Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 52 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 10:47
Follow the Daily Lives of Four People Who Quietly and Earnestly Engage in Work That Can Only Be Done in Tarumi, Kagoshima. Enjoying the Unchanging Scenery of Japan and Getting in Touch With the Lives of the Locals; That's Is the Kind of Sightseeing You Can Experience Here
Local PR- 34 plays
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A Promotional Video on Tarumizu, Kagoshima This video, titled "Tarumi, Kagoshima Prefecture Promotional Video (Winter Full Version / Japanese) 【BLESSING WINTER 4K LIFE IN TARUMIZU】," was uploaded by "Secretary and Public Relations Section, Planning and Policy Division, Tarumi City" (垂水市企画政策課秘書広報係). It's a promotional video for Tarumizu, located in northwest Osumi Peninsula. There is no tourist information in this video, just beautiful 4K imagery of Sakurajima and Kinko Bay shot via drone and made into a time-lapse. It also follows the daily lives of four people working in Tarumizu. Tarumizu in Kagoshima is located about an hours drive from Kagoshima City via the Tarumizu Ferry on Kagoshima Bay. It has a mild climate and rich nature and is a place where you can see the original landscapes of Japan. The Four People Living and Working in Tarumizu Source :YouTube screenshot Shuichi Murota introduced at 0:44 in the video, is a Japanese black beef breeder. Kentaro Yagi brews sake. He brews the traditional Kame-pot-brewed shochu "Yachiyo-den" during the cold winter. He uses fresh sweet potatoes to make them, 70% of the sweet potatoes are grown by him. He's introduced from 1:54 in the video. Shiho Murota, a painter, has revived the beautiful and intricate Satsuma buttons, which were said to be a lost art. She is introduced from 2:28 in the video. Last but not least, in the beautiful winter, at the foot of Sakurajima's sea, we see Shigeto Shinohara, an aquaculture specialist who uses Kagoshima tea and shochu grounds as food to cultivate the Tarumi City Fishery Cooperative's brand of kanpachi, "Umi no Ohkan." He is introduced from 3:17 in the video. Each of the four people talks about their commitment and love for their work, as well as their goals for the future. Beautiful Winter Scenery of Japan and Tourist Spot Information for Tarumizu, Kagoshima Photo:The Sea of Kagoshima In Kagoshima, there's Kagoshima Bay, also known as Kinko Bay, located between the Satsuma and Osumi Peninsulas. Kinko Bay, which is shown many times in the video, is a beautiful bay near Sakurajima and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sceneries of Japan. Roadside Station Tarumizuhamabira, where you can view the beautiful Kinko Bay, was opened in November 2018. There are stores that sell local agricultural products as well as restaurants, so it's very popular among tourists. There are unusually shaped granites and large boulders at Sarugajo Valley and you can enjoy the clear flow of water here as well. There are also cottages and revitalization facilities that can be used during the winter at Sarugajo Valley Forest Path Tarumizu (猿ヶ城渓谷 森の道たるみず). In summer, many tourists come to enjoy activities such as camping, canyoning along clear streams, and shower climbing. The hot spring cottage, Enoshima Hot Spring, reminiscent of Japan's Showa era (1926 - 1989), was established 70 years ago and will warm up your body during the cold winter. The hot water from the shower and faucet is also hot spring water straight from the source. The view of Enoshima with Sakurajima as a background quite beautiful as well. Summary of Tarumizu, Kagoshima Source :YouTube screenshot Other popular sightseeing spots in Tarumizu, Kagoshima include "Takatoge Tsutsujigaoka" located at an elevation of 550 meters, where azaleas bloom in spring, and "Tarumizu Thousand Ginkgo Garden" (垂水千本イチョウ園) where approximately 1,200 ginkgo trees change color in fall. Also, in the summer, you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Kinko Bay and swimming at Masakari Beach, located on the border between Kanoya and Tarumizu. Enjoy the unchanging scenery of Japan and experience the lives of the locals in Tarumizu! 【Official Website】Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tarumizu.lg.jp/hisho/foreign-language.html 【Tripadvisor】 Tarumizu City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022930-Tarumizu_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:26
Murmuring Rivers and Other Sounds of Nature Flow Quietly Through Ojiya City in Niigata Prefecture. Enjoy a Luxurious and Relaxing Time in a Place Surrounded by Nature
Local PR- 29 plays
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新潟県小千谷市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「小千谷観光協会」が公開した「新潟県小千谷市観光PR 映像」です。 日本で美味しいお米を作っていることで知られている新潟県。 新潟県で観光する予定があるなら、小千谷市(おぢやし)は一度チェックしておきたいところ。 今回は新潟県小千谷市の魅力がたっぷり詰まったPR動画を紹介します。 新潟県小千谷市ってどんなスポット? 小千谷市は新潟県中越地方西部に位置しており、自然に恵まれた場所です。 1年を通して魅力的なイベントを楽しめるのはもちろん、インスタ映えする景色を撮影できる山本山高原や美しい錦鯉が堪能できる小千谷市錦鯉の里など魅力的なスポットがいくつもあります。 新潟県小千谷市紹介動画の見どころ 新潟県小千谷市のグルメや文化、美しい景観、豊かな自然をこの動画でチェックして、新潟県小千谷市観光のプランを立ててみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:23よりご覧になれる小千谷織物工房「織之座」は織物のギャラリー。 機織りを体験できるので、新潟県小千谷市の観光ルートに入れるかどうか一度検討してはいかがでしょうか? 動画の1:13からは小千谷闘牛場が紹介されています。 小千谷闘牛場見守り岩や小千谷市立東山小学校の角突き牛2代目牛太郎をご覧になって、闘牛場のイメージを膨らませてみてはいかがですか。 小千谷煙火興業は新潟県で花火を作っている企業。 新潟県だけでなく、全国各地の花火大会を支えている企業です。 木像の仏様が微笑んでいるのが特徴的な小栗山木喰観音堂。 仏像などに興味のある方は小千谷市周辺のエリアを旅行する際に一度訪れてみると良いでしょう。 新潟県小千谷市のおすすめグルメ 新潟県小千谷市の名物グルメにへぎそばが挙げられます。 食感の良さとなめらかなのど越しが特徴的なそばです。 新潟県小千谷市の気になるイベント 国指定重要無形民俗文化財に指定されている牛の角突きは5~11月にかけて毎月開催されています。 秋には片貝まつりが開催され、世界最大級の打ち上げ花火が楽しめます。 新潟県小千谷市紹介まとめ こんなにも魅力たっぷりの新潟県小千谷市。 一度は訪れたい観光スポットのひとつではないでしょうか。 -
Video article 3:39
Kyoto - A City Full of History and Tradition! This Video Shows You All the Popular Sights You Don't Want to Miss During Your Trip to Kyoto!
