火を楽しんだり、金谷美術館で日本の芸術品に触れれば、とても充実した旅行となるはずです。 千葉県の人気観光スポット「千葉県富津市」紹介記事のまとめ 日本の観光名所である千葉県富津市。 雄大な日本の海を楽しむのもよし、牧場で動物に触れ合うのもよし、釣りやキャンプなどのアクティビティを体験するのもよしとさまざまな楽しみ方があります。 富津市の自然に癒やされパワーをもらいましょう。 -
Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 52 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 4:52
Introducing the Popular Family-Friendly Takenohama Beach! Enjoy the Crystal Clear Waters of Toyooka, and Spectaculars Views of the Ocean and Mountains!
Nature- 46 plays
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This video, titled "Japan - Aerial Shot - Takeno Beach ・ 日本 - 竹野浜ビーチ," was released by "Taru Farias - Japan Travel." In the video, you can see Takenohama Beach at the sea in Toyooka in Hyogo Prefecture. The sea at Toyooka is clear and blue even from the sky, and it is crowded with many swimmers. The view from the nearby mountains is also superb. Be sure to check it out in the video! -
Video article 8:13
Travel Nature Art & Architecture- 1 plays
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Video article 9:06
Experience a Thrilling Walk Across the Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Hanging Between Two Cliffs! The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Shizuoka's Izu Area Is Enchanting!
Travel Nature- 65 plays
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The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge in Shizuoka Prefecture! This video, titled "Kadowaki Suspension Bridge – Shizuoka – Full HD" (Kadowaki Suspension Bridge - Shizuoka - 門脇吊橋 - Full HD), was created by "TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful." It introduces the Kadowaki suspension bridge, located in Ito, Shizuoka in the Tokai region of Japan. Popular tourist destinations, such as Atami hot springs and Izu Plateau, can also be found in eastern Shizuoka prefecture. Many tourists visit the Izu area and spend time at one of the many resort hotels to enjoy the various tourist attractions, cafes and hot springs. In this article we'll introduce the Kadowaki suspension bridge, a popular tourist destination in the Izu area. The Kadowaki Suspension Bridge! Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge As you can see from 6:20 in the video, the Kadowaki suspension bridge hangs from two cliff faces making it a thrilling experience to cross! You can also enjoy a stunning view of Kaiyo Park from the bridge and the surrounding area. The Jogasaki Coast (城ヶ崎海岸, jougasakikaigan) was formed from the lava of an eruption which took place over 4,000 years ago at Mt. Omuro (大室山, oomuroyama), one of the volcanos in the Izu-Tobu volcano range (伊豆東部火山郡, izutoubukazangun). The corrosion caused by the lava created a sea cave known as "Hanshiro otoshi" (半四郎落し). The Kadowaki suspension bridge, which hangs between this sea cave and Kadowaki cape, is 48 meters in length and 23 meters high. The Kadowaki suspension bridge is also referred to as the Jogasaki suspension bridge, as it hangs above the Jogasaki Coast in Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park (富士箱根伊豆国立公園, fujihakoneizukokuritsukouen). Other Tourist Spots Around Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Photo:Izu-Jogasaki・Kadowaki Lighthouse You can enjoy a view of Kadowaki lighthouse (門脇灯台, kadowakitoudai), built in 1995, Mt. Amagi (天城連山, amagirenzan), and the islands of the Izu Peninsula (伊豆七島, izushichitou) from the Kadowaki suspension bridge. There is a walking course nearby called "Jogasaki Pikkunikaru Course." It's popular with dog-walkers and hikers. A variety of fish can be caught at the nearby Futo Harbour (富戸漁港, futogyokou) and Uomigoya (魚見小屋, uomigoya). We highly recommend trying some fresh seafood dishes at the nearby restaurant Boranaya (ぼら納屋) as well! There is another bridge with a great view in the Jogasaki Coastal area, called the Hashidate Suspension Bridge (橋立吊橋, hashidatetsuribashi). If you're visiting the area, we recommend crossing both bridges. If you have time to spare, we also highly recommend visiting other popular tourist spots, such as Renchakuji temple (蓮着寺) and Manaita Iwa (俎岩). Summary of the Kadowaki Suspension Bridge Photo:Jogasaki Coast・Kadowaki Suspension Bridge In this video, we introduced the thrilling Kadowaki suspension bridge, hanging between two cliffs! As you can see from 5:23 in the video, the scenery of the flora by the seaside of the Kadowaki suspension bridge area can be enjoyed all year round. If you're taking a trip to Izu in Shizuoka prefecture, be sure to stop by the Kadowaki suspension bridge! ◆Kadowaki Suspension Bridge General Information◆ 【Address】Futo 842-65, Ito city, Shizuoka prefecture 【Access】A 50 minute bus ride from Ito station (伊東駅, itoueki) 【Parking】Available. The first 15 minutes are free, after that it's 500 yen/day 【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes 【Tripadvisor】Kadowaki suspension bridge https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298123-d1238313-r490101510-Kadowaki_Bridge-Ito_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 5:08
The Sky and the Sea Mingle to Create a Stunning View! Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture Is One of the Best Resorts in Japan!
Travel Nature Action & Adventure- 80 plays
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A Beautiful View of Miyakojima The video "Okinawa 4K Aerial Footage" ([4K]Okinawa,Miyako Island, Aerial Shoot(宮古島ドローン空撮)), shows a stunning view of Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture. Okinawa is one of the best and most popular resorts in Japan where you can find a lot of amazing sightseeing spots. In this article, we'll introduce some sightseeing spots, tourist information, and travel tips for the Miyakojima area. In the video, you see an aerial view of the cobalt blue sea and deep blue sky of Miyakojima. You're probably thinking “Do places this beautiful really exist in Japan?” Well, let's find out! Miyakojima Photo:Miyakojima coast Miyakojima City is located 300 km southeast of Okinawa's main island, and consists of 6 islands of various sizes: Miyakojima, Irabujima, Ikemajima, Kurumajima, Shimojishima, and Ogamijima. The population is 52,780 as of June, 2019. The circumference of Miyakojima is about 100 km, which is longer than it seems, and the total area is 158,93 km with a peak altitude of 119 meters. You can fly to Miyakojima from Naha or Tokyo Haneda Airport. If you wish to move around in Miyakojima, local tours or rental cars are a good option What About That Bridge Shown in the Video? - A Sightseeing Route to Enjoy the View of the Okinawan Sea. The 3,540-meter long Irabu Bridge, known as the longest bridge in Japan, spans the distance between Miyako Island and Irabu Island. An exhilarating drive, touring across the bright blue landscape, where the sky and sea intertwine, is an experience you'll remember for a lifetime. Miyakojima is also connected to Ikemajima by the Ikema-Oohashi bridge and to Kurumajika by the Kuruma-Oohashi bridge. These are also great spots to enjoy the resort's views. A bridge to a paradise in a cobalt blue sea awaits you! Enjoying the Sights and Flavors of Miyakojima! Photo:Miyakojima Nishihenna Cape・Wind turbines If you're looking to take some Instagram pics, be sure to check out Nishihenna Cape or Higashihenna Cape. If there's any history buffs out there, we recommend stopping by the Miyakojima City Museum. Some local dishes you'll want to try while you're there are Okinawa Soba and Miyako Soba (Soba: Japanese buckwheat noodles); Original dishes of Miyakojima. Other local specialties include tropical drinks or Shima Oden (lit. "Island Oden"). Oden is a Japanese hot-pot dish with several ingredients stewed in soy-flavored soup. There are plenty of places to visit in the city center too, where you can enjoy those delicious tropical drinks and buy souvenirs. Enjoy the Beautiful Okinawan Sea Photo:Sea turtles Okinawa is known to have a warm and mild climate year round. Various marine activities are available in Miyakojima for you to try as well! Yabiji is a popular snorkeling spot in Miyakojima. You can enjoy watching sea turtles swimming in the sea along the beautiful coral reef. If you wish to go swimming in the sea, Sunayama beach or Yonahamaehama beach is a perfect place to go. The popular resort activity sea kayaking is also worth trying in Miyakojima. Summary “Okinawa 4K Aerial Footage” shows a stunning view of Miyakojima. The scenery shown in the footage can hardly be conveyed in words alone. Be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! This article introduced access, sightseeing spots and popular activities of Miyakojima. If this article has you interested in Miyakojima be sure to consider it for your next holiday! -
Video article 2:01
Enjoy the Breathtaking Views and Natural Beauty of Shikoku Karst! Spanning Ehime and Kochi Prefectures, Shikoku Karst Is a Refreshing Corridor in the Sky That Is a Must-See When Traveling To Shikoku!
