Video article 3:14
The Charm of Nakuni Island in Okinawa Prefecture, Famous as an Island on the Border! Enjoy a Luxurious, Healing Moment in the Wilderness as Far as the Eye Can See!
Local PR Travel- 19 plays
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自然溢れる国境の島「沖縄県与那国島」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「観光WEB与那国」が公開した「与那国町観光PR動画」です。 日本の最南端に位置する沖縄県より更に最西端の離島、別名『国境の島』と呼ばれている与那国島は、大自然の溢れる日本屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 『日本で一番最初に黒潮と出逢う島』とも言われ、与那国島のシンボルでもある神が宿っていると言われる『立神岩』があり、自然と密接な関わりがあるスポットとなっています。 そんな日本の国境の島として有名な沖縄県の与那国島について、こちらの記事で詳しく紹介をいたします。 沖縄県与那国島の自然の魅力と観光スポットについて! 沖縄県の離島である与那国島は、日本でも有数の大自然が残った観光地です。 都会の喧騒から離れてゆっくり観光をしたいと考えている人へおすすめの観光スポットが沢山。 放牧された馬や牛にハイビスカス、海面から約100mの高さの断崖絶壁がある与那国島の東端に位置する岬の東崎(あがりざき)、その反対の西端に位置する西崎(いりざき)、天然の展望台と呼ばれているインスタ映え間違い無しの絶景広がるティンダバナ。 どれも見どころたっぷりの人気スポットです。 他にも、まるで軍艦のような躍動感を感じさせる断崖絶壁の軍艦岩(サンニア台)、自然で形成された不思議な空間の海底遺跡、久部良にある久部良港、日本の最西端にある絶景の観光スポットとして有名なナーマ浜等、日本でも屈指の大自然を残す観光名所が多くあります。 沖縄県与那国島のグルメと歴史 美味しい食べ物と、古くから伝わる歴史的なイベントも見逃せません。 動画の1:18からご覧になれるカジキカマボコ、1:22からのクバもちは沖縄県与那国島を代表するグルメなので、ぜひお土産にどうぞ。 そして、動画の2:20から紹介されている、その年の豊年を感謝し来年の豊年を祈願する為の豊年祭、動画の2:25からの沖縄の伝統芸能の一つである旧盆エイサーなど、自然と歴史を大事にしたイベントが多くあることが分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 日本の古き良き伝統の残る与那国島は、どこか懐かしい安らぎを感じさせてくれます。 沖縄県与那国島の紹介まとめ 日本の最西端に位置する国境の島の沖縄県与那国島。 自然を多く残し、日本の古き良き伝統を堪能することが出来ることから、観光スポットとして根強い人気を誇ります。 海に囲まれていることからマリンスポーツも人気で、特にダイビングは綺麗な海を堪能出来るということで、人気となっています。 与那国島の比川は有名な日本のドラマの『Dr.コトー診療所』の舞台にもなっています。 大自然に囲まれた沖縄県与那国島、今回紹介した動画と記事で、沖縄県与那国島への観光へ訪れるきっかけとなればいただければ幸いです。 -
Video article 10:23
Shingu City in Wakayama Prefecture, Full of World Heritage and Historical Sites, Is One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! Here's a Roundup of the Most Popular Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 71 plays
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和歌山県新宮市を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「市役所新宮」が公開した「和歌山県新宮市観光プロモーション <Long>」です。 和歌山県新宮(しんぐう)市の絶景をたっぷり堪能出来る動画となっています。 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも有数の観光地であり「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい」をキャッチフレーズに、世界遺産の街として有名です。 こちらの記事ではそんな和歌山県新宮市について、おすすめの観光スポットや名所、グルメについて動画と共に紹介をしていきます。 和歌山県新宮市にはこんな良い場所がいっぱいある! 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも指折りの人気の観光スポットで、和歌山県の歴史にも縁のある名所や絶景が溢れるほどあります。 ここではそんな日本でも選りすぐりの和歌山県新宮市の観光スポットをいくつか紹介していきます。 ① 神倉神社(動画:1:33~) 世界文化遺産の『紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道』の一部で、熊野速玉大社の摂社の日本でも有名な神社です。 毎年2月6日には国指定無形民俗文化財にも指定されている勇壮な火祭りとして知られている『御燈祭り』も開催されています。 ② 浮島の森 住宅街に囲まれ、存在感を放つ面積約5,000㎡の沼の上に浮かんでいる不思議な森です。 約130種類の珍しい植物が自生し、天然記念物に指定されている貴重なスポットで、自然に溢れている景色はインスタ映え間違い無しです。 島内は遊歩道がしっかり整備されているので、ぜひその不思議な空間を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ③ 阿須賀神社 遡るとこと紀元前423年、考昭天皇の代に創建されたと伝えられている日本の歴史も深い繋がりがあり、世界遺産にも登録されている神社です。 国指定無形民俗文化財に登録をされている『熊野速玉例大祭』は毎年10月15日~16日に執り行われています。 他にも、和歌山県新宮市には綺麗な海の広がる王子ヶ浜、4月には満開の桜の絶景を堪能出来る新宮城跡、奇岩怪石が裏なる海岸線にある孔島・鈴島等、沢山の日本が誇る観光スポットがあります。 和歌山県新宮市のグルメと温泉も堪能しよう! 疲れた体を『高田グリーンランド(雲取温泉)』や『熊野川温泉"さつき"』にて癒し、和歌山県新宮市のグルメを堪能することをおすすめします。 三輪崎漁港の新鮮な海鮮、熊野の地酒、熊野牛など和歌山県新宮市で味わうことが出来る郷土料理はまさに絶品です。 自然を大切している和歌山県新宮市ならではの新鮮な食材を使った日本食・和食を、ぜひ和歌山県新宮市観光の際に味わってみて下さい。 和歌山県新宮市の観光紹介まとめ まさに「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい。」というキャッチフレーズに相応しい、日本の魅力が溢れた観光スポット和歌山県新宮市。 今回紹介させて頂いた名所の数々の他にも、佐藤春夫記念館や世界遺産である『熊野古道』の一部である高野坂、日本の滝百選の一つである『桑ノ木の滝』等の沢山の観光スポットや穴場で溢れています。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で和歌山県新宮市に興味を持って頂けたら、日本の良さを十二分に堪能出来る和歌山県新宮市への観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 21 plays
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九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 13:06
Yufu City in Oita Prefecture Is One of the Best Hot Spring Towns in Japan! The Quaint, Historic Streets of This Popular Tourist Destination Have So Much to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 19 plays
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大分県由布市は四季が織りなす自然豊かな街 こちらの動画は「大分県由布市」が公開した「由布市観光PR動画(An Invitation to Yufu)」です。 大分県由布市は、大分県の中央に位置する街であり、日本全国的にも温泉地として有名な観光地だ。 この街は周囲を山々と河川で覆われた自然豊かな街であり、標高の高い盆地にある。 そのため日較差が大きい気候にあり、冬には雪が積もることもあるほどだ。 しかし、春になると菜の花や桜並木が街に彩りを加え、日本の四季を感じることができることも大分県由布市の魅力であると言える。 大分県由布市は全国でも有数の温泉観光地 大分県は日本でも有数の湯治場として知られており温泉の源泉数・湧出量ともに日本全国で見てもトップである。 なかでも別府市と由布市には温泉地が集中しており、日本全国から温泉を目当てに観光客が訪れる。 大分県由布市湯布院町近辺には「由布院温泉」など有名な温泉が集中している。 「湯平温泉」は鎌倉時代から存在したと言われる由緒ある温泉であり、温泉街には江戸時代に作られた石畳が残っている。 「塚原温泉」は薬湯として有名な温泉であり、アトピーや水虫など皮膚に対する効能があるとされている。 「塚原温泉」は日本三大薬湯に数えられることもあるほどだ。 他にも大分県由布市には様々な温泉があり、旅館の多くには天然の温泉施設が併設されている。 大分県由布市では自然と歴史を堪能できる 大分県由布市は古くから温泉地として有名であり、温泉とともに発展してきた。 それに伴い日本の歴史にゆかりのある観光施設も多くある。 「宇奈岐日女神社」には、「大杵社の大スギ」という樹齢1,000年以上の大木があり、日本の天然記念物に指定されている。 この大スギの他にも30メートルほどもあるスギが立ち並び、大迫力の自然を堪能することができる観光スポットだ。 大分県由布市のシンボルになりつつある「観光辻馬車」は、由布市の田園風景を眺めながら「宇奈岐日女神社」などの観光地を巡る事のできる人気の乗り物になっている。 大分県由布市には「だんご汁」に「やせうま」など美味しい郷土料理もたくさん 大分県由布市には多くの郷土料理が存在する。 なかでも「だんご汁」と「やせうま」は他では味わえない料理である。 「だんご汁」は豚汁に似た料理で、もちもちした平たい麺を入れる料理だ。 このもちもちした平たい麺にきな粉と砂糖をまぶしたお菓子が「やせうま」と呼ばれている。 また地元で育てられた黒毛和牛「豊後牛」や、地元の蔵で醸した地産の麦焼酎なども大分県由布市では人気のグルメになっており、日本人からのみならず海外の旅行客からも高く評価されています。 大分県由布市は家族で1日中いても楽しめる! 大分県由布市は、最近では温泉だけでなく家族で楽しめる観光施設も増えている。 自然に囲まれた「高原美術館」は洋館風のオシャレなギャラリーが特徴的で、ゆったりとした時間を過ごすことができる穴場だ。 また「梨狩り」や「お箸作り体験」などは、子どもに人気の場所である。 大分県由布市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 由布市は大分市や別府市とも近く、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 大分県を訪れた際には電車やバスを使って気軽に足を運んでみるとよいだろう。 -
Video article 8:39
Feel the History of Japan in Shibata, Niigata Prefecture! This Video Shows You the Charm of Shibata, a City in Niigata Prefecture You Don't Want to Miss!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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新潟県新発田(しばた)市の観光スポットが丸わかりになる動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「新発田市観光協会」が公開した「新発田市観光PRムービー」です。 新潟県北部下越地方にある新発田市(しばた)にある沢山の観光名所を堪能することが出来る動画となっています。 日本の歴史とも深い関りのある新潟県新発田市は新潟のみならず、日本でも屈指の観光スポットとして人気であり、日本の文化を知るには欠かせない場所となっています。 この記事では、そんな新潟県新発田市の観光名所や絶景、古くから伝わる歴史や伝統のグルメ等の耳より情報を動画と共に紹介いたします。 新潟県新発田市の新発田城とその周辺観光について! 新潟県新発田市の中でもひと際日本の歴史を感じさせる建造物と言えば、動画の0:58でご覧になることが出来る新発田城(別名:あやめ城)でしょう。 築城時期が不明とされている城ではあるものの、鎌倉時代初期にはあったことから、佐々木盛綱の傍系である新発田氏によって築城されたのではと言われています。 その周辺には、動画の1:25ご覧になれる寺町通りもあり、日本の歴史を感じることのできる新潟県でも屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 国指定名勝の清水園について! 動画の2:01から紹介されている清水園は、こちらも日本の新潟県の観光スポットとして有名なスポットとされています。 清水園には、日本の自然に溢れた近江八景を取り入れており、その中には日本の国指定重要文化財ともされている足軽の歴史を知ることが出来る足軽長屋もあります。 撮影も自由ということから、自然と歴史が堪能出来るこの観光スポットでインスタ映えを狙ってみるのもまた良いのではないでしょうか。 観光だけでは終わらない新潟県新発田市の魅力! 新潟県新発田市観光ではグルメや温泉等も忘れてはいけません。 動画の3:32で紹介をされている和菓子は、伝統の職人技によってまるで芸術品のような素晴らしい出来であることが分かるのではないでしょうか。 動画の6:14で紹介されているレトロな雰囲気残る歴史深い新道・掛蔵地区では、新潟県の地産地消の寿司等のグルメを堪能したり、お土産を買うこともできます。 そして旅の疲れは『美人をつくる温泉』と名高い月岡温泉で癒すことで、新潟県新発田市を余すことなく堪能出来るでしょう。 新潟県新発田市の観光の紹介まとめ 多くの観光スポットと日本の歴史深い建造物が存在する新潟県新発田市。 こちらの記事で紹介した観光スポットの他にも、堀部安兵衛生誕地、大正・昭和の歴史を堪能することが出来る蕗谷虹児記念館、そして新潟県新発田市が産んだ人間国宝『天田昭次』について知ることが出来る刀剣伝承館・天田昭次記念館等も見逃せない観光スポットとなっています。 毎年8月の中旬には、城下町新発田まつりも開催されます。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で新潟県新発田市に興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ一度実際に新潟県新発田市へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 15:36