Local PR- 95 plays
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An Introduction to Sightseeing in Kyoto This video, titled "Kyoto Japan - Hyper Motion | Glidecam HD4000," was released by Osamu Hasegawa Films. Kyoto is always ranked high on the list of favorite cities to visit in Japan. Discover what the buzz is all about by enjoying the magnificent views of Kyoto with this video! Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Kyoto・Tenryuji Temple Many people may enjoy tea ceremony, but the Urasenke, led by the well-known tea master Sen Soshitsu, is the master of tea ceremony. At the Chado Research Center Galleries in Kyoto City, run by the Urasenke, visitors are invited to sit and enjoy Ryu-rei style tea ceremony, where matcha and Japanese sweets are served. If you want to experience Zazen meditation, we highly recommend Tenryuji and Myoshinji temples. Both temples can be reached via the Arashiyama Line of the Keifuku Electric Railway. There are many historic locations and places of interest along the line, and once you get off the train at Arashiyama Station, you'll be right in front of Arashiyama, which is always listed as one of the most scenic spots in Kyoto and a popular tourist destination. A stroll around the temple will give you a taste of the atmosphere of Gion. Maiko performances are held in the evening, but if you walk around Gion even in the daytime, you might come across maiko in their everyday clothes going to practice. The Kyoto Tourist Information Center on the second floor of the Kyoto Station Building is a great place to get information on Kyoto tourism. Staff members who can speak Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean are always available, and you can get information on not only the city but also the surrounding area and places of interest. There are also free sightseeing maps that show scenic spots, festivals, and events. Summary of Kyoto's Popular Tourist Attractions Photo:The Golden Pavilion There are many more sightseeing spots in the Kyoto area that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. There are temples, such as Kiyomizu-dera, the Golden Pavilion, the Silver Pavilion, Hongwanji Temple, Nijo Castle, and you can also enjoy activities, such as visiting hot springs, shopping, and checking out scenic spots where you can get a taste of Japan. Make the most of your trip to Kyoto by checking out the traditional festivals packed with Japanese history and culture! -
Video article 5:08
Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave, Two of the Most Beautiful Spots In... Is This Actually Japan?! Be Amazed by the Mystery and Grandeur of Japan's Nature!
Nature- 96 plays
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This video was shot by "STARstreamer YOSUKE" and is titled "[Best View in Yamaguchi Prefecture] Akiyoshidai Benten Pond in Akiyoshidai 4K." This video introduces Akiyoshidai, one of the largest karst plateaus in Japan, and Akiyoshido Cave, one of the largest natural limestone caves in Japan, located underneath the plateau. Both Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave have been designated as Special Natural Monuments since 1964. The mystique and grandeur of nature and the complete change between scenery above ground and below ground is truly impressive, making it a place to throw on your bucket list. This video shows actual footage of Akiyoshidai and Akiyoshido Cave, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 40:06
Go for an Elegant Cruise on the Floating Luxury Hotel, "Guntu"! An in-Depth Report on the Ship's Interior, Guest Rooms, and Meals!
Vehicles- 19 plays
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This video, titled "Sea Log of the Floating Hotel, Guntû. An in-Depth Report on the Interior, Guest Rooms, and Meals" (海の上の旅館guntû(ガンツウ)乗船記?船内、客室、食事徹底レポート), was released by "おのだ/Onoda." Guntû is a luxury cruise ship operated by Setouchi Cruise Lines, based on the concept of "a small inn floating on the Seto Inland Sea." Guntû is the nickname for the small blue Asian paddle crab found in the Setouchi area. When you think of a luxury liner, most people tend to think of a large ship, but the Guntû is a small boa, at just 81.2 meters long and 13.75 meters wide. It has a total of 19 cabins with a capacity of 38 passengers. It's a tourist boat for the wealthy, with prices starting at ¥400,000 per night for two people. The video introduces the interior furnishings, which are carefully designed using products from the Seto Inland Sea coast, as well as the onboard facilities and amenities. The food is also very particular, with a focus on carefully selected local ingredients. You can enjoy Japanese and Western cuisine, sushi, and sweets. -
Video article 4:59
The Super Luxury Sleeper Train "Shikishima" - Top-Notch Service and Interior Design! Enjoy Traveling in Luxury With This Video!