Travel Nature- 22 plays
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Introducing Shikoku Karst! This video, titled "[4K]天空のカルスト「四国カルスト」 Shikoku Karst Mountain in the Sky," was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Shikoku Karst, which stretches along the border of Ehime and Kochi prefectures, is known as the "Road to the Skies" (天空の道, tenkuu no michi or the "Corridor in the Sky" (天空の回廊, tenkuu no kairo), and has been selected as one of the three major karst formations of Japan (Akiyoshidai (秋吉台) in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Hiraodai (平尾台) in Fukuoka Prefecture, and Shikoku Karst (四国カルスト)). Shikoku Karst is a scenic location ideal for going on sightseeing drives. A Closer Look at Shikoku Karst, a Scenic Sightseeing Destination Photo:Shikoku Karst, Ehime & Kochi Prefectures Shikoku Karst is located at an elevation of about 1,400 meters above sea level and is approximately 25 kilometers wide from east to west, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains, including Mt. Ishizuchi. Shikoku Karst, a karst plateau, is dotted with limestone rocks exposed on the surface of the earth due to erosion, and is popular for its beautiful scenery that makes it a popular destination for instagrammers. Part of Shikoku Karst is a grazing area. You can see cows grazing in the vast landscape at 0:42 in the video. National Route 383 (四国カルスト公園縦断線, Shikoku Karst Park Traverse) offers extraordinary scenery, including dairy cows and giant windmills. Enjoying Your Trip to Shikoku Karst Photo:The Mezurudaira Camping Ground at Shikoku Karst, Ehime & Kochi Prefectures Shikoku Karst, known as the "Karst of the Skies" and the "Switzerland of Japan," is beautiful in all four seasons. Particularly elegant is the silver grass in autumn, shown at 1:30 in the video. In the summer, we recommend pitching a tent and staying overnight at the Mezurudaira Camping Ground and stargazing under the beautiful night sky. If you aren't able to bring your own camping gear then we recommend staying at "Tenguso" (高原ふれあいの家 天狗荘) on "Forest Therapy Road" (森林セラピーロード). Tenguso also serves an excellent lunch, so be sure to make a reservation. The Godan Highlands (五段高原), Mezurudaira (姫鶴平), Onogahara (大野ヶ原), and the Tengu Forest (天狗の森) of Tengu Highland Forest (天狗高原自然林) in Shikoku Karst are all ideal for hiking. On the roadside, you can see pretty flowers, such as Japanese ligularia, bamboo lily, morning star lily, and more, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. Summary of Shikoku Karst Photo:Shikoku Karst, Ehime & Kochi Prefectures This introductory video for Shikoku Karst shows a spectacular view of the natural scenery and landscapes of Japan. In addition, while many people visit Shikoku Karst by car, it's also possible to visit by bike. Keep in mind, however, that depending on the season, roads may be closed, so we recommend checking live cameras before visiting. Also, make sure to research transportation access, weather, and temperatures before your trip so you'll be fully prepared! 【Official Website】Shikoku Karst – A Place of Scenic Beauty https://www.visitehimejapan.com/en/see-and-do/6614 【Tripadvisor】Shikoku Karst https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121435-d1383884-Reviews-Shikoku_Karst-Kumakogen_cho_Kamiukena_gun_Ehime_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
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Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan
Nature Travel- 446 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. This time, we have selected photos that capture a glimpse of autumn from among those submitted to our past photo contests. Autumn in Japan means autumn leaves, seasonal foods, outdoor activities, sports, art, travel, and so much more. Some of the photographs introduced in this article can only be taken under very specific conditions and with the right timing. We hope you take the time to enjoy them. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Autumn in Past Photo Contests The Maple Corridor of Lake Kawaguchi Ryuzu Falls, Nikko Murodo - The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Daisho-in Temple Bales of Straw After a Rice Harvest Akatombo (Red Dragonflies) Hitachi Seaside Park Takeda Castle Ruins, the Castle in the Sky Salmon Spawning in Hokkaido Spider Lilies - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Autumn in Past Photo Contests Past COOL JAPAN VIDEOS photo contests were filled with many wonderful works that convey the charms of Japan! Let's take a look at some of the wonderful photos taken in autumn. We'll also include the locations where the photos were taken and related articles for reference. COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Phúc Jindo Location: Lake Kawaguchiko (Minamitsuru, Yamanashi) The Maple Corridor of Lake Kawaguchi, a Photogenic Spot in Autumn Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi are extremely popular among photographers. 400-500 maples can be seen along the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, making this area one of the best places for photographing the beautifully colored leaves that cover the road and create a tunnel of autumn leaves. The Fuji Kawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is held every year from late October to mid-November, and the illuminated corridor offers a fantastic view of autumn leaves and Mt. Fuji. An Article on Mt. Fuji Video article 4:21 Fuji - Japan's Largest Tourist Attraction and the Pride of the Country. Its Mysterious Beauty Fascinates All Who See It YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: YOU Location: Ryuzu Falls (Nikko, Tochigi) The Charms of Ryuzu Falls, Nikko Ryuzu Falls is one of the three most famous waterfalls in Nikko. The name Ryuzu (竜頭 Ryuzu, lit "Dragon's Head") comes from its resemblance to a dragon's head, which is divided into two halves by large rocks. Starting in late September, visitors to the falls can enjoy beautiful autumn leaves, and from May to June, the vibrant magenta of the azaleas can be observed. An Article on Sightseeing in Nikko Video article 10:36 A Look at the Beautiful Autumnal Scenery Created by Mother Nature! Enjoy Autumn in Japan With Kegon Falls and the Autumn Foliage of Lake Chuzenji, Two of Nikko, Tochigi's Most Famous Scenic Spots! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: HAJIME Location: Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route - Murodo (Nakaniikawa, Toyama) Murodo - The Charms of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Murodo, the central point of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, is 2,450 meters above sea level and is a popular place for mountain climbing and sightseeing, with views of the Tateyama Three Peaks and more. Murodo is dotted with many sightseeing spots, such as Mikurigaike Pond, Jigokudani (Hell Valley), and Tateyama Tamadono Springs. Beautiful seasonal scenery can be enjoyed here from April to the end of November. An Article on Sightseeing in Tateyama, Toyama Video article 2:11 View Nature From the Sky on the Tateyama Ropeway in Toyama Prefecture! A Must-Visit Spot With Spectacular Views That Change With the Seasons! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Carin Location: Daisho-in Temple (Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima) Highlights of Daisho-in Temple Daisho-in Temple is the oldest and most prestigious temple in Miyajima, Hiroshima, and was founded by Kobo Daishi (Kukai), the Japanese Buddhist monk that founded the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism. The temple is said to have been visited by great figures, such as Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Ito Hirobumi, successive members of the imperial family, and in 2006, the 14th Dalai Lama. The temple is home to many attractions, including the Five Hundred Rakan (Arhats), each wearing a hat and bearing a different expression; Henjokutsu Cave, a beautiful cave with 88 depictions of Buddha and lanterns covering the ceiling; and many cute Jizo statues. Daisho-in Temple, a power spot and one of Miyajima's most popular tourist attractions, is located just 5-minutes from Itsukushima Shrine. An Article on Sightseeing in Hiroshima Video article 8:04 Itsukushima Shrine Is a Popular Spot in Hiroshima You Don't Want to Miss! The Vermilion-Lacquered Torii Gate Over the Sea Is a Fantastic Sight, Chosen as One of the Three Most Beautiful Sights of Japan! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: T.S.P Bales of Straw After a Rice Harvest Terraced rice fields create a variety of landscapes, and the verdant rice paddies seem to extend to the horizon. The picturesque scenery of rice paddies, with their uniquely Japanese atmosphere, evokes a sense of familiarity. Autumn is associated with autumn leaves, but bales of straw, which can be seen only for a short period of time after the rice harvest, are one of the signature landscapes of Hokkaido. These bales of straw are used as cattle feed during the harsh winters of northern Japan. An Article on Sightseeing in Hyogo Video article 4:00 The Beautiful Rice Paddies of Japan in 4K. Golden Ears of Rice Painted on the Horizon Bring Peace to the People of Japan YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Lily0321 Akatombo (Red Dragonflies) In Japan, many people know that autumn has arrived when they see red dragonflies flying about. In Japanese, "Akatombo" (red dragonfly) is a generic name for dragonflies belonging to the family of dragonflies in the genus "Akane." There are 21 species of dragonflies belonging to the Akane genus in Japan. The wandering gliders (pantala flavescens) that fly in swarms in autumn are also sometimes called akatombo. An Article on the Oniyanma, the Largest Dragonfly in Japan Video article 1:30 The Oniyanma: Amazing Footage of Japan's Largest Dragonfly! See It Molting and Laying Eggs in Nature... YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Tomoka Kato Location: Hitachi Seaside Park (Hitachinaka, Ibaraki) The Charms of Hitachi Seaside Park Hitachi Seaside Park is a place where visitors can enjoy seasonal flowers and is home to the Kochia Carnival from early to late October. Miharashi Hill is covered with about 32,000 bright red kochia (summer cypress), making it a photogenic spot popular among instagrammers. In spring, daffodils, tulips, and nemophila (baby blue eyes) are at their best, and in summer, the green kochia are lit up at night with colorful LED lights, creating a different atmosphere from that of the daytime. An Article on Sightseeing in Ibaraki Video article 5:05 Ibaraki Prefecture: A Tourist Attraction With Everything From Nature to the Latest in World-Class Space Technology. An In-Depth Look at Ibaraki's Cuisine and History! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Nguyen Vu Location: The Takeda Castle Ruins: The Castle in the Sky (Asago, Hyogo) The Charms of the Takeda Castle Ruins, the Castle in the Sky The Takeda Castle Ruins, dubbed the Machu Picchu of Japan, is a site built entirely of stone walls on the 353.7-meter-tall summit of Mt. Kojo. The sight of the castle floating in the sea of clouds is truly fantastic, and the title of "Castle in the Sky" is no exaggeration. Although many people are determined to see this spectacular view, the sea of clouds only presents itself when the weather and other conditions are just right. The sea of clouds most often occurs between September and October, from dawn to around 8:00 a.m. Fog tends to form when there is a temperature difference of more than 10°C between day and night, when it is sunny during the day and cool at night, and when the wind is light. An Article on the Takeda Castle Ruins, the Castle in the Sky Video article 2:29 Behold the Mesmerizing Scenery of Takeda Castle, Hidden in a Sea of Clouds in Asago, Hyogo! Called the "Machu Picchu of Japan" and "Castle in the Sky," Takeda Castle Attracts Thousands of Tourists From All Over the World! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: 古谷久樹 Location: Hokkaido Salmon Spawning in Hokkaido in Autumn and Winter Salmon swimming upriver is a typical view during autumn in Hokkaido. In autumn, many salmon head upstream to spawn. The sight of the salmon, which have spent around four years growing up in the Pacific Ocean, risking their lives to return home while their bodies are battered by rocks and other obstacles, shows the beauty of life and evokes a feeling of romance. They can be seen in Hokkaido's Toyohira River, Kotonihassamu River, Uyoro River, and Hamamasu River among others. An Article on Hokkaido's Ezo Brown Bears and Salmon Video article 7:40 Ezo Brown Bears Catching Lunch in the Outdoors of Hokkaido! See the 2-Meter-Tall Bears Snatching Fish From a River Right Before Your Eyes! YouTube COOLJAPANVIDEOS Photographer: Haruna Location: Kuhonji Temple (Gosho, Nara) The Charms of Spider Lilies In late September, Kuhonji Temple is so popular that early in the morning, many people scramble to find a spot to photograph the bright red spider lilies and the morning sunrise. In Japan, spider lilies are called higanbana (lit. "Higan Flowers") because they bloom around the time of Higan, a Buddhist holiday exclusively observed in Japan, but they are also called "manjushage," which in Sanskrit means "The flower that blooms in the heavens." In the language of flowers, it has the meaning of passion, and its short flowering period of only about a week gives it a mysterious, ephemeral charm. An Article on the Red Spider Lily Festival of Hidaka, Saitama Video article 3:49 Discover More Than 5 Million Spider Lilies at the "Red Spider Lily Festival" at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Blooming Areas in Japan! The Sea of Red Will Take Your Breath Away YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that shares the charms of Japan with people all over the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS 「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS photo contests are open to everyone! Even a photo taken by chance with your smartphone could win a prize! Here are some of the features of our contests. ・Photos taken not only with SLR cameras and digital cameras, but also with smartphones and other devices can be submitted. ・You can submit as many photos as you like during the contest period. ・Image editing, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From September 2022] The 13th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Japan Travel Memories Submission period: September 1, 2022 12:00 AM - October 31, 2022 11:59 PM (Japan time) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Photo Contest -Japan Travel Memories - Summary of Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests We hope you enjoyed seeing some of the autumn-themed photos entered into past contests on COOL JAPAN VIDEOS. We hope that you were able to experience the beauty of autumn in Japan. Japan has four seasons and is also home to an abundance of historic sites, seasonal events, nature, and so much more! We invite you to share your photos of Japan with the people of the world by submitting them to COOL JAPAN VIDEOS. Related Articles Text only Photo Contest Landscape Photography - Introducing 10 Beautiful Japanese Landscapes Text only Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face! Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji YouTube Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 3:03
Hatchohama Beach in Kyotango, Kyoto! A Popular Surfing Spot via Powerful Aerial Footage!
Nature Travel Action & Adventure- 26 plays
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Aerial Footage of Surfers at Hatchohama Beach: Video Introduction This video, titled "Drone Aerial View of Surfers in Hamazume and Hatchohama, Kyotango 4K" (京丹後市浜詰・八丁浜のサーファーをドローン4K空撮。Drone aerial view of surfers in Hamazume and Hatchohama, Kyotango City), was uploaded by "Office WADA." Hatchohama Beach (Hatchohama Seaside Park) – A Beach Overlooking the Sea of Japan Photo:Hatchohama Beach in Kyotango, Kyoto Overlooking the beautiful Sea of Japan, Hatchohama Beach is a popular spot for families with children, as they can play on the multipurpose grass playground and in the park. Hatchohama Beach is open from July to August, but fishing and other activities can be enjoyed in other seasons as well. Hatchohama Beach is also known as a surfing spot, with good waves in winter. Buses to the beach are available from Amino Station. If you're drive your own car, two parking lots are available at Hatchohama Seaside Park, but please note that they are closed outside of business hours (8:00 AM - 6:00 PM). Located nearby is Obama Beach, where visitors can enjoy the sea of Kyoto. In the video, you can see the entirety of Hatchohama Beach via aerial footage. [Video] 0:13 - Hatchohama Beach Hatchohama Beach Is a Popular Surfing Spot! Photo:Sunset at Hatchohama, Kyotango, Kyoto As we mentioned previously, Hatchohama Beach is a popular spot for surfers. It's especially popular in the fall and winter, when surfing is at its best. There are also websites with live cameras of the area, so you can check wave information in advance. It may prevent you from visiting during bad weather or when the waves aren't so good for surfing. In the video, you can see many surfers having fun catching waves. [Video] 0:50 – Surfers Also popular is Hamazume Beach (Yuhigaura Beach), where beautiful sunsets can be seen. The sunset over the ocean is famous in review websites, and the reddish hue of the ocean is said to be truly spectacular. It's a perfect spot for those any photographers or instagrammers. Summer Fireworks at Hatchohama Beach – A Must See Event Photo:A fireworks show The Asamogawa Minazuki Festival and Noryo Fireworks Festival held at Hatchohama Beach at the end of July are big summer events that both the town and tourists come to see. During the daytime, the mikoshi parade is held, and the highlight of the festival is the parade over the water, where the voices of the float carriers echo through the air and many people gather to watch. At night, the Noryo Fireworks Festival is held from the bank of the Asamogawa Fishing Port. You can also view the powerful fireworks from Hatchohama Beach. In May, the Self-Defense Forces also hold an event called Kyogamisaki Air Festa. This event includes an exhibition of Self-Defense Forces equipment and a program in which airplanes fly over the venue. There are also performances by a music band and a hands-on corner. This is an opportunity to experience the activities of Japan's Self-Defense Forces, which you wouldn't normally have the chance to see. Summary of Hatchohama Beach (Hatchohama Seaside Park) Hatchohama Beach can be enjoyed by day-trip tourists, but we suggest that you take advantage of opportunities like summer vacation to plan a relaxing overnight stay. There are hotels, cottages, and campgrounds in the area. For those who want to enjoy not only swimming but also the surrounding sightseeing spots and nighttime events, we recommend staying overnight. Enjoy a visit to the sea in Kyoto and make your summer vacation a memorable one. The beautiful scenery is sure to satisfy people of all ages. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the aerial video of Kyotango's beaches! 【Official Website】Hatchohama Beach – Visit Kyotango, Kyoto's Getaway|Kyotango City Tourism Association https://visitkyotango.com/things-to-do-spot/hachohama-beach/ 【TripAdvisor】Hatchohama Beach – Obama Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023401-d1424604-Reviews-Hacchohama_Kobama_Beach-Kyotango_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:10
This Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Is a Natural Miracle Created by Nature. The Beautiful Scenery of This Popular Sightseeing Spot Fascinates All Who See It!