The Abukuma Caves in Fukushima Prefecture's Tamura District Are a Natural Work of Art! You'll Be Mesmerized by This Beautiful, Mystical Space!
Travel- 24 plays
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人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の紹介動画について 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」では、福島県にある美しい鍾乳洞を紹介しています。 目を疑うほど美しい「あぶくま洞」の景観に、きっと心を奪われるでしょう。 動画の中で紹介されている、「あぶくま洞」の大自然の造形美やイルミネーションは必見となっています。 こちらの記事では、人気観光スポット「福島県のあぶくま洞」の魅力を動画と共に解説していきます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」とは? 日本観光で訪れたい「あぶくま洞」は、福島県田村郡にある歴史ある鍾乳洞です。 美しい大自然の造形美や神秘的な景色が特徴で、多くの観光客を魅了します。 鍾乳石の種類と数は東洋一と言われ、「あぶくま洞」の美しい風景を作り上げています。 こちらの動画の1:11からあぶくま洞の風景を見ることができますよ。 「あぶくま洞」の洞内は、総延長が約3,300mあります。 そのうち一般見学用として600m、一般見学用から分岐する全長120mの探検コースを観光用で一般公開しています。 また、「あぶくま洞」ではイルミネーションイベントの「緋桜物語」が開催。 鍾乳洞の中がイルミネーションの光で彩られ、圧巻の美しさを楽しめます。 「あぶくま洞」観光では必ず見ておきたいイベントです。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の必見エリア 日本の人気の観光スポット「あぶくま洞」は、必見の絶景エリアがたくさんあります! 「滝根御殿」「月の世界」「クリスタルカーテン」「ボックスワーク」「シールド」「洞穴サンゴ」などがおすすめ。 変わった形をした鍾乳石を見られるエリア、神秘的な景色を楽しめるエリア、たけのこ状に伸びた石筍が見られるエリアなど、それぞれで特徴のある景色を楽しめます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」情報 福島県の観光スポットである「あぶくま洞」の料金やアクセス方法などを紹介します。 福島県田村市にある「あぶくま洞」の料金は、高校生以上が1,200円、中学生800円、小学生600円。 公式ホームページでプリントアウトできる割引券を使うと100円~200円安くなります。 あぶくま洞を見学する所要時間は一般コースが約40分で探検コースが約50分。 洞窟内の気温は平均で15℃前後。 下層部では0~10℃くらいまで下がることもあるので、上着を1枚持っていくなど服装には気をつけましょう。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」紹介記事のまとめ 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」は、日本観光におすすめの「あぶくま洞」を紹介しています。 圧倒的な美を堪能できる福島県の「あぶくま洞」。 大自然の造形美を堪能しましょう! -
Video article 2:49
Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture - Enjoy the Beautiful Tropical Scenery and Flower Gardens Surrounded by the Emerald Green Sea and Mountains!
Local PR Travel- 57 plays
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The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Ogimi Village, Okinawa This video, titled "[Ogimi Village] Ogiumi Marugoto Tourism Association" (【大宜味村】_おおぎみまるごとツーリズム協会), was released by "TOYO Planning & Printing, INC." It's a 4K video introducing Ogimi Village, using drones and time lapse technology. The video introduces recommended sightseeing spots, historical and traditional culture, and gourmet information to enjoy sightseeing around Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture! The beautiful scenery of Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture is captured in the video. It's full of Instagram worthy locations that you can't help but admire. This video will convey the beauty of Japan's natural landscapes with a sense of nostalgia. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Endless Natural Landscapes! Tourist Attractions of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a sightseeing destination in Japan, is a popular place to relax and forget about the passing of time. You can enjoy a variety of Japanese festivals, such as the Kijoka Festival (喜如嘉まつり), the Ogimi Village Summer Festival (大宜味村夏まつり), the harvest festival, Honen Odori (豊年踊り), and the Umigami Festival (海神祭), held to pray for a good fishing season. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can experience things you won't find in the city. It's easy to visit as there are reasonably priced minpaku (Japanese-style homestays) and hotels. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is also a popular tourist attraction, where you can visit the Ogimi Village Government Building, which is famous as a National Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan, and also a place where you can buy Kijoka bashofu, a traditional Japanese cloth. Other popular tourist attractions in Kunigami include the "Shikuwasa Theme Park," which is a great place to visit for families. The Lilac Field Shown in the Video One of the best scenic spots is Okurareruka Field in Kijoka, Ogimi Village, Okinawa, where from late March to early April, the fields are covered with irises. The fields of irises in full bloom are absolutely breathtaking. You can see the beautiful scenery in the video, but it pales in comparison to the real thing. Be sure to take a camera to take pictures for your Instagram! Sightseeing and Food in Ogimi Village, Okinawa! Ta Waterfall in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a tourist attraction where you can enjoy the waterfalls of Japan, is one of Okinawa's most powerful power spots. We recommend engaging in some light sports while strolling around the area! There are many other places to visit in Bunagaya Village (ぶながやの里), a place where traditional Japanese agriculture thrives, and there are many endangered wildlife species that you won't find anywhere else. In the tourist area of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, there are many gourmet spots where you can eat soba, the secret to longevity, and you can also enjoy finding delicious, lesser known restaurants. Summary of Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa In this article, we introduced the natural landscapes of Ogimi Village, Okinawa alongside the video. Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can enjoy the great outdoors of Japan and beautiful natural scenery. It's a great place to visit with your family, friends, and loved ones, or even alone! -
Video article 2:17
Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture Is One of Japan's Leading Port Cities! Enjoy the Best of Japan Sightseeing in This City Full of Exotic Culture and Charm!