Vehicles- 57 plays
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Introducing Train Suite Shikishima This video, titled "JR East, Inside the Luxury Sleeper Train, Shikishima," was released by "Jiji Tsushin Trending News." TRAIN SUITE Shikishima is a "cruise train" that departs and arrives at Ueno Station, which began service on May 1, 2017. The concept of the train is "深遊探訪" which roughly means "In Search of Fun." In recognition of its stylish atmosphere, the Shikishima received the "Good Design Best 100" award. What is Train Suite Shikishima? Source :YouTube screenshot The train is 10 cars long and, being that it's a luxury sleeper train, all of the furnishings in the guest rooms are top-notch. They focus on high-quality hospitality, with things like custom-made beech sofas, sunken kotatsu, and cypress baths. There is also a lounge car and a dining car, and the entire train is barrier-free. You can enjoy amazing views from the large window in the observation car. The cars are the E001 series, which were made exclusively for this train, and the exterior paint is a specially formulated "Shikishima Gold." The Rooms and Lounge on the Train Suite Shikishima Source :YouTube screenshot Cars 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9 on the Shikishima are suites, and Cars 1 and 10 are observation cars called VIEW TERRACE Kizashi and VIEW TERRACE Ibuki. You can see the inside of the suite cars from 2:12 in the video. Car 5, LOUNGE KOMOREBI, which can be seen from 0:53 in the video, is a lounge furnished with craftwork from Eastern Japan, reminiscent of trees and shrubs. Car 6 is a dining room with a chandelier where you can enjoy a luxurious course meal. Car 7 has a Shikishima suite and deluxe suite. The Cost To Ride the Train Suite Shikishima Train Suite Shikishima is a super-luxury train with rooms starting at ¥300,000 (~$3,000 USD) for 1 night. Shikishima is kind of a hotel-type train that can be used like a package tour, thus the steep price. Although most people won't have the chance to ride it, there are some events held and plastic models sold at the Railway Museum, so be sure to check these out as well. Summary of the Train Suite Shikishima Photo:Train Suite Shikishima Train Suite Shikishima, operated by JR East, is a luxury sleeper train that makes for an amazing ride. Staying on the train is expensive, but it's popular and tickets sell out incredibly quickly. The one-night course departs from Ueno, travels toward Koshu and Shinshu, and returns to Ueno. There are also 2 night and 3 night courses as well. The price for a 3 night course with a suite is ¥800,000 (~$8,000 USD). Be sure to check out the JR East official website for more information about operating dates, routes, and timetables for Train Suite Shikishima. Enjoy the feeling of luxury train travel through the video! 【Official Website】TRAIN SUITE SHIKISHIMA JE EAST JAPAN https://www.jreast.co.jp/shiki-shima/en/ -
Video article 4:38
Aerial Views of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen! Experience One of the Top Sightseeing Spots in Western Japan in Tottori Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 25 plays
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Aerial Views of Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan via Drone: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves of Mt.Daisen JAPAN【Scenery Of JAPAN 4K】," was uploaded by "SCENERY OF JAPAN." It introduces the breathtaking autumn leaves around Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic scenery as far as the eye can see, in this magnificent 4.5-minute video of Mt. Daisen blanketed in autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple, a Must-See Tourist Attraction on Mt. Daisen Photo:Daisenji Temple, Tottori, Japan Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture is located roughly in the center of Japan's San'in region. Its official name is "Hoki Daisen." The majestic mountain even appears in the Izumo Fudoki, a record of the history of Japan's former Izumo Region, which is said to have been written in 733 AD, making it one of the most historical mountains in the history of Japan. Daisenji Temple is one of the prominent tourist attractions on Mt. Daisen. To get there by car, take Prefectural Route 24 (commonly known as "Daisen Sightseeing Road" (大山観光道路, Daisen Kanko Douro)) from the Yonago Interchange on the Yonago Expressway to the Bakuroza parking lot (about 15 minutes), or by train or bus from JR Yonago Station to Daisenji Temple by Nikko Bus (about 50 minutes). Both routes offer a great view of the stunning autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple has a history of flourishing as a training center for Shugendo (mountain asceticism). At its peak, the temple had more than 100 temples and over 3,000 monks. Following the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.), the number of temples increased as mountain worship became increasingly Buddhist. It's said that at one time, the temple was as prosperous as Mt. Hiei, Mt. Yoshino, and Koyasan, 3 of the most prominent places for Buddhism in Japan. Beautiful Views, Autumn Leaves, and Mountain Climbing on Mt. Daisen Photo:Autumn leaves on Mt. Daisen The autumn leaves overlooking the rugged southern cliff of Mt. Daisen is truly a photogenic spot. Although there have been some changes over the past few years due to climate change, the leaves usually begin to change color in early October and are at their peak from late October to early November. The white snow on the top of the mountain and red autumn leaves blend harmoniously with each other, adding even more color to the already spectacular view. You can view this in the video. [Video] 0:11 - Spectacular Autumn Leaves on the South Face of Mt. Daisen in the Snow, Captured via Drone The forests are mainly broadleaf forests renowned for their beautiful autumn leaves, with beech, oak, maple, rowans, and mizunara oak being the main species. Mt. Daisen is the largest mountain in Japan's Chugoku and San'in regions and also one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. It is popular among climbers, tourists, and travelers year-round. Although it sits at an elevation of 1,709 meters, its beautiful conical shape seen from the northwestern side has earned it the nickname "Mt. Fuji in the East." Mt. Daisen's 2022 Autumn Illumination Event – Autumn Leaves & Traditional Japanese Umbrellas Photo:Mt. Daisen's illumination event, Tottori, Japan The autumn illumination event started as part of the 1,300th anniversary of the founding of Mt. Daisen in 2018, and is now a tradition of Mt. Daisen. Only because Tottori Prefecture has a large number of craftsmen is it possible to organize the autumn illumination displaying more than 100 wagasa (traditional Japanese umbrellas). The festival is held during the Obon Festival every year, but in 2022, it was held in October for the first time in two years. The event welcomed visitors with 120 wagasa and a variety of lanterns. In addition, there was a system for taking beautiful photos with the use of a smartphone, and a commemorative photo spot as well. It's a remarkable event, great for taking photos. Tickets for the 2022 event were sold exclusively online. No tickets were sold on the day of the event. We recommend checking ticket and other information as soon as possible in advance if you're planning to attend the next event. [Video] 2:44 - The Beautiful 'Mt. Fuji in the East' Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen During autumn on Mt. Daisen, a famous mountain in Tottori, Japan, the entire area is covered in beautiful autumn leaves. One of the most popular driving courses is the tunnel of autumn leaves leading to Kagikake Pass (鍵掛峠, Kagikake Toge). [Video] 1:32 - A Tunnel of Beautiful Beech Trees Leading To Kagikake Pass On weekends and other occasions, you can expect traffic on Prefectural Route 24. Even still, Mt. Daisen's autumn leaves are worth the time and effort to see. The autumn colors paint a magnificent canvas of autumn on Mt. Daisen, and we hope that you will enjoy the unique autumn leaves of Mt. Daisen with your own eyes. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Daisen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121369-d1373369-Reviews-Mt_Daisen-Daisen_cho_Saihaku_gun_Tottori_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 6:26
Nature Travel Action & Adventure- 1 plays
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Video article 4:16
The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival! Enjoy a Colorful Illumination of Autumn Leaves, and Photogenic Spots! Autumn Sightseeing in Yamanashi
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 18 plays
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Autumn Leaves & Sightseeing in Fujikawaguchiko: Video Introduction This video, titled "Must-see Views at Lake Kawaguchi|A Corridor of Autumn Leaves" (Must See in Kawaguchiko,Japan "Autumn Leaves Corridor" 河口湖 紅葉(もみじ)回廊), was uploaded by "ka2see tv." The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is held in conjunction with the autumn leaves of Lake Kawaguchi, which are at their best from early to mid-November. Visitors are fascinated by the corridor surrounded by beautiful autumn leaves. Check out the relaxing illuminations and the pleasant rustling of leaves in the video below. Celebrate Autumn With the Colorful Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Photo:The corridor of autumn leaves at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is scheduled to be held at Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture from October 29 (Sat.) to November 23 (Wed.), 2022. This is a popular sightseeing event where visitors can observe the autumn foliage of approximately 400 to 500 trees along the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, with Mt. Fuji in the distance. [Video] 2:57 - The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival This year, in addition to usual events, a new 200-meter-long area called "Oku no Hosomichi" will be introduced. Consider stopping by Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival to see it! Admission to the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is completely free. The event is held from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day, and the corridor of autumn leaves is illuminated until 10:00 p.m. The fantastic autumn leaves lit up in the night sky can be seen in the video here. [Video] 0:16 - A View of the Illuminated Autumn Foliage A Spectacular View of Mt. Fuji and Autumn Leaves Around Lake Kawaguchi! Photo:Mt. Fuji from a tunnel of autumn leaves at Lake Kawaguchi There are a number of places around Lake Kawaguchi where visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves. Here are some of the best places to take pictures around Lake Kawaguchi. ●The Tunnel of Autumn Leaves This is a famous spot where the autumn leaves along the road turn red and resemble a colorful tunnel. The composition of the autumn leaves, Mt. Fuji, and Lake Kawaguchi is very popular, and many photographers and tourists visit this spot to take photos. The view of the bright red autumn leaves over Mt. Fuji is like a painting, reminding us of the autumn season in Japan. The spot has been featured on tourism posters, and it's sure to be a popular on Instagram as well. ●Momiji-dai Momiji-dai, an observation deck for viewing the autumn leaves, is located on Mt. Ashiwada at the eastern end of the Aokigahara Sea of Trees on the north side of Mt. Fuji. The observation deck offers a breathtaking 360-degree view. You can see Mt. Fuji and the Aokigahara Sea of Trees through the autumn leaves, as well and the views of Lake Motosu and Lake Nishiko are also outstanding. ●Lake Motosu Lake Motosu, one of the Fuji Five Lakes, is a popular photo spot that even appears on the 1,000-yen bill. Lake Motosu is famous for its upside-down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake, and in autumn, the reddish autumn leaves can be seen reflected on the surface of the lake as well. Enjoy a collaboration of colorful autumn leaves and Mt. Fuji in one place. Summary of Autumn Leaves at Lake Kawaguchi Photo:The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Come and enjoy Japan's unique autumn scenery at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival. The illuminated autumn leaves of Fujikawaguchiko are a very different sight from those seen during the daytime. There are many places around Lake Kawaguchi where you can take photos of the autumn leaves as well, so be sure to bring a camera when sightseeing in Yamanashi! During the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival, many people are expected to visit and crowds and traffic jams are likely to occur. Free temporary parking is available, but spaces are limited. Visitors can also use the Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red-Line) or other transportation to get to the event site. Traffic near Kawaguchiko Bridge can be checked via live camera, so we recommend using it when you visit the area. 【Official Website】The 24th Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://fujisan.ne.jp/pages/433/ 【TripAdvisor】The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019717-Reviews-Fuji_Lake_Kawaguchi_Koyo_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanas.html -
Video article 5:08
The Sky and the Sea Mingle to Create a Stunning View! Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture Is One of the Best Resorts in Japan!