Nature- 71 plays
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A Look at the Beautiful Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido This video, titled "[Superb View / Drone Film] Blue Pond Biei, Hokkaido [4K]" (【絶景/空撮】青い池 北海道美瑛町《4K》 "Blue Pond" Hokkaido), was released by "Noriyuki Ichikawa 《4K Drone Film》." When you hear the name Hokkaido, you probably think of gourmet food like miso ramen and seafood, or perhaps you know of the historical and cultural landmarks, such as Goryokaku or the Brick Warehouses in Otaru. However, if there's one thing we shouldn't forget, it's that Hokkaido is one of the most magnificent natural areas of Japan. One such place in Hokkaido, Biei, has the wonderous "Blue Pond" ("Aoi-Ike" in Japanese) that can be seen in the video. It's as popular as the lavender field in Biei, Furano (富良野). In this article, we'll introduce the Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido. Be sure to follow along with the video to see the beautiful natural landscapes of Hokkaido! The Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Photo:The Blue Pond The "Blue Pond" is a famous tourist attraction located in Shirogane (白金), Biei, Kamikawa District (上川郡), Hokkaido. Its official name is "Shirogane Blue Pond." As the name suggests, the surface of the pond is a brilliant blue. By nature, the pond does not appear blue, but there is a reason for its color. In the vicinity of Blue Pond, there's the "Shirahige Falls" in the Shirogane Hot Springs area." Shirahige Falls has groundwater welling up from the inside of the cliffs and this water contains aluminum components. When the falls merge with Biei River (美瑛川), colloidal particles that are invisible to the naked eye are created and scatter the rays of sun evenly. The particles tend to scatter short-wavelength blue light, which makes the pond appear blue. In addition, the sulfur and lime components in the Shirogane Hot Spring water flowing from the side of the waterfall also complement the scattering of light, making the stones and rocks on the riverbed appear white. It enhances the blue color of the pond and creates a spectacular view like nothing you've seen before. The Conditions for Seeing the Beautiful Blue Pond Photo:Shirokane Aoi Pond in Biei, Hokkaido A visit to the "Shirogane Blue Pond" does not necessarily mean that you will see the Blue Pond. The keys to seeing the Blue Pond are "weather" and "time of day". It is not recommended to go on rainy days, as the water will increase and the colors become lighter and murky afterwards. That being said, you should check the weather before visiting Shirogane Blue Pond. A good time to visit is in the afternoon. 12:00 - 1:00 PM is generally the best time to visit. The angle of the sun is also an important factor. The angle of the sun will determine whether the colloid glow blue or not. Access To Biei, Hokkaido's Blue Pond Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido is a 25-minute bus ride from Biei Station. Take the Tohoku Bus bound for Shirogane Onsen and get off at the "Shirogane Blue Pond Entrance" (白金青い池入口, Shirogane Aoi-ike Iriguchi. If you go via the JR line, it's recommended that you take the JR and drive or use the bus to get to Aoi Pond, as it's far from the nearest station. Parking lots are available for those who come by car. There are various sightseeing destinations around Blue Pond in Biei Town, Hokkaido that are popular as well; "Tokachidake Observatory," "Seidai Park," "Chiyoda no Oka Observation Deck," "Sanai no Oka Observatory Park," "Shinei no Oka Observation Park," and "Shikisai-no-oka Hill." Be sure to check these out as well if you have the chance. Summary of Shirogane Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido Photo:An illumination at Shirogane Blue Pond in Hokkaido The blue pond in Biei, Hokkaido is a mysterious pond created by nature, and the stunning sight created by the blue pond and the four seasons of Hokkaido is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who see it. The Blue Pond in Biei, Hokkaido is also lit up during the winter months. During this time, you can enjoy the white snow coupled with the blue water, as well as the stars that fill the night sky. It'll make for some amazing Instagram pictures as well! Come and see the fantastical, world-renowned Blue Pond with your own eyes and appreciate the splendor of nature. 【Official Website】Shirogane Blue Pond: Biei Tourism Association https://www.biei-hokkaido.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Shirogane Blue Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120350-d1815328-Reviews-Shirogane_Blue_Pond-Biei_cho_Kamikawa_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:27
The World of the Ghibli Film "Castle in the Sky" Has Spread To Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture! With Its Rich, Unexplored Landscape and Spectacular Scenery, Aso Is a Popular Spot for Drives!
Nature- 43 plays
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Introducing Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture! This video, titled “Best Views of Japan – Unexplored|Searching for Laputa in Aso, Only To Find That Aso Is Laputa!” (日本一の絶景 秘境 ラピュタの道を阿蘇に探しに行ったら、阿蘇の全てがラピュタだった), was released by “Drone RangerMiura.” It introduces the beautiful summer scenery of Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture, in Japan’s Kyushu region. The scenery of Aso Gogaku (阿蘇五岳, The Five Peaks of Mt. Aso), shot via drone, looks just like the world of the Studio Ghibli movie "Laputa: Castle in the Sky." In the Aso area, there are sightseeing spots called "Laputa Road" (ラピュタの道) and "Laputa Modoki" (ラピュタもどき), which have been attracting attention from people who enjoy going on casual drives to enjoy scenic locations. A Look at Laputa Road, Shown in the Video Photo:Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture The official name of “Laputa Road” is “Aso City Road Kario Main Line” (阿蘇市道狩尾幹線). From Prefectural Road 149 to Prefectural Road 339 (a.k.a. Milk Road), which runs over the outer rim of the mountain, a mysterious phenomenon creates a sea of clouds, allowing for breathtaking views. At 0:33 in the video, cows and horses are shown, and at 1:05, a beautiful waterfall can be seen. In the Aso area, you can go for a walk and discover the unexplored natural scenery, as well as enjoy activities, such as horseback riding and stargazing. Popular Spots in the Aso Area Introduced in the Video Photo:Daikanbo Lookout on Mt. Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture There are many spots in the Aso area where you can enjoy superb scenery, such as the Laputa Road Observatory and the Daikanbo Lookout (大観峰展望台) on Daikanbo, one of the peaks of the Northern Outer Rim of Mt. Aso. If you visit the Aso area to view the scenery, be sure to stop by the observatory! There are also many park facilities, such as the Oku-Aso Fruit Garden (奥あそフルーツガーデン), Rakunoh Mother's Aso Milk Ranch (阿蘇ミルク牧場), and Aso Farmland (阿蘇ファームランド). Be sure to check out Aso Shrine (阿蘇神社) as well! Points To Note When Sightseeing in the Aso Area Photo:The Nanatsugama Caves, Kumamoto Prefecture In the Aso area, there are many places of interest, such as the Nanatsugama Caves in Saga Prefecture's Karatsu, which is designated as a national natural monument, and Kusasenrigahama. However, due to risk of eruption, the area around the crater has been placed on alert and entry is now restricted. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes also caused some road closures in the Aso area. When visiting Aso, be sure to pay attention to observation information and alerts/warnings. Summary of the Aso Area Photo:Mt. Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture Aso is one of the most popular tourist spots in the Kyushu area thanks to the natural beauty of the mountains and sea. If you're looking to experience what it's like to be in the world of "Castle in the Sky," then you should definitely drop by Aso for a visit! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Aso https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298212-d320703-r710938456-Mt_Aso-Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:25
Nara Prefecture's Beautiful Ryuogabuchi Pond Is a Great Place for Taking Instagram Photos! Check Out the Video To See Its Beauty for Yourself!
Nature Travel- 17 plays
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Ryuogabuchi Pond – A Photographer's Dream Do you know of the mysterious pond deep in the mountains of Nara Prefecture? This time, we'll introduce the video "【日本の絶景】新緑の龍王ヶ淵 Ryuogabuchi Superb view of Nara Japan 4K," uploaded by "SOTOBURA." Ryuogabuchi Pond is a famous location for photography in Uda City, Nara Prefecture, thanks to its beautiful reflective water surface. The crystal-clear pond is also a popular spot for photographers as the surrounding mountains reflect off the water's surface like a mirror. It's also famous as an "instagrammable" location in Japan. And with that, let's dive into the video of Ryuogabuchi Pond! A Closer Look at Ryuogabuchi! Photo:Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Ryuogabuchi is located on the hillside of Mt. Nukai, a small mountain in Yamato Fuji, and the water flowing from the approximately 530m tall mountain is crystal clear, creating a mysterious pond. At 1:08 in the video, you can see the mysterious reflection of the trees of Mt. Nukai on the surface of the pond. The pond is 150 meters across from east to west and 100 meters across from north to south, making it a popular walking course. Some parts of the trail can be marshy and sometimes wet, so be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers. The nearby Horikoshi Shrine worships Toyotama-hime, who appears in the folk tale Urashima Taro. The video shows the quiet surface of the pond, but there are a lot of tourists on holidays, so we recommend visiting on a weekday to avoid the crowds and enjoy a quiet view of the pond. The Best Time to Visit Ryuogabuchi Pond Photo:Starry skies at Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Ryuogabuchi is an amazing place to visit in the summer when the leaves are fresh and green, and in the fall when the leaves change to beautiful shades of red and orange. You can also enjoy breathtaking snowy scenery during the winter months. That being said, if you're driving in winter, you'll need to be prepared with snow tires. On a clear, windless day, the lake does not stir, and the surrounding scenery is said to reflect beautifully off of its surface. Because it is located deep in the mountains, you'll be able to see the stars on clear nights as well. Fishing is prohibited at Ryuogabuchi Pond, as it's considered a place of faith. Sightseeing Around Ryuogabuchi Pond Photo:Murouji Temple, Nara Prefecture There are many tourist attractions, including temples, around Ryuogabuchi in Nara Prefecture. In particular, nearby you'll find Murouji Temple and Onoji Temple, for which the nearest station, Muroguchi-Ono Station, is named. Approximately 100 mikumari cherry trees line the banks of the Hono River and they're lit up, making it a popular cherry blossom spot in the city. Ryuogabuchi is only 10 minutes away from the Hari Interchange on the Meihan National Highway (名阪国道針IC), so it's a good place to visit by car. Parking is also available, so you can visit easily. Summary of the Ryuogabuchi Area Photo:Ryuogabuchi Pond, Nara Prefecture Check out the video of Ryuogabuchi and be soothed by the clear blue skies and tranquil pond. If you're looking to relax and get away from work, be sure to visit Ryuogabuchi. You can also enjoy listening to the playful sounds of fish and frogs jumping in the pond. Just walking around the promenade while taking in the natural scenery is sure to make you feel at peace. 【Tripadvisor】Ryuogabuchi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022867-d19690682-Reviews-Ryuogabuchi_Pond-Uda_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:03
The Niyodo River in Shikoku Is Famous for Having the Clearest Waters of All Rivers in Japan! Enjoy the Mystical World of the Crystal Clear Waters Coined "Niyodo Blue"!