Local PR Travel- 56 plays
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神奈川県横浜紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yokohama Official Visitors Guide」が公開した「Welcome to Yokohama」です。 日本へ訪日されたらどこの観光名所行きたいですか? のんびり日本を観光したい人におすすめなのが横浜です。 首都東京や日本の空の玄関口、羽田空港からも30分ほどの距離。 横浜はみなとみらい21を中心としたショッピングスポットや観光名所に中華街を中心としたグルメも豊富です。 それでは日本の中でもオススメしたい観光地、横浜の動画をご覧ください。 神奈川県横浜でおすすめしたい観光名所みなとみらい21 横浜でまず訪れたいスポットはみなとみらい21。 ここには赤レンガ倉庫や横浜ランドマークタワーといった観光名所があります。 また、山下公園は海が望めるエリアとしても人気が高い観光スポットです。 歩いていける元町エリアもショッピングスポットとして観光に外せません。 日本一のチャイナタウン!横浜中華街はグルメ観光に絶対外せない 映像では匂いが伝えられないのが非常に残念です。 横浜を代表する観光名所がここ横浜中華街。 日本一の規模を誇る中華街には500店舗以上のお店があり、横浜のグルメスポットとして人気が高いエリアです。 ブタまん・シウマイ、カリカリ焼きそばといった手軽な中華料理からちょっと高級なコース料理まで楽しめます。 日本を代表する港町、横浜は海から観光もまた楽しい 港町横浜は街を海から見るのもおすすめ。 水上バスから横浜を眺めてみませんか。 海から見る横浜は別の顔をしています。 日本の歴史は横浜の歴史にも繋がる 横浜の歴史は 1854年、日本へのペリー来航で大きく変わります。 1859年に、横浜港が外国人の寄港地として開港。 その頃から横浜には多くの異国文化が入ってきます。 横浜がクルーズ船の日本を代表する寄港地としても有名な大桟橋もその名残。 今、横浜がこれだけ大きい街になったのもペリー来航が始まりといえます。 人気観光スポット横浜紹介まとめ 今回は横浜の動画を見てみましたがどうでしたか? この動画を見てショッピング・グルメ・観光と横浜の魅力が存分にわかったはずです。 みなさんも是非横浜に訪れてみてください。 それでは横浜でお会いできることを楽しみにしています! -
Video article 2:33
Saphir Odoriko: The Limited Express Luxury Train Making Its Debut in 2020. All Seats First Class or Better!
Vehicles Travel- 106 plays
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The Limited Express Sightseeing Train From Tokyo to Izu: Saphir Odoriko - All Cars First Class or Better This video, titled "The Opening of Saphir Odoriko - All Seats First Class or Better" (「サフィール踊り子」公開 全座席がグリーン車以上), was released by "KyodoNews." The video of the news was made open to the press in December 2019. The Limited express train “Saphir Odoriko” will operate on Tokyo-Shinjuku・Shizuoka-izukyuushimoda route, and it will be entered into train schedules by March 14th, 2020. The characteristics of the Saphir Odoriko are its private rooms, and first class or higher seating. It will become a frequently used line connecting the Metropolitan area to Izu. Please watch the video for an inside look at the luxurious accommodations, and to feel the high class nature of this limited express sightseeing train that allows for a comfortable journey between Tokyo and Izu. Saphir Odoriko: All Seats "Green" Source :YouTube screenshot After the Super View Odoriko of JR East is decommissioned in March 2020, the Saphir Odoriko (Railway series: E261) limited express sightseeing train is a brand new train that will grant easy access to popular sightseeing locations around Izu. The namesake "Saphir" in French means "sapphire" reminiscent of its appearance which looks like the beautiful blue sea and sky in Izu. Saphir Odoriko has 8 cars with a capacity of 164 people and the first car (which is a premium Green Car) has skylight seating, so when traveling towards Shimoda passengers can feel the natural light of the sky with luxury 1 to 1 seating accommodating up to 20 people in each row. This can be seen at 0:56 in the video. The seating in the 2nd and 3rd cars are for groups of families and friends, and the private green rooms placed in them can accommodate 4 to 6 people. The seating in cars 5 to 8 are Green Cars and have 1 by 2 (◼+◼◼) seating. They are introduced at 1:29 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot In addition, car 4 is a dining car, and is made in the style of an open noodle bar, so you can enjoy some great tasting noodles during your journey. According to the chief of vehicles at JR East's railroad technology center, the appearance of the "Saphir Odoriko" is a metallic blue that is based on the beautiful colors that can be seen in Izu's natural scenery ( 2:05). You can see the train's appearance at 0:14 in the video. In 2020, the popular toy train manufacturer"Plarail" and the model train manufacturer N scale are going to release versions of "Saphir Odoriko", so they might be great gift ideas. Facilities on the Saphir Odoriko Photo:A woman using a laptop on a train Conscious about the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, the facilities on board the “Saphir Odoriko” were designed to accommodate the large influx of inbound tourists, and are thus equipped with large luggage compartments, and free Wi-Fi services. In the private green rooms, luggage compartments are installed inside the room itself. Every seat on the Saphir Odoriko also comes with its own personal electrical outlets for charging laptops, phones, and other electronic devices. That being said, you won’t need to worry about preserving data and battery life while riding on the “Saphir Odoriko”, and can instead use your time freely and effectively. Summary of the Saphir Odoriko On the way to popular sightseeing spots in Izu, you won’t need to worry about traffic jams or if the train is running on time as it’s a reputable railway. As shown in the video, with the light pouring in through the skylights, and the train’s high-class feel, you’re sure to have a relaxing, unforgettable experience traveling with friends or family on the Saphir Odoriko. As of this news' release, the Saphir Odoriko is scheduled to make a round trip once per day between Tokyo and Izu. The currently announced stops for the Saphir Odoriko are: Tokyo station, Shinjuku station, and Izukyuushimoda station, but please keep in mind that these are still subject to change. For ticket prices, or to make reservations, please stop by a JR ticket office. -
Video article 2:54
Enjoy Nature, Culture, Food, Temples and Shrines, and the Near Future in Ibaraki Prefecture. This Is One Tourist Destination To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 37 plays
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A Myriad of Wonderful Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki This video, "Ibaraki: Ever-Changing Beauty [4K Japan Cinematic]" was created by "Tokyo Creative Travel." There are many attractive sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture, including shrines and temples known as power spots, futuristic landmarks known as "towns close to space," and spots where you can experience the beauty of nature to the fullest. This article will introduce popular sightseeing spots in Ibaraki Prefecture alongside the video. Temples and Shrines in Ibaraki! Photo:Ushiku Daibutsu As you can see from 0:05 in the video, the Ushiku Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Ushiku), located in Ushiku, Ibaraki, is 120 meters tall. It is three times taller than the Statue of Liberty. Also, it's big enough to place the Great Buddha of Nara in its hand and is even recognized by Guinness Book of World Records. Arai Isomae Shrine, located on the Oarai Coast in Ibaraki, shown at 0:22 in the video, is a historical landmark known for "Kamiiso-no-Torii," a torii gate standing on a rocky reef. Kashima Shrine, the headquarters of Kashima Shrines throughout Japan, is also a popular sacred site. Tips when Traveling to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Photo:JAXA Tsukuba Space Center in Tsukuba, Ibaraki The city of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture, where the JAXA Tsukuba Space Center is located, is called "the closest town to space in Japan." Mt. Tsukuba in Hokutan, Tsukuba, is a popular spot for hiking and mountain climbing. The most advanced robots come and go around the University of Tsukuba, and as of 2019, the town of Tsukuba is the only place in Japan where Segways are allowed to be driven on public roads. There are a Segway tours that you can take on public roads as well, so consider checking these out. They can be seen from 1:21 in the video. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Ibaraki Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, National Hitachi Seaside Park Fukuroda Falls is ranked as the third most beautiful waterfall in Japan after Nachi Falls and Kegon Falls. If you're looking to relax, be sure to stop by Fukuroda Onsen and enjoy the hot springs. Hitachi Seaside Park is a popular, photogenic sightseeing spot where you can see gorgeous, blue nemophila during early summer. Kasumigaura Bay, the second largest lake in Japan, is another tourist destination we highly recommend visiting. We also recommend seeing the Ryujin Suspension Bridge, the longest bridge in Honshu, and Hananuki Gorge, where you can enjoy the beautiful autumn foliage in the fall. Ibaraki Prefecture is also known as a city of food. During your visit to Ibaraki, be sure to try monkfish dishes (あんこう料理), the Mito Chashu (Char Siu) Burger (水戸ちゃあしゅうバーガー), Kasama Inari Sushi (笠間いなり寿司), Hamaguri Meshi (はまぐりめし), Tsukuba Udon (つくばうどん), Soboro Natto (そぼろ納豆), and Sanpin Tako Meshi (三浜たこめし). Summary of Ibaraki Prefecture Photo:Ibaraki Prefecture, Hananuki Valley As you can see in the video, there are many places in Ibaraki where you can enjoy beautiful scenery. After a long day of sightseeing in Ibaraki Prefecture, nothing beats enjoying the local delicacies, and Ibaraki has them in spades. Visit Ibaraki, a prefecture full of charm! -
Video article 3:34
The Beautiful Neon Glow of Kabukicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, the City That Never Sleeps! Be Intoxicated By the Mysterious Atmosphere of the Best Shopping District in the East!