Travel Nature Action & Adventure- 80 plays
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A Beautiful View of Miyakojima The video "Okinawa 4K Aerial Footage" ([4K]Okinawa,Miyako Island, Aerial Shoot(宮古島ドローン空撮)), shows a stunning view of Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture. Okinawa is one of the best and most popular resorts in Japan where you can find a lot of amazing sightseeing spots. In this article, we'll introduce some sightseeing spots, tourist information, and travel tips for the Miyakojima area. In the video, you see an aerial view of the cobalt blue sea and deep blue sky of Miyakojima. You're probably thinking “Do places this beautiful really exist in Japan?” Well, let's find out! Miyakojima Photo:Miyakojima coast Miyakojima City is located 300 km southeast of Okinawa's main island, and consists of 6 islands of various sizes: Miyakojima, Irabujima, Ikemajima, Kurumajima, Shimojishima, and Ogamijima. The population is 52,780 as of June, 2019. The circumference of Miyakojima is about 100 km, which is longer than it seems, and the total area is 158,93 km with a peak altitude of 119 meters. You can fly to Miyakojima from Naha or Tokyo Haneda Airport. If you wish to move around in Miyakojima, local tours or rental cars are a good option What About That Bridge Shown in the Video? - A Sightseeing Route to Enjoy the View of the Okinawan Sea. The 3,540-meter long Irabu Bridge, known as the longest bridge in Japan, spans the distance between Miyako Island and Irabu Island. An exhilarating drive, touring across the bright blue landscape, where the sky and sea intertwine, is an experience you'll remember for a lifetime. Miyakojima is also connected to Ikemajima by the Ikema-Oohashi bridge and to Kurumajika by the Kuruma-Oohashi bridge. These are also great spots to enjoy the resort's views. A bridge to a paradise in a cobalt blue sea awaits you! Enjoying the Sights and Flavors of Miyakojima! Photo:Miyakojima Nishihenna Cape・Wind turbines If you're looking to take some Instagram pics, be sure to check out Nishihenna Cape or Higashihenna Cape. If there's any history buffs out there, we recommend stopping by the Miyakojima City Museum. Some local dishes you'll want to try while you're there are Okinawa Soba and Miyako Soba (Soba: Japanese buckwheat noodles); Original dishes of Miyakojima. Other local specialties include tropical drinks or Shima Oden (lit. "Island Oden"). Oden is a Japanese hot-pot dish with several ingredients stewed in soy-flavored soup. There are plenty of places to visit in the city center too, where you can enjoy those delicious tropical drinks and buy souvenirs. Enjoy the Beautiful Okinawan Sea Photo:Sea turtles Okinawa is known to have a warm and mild climate year round. Various marine activities are available in Miyakojima for you to try as well! Yabiji is a popular snorkeling spot in Miyakojima. You can enjoy watching sea turtles swimming in the sea along the beautiful coral reef. If you wish to go swimming in the sea, Sunayama beach or Yonahamaehama beach is a perfect place to go. The popular resort activity sea kayaking is also worth trying in Miyakojima. Summary “Okinawa 4K Aerial Footage” shows a stunning view of Miyakojima. The scenery shown in the footage can hardly be conveyed in words alone. Be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! This article introduced access, sightseeing spots and popular activities of Miyakojima. If this article has you interested in Miyakojima be sure to consider it for your next holiday! -
Video article 2:00
Eikando Temple - Beautiful Autumn Foliage at a Famous Japanese Temple in Kyoto
Art & Architecture- 85 plays
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Eikando Sightseeing Video Introduction This video, titled "Eikan-do Zenrin-ji" (もみじの永観堂(禅林寺)Eikan-do Zenrin-ji / 京都いいとこ動画), was released by "KyotoiitokoVideo." The popular Eikando Zenrinji Temple introduced in the video, located in Sakyo ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is regarded as one of the top temples to visit in Kyoto. If you're visiting Kyoto during fall, Eikando is the perfect place to take some photos of the beautiful autumn foliage to share on Instagram! The Origins and History of Eikando Photo:Fall Colors at Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando is the head temple of the Seizanrinjiha branch of Jodo buddhism (浄土宗西山禅林寺派) and was founded in the early Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD) by the Japanese Buddhist monk Shinsho (真招), a disciple of the great Buddhist teacher Kukai (Kobo Daishi). The temple is formally known as "Zenrinji," with the honorific mountain name "Shojuraigosan" (聖衆来迎山), however, in the middle of the Heian Period it came to be known as Eikando after the head Buddhist monk "Yokan" (永観) who trained there. The statue of Amida (Amitabha) is said to have come to life, turned its head and called out to Yokan while he was practicing in Zenrinji temple. You can see the famous statue of Amida, known as Mikaeriamida, in the temple even to this day. Treasures of Eikando temple Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple, Kyoto Eikando Zenrinji Temple was once considered one of Kyoto's Kangakuin (Academic Halls) and has long been a center of learning. Many treasures and cultural assets can be found here, such as the "The Descent of Amida Over the Mountain" (絹本著色山越阿弥陀図); a colored silk painting, "Kondorengemonkei" (金銅蓮華文磬); a gilt bronze gong with lotus flower design, as well as the temple hall, stone garden, temple gates, bell, and mausoleum which have been designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan. Eikando Video Highlights Photo:Eikando Zenrinji Temple , Illuminated Autumn Leaves Eikando is one of the most popular spots for viewing the autumn foliage in Kyoto, with over 3,000 maple trees standing on its grounds. From 1:38 in the video, you can see Iwakaki Momiji (岩垣もみじ), a spot which is popular for its amazing scenery. In fall, the spiral staircase "Garyuro" (臥龍廊) takes on a different appearance as it's lit up at night. You can also enjoy the equally stunning scenery of the green-leaved maple trees in