Nature- 59 plays
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Niyodo River: The Best Water Quality in Japan! This video, titled "[4K] 仁淀ブルー:奇跡の清流 仁淀川(高知県 仁淀川水系)Niyodo River,the best water quality river in Japan.," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." When asked about famous rivers in the Shikoku region, most people picture the Shimanto River (四万十川, shimantogawa), but did you know there is an even prettier river in the area? I'm of course referring to the Niyodo River. As the third largest river in Shikoku, after the Shimanto River and Yoshino River (吉野川, yoshinogawa), it ranks number one year after year as the river with the best water quality in Japan. As you can see in the video, the crystal clear water of the Niyodo River is absolutely stunning and has been given the name "Niyodo Blue" after its mystical blue color. In the video, you can enjoy viewing the river from both above and below the surface of the water! Serpent Sanctuaries and Instagrammable Spots Near the Niyodo River Photo:Niko Deep, Kochi Prefecture Mt. Ishizuchi's (石鎚山, ishizuchisan) Omogo River in Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県, ehimeken) is the main water source for the Niyodo River and the streams that run through the valleys of Kochi Prefecture (高知県, kouchiken). Niyodo River is 124 kilometers long and has a surface area of 1,560 square kilometers. The river runs through mainly mountainous regions and the combination of both the beautiful natural surroundings and stunning blue color of the river makes the area very picturesque. From 1:50 in the video, you can see the basin of "Nikobuchi" (にこ淵), which is thought to be the home of the legendary eight-headed serpent Yamata no Orochi. On a sunny day during the hours of 11 am and 3 pm, the light shines directly into the pool and the blue color of the river is even more prominent. We highly recommend visiting Nakatsu Gorge (中津渓谷, nakatsukeikoku) and Yasui Gorge (安居渓谷, yasuikeikoku) during the fall to see the beautiful scenery. There are many beautiful spots along Nakatsu Gorge, such as Uryu Falls (雨竜の滝, uryuunotaki), Momiji Falls (もみじだき) and Ryugubuchi (竜宮淵). The special rocks called "Ishibashira" (石柱) are another great sightseeing spot. The pool of water known as "Suishobuchi" (水晶淵) along Yasui Gorge changes color from blue to green depending on the season and time of day. The contrasting colors of the fall foliage and the river attracts many visitors and the area has become a very popular tourist destination. In the second half of the video, from 2:09, you can see some of the low-water crossings found along Niyodo River. A distinguishing feature of these types of bridges is that they have no sides or guard rails, which allows them to blend easily into the surrounding nature creating a beautiful landscape. The Niyodo River Is Popular Among Both Locals and Tourists! Photo:Niyodo River, Kochi Prefecture In recent years the number of tourists visiting the Niyodo River has increased dramatically, but the river is still just as popular among the locals. The Niyodo River area has a population of approximately 110,000. In the middle reaches of the river, there's the multi-purpose Odo Dam (大渡ダム) and facilities for flood control and power supply development, which support the lives of people living in harmony with the Niyodo River. There are also several campsites in the area for those who'd like to spend the night in the beautiful outdoors. There are many fun activities to take part in, such as canoeing and rafting or you can simply go for a swim. There is also a stone skipping competition held here each year. The locals can often be seen playing in the river. In 2002, the Niyodo River was the most visited river in Japan. Not only is it the most beautiful river in Japan, it's also the most loved river by its locals. Summary of the Niyodo River Photo:The Niyodo River and a low-water crossing, Kochi Prefecture The mystical blue water of the Niyodo River captivates all who look upon it. The majority of the river is surrounded by mountains making it fairly difficult to access via public transportation. We recommend renting a car or taking a trip to the river by bike! There is a roadside station near the river with hot spring facilities where you can also spend the night, a perfect place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. For those who don't have a valid driver's license in Japan but still wish to visit the Niyodo River, please check out the Niyodo River Tourist Association (仁淀川観光協会, niyodogawa kankou kyoukai) website for more information on how to access the river via public transport (※Unfortunately the website is only in Japanese). Some of the roads from the car park to the spots introduced in the video can be slippery so please be careful when walking. If you still haven't yet, be sure to enjoy the mystical world of the beautiful, blue Niyodo River in the video. 【Tripadvisor】Niyodo River https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298233-d10383500-Reviews-Niyodo_River-Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 1:56
Suishohama Seaside Resort in Fukui Prefecture Is Regarded as One of the Top Beaches in Japan! It's Hard To Believe This Cobalt Blue, Crystal Clear Water Is in Fact the Sea of Japan!
Nature- 66 plays
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Suishohama Seaside Resort in Mihama This video, titled "Suishohama" was created by "Wakasa Mihama Tourist Association" (一般社団法人若狭美浜観光協会). It contains footage of the beautiful scenery of Suishohama Seaside Resort taken via drone photography. The seaside resort was named Suishohama (水晶, "suisho," means "crystal" in Japanese) after the glistening white sand the beach is famous for. Suishohama was selected as one of the top 88 beaches and top 55 swimming spots in Japan. In this article, we'll introduce the hidden gem that is the Suishohama Seaside Resort. You can take a look at the sandy white beach that stretches as far as the eye can see and the sea floor covered with crystal clear water via aerial photography. It's hard to believe such beautiful scenery can be found near the Sea of Japan! What Kind of Tourist Spot Is Suishohama Seaside Resort? Photo:Suisuihama Beach, Fukui Prefecture Suishohama Seaside Resort, which is located along the west side of Tsuruga peninsula (敦賀半島) in Fukui prefecture, is a picturesque location looking out onto Wakasa Bay (若狭湾) with a great view of Tsunegami peninsula (常神半島) in the distance. The crystal clear, cobalt waters of Suishohama Seaside Resort are also famous for surfing, swimming, and other marine sports, with people visiting early in the morning to enjoy them. Suishohama Seaside Resort is also known as "Sunset Beach" and is a popular spot for couples who come to enjoy star-gazing together. The beach takes on various beautiful forms throughout the day. You are guaranteed to leave with some great photos to share on Instagram! You can check out the sunset at Suishohama Seaside Resort from 1:42 in the video. Suishohama Seaside Resort Tourist Information Photo:Suisuihama Beach parking lot in Fukui Prefecture Suishohama Seaside Resort is easily accessible, taking approximately 15 minutes to reach by car from Wakasa Mihama Interchange (若狭美浜IC) on the Maizuru Wakasa Expressway (舞鶴若狭自動車道). Parking is available next to the beach. For those traveling by train, take the bus headed for "Shiraki" (白木) from JR Tsuruga station (JR 敦賀駅) and get off at "Suishohama." The summer swimming season is from mid-July to late August and is often very crowded with tourists at this time. There are guesthouses, campsites, and barbecue spots in the area as well. If you're planning on staying the night, consider trying some of the delicious local seafood. Near Tsuruga station is the fish market "Nihonkai Sakana Machi" (日本海さかな町) where you can enjoy shopping and also grab a bite to eat! Also, along Tsuruga peninsula you'll find Daiyahama beach (ダイヤ浜) and Takenami Seaside Resort (竹波海水浴場) located adjacent to one another, meaning you can easily spend the whole day enjoying the area without having to travel long distances. Summary of Suishohama Seaside Resort Photo:Suisuihama Beach, Fukui Prefecture The video introduces the beautiful scenery of Suishohama Seaside Resort. Enjoy the sandy white beaches, cobalt blue waters, and large rock formations from the sky. In this article, we introduced tourist information for Suishohama Seaside Resort. We hope after watching the video you're tempted to take a trip to Fukui prefecture! Mihama is easily accessible from Tokyo and the Kansai region of Japan. You can take a look at Suishohama Seaside Resort online 24 hours a day via live camera as well. 【Official Website】Suishohama Seaside Resort|Tourist Destination|Fukui Prefecture Tourist Information https://www.fuku-e.com/lang/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Suishohama Seaside Resort https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1121171-d1423763-r557541585-Takenami_Beach-Mihama_cho_Mikata_gun_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:03
Take a Trip to Miyazaki and Enjoy the Tropical Atmosphere! From Udo Shrine and Takachiho Gorge to Popular Local Gourmet Food, Miyazaki Prefecture Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 65 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎," was released by "gawauemon." Miyazaki offers a wide range of attractions, from the beautiful nature of Aoshima and the Nichinan coast, to traditional culture and arts and crafts. More About Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki is located in the southern part of Kyushu. Miyazaki was once known as Hyuga Province, and the culture that took root in that time is still being passed down to the present day through the traditional arts. In addition to the many tourist attractions, there are many delicious gourmet dishes to be found in Miyazaki that are worth mentioning. On top of Miyazaki's famous sirloin steak and locally raised charcoal-grilled chicken, the pride of the area of Miyazaki, recently the popularity of spicy B-grade noodles and onigiri wrapped in meat has been on the rise. In particular, chicken nanban has become so popular that it has been elevated to the status of "luxury street food." Tourist Attractions That Miyazaki Prefecture Is Proud Of Takachiho Gorge is one of the tourist attractions that Miyazaki Prefecture is proud of. Takachiho Gorge is designated as a national place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, and Manai Falls (Manai Big Falls) has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan. Traditional Performing Arts That Miyazaki Is Proud Of There are traditional performing arts that have been handed down from ancient times in Miyazaki. One of them is the Takachiho Yokagura, which involves Shinto dancing at night. Every year from the end of November to February of the following year, kagura dances are performed to give thanks for the autumn harvest and to pray for a good harvest the following year. Summary of Miyazaki Prefecture You can feel the charm of the tropical Miyazaki Prefecture at its best when visiting in the summer. We hope this article and video have inspired you to come visit Miyazaki for yourself and see what the prefecture has to offer! -
Video article 3:30
Hokkaido - Endlessly Sweeping Horizons and Magnificent Scenery! Set off on a Trip to Hokkaido's Scenic Locations to Enjoy Spectacular Views of Japan's Natural Landscape!