Travel- 216 plays
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Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan's Sleepless City, at Night The video featured here is titled "Cyberpunk 2018 TOKYO Shinjuku 4K." It was released by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." Shinjuku is home to Japan's busiest train station and is also known as the "City that Never Sleeps." At night, the city is brilliantly illuminated and the night view of Shinjuku from the skyscrapers is breathtakingly beautiful. In this article, we'll go over the spectacular night view of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the largest entertainment district in the East! On rainy days in particular, the neon lights reflected in the puddles on the road's surface create exotic scenery that reminds us of artwork from the cyberpunk movie "Blade Runner." You can watch the 4K video here to enjoy all of the beauty that Shinjuku has to offer. Enjoy! The City That Never Sleeps, Where You Can See Godzilla, the Pride of Japan! Tokyo's Kabukicho in Shinjuku and Its Neon Lights Photo:Godzilla in Kabukicho, Tokyo The symbol of Japan's All-night entertainment City is Kabukicho in Shinjuku, Tokyo. In Kabukicho, you'll find TOHO Cinemas Shinjuku where you can see a life-sized replica of Godzilla's head, and the shop Don Quijote. The district contains restaurants and sex-oriented shops and is crowded with tourists every day and night. You can see this from 0:16 in the video. The Godzilla head at TOHO Cinemas is the most Instagrammable spot in Shinjuku. The Kabukicho area also has other facilities, such as the Shinjuku City Office and Ohkubo Hospital. Most Japanese people have probably seen the famous neon sign of Kabukicho Ichibangai facing Ome Kaido Street at least once, as it has been featured in many TV programs and movies. The night view of Shinjuku's Kabukicho is one of the most famous views of Shinjuku and a symbol of Japan's nightlife culture. A Beautiful Night View of Shinjuku 3-Chome, the Most Densely Populated Restaurant District in Japan Photo:BICQLO, Tokyo, Japan Kabukicho is a popular tourist spot among foreigners, but some people may have a scary image of it. Though it has a cyberpunk vibe that makes it an ideal night view spot for those who like it, if you go to the JR Shinjuku Station side across the Oume Kaido Street, you will find the Shinjuku 3-chome area where you can enjoy eating and drinking in a safe and relaxed environment. Shinjuku 3-chome is a busy shopping and entertainment district lined with Isetan Shinjuku, a long-established department store that boasts the highest sales in Japan, major electronic and home appliance retail stores, such as BICQLO and MARUI, Shinjuku Takano, and luxury brand shops. It is said to have the largest number of restaurants in Japan, and is a popular area as a nightlife and gourmet spot where women can safely walk amongst the neon lights. -
Video article 3:18
Reihoku, Kumamoto- Where Christianity Was Introduced to Japan More Than 450 Years Ago. Introducing Tourist Spots, Gourmet Food, and the Nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto!
Local PR Travel Nature- 40 plays
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Reihoku, Amakusa, Kyushu This video is a promotional video for Reihoku, Amakusa in Kumamoto, Kyushu titled "reihoku," created by "Reihoku Town Hall." The video introduces the many attractive places and magnificent nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto. Reihoku is the perfect place to visit if you like the ocean. Check out Tomioka castle and Tomioka visiter center if you're looking for a tasteful sightseeing tour. The video shows the many different tourist spots dotted around Reihoku. Let's take a look! Amakusa, Kumamoto - A UNESCO World Heritage Site Photo:Sakizu Church The Amakusa area in Kumamoto, Kyushu was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. The World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" is where you can feel the history and culture of Japanese Christianity. It has been about 450 years since Christianity was introduced to Japan. Visit the different churches and experience Japan's culture of Christianity. At 1:39 in the video, you can see a statue of the Virgin Mary on a cliff. It's very beautiful even if you don't follow Christianity. Ocean Views in Reihoku, Kumamoto Photo:Yatsushiro Sea You can go on a cruise where you can see dolphins from Tomioka port. You'll be fascinated to see all the different beautiful ocean views that the cruise offers. There are other popular spots such as Tomioka beach, Shikizaki cape, and Oppai rock (Lit. "Breast Rock") in Amakusa ocean. We recommend the Reihoku steam ship for sightseeing. It's only a 45-minute ride between Amakusa and Nagasaki. Try the popular tour of Reihoku Thermal Power Plant that takes place on the day the power plant was opened. Check the video at 1:05 to see the rock cruising. There are so many photo locations for Instagram! Gourmet Food in Reihoku, Amakusa Photo:Nagasaki chanpon noodles Fresh sea food is a must in Reihoku, Amakusa. Try the freshly caught fish and oysters from Reihoku! Amakusa area is also famous for cabbage. At 2:42 in the video, all of the gourmet foods are introduced. Which one are you thinking about trying? Nagasaki chanpon noodles are another must-eat food since Amakusa is close to Nagasaki. Fill your belly with all the delicious Amakusa cuisine. The Cultivation of pearls is also famous in Amakusa. You can even purchase them as souvenirs! Summary of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto As you can see in the video, Reihoku is a small, yet beautiful town surrounded by beautiful nature. If you're planning to visit Amakusa, try to reserve a hotel next to the ocean. It'll be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Reihoku town office in Amakusa, Kumamoto https://reihoku-kumamoto.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto Tourist https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1121557-Activities-Reihoku_machi_Amakusa_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 1:41
Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Is a City You'll Want to Visit Again and Again. New Discoveries, New Attractions, and New Experiences Await You!
Local PR Travel- 61 plays
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広島県のおすすめ観光地・尾道市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「尾道市」が公開した「尾道市公式 Onomichi - Little Lovely Things -「Yama side」」です。 こちらの記事では広島の観光スポットである尾道市の景色を楽しめる名所や、周辺のイベント情報などを動画と共に紹介します。 広島県尾道市の景勝地 日本の観光地である広島県尾道市には、美しい景観を見られるスポットが盛りだくさん。 イチオシは千光寺公園の展望台です。 この展望台は千光寺公園の頂上にあり、尾道市を一望できる、雄大な景色が広がっています。桜が開花する春はとくに景色が綺麗なのでおすすめ。 「日本の桜名所100選」にも選ばれており、山や海、桜を鑑賞できる展望台の景色は、とても美しいのです。 他にも、千光寺ロープウェイや恋人の広場など絶景を楽しめるスポットが多くあります。 広島県尾道市の人気のイベント 広島の観光地である尾道市には、さまざまなイベントが開催されています。 人気なのは「おのみち住吉花火まつり」です。 広島を代表するとても人気の花火大会で、県外からも多くの人が訪れます。 「尾道水道が紡いだ中世からの箱庭的都市」として日本遺産に登録された街並みと一緒に、花火を楽しむことができます。 「おのみち住吉花火まつり」以外には、尾道みなと祭や尾道祗園祭、因島水軍まつり、尾道灯りまつりなどがおすすめ。 広島県尾道市紹介まとめ さまざまな観光スポットがある広島の尾道市。 絶景スポット、歴史ある寺院、にぎやかなイベントなど、広島県尾道市には魅力がいっぱい! 是非、広島県尾道市へ実際に足を運んでみてはいかがですか? -
Video article 2:41
5 Recommended Tourist Spots in Tokushima! Awa Odori, History, Nature, Gourmet Food, Tradition, and so Much More Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 52 plays
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Five of Tokushima Prefecture's Most Attractive Tourist Spots This video, titled "Undiscovered Tokushima, The Real Tokushima ~ Full ~," was released by "The City of Water / Tokushima City Tourism Channel" (水都・徳島市観光チャンネル). Awa Odori is a famous attraction in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, located in Japan's Shikoku region, but there are many other attractive sightseeing spots in Tokushima Prefecture as well. This time, we'll introduce 5 recommended activities to enjoy in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. [Tokushima Recommendation #1] Traditional Performing Arts, Historical Heritages, and Other Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 0:45 in the video, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, has a traditional culture called Awa Ningyo Joruri (a type of traditional puppet theatre), which is a nationally designated Important Intangible Cultural Property. In addition, Awa Aizome (indigo dyeing), seen from 0:39, is one of Tokushima's traditional industries. At the Aizome Craft Center (藍染工芸館, Aizome Kougeikan), you can experience aizome dyeing classes and buy craftwork that give you a sense of history and culture, as souvenirs. In addition, Tokushima is dotted with many historical heritage sites, such as ancient tombs, temples, and shrines. A valuable excavation site can be seen at Awashima Historic Park. It's a recommended sightseeing route for taking walks in Tokushima while feeling the history and culture. [Tokushima Recommendation #2] Shikoku Henro, a Temple Pilgrimage Photo:Ryozenji Temple, Tokushima Prefecture Shikoku Henro is a traditional pilgrimage in Japan. The first of the 88 temples in Shikoku, which were founded by Kobo Daishi, is Ryozenji Temple, located in Tokushima Prefecture. There are 22 pilgrimage sites in Tokushima Prefecture. The pilgrimage route also has shukuba (lodging), so if you're looking to complete the pilgrimage on foot consider staying at these. You can see images of the pilgrimage from 0:17 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #3] Activities To Enjoy With Children Photo:Bentenyama, Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, is also known as the city of water. Every July, there are lots of activities that you can enjoy with your children, such as the Tokushima Hyotanjima Water City Festival (徳島ひょうたん島水都祭り, Tokushima Hyotanjima Suito Matsuri) and the Hyotanjima Cruise! The model of Hyokkori Hyoutanjima, a puppet show on NHK, was Hyoutanjima in Tokushima City. And there's another recommended activity that you can enjoy with your children! That is, climbing the mountain, Bentenyama, which is famous as the smallest mountain in Japan. Adults can reach the summit in 1 minute! If you climb the stairs, there is a shrine that enshrines Benzaiten, so why not enjoy a casual mountain climb with your kids and bring along some lunch to enjoy as well? The Tokushima Zoo, where you can experience feeding animals, is also a little-known tourist spot. [Tokushima Recommendation #4] Local Gourmet Food in Tokushima Photo:Gourmet Food in Tokushima Prefecture Tokushima is full of finger-licking-good gourmet spots! The one we recommend most is the local okonomiyaki "Mametentama," which can only be eaten in Tokushima. This is sweetly stewed Kintoki beans made into tempura (Kakiage in Tokyo style) and then made into okonomiyaki. The okonomiyaki sauce and sweet beans are a perfect match and are totally addictive. If you get tired of walking, you can always take a break and try Tokushima's famous Taki-no-yakimochi, at a cafe in Mt. Bizan. Taki-no-yakimochi is a local dessert that uses the famous water from Kinryosui Spring on Mt. Bizan, which was loved by successive generations of Tokushima feudal lords. Matcha goes great with the slightly sweet mochi. If you're hungry, try Tokushima's specialty, Niku-dama ramen, and replenish your stamina! You can see the popular gourmet foods of Tokushima prefecture from 1:21 in the video. [Tokushima Recommendation #5] The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Mt. Bizan and Awa Odori Source :YouTube screenshot You can see the whole view of the cityscape of Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture from Mt. Bizan. Also, you can climb to the mountaintop from the 5th floor of the Awa Odori Hall (阿波おどり会館, Awaodori Kaikan) by ropeway; and during this, you can enjoy traveling through the air while enjoying a spectacular view of Mt. Bizan and the sea. Awa Odori is a must-see for anyone sightseeing in Tokushima. Awa Odori has a male dance and a female dance, and the dance is performed by an organization called "Ren" (連). Every August, the city of Tokushima comes to life with many locals and tourists attending the event. You can see the scenes of Awa Odori from 1:51 in the video. Summary of the Attractions of Tokushima Prefecture Photo:Yoshino River, Tokushima Prefecture In this article we introduced 5 exciting activities to enjoy in Tokushima Prefecture, but what do you think? The Yoshino River crosses through Tokushima, the city of water, and the sea of Tokushima is a mecca for surfing in Japan's Chugoku and Shikoku regions. In Japanese mythology, Shikoku is said to have been the first Island created in the Japanese archipelago, and it is a historically valuable place. Be sure to visit Tokushima Prefecture, a place of mythology, water, culture and history! When the Awa Odori Festival is held, reservations for hotels and inns will be limited, so we recommend making reservations early. 【Official Website】Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tokushima.tokushima.jp/smph/ -