summer. Eikando Introductory Video Summary Photo:Eikando, Kyoto The colored leaves of the maple trees at Eikando Zenrinji are a must-see on your trip to Kyoto! After taking a look around the grounds, make sure to receive a "go-shuin" seal stamp from the temple! You can also for for a walk along the famous walking path "Tetsugaku no michi" (哲学の道, The Philosopher's Path) which is located near the temple. Other popular spots within walking distance from Eikando include Honenin Temple (法然院), Shinnyodo Temple (真如堂), Konkai-komyoji Temple (金戒光明寺), and Kawaramachi (河原町). ◆Eikando Zenrinji General Information◆ 【Address】48 Eikandocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8445 【Access】A 3-minute walk from the Nanzenji Eikandomichi (南禅寺永観堂道) bus stop (bus departs from JR Kyoto station (JR京都駅) 【Admission Fee】Adults - 600 yen, Elementary/Junior-High/High school students - 400 yen 【Hours】9am - 5pm 【Closures】Open year round 【Parking】None 【Telephone】075-761-0007 【Official Website】Eikando Temple http://www.eikando.or.jp/English/index_eng.html 【Tripadvisor】Eikando Zenrinji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d479881-Reviews-Eikando_Zenrinji_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:07
Kirishima Jingu Shrine - A Popular Power Spot in Kirishima, Kagoshima With a Sacred Atmosphere. This Nature-Rich Shrine Is Known as the "Nikko of the West" for Its Gorgeous Shrine Architecture!
Art & Architecture- 64 plays
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Introducing Kirishima Jingu Shrine! This video, titled "(4K)DJI OSMO PRO Kirishima City, Kagoshime Prefecture 〜Kirishima shrine〜" (【4K】DJI OSMO PRO 鹿児島県霧島市「霧島神宮〜Kirishima shrine〜), was created by Studio Kama. It's an introductory video of the popular tourist spot Kirishima Shrine located in Kirishima (霧島市), Kagoshima, in Japan's Kyushu (九州) region. As you can see in the video, Kirishima Shrine's main building is surrounded by nature and is the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful colors of the fall foliage. Throughout this 8-minute long video, you can take a look at the grounds of Kirishima Shrine in 4K while listening to the accompanying background music. Be sure to follow along with the video to experience how it feels to take a trip to Kirishima Shrine! More About Kirishima Shrine and Its History Photo:Kirishima Shrine, Kagoshima Prefecture Kirishima Shrine is located in Kagoshima Prefecture and was founded in 540 AD making it an extremely historical and important shrine in Japan. It was initially built during Emperor Kinmei's (欽明天皇) reign in the sixth century by a monk named Keiin (慶胤) on Setoo Hill (背門丘), between Mount Takachiho (高千穂峰) and Hinotokomine (火常峰), and was later moved to its current location. From 1:36 in the video, you can take a look at the many buildings of Kirishima Shrine, including the main shrine building, which has been designated an Important Cultural Property. The shrine building, which enshrines six deities, is not to be missed! The shrine is covered inside and out in a luxurious vermillion lacquer coating and is often referred to as the "Nikko of the West" or "Nishi no Nikko" (西の日光) in Japanese. Recommended Spots Around Kirishima Shrine Photo:Kirishima Shrine's Large Torii Gate, Kagoshima Prefecture Highlights of Kirishima Shrine include the sacred cedar tree, the wall painting "Nijushikozu" (二十四考図), the dragon pillars of the hall of offerings, and the giant torii gates. The famous "Sazare Stone" (さざれ石), which is mentioned in Japan's National Anthem "Kimigayo," the poem "Shinseikourinnohi" (神聖降臨の碑), which is engraved into a stone monument, and the sacred tree "Ogatamanoki" (招霊木), are another three spots you don't want to miss out on! If you climb the 80-step stone staircase from the vermillion-colored bridge to the observation deck, you can catch a stunning view of Kagoshima Bay (鹿児島湾), Sakurajima (桜島), Kagoshima City (鹿児島市) and Mt. Kaimon (開門岳). It's a great spot to take pictures to share with your friends on Instagram! Other Reasons To Visit Kirishima Shrine Photo:Kirishima Shrine, Kagoshima Prefecture It has now been more than 300 years since Kirishima Shrine was rebuilt by order of Yoshitaka Shimazu (島津吉貴公). Many people visit Kirishima Shrine these days seeking good luck, family happiness, prosperity of descendants, and success in their careers. Kirishima Shrine is also believed to be a power spot and worshipped as the god of good luck and separation. There are people who claim to have experienced strange phenomena here and there are even mysterious legends surrounding the area called "The Seven Wonders of Kirishima" (霧島七不思議伝説) in Japanese. At the shrine, you can receive a special seal stamp called a "shuin" as well as purchase items like good luck charms, known as "o-mamori," as well as spiritual crystals and bracelets. Kirishima Shrine Summary ©katsuyoshi-imagama Modifying Kirishima Shrine is a sacred shrine in Kagoshima prefecture nestled in nature and is gaining popularity year after year as a spiritual power spot in Japan. As you can see from 2:16 and 5:19 in the video, Kirishima Shrine is also a famous spot to enjoy the beautiful autumn foilage. There are many hot springs, hotels, and restaurants in the area surrounding Kirishima Shrine where you can enjoy lunch or simply relax after a day of sightseeing. If you have some time to spare, consider visiting some of the other popular tourist spots in the area, such as the Kirishima Open Air Museum (鹿児島県霧島アートの森), Maruo Falls (丸尾滝), or Kirishima Plateau's Mahorobanosato (霧島高原まほろばの里). ◆Kirishima Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】 Kagoshima Prefecture, Kirishima City, Kirishima Taguchi 2608-5 【Access】10 minutes by bus from JR Kirishima Jingu station (JR霧島神宮駅) 【Hours】Open 24 hours a day 【Admission Fee】Free of charge 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0995-57-0001 【Tripadvisor】Kirishima Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022935-d1384906-Reviews-Kirishima_Shrine-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 1:42
Enjoy the Relaxing Sand Hot Springs of Ibusuki, Kagoshima. Relax and Unwind With the Rich Natural Environment and Delicious Food of Kyushu!