Travel- 93 plays
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The Vast Sceneries of Hokkaido This video, titled "Hokkaido , Japan / 4K UHD," was produced by SL Film Studio. Hokkaido is a popular tourist destination for visitors to Japan, and there are many things to see and do there. In this article, we'll show you some of the best places to visit in Hokkaido, alongside the video! Recommended Destinations in Hokkaido The Sapporo Clock Tower is one of Hokkaido's most popular tourist attractions, and Odori Park is the site of major festivities in Hokkaido. The Okurayama Observation Deck was the site of the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo. Shiroi Koibito cookies are a famous souvenir found in the area. Asahikawa has unique tourist attractions, such as Asahikawa Ramen Village. Asahiyama Zoo is another famous location in Hokkaido. The zoo features behavioral exhibits that show the animals in their natural state. When we think of Hokkaido's wildlife, bears and foxes are the first things that come to mind. If you want to learn more about the ecology of foxes, there's Kitakitsune Farm (Fox Farm), which is famous for its wooden bear carvings and traditional crafts. Historical Sightseeing Locations in Hokkaido Otaru Port, where the Otaru Canal is located, is the gateway of pioneers in Hokkaido. Along the walkway, you'll see gas lamps and stone warehouses that retain remnants of days long passed. Goryokaku in Hakodate is an essential part of Hokkaido's history, and is one of the top tourist attractions in Hokkaido. It's based on early modern European castle technology. Abashiri Prison is an inseparable part of the eastern Hokkaido area's history. Despite its name, the Abashiri Prison has an impressive modern interior with a touch of Western architecture. Hokkaido's Spectacular Natural Scenery and Winter Leisure If you visit Hakodate in Hokkaido, you can take the Mt. Hakodate Ropeway to enjoy the beautiful night view. Cape Soya, the northernmost cape in Japan, and Lake Akan, introduced at 1:49 in the video, are also worth a visit. Ainu Kotan in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, is a tourist attraction that conveys the traditional culture of the Ainu people. Lake Mashu, on the other hand, is a popular scenic spot famous for being the clearest lake in Japan. Shirogane Blue Pond and the famous Shirahige Waterfall in the Shirogane Onsen area, can be seen at 1:25 in the video. The clear blue water is a natural wonder and great for taking Instagram pics! There are also hot springs in Noboribetsu and Toyako (Toya Lake). From 2:52 in the video, you can see a cruise on Lake Toya. In addition to the rich natural scenery, you can also enjoy skiing and other leisure activities. Kiroro Resort, which takes its name from the Ainu language, is a famous hotel resort in the area. Enjoy the Gourmet Cuisine of the Cold Climate Hokkaido is full of delicious food. Representative dishes include the lamb dish Genghis Khan (Jingisukan), ramen, seafood dishes with crab, soup curry, and pork bowls. Other typical Hokkaido delicacies include "chanchan yaki," a dish made with grilled fish such as salmon, and vegetables and seasoned with miso, Ishikari Nabe, a hot pot dish with salmon as the main ingredient, and Zangi, which is similar to fried chicken. Summary of Hokkaido - An Easy-To-Visit Tourist Destination Thanks to the Diversified Transportation With the diversification of transportation, including airplanes and the shinkansen (bullet train), you can enjoy your trip to Hokkaido through a variety of means. There are 14 airports in Hokkaido, and rental cars are also available. The weather from November to March can be colder than in the middle of winter on the mainland, so you'll want to be prepared for the elements. Check out the video to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Hokkaido! -
Video article 5:04
Seijun Nishihata - Professional Plant Hunter and CEO of the Sora Botanical Garden Project
Japanese Celebrities Life & Business Nature- 80 plays
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Plant Hunter Seijun Nishihata If you're curious about what kind of unusual jobs exist around the world, especially in Japan, then this video is just right for you. Many people enjoy learning about unusual professions because of our interest in the unknown. We often find it inspiring to hear about people in unusual professions that are far removed from our norm. This video introduces plant hunting, an occupation that you may not have heard about before. This article will also talk about the famous plant hunter, Seijun Nishihata, and the beauty of plant hunting. Be sure to follow along with the video! Plant Hunting - Searching for Plants Across the Globe Source :YouTube screenshot Plant hunting is an unusual job that involves exploring and collecting valuable plants from around the world. In 18th century England, many products were made from plants, and they played an important role in the country's economy. This led adventurers and explorers that traveled the world in search of precious plants. The people who sought these plants, including ornamental plants and other rare plants requested by aristocrats and royalty, were known as "plant hunters." Although an unfamiliar occupation in Japan, it has quite a long history. Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata Seijun Nishihata is one of the most famous and accomplished plant hunters in Japan. Seijun is also the CEO of the Japanese horticultural studio, Sora Botanical Garden, where you can purchase garden plants. In the video, you can see Seijun answering questions in an interview about plant hunting and talking about his passion towards plants. Seijun hopes to bring a smile to everyone's faces through plants. Throughout his career, he has hunted a variety of plants and has brought smiles to the faces of many. He especially made many people smile at a Christmas event in Kobe. In particular, his project to bring the world's largest Christmas tree to Kobe drew a lot of attention. Be sure to check out the video to see what kind of person he is. What Plant Hunting Is All About Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of plant hunting comes from the adventurous spirit to seek rare plants even though the environment can sometimes be very tough. In the video, you can see the passion of Seijun when he seeks plants. The appeal of plant hunting lies in the adventurous spirit of searching for rare plants, such as insectivorous plants and other rare plants, in a harsh environment that sometimes can prove to be quite a difficult task. You can feel the passion of Seijun through the video. Summary of Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata This video, created by "SUPER CEO," introduces Seijun Nishihata, the CEO of Sora Botanical Garden, and an honest man passionate about his job. If you are interested in learning more about Seijun after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Sora Botanical Garden https://from-sora.com/en/ -
Video article 2:56
Uenohara, Yamanashi: A 1-Hour Day Trip Destination From Tokyo. Nature, Local Cuisine, and Hot Springs to Unwind From Your Travels. The Beautiful Uenohara Awaits Your Arrival!