Video article 1:23
A Blissful Moment at "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu": The Charms of One Inn, Located in the Center of Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 103 plays
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"Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" in Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture Produced by “MDK TV”, this video is titled "The luxury inn at Isawa Onsen, in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu"(山梨県石和温泉の高級旅館 銘石の宿 かげつ - www.isawa-kagetsu.com -), and it is an introductory video for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" is popular on hotel review websites and so on because it offers the best hospitality services available. Access is about 10 minutes by car from Ichinomiya Misaka IC on the Chuo Expressway, and about 5 minutes by train from Isawa Onsen Station on the JR Chuo Line. There is also a shuttle bus from the station. This article, along with the video, introduces the appeal of the luxury inn "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu", which has been selected as one of the top 100 inns in Yamanashi Prefecture for 34 consecutive years. The video introduces a beautiful Japanese garden and delicious Kaiseki cuisine, so we recommend checking it out. Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot Located in Fuefuki City (笛吹市, Fuefuki shi), Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was established in 1906 (Meiji 39) and is a long-established inn loved by various artists and cultural figures. It is easily accessible from Tokyo and is very popular as a hotel for travel and sightseeing. One of the highlights of the “Stone of Monument Inn - Kagetsu” is the Japanese garden, where you can enjoy a variety of seasonal views. The 5,000 tsubo (traditional unit of land area, approx. 3.31 square meters) site has been completed over several decades with the artificial hill, built with stones collected from all over the country, and top-class landscaping techniques. Your heart will be healed by the beautiful garden with a pure Japanese atmosphere. In the garden, you can also watch the Nishikigoi as the swim through the pond. It is very relaxing. Since it is a photo-friendly spot, you can have fun taking commemorative photos for Instagram and feeding the koi. At 0:30 in the video, you can see the aerial footage of the Japanese garden by drone. What's more, the garden of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was the first Japanese garden that used 3D projection mapping in a Japanese hot spring. This beautiful scenery that blends modern technology with Japanese traditions, can be found at 0:58 in the video. The In-House Facilities of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" has many facilities that can heal both mind and body. Please use the 24 hour large open-air bath where you can relax in the hot springs while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The springs can be seen at 0:54 in the video. If you're looking for some luxury, you can enjoy the hot springs in the open-air baths. You can also receive aromatherapy and try the aroma salon as well. After enjoying the hot springs, relax in the rest area, coffee lounge, mahjong room, or Club Stone where you can enjoy karaoke. There is also a garden pool, so you can feel the full resort experience. There are also stalls for buying souvenirs such as Koshu Inden, Kikyo Shingen Mochi, and Koshu Wine, all which make great gifts or personal treats. There is also a banquet hall available for corporate meetings and company trips. There's a little bit of everything at Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, so take your time and relax how you want to. Guest Rooms and Accommodation Information for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Located in the Isawa Onsen village, Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu offers beautiful Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. Kagetsu's accommodations are divided into the Central Hall, South Hall, East Hall, West Hall, and Back Hall, and each room has a different atmosphere. Amenities are also available, so there's no need to bring your own. When you stay, there are various plans for families and couples, so you can choose the plan you like. Please check the travel site and official website, as the room rates for hotel reservations vary depending on the season, room, plan, and tour. There is also a day plan to enjoy lunch and relax at the hot springs. Dining at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot The prestigious inn in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, offers excellent meals such as kaiseki (a traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) and seasonal dishes as well. At the restaurant "Togentei," the head chef puts his heart into his cuisine to create beautiful, delicious gourmet dishes. Specially made with Koshu beef that melts in your mouth. This can be seen from 0:45 of the video. Sightseeing Around Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Photo:Fuefuki Togenkyo There are various sightseeing spots around Isawa Onsen in Fuefuki, where Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu is located. Fuefuki Togenkyo where peach blossoms bloom, Mars Yamanashi Winery where you can enjoy Koshu wine, Lumiere Winery and Monde Brewery, Prefectural Museum Kajiam, Shakado Archaeological Museum, Satono Station Ichinomiya, which has many souvenirs, and Misaka Toge, where you can enjoy superb views of Mt.Fuji. Be sure to check them out if you're planning on making a trip to Kagetsu, and don't forget to taste local specialties such as "hoto" while you're at it. Summary of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu The video about “Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, a luxury inn at Isawa Onsen in Yamanashi Prefecture, was created by "MDK TV." If you want to stay at a luxury inn with one of Japan's most amazing hot springs, be sure to watch the video and experience the splendor of the famous Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. Experience a healing experience at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu; the luxury inn where you can experience hot springs, a Japanese garden, sublime cuisine, and more. Stone Monument Inn - Kagatsu 【Address】385 Kawanakajima, Isawa-cho, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture 406-0024 【Access】About 10 minutes from Chuo Expressway Ichinomiya Misaka IC / 5 minutes by car from JR Chuo Toku, Isawa Onsen Station 【Parking】Available. About 70 units. 【Telephone No】055-262-4526 【Official Website】 Luxury Inn of Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture https://www.isawa-kagetsu.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021447-d1065069-Reviews-Kagetsu-Fuefuki_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:59
Izu Islands' “Niijima”: A True Paradise Only 35 Minutes From the City. Its Scenic Views Will Have You Wondering If You’re Really in Tokyo
Local PR Travel- 375 plays
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Izu Islands' “Niijima” The video “Niijima - The other Side of Tokyo : 80 Days Travel” created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful,” is a promotional video that introduces the beautiful "Niijima," in the Izu islands. Many people might not have heard the “Niijima” before. Although Niijima is part of Tokyo, it has a warm climate all year round. The beaches are reminiscent of one's you'd find in Hawaii. There are so many things to see in Niijima, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the views. This article will talk about some scenic locations on Niijima, full of nature, and great for taking Instagram photos. The video is only 2 minutes long, but there's no shortage of things to see. Popular Tourist Spots in Niijima Photo:Aerial view of Niijima Niijima, in the Izu islands, is located south of Japan's main island, Honshu. Niijima village is actually part of Tokyo. Unlike the big city Tokyo, Niijima is an island overflowing with nature, beautiful beaches, and ocean. Niijima attracts a lot of tourists, and it is also a popular surf spot, with the world championships occasionally being held there. Check out the video from 0:11 to see how beautiful Niijima's ocean is. You can also visit the historical temples and enjoy swimming in the ocean. You'll have no regrets after your visit to Niijima. Niijima can be accessed by either ferry or plane. If you would like to spend some quality time on the ferry, we recommend taking the ferry from either Tokyo Takeshiba Pier, or the one from Shimoda Port in Shimoda, Shizuoka. If you would like to save travel time however, we recommend you fly from Tokyo Chofu Airport. By high speed jet ferry, it takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes. Large passenger ships take about 10 hours and 35 minutes. From Shimoda Port, it will take 2 hours and 40 minutes. The flight time from Chofu Airport is just 35 minutes. Niijima tours are available with different plans. If you're looking to spend a couple nights in Niijima, be sure to check the tour packages to see which package fits your plan. Sightseeing Spots at Niijima Photo:Habushiura Beach There are so many different tourist spots around Niijima: beautiful scenic ocean views, relaxing hot springs, and an observatory where you can see a panoramic view of Niijima. If you would like to enjoy the beaches, we recommend “Mamashita Beach,” “Habushiura Beach,” “Honsonmae Beach,” “Kurone Beach,” “Wada Beach,” and “Wakagomaehama Beach.” If you want to relax in the hot springs, we recommend “Yunohama Hot Springs,” or “Mamashita Hot Springs.” For scenic views, try visiting “Ishiyama Observatory,” and “Fujimitoge Observatory.” Fujimitoge Observatory offers an all inclusive view of the ocean, mountain, and the city. At Ishiyama Observatory, you can look over Shikinejima and other islands. Besides these popular tourist spots, there's Daisan Oji Shrine and Miyahara Sakagura where you can experience Japanese culture. There are also popular activities such as “Dolphin spotting.” From 0:08 in the video, you will see many different places and activities you can enjoy in Niijima. Be sure not to miss out on all it has to offer! When you visit Niijima, don't forget to try the fresh seafood as well! There are so many restaurants to have lunch and dinner at on Niijima. Popular gourmet food of the Izu islands includes, “Kusaya,” “Shima Sushi,” and Red Squid Yakisoba.” Summary of Izu Islands' Niijima How did you enjoy the video of the beautiful "Niijima," located in the Izu Islands? There are fun events and festivals throughout the year in Niijima, such as the “Niijima Triathlon,” “Niijima Open Water Swimming,” Niijima O-Odori (dancing event),” the “Islanders Festival,” “Niijima Aquathlon,” the “Niijima International Glass Art Festival and the “Jusan Shrine Festival.” You'll be surprised such a beautiful island is only 30 minutes away from the large city Tokyo. It will be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Tokyo Niijima Village. Village Office Website https://www.niijima.com/ 【Official Website】Niijima Tourism Association - Niijima Tourism and Accommodation Information https://niijima-info.jp/ -
Video article 2:04
Spur-Of-The-Moment Sightseeing in Chiba Prefecture! Wilderness, Historical Buildings, and Amusement Parks! Is It Possible to Have So Many Attractions in One Place?