Local PR Travel- 28 plays
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自然の景色や温泉を楽しめる「鹿児島県指宿市」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「指宿市観光課」が公開した「鹿児島県指宿市観光PR動画 Ibusuki Tourism Promotion Movie」です。 「日本の温泉で体をリフレッシュしたい!」 「気持ちのいい温泉がある場所に旅行したいな」 このように、良質な温泉地を観光したい方におすすめの動画です。 温泉を中心に鹿児島県指宿市(いぶすき)の観光スポットを紹介しています。 世界でも珍しい砂むし温泉など、興味深いスポットお楽しみください。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の情報 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、温泉が好きな西郷隆盛がたびたび訪れていた場所として有名。 温泉以外にも景色の綺麗なスポットやおいしいグルメもあり、疲れを癒やしたいときにおすすめの場所です。 指宿市を訪れる際には、九州旅客鉄道が運行している特急列車の「指宿の玉手箱」に乗るのがおすすめ。 薩摩半島に伝わる竜宮伝説をテーマにした列車で、白黒の大胆な配色が特徴です。 乗り心地のいいソファーシートに座ることができるので、快適な旅になるでしょう。 指宿の玉手箱で、鹿児島の美しい景色を鑑賞しながら行く旅は最高です! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は温泉がおすすめ! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市は、さまざまな温泉スポットがあります。 たまて箱温泉は指宿市に観光する際には必ず寄りたい場所。 海の見える露天風呂は鹿児島の雄大な景色を楽しむことができます。 薩摩富士と呼ばれている開聞岳の景勝を眺めながら、温泉にゆったり浸かる。 とてもぜいたくな時間を過ごせますよ。 また、珍しい砂蒸し風呂も「山川砂むし温泉 砂湯里」で体験できます。 体中の血行がよくなりデトックス効果が抜群です。 動画でも指宿市の温泉を紹介しているので、ぜひご覧ください! 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である鹿児島県指宿市には、すばらしい景観を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 JR日本最南端の駅として知られる西大山駅は、鹿児島の雄大な景色をご覧になることができます。 西大山駅の正面には開聞岳がそびえ立っており、絶好のインスタ映えスポット。 指宿市には他にも、縁結びの島として有名な知林ヶ島や、竜宮伝説発祥の地の長崎鼻、フラワーパークかごしま、池田湖、魚見岳など景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 日本の観光地である「鹿児島県指宿市」の紹介記事のまとめ 自然と温泉を楽しめる鹿児島県指宿市。 心身を癒やす観光地として指宿市を訪れるのはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:12
Chamomiles and Treehouses in a Fairy-Tale-Like Village… Discover the Beauty of Kamitsure no Sato in Nagano, Japan
Travel Nature- 7 plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] A Tree House & Chamomile Flower Garden in Fairy-Tale-Like Place. Kamitsure No Sato (Nagano Prefecture)" ([4K] おとぎの国のツリーハウス&カモミールのお花畑。カミツレの里(長野県) Fantasy Tree House in Fairyland,Kamitsure-no-sato,NAGANO.), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video features scenery of the likes you'd find in a fairy tale, with a treehouse surrounded by beautiful German chamomiles in full bloom. Be sure to check it out. Kamitsure no Sato – A Tourist Attraction in Nagano Prefecture Photo:A field of chamomile Kamitsure no Sato is located in Ikeda, Kitaazumi, Nagano, in Japan's Koshin-etsu Region and is a popular sightseeing spot in Nagano Prefecture. Kamitsure is chamomile in Japanese. Kamitsure no Sato is a tourist attraction rich in nature, with a factory that grows chamomile and manufactures and sells products using said chamomile, as well as a lodging facility, Yasuesou. When the chamomile is in full bloom, the area is filled with the sweet and gentle scent of the flowers. Standing amidst the chamomile garden is a treehouse, a popular sightseeing spot in Kamitsure no Sato. The charm of the treehouse at Kamitsure is that anyone can freely use it. The chamomile fields in full bloom can be viewed from the treehouse as well. The treehouse, which looks like something out of a fairy tale, is great for taking Instagram photos as well. Events at Kamitsure no Sato Various events are also held at Kamitsure no Sato. The "Nature Experience Class" has been held for 16 years, ever since pediatric and dental doctors brought their children with allergies and atopic dermatitis to Kamitsure no Sato. In addition, there's a chamomile harvesting event in early June each year. One of the major events is the "Ikedamachi Hirotsu Kamitsure Matsuri" (いけだまちひろつカミツレ花まつり), a festival held in early June when the chamomiles are in full bloom. The festival includes a walk through chamomile fields, a chamomile harvesting experience, and sales of products manufactured at Kamitsure no Sato. Bloom Dates and the Language of Flowers for Chamomiles in Japanese Culture Chamomile is a type of herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is also known for its harvested flowers and leaves, which are dried and used to make tea and traditional medicines. The flowering season for chamomile is from May to September in Japan. The flowers have small, white petals and a sweet fragrance. According to the language of flowers, the chamomile is associated with the birthdays February 14, March 14, and November 3. The meaning of the chamomile is "perseverance in adversity" and "strength in adversity." Yasuesou Bio Hotel and the Tree House at Kamitsure no Sato Source :YouTube screenshot Kamitsure no Sato has an accommodation facility, Yasuesou, attached to it. This inn offers the aroma and warmth of wood made from local Shinshu timber. Certified by Bio Hotels Japan, guests can enjoy meals made with organic vegetables at Yasuesou. In addition, for lunch during your stay, you can enjoy a boxed lunch with pesticide-free rice and seasonal ingredients. Yasuesou pays extra attention to not just the food, but the bathing facilities as well. "Hanamitsu Koi no Yu" is a bath that uses water from Japan's Northern Alps, which is boiled in a wood-chip boiler, and chamomile extract, extracted