Local PR Travel- 95 plays
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Uenohara Tourism Promotional Video This video is a promotional video on Uenohara, titled "Uenohara - It's Closer Than You Think! Guy's Trip" (実は近いぞ上野原。男たちのアクティビティー編), produced by the Uenohara Tourism Board, in which the destination is explored by three young male travelers. Located on the extreme eastern edge of Yamanashi Prefecture, Uenohara has an estimated population of 23,160 (July 2019). It is also known as the location for the Teikyo University of Science. The video portrays the three young men enjoying the diverse tourist experiences in Uenohara while highlighting the beautiful natural environment. The natural beauty of Uenohara is sure to get you fired up for a journey into the wilderness. And why not go? It's only an hour from Tokyo. Uenohara Is a Great Place to Visit! Does Uenohara sound familiar to you? Probably not unfortunately... Too bad... because Uenohara is such a great destination! The three travelers in the video seem to be having a really great time in Uenohara. This article is to give more detailed information about the places in Uenohara that appear in the video, so be sure to follow along. Source :YouTube screenshot First up, we have Mt. Yaeyama which can be seen at 0:12 in the video. Mt. Yaeyama is easily accessible by car (15mins from Chu-o Ko-soku National Highway, Uenohara IC) and there are parking lots at the foot of the mountain. The recommended activity in Yaeyama is hiking. A 20-minute hiking trail leads to an observation deck where you can even see Mt. Fuji, when the weather is nice. Then they visit Fudo no Taki (a waterfall) from 0:44. Being showered with negative ions, you may get the chance to encounter wild animals. After being immersed in Mother Nature, the travelers go to have lunch at the local market, Yuzurihara Furusato Cho-jukan. "Cho-ju" means longevity in Japanese, and Yuzurihara is known as a village whose residents have a long lifespan. You can try their "healthy diets" in the restaurant that supports their longevity, with meals such as homemade Tofu, Miso, Yuba, etc. Liked Even by Hollywood Stars?! "Seida no Tamaji," a traditional local dish with small potatoes boiled in Miso, is introduced from 1:16. Uenohara's Mascot character "Tamaji-maru" represents this popular local dish. Source :YouTube screenshot Satisfied With Lunch? Time for a Swim! The travelers try fishing at local campground at 1:27 (The campsites in Japan are often more like a forest park offering outdoor activities). Surrounded by vast landscapes, Uenohara features many campsites. Catching and cooking fresh trout on the grill is a great way to spend the day and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After a good time fishing, they head to "Nagai Saka Manju store" from 1:57, which sells a famous speciality of Uenohara- Saka Manju (Manju is a bun filled with sweet bean paste). Saka Manju, although pronounced Saka, actually comes from the word "Sake" a type of Japanese alcohol. It is a type of Manju where "Koji" is used to produce fermentation in the dough, which gives it a unique taste and smell. There are a variety of flavor filled options you can choose from, such as miso, salt, or takana (pickled mustard leaf). After getting their fill of outdoor activities, the travelers bathe in the hot springs to relieve the wearies of their travels. The sauna at the day visit spa, Akiyama Onsen, appearing from 2:17, is a steam sauna where you can work up a nice sweat. It also has a swimming pool to cool down afterwards. The quality of the hot spring is high carbon dioxide gas alkaline. Akiyama Onsen is easily accessible from the JR Uenohara Station. A pickup shuttle bus is also available. You can stay overnight in Akiyama Onsen as well, as there are plenty of hotels in the area. It's time to wrap up the trip -- The three travelers enjoy taking a nice open-air bath. Festivals and Events in Uenohara Photo:Uenohara Tsukimigaike Benzaiten Festival Uenohara boasts a year-round event calender: Spring - Kotaneishi Shrine Fire Festival, Oome Cherry Blossom Festival, Gundari Shrine Grand Festival, Hirano Takyuyoson Campsite Trout Fishing Championship, Katsuragawa Festival, Yaeyama Trail Race. Summer - Tsukimigaike Zaibenten Firework Festival, Akiyama Furusato (Local) Festival, Mushono Dainenbutsu, Suwa Shrine Festival, Ushikura Shrine Grand Festival, Nishihara Fujio Lion Dance. Fall - Yuzurihara Lion Dance performed for the gods, Nishihara Furusato Festival, Gundari Shrine Autumn Festival, Uenohara Commerce and Industry Festival. Winter - Agricultural and Forestry Festival, Ushikura Shrine Setsubun Festival, Mushono Dainenbutsu. Other Tourist Attractions in Uenohara Photo:Sagami River cherry blossoms The natural environment in Uenohara provides travelers with a view of the colors of season - pastel pink and fresh green in spring time, or majestic autumn colors. Mt. Nijurokuya, one of the 100 most famous mountains in Yamanashi; Mt. Gongen, one of the three mountains in Kitatsuru, and also one of the 100 most famous mountains in Yamanashi; Mt. Mikuni, where you can see beautiful Mt. Fuji from the top of the mountain; the clear waters of Sagami River; and Tsurukawa Gorge. The 500-year-old Gundari Shrine is famous for warding off evil spirits and for good luck in match-making. There are many sightseeing spots where you can feel the history of the city, such as Aonori Temple, where you can enjoy vegetarian cuisine as well. Aogoke Temple serves traditional Bhuddist cuisine, known as Shojin Ryori, to the visitors. Uenohara features many golf courses too, including "Maple Point Golf Club" and "Olympic Country Club." One of the most popular Service Areas on the Chuo National Highway, the Dangozaka Service Area, is also a part of Uenohara (Every Service Area in Japan has unique characteristics selling local products) and is famous as a tourist attraction. A Summary of Uenohara So what'd you think of Uenohara? Hopefully we were able to convey some of what it has to offer. Wilderness awaits you, just an hour from the heart of Tokyo! 【Tripadvisor】Uenohara https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1021450-Uenohara_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:46
Higashi: A Popular Tourist Destination Where You Can Enjoy the Atmosphere of Okinawa, the Largest Producer of Pineapples in Japan! Check Out the Rare Creatures and Spectacular Views That Can Only Be Found in Higashi Village on This Popular Expedition!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
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Introducing Higashi Village, Okinawa; The Westernmost Spot in Japan. The video “HIGASHI SON” created by "東村 higashi vill," is a video introducing the appeal of Higashi village; The westernmost island in Japan. Higashi is a beautiful village with a stunning view located in Kunigami county of northern Okinawa. It is a small village with a population under 2,000 people including 100 immigrants from different prefectures. It is about 100 km from Naha Airport via the Kyoda Interchange, making it easily accessible, and there are hotels, inns, and guest houses in the area, so it's very convenient for travelers. Features and Local Specialties of Higashi Village, Okinawa Source :YouTube screenshot Due to its tropical weather, Higashi Village is the No. 1 producer of pineapples in Japan, and has produced 15,000 tons of pineapples in the past 10 years alone. They even have an official character named “Pine-man 1.” The Mineral water in Higashi Village is another local specialty that we recommend trying. It's incredibly refreshing. The Fukuji Dam in Higashi Village, a popular spot for kayaking and canoeing, has a total water storage capacity of 55,000,000m³, so you have plenty of space to enjoy experiencing nature. There is even a nature observation boat for taking in all of the beautiful scenery. Besides the dam, there are other activities you can try while visiting Higashi Village, such as hiking, marine activities, and scenic observation spots. The Natural Landscape of Higashi Village, Okinawa Photo:A looking-glass mangrove At 1:16, the video introduces viewers to the natural scenic landscape of Higashi Village, such as the mangrove forest. In Higashi Village, there are exotic birds such as the Okinawa woodpecker, the Eurasian Whimbrel, the Bustastur Indicus and more. There are also creatures native to Okinawa, like the Okinawan tree lizard, the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle, and the Okinawan tree frog. The exotic trees you see in the video at 1:34 are called "looking-glass mangroves." They are considered natural treasures of Higashi Village. The Higashi Village Mountain and Water Life Museum gives visitors a chance to learn about the nature of Yanbaru and the history of Higashi Village. Enjoy a Tour of Higashi Village, Okinawa! There are many attractive spots, such as the Okinawa Yanbaru Seawater Pumped Storage Power Station. Sunrise Higashi is a local store where you can buy local specialties and try some local Okinawan cuisine. You can also try the secret tour of Yanbaru forest, a site proposed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. At 2:04 in the video we see Tsutsuji Eco Park, a nature park with facilities such as the Azalea field, a lodge, campgrounds, and mini golf. There are more events in Higashi Village, Okinawa as well! Every March they hold an Azalea festival (2:08 in the video), and in August you can participate in the “Higashi Village Festival” where you can see over 1,500 fireworks. Summary of Higashi Village, Okinawa Photo:Kayaking through mangroves Higashimura in Okinawa Prefecture has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty and local attractions. Enjoy your trip to Okinawa with a variety of events and tours, as well as trekking, marine sports, and spectacular views. Don't forget to take some pics for your Instagram! 【Tripadvisor】Higashimura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1025648-Higashi_son_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:41
The Beautiful Lotuses in Shinobazu Pond Are Absolutely Breathtaking! Introducing the Sights and Sounds of Ueno Park, Located in Taito City, Tokyo!