Local PR Travel- 354 plays
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From Historic Buildings to the Great Outdoors! Get a Taste of Japanese Culture With a Visit to Chiba Prefecture! This video is “CHIBA promotion movie (120-sec 2nd version)【2017】” (【2017】千葉県イメージアップ動画(120秒)), created by the Official Chiba PR Channel. Chiba prefecture is excellent not only for its magnificent natural scenery, such as the sea and mountains, but also for its many historical and cultural monuments. Chiba prefecture is full of attractive characteristics of Japan. As a door to Japan, Narita Airport welcomes many foreign visitors with the Japanese spirit of hospitality every day. In this article, we will introduce amazing sightseeing spots in Chiba prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video. Enjoy All Four Seasons in Chiba! Photo:Boso Flower Line, Chiba If you visit Minamiboso in Chiba, you can enjoy driving through the Boso Flower Line with colorful flowers in bloom between January and April. If you want to go swimming in the sea or enjoy fireworks, it’s best to go in July or August. In fall, it’s worth going to watch the "Ohara Naked Festival" in Isumi, where more than ten portable shrines are thrown into the sea all at once. You can see it at 1:06 in the video. At Kameyama Lake in Kimitsu, you can try cycling, hiking, boating, and fishing. Many tourists visit there during fall. You can see the beautiful autumn leaves at Kameyama Lake from 1:19 in the video. Kominato Railway is a retro-inspired local train line running around Ichihara city, Chiba. There are nostalgic atmospheres along the railway lines and station buildings, and they are often used for shooting TV dramas and commercials. In spring, the area around the railway track is filled with rapeseed, and you can see the scenery as if you were running on a yellow carpet. This video shows Kominato Railway running through yellow fields filled with rape blossoms from 2:04. Surrender to the Nature of Chiba Prefecture Photo:Mt. Nokogiri, Chiba A tour of the majestic oceans and mountains, is an essential part of any visit to Chiba Prefecture. You can enjoy hiking and climbing at Mt. Nokogiri, which is famous for its panoramic view of Futtsu Cape in Tokyo Bay, and fruit picking experiences such as strawberry picking. Byobugaura in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, introduced at 0:56 in the video, is a rough-hewn cliff formed by wave erosion, and is so spectacular that it has been called the "Dover of the East." As Chiba prefecture is surrounded by the sea, you can also try marine sports like kite-surfing or enjoy whale watching. Historical Monuments and Cultural Spots Photo:Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple is famous for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of New Year). Approximtely three million people visit the temple for Hatsumode. Many tourists visit this temple throughout the year, not only for worship and sightseeing, but also for experiencing Japanese culture, such as Gogoma and Zazen. This video introduces some of Chiba Prefecture's most famous historical attractions, including Tateyama Castle, a koto (Japanese harp) performance at Tojo House, and Kotokuji Temple. Also, Suigo Sawara, (the image at the top of this article), is known as “Little Edo in Hokuso,” This is an artistic town where buildings from the Taisho period still remain. During the Edo period, wholesalers and breweries used to line the banks of the Ono River. Fortunately, this town survived World War II and was not damaged during the war. In 1996, it was registered in the "Groups of Traditional Buildings," and many buildings are still used as restaurants and shops to this day. One of the pleasures of sightseeing in Sawara is visiting the chic townscapes on a boat operated by a sento (a traditional Japanese boatman). Popular Sightseeing Spots to Visit! This isn't everything Chiba has to offer either. A day trip to Chiba is also possible from Tokyo, so you can visit Chiba easily for a date or family day trip. In addition to the spots in this video, you can also visit Tokyo Disney Land, Tokyo Disney Sea, Kamogawa Sea World, Mother Farm, Mitsui Outlet Park, Funabashi Andersen Park, Nomizo Waterfall, Oyama-Senmaida, Umihotaru, IKSPIARI, La La Port Tokyo-Bay, ZOZO Marine Stadium, Chiba Prefectual Museum of Art, Sanyo Media Flower Museum, AEON Mall Makuhari New City, Choshi Fishery, Tokyo German Village, Yoro Keikoku, and more. Find your favorite sightseeing spot in Chiba! Popular Local Food in Chiba Don't miss out on the food when traveling to Chiba, either. Chiba has a wide range of local dishes, such as a namero (minced fish) bowl, a fresh water bowl, Katsuura dan-dan noodles, and even peanuts. Which local food in Chiba are you interested in most? Overview of Chiba Sightseeing Introduction Chiba prefecture is the best place for a day trip in Japan, and it's very close to the capital Tokyo. If you want to fully enjoy your stay in Chiba, we recommend booking an overnight stay at a one of the nearby hotels. There are plenty of hot springs, hotels, and inns in the area. It's a great way to casually experience Japanese culture through nature, hot springs, historical monuments, etc. The video introduces many events, activities, sightseeing spots, and photogenic scenery that we couldn't get to in this article, such as the Tateyama Bay Fireworks Festival, marine sports, and the Chiba Aqua Marine Marathon. Be sure to take a look at the video and see what else Chiba has to offer. You can enjoy traveling in Chiba however you like, so take your time planning out everything you want to do before visiting. Also take a look at the websites below for more information about what Chiba has to offer. 【Official Website】Chiba Prefectural Government Website https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/english/index.html 【Official Website】Official Chiba Travel Guide http://japan-chiba-guide.com/en/index.html -
Video article 3:01
Azaleas in Full Bloom at Shiofune Kannon-ji Temple in Ome, Tokyo. Approximately 20,000 Azaleas Cover the 1,300-Year-Old Temple Grounds With Vibrant Spring Colors!
Travel- 302 plays
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◆東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺の満開のツツジを紹介 こちらの動画は「AQUA Geo Graphic」が公開した「[ 4K UHD ] 塩船観音寺のツツジ - Azelea garden in Shiofune Kannon Temple - (shot on Samsung NX1)」です。 寺院や庭園など日本らしい趣きのある景色を楽しみたいと思っている方はいませんか? 今回はそのような方に、今回は塩船観音寺で見られるつつじを紹介します。 こちらの記事では、東京の人気観光名所である塩船観音寺のつつじの魅力や、見頃の情報などを紹介します。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺とは 美しい風景が特徴の塩船観音寺は、東京都の青梅市にあります。 とても古いお寺として有名で、大化年間(645年~650年)に開山したと言われています。 塩船観音寺は護摩堂を中心にすり鉢状の丘の斜面があり、その丘にたくさんのつつじが咲いています。 見頃の時期には「つつじ祭り」も開催され、多くの観光客が訪れます。 つつじ以外にも、あじさいや紅葉も鑑賞でき、四季折々の絶景を楽しめるおすすめのスポット。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺は日本らしい景勝を楽しめる! 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺は「花と歴史の寺」と言われており、四季折々の花と歴史ある文化財を鑑賞できます。 塩船観音寺では、つつじやあじさい、ヤマユリ、彼岸花、紅葉とさまざまな花が楽しめます。 その中でも特に綺麗なのがカラフルな色を鑑賞できるつつじです。 約2万本のつつじが塩船観音寺の境内の周りに咲きほこり、品種は約15種類もあります。 とても綺麗に手入れされているので、庭園としても楽しめます。 つつじの満開の季節は、塩船観音寺をとても美しく染め上げます。 赤、白、ピンク、紫などのカラフルなつつじを鑑賞できるインスタ映えスポットです。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のつつじの開花状況 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のつつじの見頃は、例年4月中旬から5月上旬頃です。 開花情報については、塩船観音寺のホームページでご覧になることができるので、是非チェックしてください。 アクセス方法は、JR青梅線の「河辺駅」を降り、西東京バスか都バスに乗車し、「塩船観音入口」で下車します。 駐車場は3カ所あるので、車で訪れることも可能です。 東京都青梅市にある塩船観音寺のツツジ紹介まとめ こちらの動画は東京都青梅市の塩船観音寺のつつじを綺麗な映像でご覧になることができます。 日本らしい風情のある景色を楽しめる塩船観音寺。 東京観光で自然を満喫したいときに、塩船観音寺はおすすめのスポットです。 -
Video article 6:23
"Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" in Nagano Prefecture Fascinates Visitors From All Over the World. Celebrate the Most Important Day of Your Life With Their Wedding Plan!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 74 plays
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Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort This video created by Le Grand Karuizawa introduces Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort, and is titled "Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel and Resort, Promotional Video"(ルグラン軽井沢 ホテル&リゾート プロモーションムービー). Karuizawa-Cho, in Nagano prefecture, is one of the luxury mountain resorts in Japan, and located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. We are going to introduce “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort,” where you can experience the highest-quality customer service, located at the foot of Mount Asama in Nagano in the Koshinetsu region which is famous for its Onsen (hot springs). In this video, you will see the wedding hall, onsen, and rooms that will make your wedding day unforgettable. Enjoy the video of the place that will be the grounds for the happiest day of your life. What is “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is a luxury resort hotel located at the foot of Mount Asama (浅間山,Asama san) in Karuizawa-Cho, Nagano in Shinshu in Japan. Access is 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car. They also provide a shuttle bus service between the station and the hotel. The affiliated hotel "Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa hotel" is located nearby. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Wedding Plans Source :YouTube screenshot The video mainly introduces wedding plans. A wedding is supposed to be the most special day of your life. In this video, the introduction of their wedding plan starts around 2:43. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has a large premises for a wedding venue. With the chapel, the beautiful garden and terrace tables, they provide the most wonderful experience to everyone at the wedding ceremony. A lot of people may feel Karuizawa is a place for special occasions because it is known as a vacation region. This hotel has highly-rated reviews on its wedding plans compared to other hotels in the region, and a lot of its customers have had a great start to the next chapter in their life here. They regularly hold a bridal fair or event in Ginza Salon in Tokyo so that people can discuss or consult about the wedding plans without actually going to the site. It is also a part of the reason that it has such a good reputation. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”: Rooms and the Extensive Onsen Area Source :YouTube screenshot “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” has three types of rooms. One in the main building furnished with European Antiques, one in the Villa Suite, and one in the highest-grade luxury "Yamanoue Suite" so customers can choose the room they would like to stay in. They also have multiple bathing facilities for customers to choose from depending on their mood that day. There's the large public bath "Komorebi" which is filled with natural Onsen water, a private bath, a Tembo-buro (a bath with a nice outside view), and Happu Onsen. Because Nagano prefecture is featured for its many onsen, you can enjoy a variety of luxurious onsen here. Happu Onsen is Hydrogen Carbonate Spring which is known as one of three "Hot Springs of Beauty"(the top three springs contain chemicals that benefit health and beauty) in Japan. Happu Onsen has positive effects on wounds and skin conditions. A day trip is also possible. Around 1:37 in the video, you can see the hotel rooms and around 1:02 the onsen are shown. Facilities of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Source :YouTube screenshot On the hotel's large premises, there are swimming pools, gardens, a spa, and a gym as well. Spend your quality time however you would like. In the mountain area, there is a "Yamanoue sweet terrace/activity deck" located 1000 meters above sea level. In the main building, there is a classical style main entrance, a garden decorated with seasonal flowers, a boutique for gifts and "SPA LA VILLA" where you can enjoy a facial massage in a relaxing room. They also have rooms called "Prive.Lac," "Bell Foret," and "En Chante" for meeting and banquet purposes. “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Restaurants and Bars Their French restaurant "Vaas" provides French gourmet with seasonal ingredients produced by Japan. There is also a Grilled restaurant called "Grill Mille "serving Grilled meals with ingredients produced by the Shinshu region, "Karuizawa French," and "ASAMA Café." Enjoy drinking at the bar "Rouge" and the "Poolside Bar" at night. A variety of different cuisines are also served for breakfast. Sightseeing Around “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” Photo:Shiraito Falls There are many tourist spots in Karuizawa, in Nagano prefecture where “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” is located at. "Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza (軽井沢 プリンス ショッピングプラザ, Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza)" the mall with 240 stores, "Uchimura Kanzo Memorial Stone Church (石の教会 内村鑑三記念堂, Ishinokyoukai Uchimura Kanzo Kinendo)" stone & glass church, "Shiraito Falls (白糸の滝, Shiraito no Taki)" the waterfalls designated as a Japanese natural monument as well as a national scenic spot, "Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa (軽井沢千住博美術館, Karuizawa Senju Hiroshi Bijutsukan)" which has a great ambiance, "Kumoba Pond (雲場池, Kumoba Ike)" also known as "Swan Lake (スワンレイク)", "Karuizawa Hoshino Area (軽井沢星野エリア, Karuizawa Hoshino Area)" which great writers and artists gathered and created their community in Taisho era, "Karuizawa Taliesin (軽井沢タリアセン, Karuizawa Tariasen)" a resort facility where there are many shops and leisure venues, "Old Usui Outlooks (旧碓氷峠見晴台, KyuUsuitouge Miharashidai)" near the top of the Usui, outlook park which is located at an altitude of 1200m, "Karuizawa Lake Garden (軽井沢レイクガーデン, Karuizawa Lake garden)" where there are 8 garden areas and one great lake in the garden, and "Old Karuizawa Ginza Street (旧軽井沢銀座道,Kyu Karuizawa Ginzado) " where several hundreds of tourists visit every year. If you're making a trip to “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” consider checking out some of these spots as well. Recap of “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” As shown in the video, “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort” provides the best customer service experience (Omotenashi in Japanese) to its customers and that is one of the reasons it is so popular. We weren't able to show how the staff provides customer service and room service in this video but we're sure that you'll be satisfied with them as well. For more details about the hotel's facilities, room amenities and tourist spots nearby, be sure to visit their website. Accommodation fees differ by season, room, and plan. Please check the rates on their website or other hotel booking websites when you make a reservation. ◆About “Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort”◆ 【Address】864-4 Hotchi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku, Nagano 389-0113 【Access】About 15 minutes from Karuizawa JR station by car 【Parking】Yes. Limited to 45 spots 【Phone】0267-48-0099 【Official Website】Karuizawa hotel / Le Grand Kyu Karuizawa https://www.legrand-karuizawa.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】"Le Grand Karuizawa Hotel & Resort" https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g325581-d10384974-Reviews-Le_Grand_Kyukaruizawa-Karuizawa_machi_Kitasaku_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.htmlshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 4:21
Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture Is an Amazing Tourist Destination Overflowing With Nature! Kamikochi and Matsumoto Castle Are Just Two of the Must-See Destinations! A Look at the Culture, History, and Cuisine of Matsumoto City!