Travel Nature- 136 plays
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Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond The video “TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo Ueno park, lantern floating event at Shinobazu pond” (TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo 上野公園・不忍池のハスと灯ろう流し 東京観光 花の名所案内), was created by “Discover Nippon.” Lotuses blooming on Shinobazu pond at Ueno park in Taito, Tokyo is a popular summer sight. We'll talk about the beautiful lotuses at Shinobazu pond as well as sightseeing information around the area. In the video, you can see the beautiful lotuses on Shinobazu pond and the lantern floating event along with relaxing music. The Beautiful Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond, Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond at Ueno park Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park is famous for its lotuses, which create a fantastic scene in the summer. It has a long history, and the lotuses in Ueno Park were once depicted in ukiyoe during the Edo period (1603-1868). You can take a closer look at the flowers from the "Lotus observation zone." Every lotus is unique, and it's fun to take a close look at the differences between each flower. You can see the beautiful lotuses in the beginning of the video. The turtles swimming elegantly in the pond will help you forget your everyday troubles. On Benten Island in Shinobazu Pond, there is a hexagonal pagoda called a Bentendo, which is a must-see attraction. It's introduced in the video at 2:15. The best time to see the lotuses differs from year to year, so we recommend checking the bloom conditions before visiting Ueno Park. The Traditional Japanese Event “Toro Nagashi” Photo:Toro Nagashi When the lotuses are in full bloom, the "Ueno Summer Festival" is held at Ueno park. Toro nagashi (paper lantern floating) produces an amazing atmosphere. The purpose of Toro nagashi in summer, is to send off the spirits of one's ancestors. Check out the video at 2:31 to see the lanterns floating on Shinobazu pond after sunset. This beautiful scene is quite moving. Recommended Route for Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond, Ueno Park The lotuses blooming on the surface of Shinobazu pond is the epitome of the summer season. You can also use a paddle boat to explore the pond. It's nice to see the different seasons at Shinobazu pond as there are a variety of different features, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Ueno park features several different museums with plenty to see. Ueno zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan, with over 3,000 animals, including the very popular pandas. There are also many hidden gems, such as museums and art galleries scattered throughout the city. Visit the Hanazono Inari Shrine or the Gojoten Shrine, 2 "Power Shrines" in the area. Summary of Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond In Ueno Park, there are many sightseeing spots where you can enjoy the unique Japanese atmosphere. Observe the beautiful flowers and visit the temples. Enjoy the video and see the beauty of Ueno Park, which is located right in the middle of the big city, Tokyo. ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】 Ikenohata 3-chome, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 2 minute walk from Ueno station on the JR, Tokyo Metro Ginza and Hibiya lines, and a 1 minute walk from Keisei Ueno station on the Keisei line. 【Hours】 5 am to 11 pm 【Telephone No.】03-3828-5644 【Tripadvisor】Shinobazu Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066461-d3747622-Reviews-Shinobazu_Pond-Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:12
Tokamachi in Niigata Prefecture Is the Number One Tourist Spot to Experience Beautiful Scenery! Skiing, SUP, Rafting... There’s Plenty of Activities to Enjoy!
Local PR Action & Adventure Nature- 41 plays
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Introducing Tokamachi, Niigata! This is a video to promote outdoor tourism in Tokamachi, a city located in the southern part of Niigata prefecture. Here, we will introduce you to some of the nature-rich sightseeing spots in the Shinanogawa area of Niigata Prefecture. The video introduces a variety of outdoor activities in various spots and seasons, including rivers, plateaus, and snowy mountains. There's sure to be something for everyone! Outdoor Locations in Tokamachi, Niigata Photo:glamping If you want to go camping in Tokamachi city, we recommend the beautiful Daigonji Kogen Camping Ground or the Fushikurojoseki Camping Ground. You can see the scenery at each campground at 0:29 in the video. Besides that, there are also facilities where you can enjoy the popular activity "glamping" around Tokamachi. There are various outdoor activities to enjoy in Tokamachi city, such as cycling along the Shinanogawa river, SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding) at the Shinanogawa river, canoeing, and rafting down the amazing Shinanogawa river. These can be seen at 0:39 in the footage. Known as one of the areas of Japan that has extremely heavy snowfall, there are many famous tourist spots where you can enjoy winter activities in Tokamachi city. It's been designated a special heavy snowfall area, so you know the snow will be great! You can also try cross-country skiing in the scenery of the great outdoors, or airboarding and snow biking at the Matsunoyama Onsen Ski Resort. These winter activities are shown from 1:24 in the video. Appealing Tourist Spots in Tokamachi City ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying In addition to Chotokuji Temple, which is famous for Senju Kannon (the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy), the stone Buddha of Hachi, where approximately 200 stone Buddhas are enshrined, Suwa Shrine and Matsuo Shrine, Saieiji Temple, and Jinguji Temple, a nationally renowned sight and national monument, and Tashiro no Nanatsugama, are all must-see tourist spots that show the history of Tokamachi city. You can also visit the ruins of Oida Castle, which was home to a local wealthy family during the Kamakura period. At the Tokamachi Museum, you can see the flame-shaped earthenware that was found in the area. Kiyotsu Gorge, the Hoshitoge rice terrace fields, and the beech forest, given the name Bijinbayashi, are all secret tourist spots overflowing with natural beauty. The Art Festival of the Earth - Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, one of the world's largest art festivals, attracts many visitors as well. When you visit Tokamachi city of Niigata prefecture, be sure to try the local cuisine. The Kashiwazaki Tai Chazuke (sea bream rice with tea), Soba inari, and Hegi soba are famous local specialties. Traditions of Tokamachi City In Tokamachi, Shinbo Kodaiji Bushi, which is said to be the root of Japanese folk music, has been passed down since ancient times. Akakura Kagura, which has been passed down from one generation to the next in Akakura Village, is a Shinto ritual within which you can feel the traditions of Japan. Tokamachi Kouta, which was made for the commercial of the traditional "Akashi Chijimi," is performed at the Tokamachi Summer Festival. In the city, the Tokamachi Snow Festival is held in the winter season and it's always a lively event. There are places where you can experience making Tsumariyaki, a traditional craft of Tokamachi, using soil from the area. Tokamachi city is also the second largest producer of silk fabrics after Kyoto, and is even called “Kimono town” for having many kimono and fabric shops. Accommodations in and Around Tokamachi If you're traveling to Tokamachi, we recommend staying at Hikari no Yakata, a hotel built by James Turrell in the image of Junichiro Tanizaki’s book “In the Praise of Shadows.” There are also many appealing hot spring inns in the city, so choose the one that suits you best. Summary of Tokamachi, Niigata Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced the outdoor activities in Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture as well as tourist attractions and traditional performing arts that are featured in the video. We hope you enjoyed reading about some of the attractions of Tokamachi, as it has a lot to offer. As you can see in the video, Tokamachi city, where the magnificent Shinanogawa river flows, is a great place to visit for those looking to actively experience nature. This video introduces many outdoor activities, such as skiing and SUP. Find anything you're interested in? It might be difficult deciding what to do when there's so many options! 【Official Website】Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture Town Hall Website http://www.city.tokamachi.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 2:54
Enjoy Nature, Culture, Food, Temples and Shrines, and the Near Future in Ibaraki Prefecture. This Is One Tourist Destination To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 37 plays
- YouTube
A Myriad of Wonderful Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki This video, "Ibaraki: Ever-Changing Beauty [4K Japan Cinematic]" was created by "Tokyo Creative Travel." There are many attractive sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture, including shrines and temples known as power spots, futuristic landmarks known as "towns close to space," and spots where you can experience the beauty of nature to the fullest. This article will introduce popular sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture alongside the video. Temples and Shrines in Ibaraki! Photo:Ushiku Daibutsu As you can see from 0:05 in the video, the Ushiku Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Ushiku), located in Ushiku, Ibaraki, is 120 meters tall. It is three times taller than the Statue of Liberty. Also, it's big enough to place the Great Buddha of Nara in its hand and is even recognized by Guinness Book of World Records. Arai Isomae Shrine, located on the Oarai Coast in Ibaraki, shown at 0:22 in the video, is a historical landmark known for "Kamiiso-no-Torii," a torii gate standing on a rocky reef. Kashima Shrine, the headquarters of Kashima Shrines throughout Japan, is also a popular sacred site. Tips when Traveling to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Photo:JAXA Tsukuba Space Center in Tsukuba, Ibaraki The city of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture, where the JAXA Tsukuba Space Center is located, is called "the closest town to space in Japan." Mt. Tsukuba in Hokutan, Tsukuba, is a popular spot for hiking and mountain climbing. The most advanced robots come and go around the University of Tsukuba, and as of 2019, the town of Tsukuba is the only place in Japan where Segways are allowed to be driven on public roads. There are a Segway tours that you can take on public roads as well, so consider checking these out. They can be seen from 1:21 in the video. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, National Hitachi Seaside Park Fukuroda Falls is ranked as the third most beautiful waterfall in Japan after Nachi Falls and Kegon Falls. If you're looking to relax, be sure to stop by Fukuroda Onsen and enjoy the hot springs. Hitachi Seaside Park is a popular, photogenic sightseeing spot where you can see gorgeous, blue nemophila during early summer. Kasumigaura Bay, the second largest lake in Japan, is another tourist destination we highly recommend visiting. We also recommend seeing the Ryujin Suspension Bridge, the longest bridge in Honshu, and Hananuki Gorge, where you can enjoy the beautiful autumn foliage in the fall. Ibaraki Prefecture is also known as a city of food. During your visit to Ibaraki, be sure to try monkfish dishes (あんこう料理), the Mito Chashu (Char Siu) Burger (水戸ちゃあしゅうバーガー), Kasama Inari Sushi (笠間いなり寿司), Hamaguri Meshi (はまぐりめし), Tsukuba Udon (つくばうどん), Soboro Natto (そぼろ納豆), and Sanpin Tako Meshi (三浜たこめし). Summary of Ibaraki Prefecture Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, Hananuki Valley As you can see in the video, there are many places in Ibaraki where you can enjoy beautiful scenery. After a long day of sightseeing in Ibaraki Prefecture, nothing beats enjoying the local delicacies, and Ibaraki has them in spades. Visit Ibaraki, a prefecture full of charm!