Local PR Travel Nature- 517 plays
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The Popular Tourist Destination, Matsumoto This video, titled “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion” (松本地域観光周遊プラン動画), is a promotional video for Matsumoto produced by the “Matsumoto Region Union” of Matsumoto City Office. The city of Matsumoto, the second largest city in Nagano Prefecture, in Japan's Koushin'etsu Region, is a former castle town surrounded by the Japanese Alps, with Japan's national treasure Matsumoto Castle at its center. Its population is 240,415 as of June, 2019. Since the city of Matsumoto was unaffected by the allied bombing in WW2, plenty of valuable landmarks and cultural properties still remain in and around the city today. Movies and TV shows are often set in the city; visiting Matsumoto is a must when traveling around Nagano Prefecture. There are quite a few famous tourist spots in Matsumoto that are also featured in the video. As well as the natural landscape, culture, history, cuisine, and so on. Which one caught your eye? Sightseeing and Instagrammable Locations Around Matsumoto Photo:Matsumoto Castle Matsumoto Castle, a national treasure, is undoubtedly the most instagrammable spot around Matsumoto. Matsumoto Castle's towers against a backdrop of nature are shown at 0:15 in the video. Of course, there's much more to see than just the castle; there are a myriad of hidden gems throughout the city where you can enjoy the seasonal scenery of Matsumoto as well. Places rich in nature such as Takabocchi Highlands, Sashikirikyo, and Lake Hijiri are famous for their beautiful scenery. For example, Kiritoshi, a road cut through the hilly terrain, leading to Zenko Temple. There's also the mountainous villages of Asahi, Yamagata, Omi, and Ikusaka that pass on the traditions of good old Japan. Kamikochi (0:29) is a popular resort in the Northern Japan Alps with two million visitors each year; it offers one of the most famous mountain views in the country. You can both go on a hike and try mountain climbing here as well. Kamikochi, a prominent mountain resort, has attracted many foreign visitors in recent years as hiking and mountain trails at the foot of Mt. Yakedake (burning mountain) have been well developed. Photo:Kappa Bridge The hiking trail through a virgin forest, starting from Kappa Bridge to Myojin Bridge around Myojin Pond, is another great way to see the natural scenery, and is very popular. The shiny emerald color of the rivers and ponds is incredibly beautiful. Walter Weston, an English missionary, introduced the Japanese Alps to the world for the first time in the early 1900’s. He is called the father of modern mountain climbing; Weston Monument, a relief to honor his memory, is situated on the gigantic rocks facing Mt. Kasumizawa and Mt. Roppyaku. The Weston Festival is held annually in June. In terms of lodging, there's Kamikochi Onsen Hotel, Kamikochi Imperial Hotel, and Kamikochi Taishoike Hotel. For reservations and pricing, please refer to the official website. These tourist hotspots are shown throughout the video, so be sure to check out what Matsumoto has to offer. The local horse race held in Takabocchi Higlands (1:10) is another popular event. Seeing the race horses running before your eyes is an exhilarating experience. If you go up north a bit, Chikuhoku Village (2:25) will welcome you with Shunara Buddha Stone Statues and Mount Kamurigi, also called Ubasuteyama after an old fable. There are many other tourist spots, such as Kiritoshi, in the area. You can also get a taste of art at the Matsumoto Museum of Art in downtown Matsumoto. The History of Matsumoto Photo:Narai-juku Matsumoto is now a part of central Nagano Prefecture, and one of the most famous places in the city is Kaichi School, the oldest elementary school in Japan. It's often featured in the media, and is registered as an important cultural and historical property. There are many other places to visit in Matsumoto, but if you're looking for a place to walk around, Narai-juku is the best place to visit. Narai, located in the middle of Nakasendo, flourished as a prominent post town. It was once referred to as "Narai of a Thousand Houses." It used be at the highest altitude among all the 11 towns of Kiso; the townscape is registered as an "Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings." Dining in Matsumoto Photo:A Watermill at Azumino Daio Wasabi Farm, Nagano Prefecture The area around Matsumoto is known for its deep mountainous villages and harsh weather, yet these very conditions make it possible for you to enjoy the rustic food of the mountains. The countless local products include Shiojiri Grand Wine, Azumino soba noodles, wasabi from Daio Wasabi Farm, Ikusakarat, premium branded grapes of Ikusaka village, and various highland vegetables which are grown utilizing the high altitude. In addittion, Karasawa Soba Village boasts seven soba restaurants on a single street. You should try Takana-meshi (rice), a leading local specialty of Nagano. Takana (mustard leaf) is very popular as a souvenir as well. Furthermore, the Shinshu Region, where Matsumoto is located, is the second largest apple producer in the country ranked second only after Aomori Prefecture. The smell of sweet apples fills the orchards of Misato in the fall. The video shows ripe apples at 1:48. There are 14 major streets in the downtown area around Matsumoto Station. Nakamachi and Nawate Street provide you with a plethora of cafes, sweets parlors, and ramen restaurants; you can pick any of them for lunch or enjoy several as you eat your way through the area. Summary of Matsumoto, Nagano There are numerous fun-filled sightseeing spots around the city where you can take in the magnificent scenery and sweeping views. We can’t cover all the attractions here, but the video, “Matsumoto Area Sightseeing Excursion,” shows everything you need to know about the beautiful city. Once you see the images yourself, you'll be packing your bags in no time! Come check out Matsumoto- It'll be an experience you won't soon forget! -
Video article 4:52
Yebisu Garden Place Is a Landmark in the Ebisu Area of Tokyo! Check Out the History of Garden Place, as Well as Available Facilities and Events!
Shopping- 36 plays
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This video, titled "[Tokyo Footage] YEBISU GARDEN PLACE | 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス(Tokyo Japan)," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." Yebisu Garden Place is a landmark in front of Ebisu Station on the JR Yamanote Line. As introduced in the video, Yebisu Garden Place is a stylish business center in Shibuya. In addition to being a popular date spot, it is sometimes used as a filming location for movies and dramas. Yebisu Garden Place is a redeveloped building that opened in 1994 on the site of the former Sapporo Beer Factory, and it spans the Shibuya and Meguro wards of Tokyo. In addition to popular shops, there's also a luxury hotel, a museum, and a movie theater. In the winter, the Christmas lights are illuminated in the building, and it's a great place to be. -
Video article 3:36
Akiu Onsen Is One of the Most Famous Hot Springs in Miyagi Prefecture! You'll Be Treated to a Luxurious Meal and a Soothing Bath in the Japaneseque Building!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 32 plays
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宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉紹介動画について こちらの動画は「せんだいTube」が公開した「秋保温泉(秋保ブランディング動画)」です。 温泉で観光の疲れを癒したいと考えていませんか? 日本各地に魅力的な温泉が存在しており、旅館に泊まって温泉を思い切り堪能するのも日本での楽しみ方の1つ。 今回は仙台にある秋保温泉(あきうおんせん)について取り上げた動画を紹介します。 日本観光の前に一度チェックしていただきたいです。 宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉とは? 秋保温泉は宮城県仙台市の有名な温泉。 鳴子温泉と飯坂温泉と並んで奥州三名湯として数えられただけでなく、有馬温泉や道後温泉と並んで日本三名湯に数えられたこともあります。 神経痛やリューマチ、創傷に皮膚病、貧血、婦人病に効能があります。 また、ガラス工房や天文台などの観光スポットが盛りだくさん。 その他にも秋保のインスタ映えする大自然を楽しむのも良いでしょう。 宮城県を代表する名湯秋保温泉紹介まとめ 宮城県仙台市は戦国武将の伊達政宗で有名な伊達家が治めていた場所として有名です。 秋保温泉を訪れた際は日本の歴史について触れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 18:20
Admire the Breathtaking View of the Venus Line at Kirigamine Plateau in Early Summer in Nagano Prefecture From the Sky!
Travel Nature- 116 plays
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ドローンで撮影された絶景の長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは こちらの動画は「Yatsugatake21_4K_Japan」が公開した「4K 絶景ドローン「初夏のビーナスライン 霧ヶ峰高原」癒し空撮自然映像 Drone Japan Nature Relaxation Venus line」です。 長野県の霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをドローンの空撮で捉えた映像になっています。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインとは、八ヶ岳中信高原国定公園 の高原地帯を走るツーリングにはもってこいのドライブルート。 全長76kmにも及び、蓼科高原・白樺湖・車山高原・霧ヶ峰高原・八島高原・美ヶ原高原といった森林地帯や高原地帯の四季を望むことのできる絶景スポットです。 平均の標高は1,400mで最高では1,920mにもなります。 野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのおすすめルート 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中でおすすめのルートは白樺高原から霧ヶ峰のルートです。 これは白樺湖から出発し、車山展望リフトで車山山頂へ。 こちらでは、天気が良ければ八ヶ岳連峰や富士山まで望むことができます。 また紅葉やニッコウキスゲなどの草花も楽しむことができます。 その先には霧ヶ峰富士見台があります。 こちらでは食事処やお土産屋などの売店も充実しています。 最後にはレストラン「チャップリン」でソースカツ丼やカツカレーを楽しめます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインには人気のドライブインも 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの中心には人気のドライブインである霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインドライブイン霧の駅があります。 ここでは長野県の様々なお土産を買うことができ、駐車場のそばには八島湿原や三峰大展望台・霧ヶ峰自然保護センターもあります。 動画では3:31より美しい自然の景色を見ることができます。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインから諏訪湖へ 新日本三大夜景やサンセットをご覧になることのできる立石公園も霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの見どころです。 映画「君の名は。」のモデルになったと言われるスポットとしても有名です。 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインでもお参りを 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインのなかには諏訪大社上社本宮・諏訪大社下社秋宮といった神社にも触れるができます。 諏訪大社上社本宮は国内最古の神社の一つで、八ヶ岳や諏訪平などを望むことができます。 また画家の岡本太郎さんが絶賛した万治の石仏という石像もあります。 こちらは諏訪大社下社春宮から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあるので、諏訪大社下社春宮のお参りを終えたら是非訪れてみましょう。 その他長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインの旅行スポット 長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインではこれら以外にも様々な施設に楽しむことができます。 国指定重要文化財である片倉館、県下最大級のガラスミュージアムであるSUWAガラスの里、400年の歴史がある高島城、無料で足湯につかれる湖畔公園足湯と豊富な温泉があります。 自然と観光を楽しめる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスライン紹介まとめ 大自然の景色を楽しみながらドライブできる長野県霧ヶ峰高原ビーナスラインをみなさまも楽しんでください!