through a special process, is added to the water. In addition, visitors can freely use special skin care and hair care items containing chamomile extract. Furthermore, the guest rooms are named after trees used as building materials at Yasuesou, for example, "Sugi" (Cedar) and "Hinoki" (Cypress). Bedding is made of organic cotton and down, and even the detergent used for laundry is carefully selected to create a comfortable environment for guests. Summary of Kamitsure no Sato in Nagano, Japan Azumino, where Kamitsure no Sato is located, is home to many other tourist attractions as well. A two-minute drive from Yasuesou is a 250-year-old tree called Nanairo O-kaede (七色大カエデ). This large tree shows its seven beautiful colors every year from October to early November. Its fresh greenery can also be enjoyed during spring and summer, and it has become a symbol of the town of Ikeda, where Kamitsure no Sato is located. The beauty of the Northern Alps from Azumino is nothing short of breathtaking, attracting the eyes of many tourists. The sweet scent of chamomile and the fairy-tale-like world of the treehouse are just two of the many attractions that visitors can experience. When sightseeing in Nagano, consider stopping by Kamitsure no Sato, a place where you can experience the gentleness of nature! -
Video article 18:23
The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – An Up-Close Fireworks Display Created by Local Pyrotechnicians!
Festivals & Events Travel- 22 plays
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The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival of Ueda, Nagano: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] An Up-Close & Powerful Display! Sparks Rain From Above! The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 Highlights" ([4K] 激近大迫力!- 火の粉が上から降ってくる - 信州上田大花火大会 2018 ハイライト - Shinshu Ueda Fireworks 2018 Highlights -), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Ueda, Nagano – The Town and the History of Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival Photo:Ueda from the Arato Castle Ruins Ueda, Nagano, located in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, is known as the birthplace of the three generations of Sanada, one of the most influential clans in Japanese history, and is a popular tourist destination with its historical and cultural heritage, magnificent nature, and hot springs that can be enjoyed in Japan's four seasons. The historical atmosphere of the city has led to it being used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas. Since it was the setting for the animated movie Summer Wars, some fans go on a tour of the places that served as models in the movie itself. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is held every year on August 5 from the banks of the Chikuma River (Shinano River) in Ueda, Nagano, and usually attracts more than 100,000 spectators. After being cancelled for two years due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the 35th annual fireworks display was scheduled to be held in 2022. A Beautiful Fireworks Display Created by Skilled Pyrotechnicians Photo:Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival consists of a competition among three local fireworks companies. ・Beniya Aoki Fireworks (紅屋青木煙火店) ・Shinohara Fireworks (篠原煙火店) ・Musha Fireworks (武舎煙火工業) The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, which has become a summer tradition in Ueda, Nagano, is made possible by the advanced technology of three local firework companies. Normally, 3,000 stars are packed into a firework shell. If even a few of them are out of alignment, the resulting explosion will be lackluster. It is no exaggeration to say that the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a success due to the incredibly skilled pyrotechnicians. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – Up Close and Personal The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a popular fireworks display in Nagano Prefecture because of its diverse program. The night sky is completely lit up as approximately 10,000 fireworks of various sizes are launched, centering on the gorgeous starmine and musical fireworks. In addition, the finale, a series of launches, is a spectacle that captivates the audience. The powerful music and the continuous launching of fireworks herald the arrival of summer in Ueda. One of the reasons why the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is said to be so powerful is that the spectator seats are close to where the fireworks are launched. Because of the proximity, the spectators are sometimes sprayed with sparks from the fireworks. Summary of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival The 31st Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival in 2018 was broadcast live on the Internet. The popularity of the event can be seen in the many photos and videos posted on Japanese Twitter as well. If you would like to experience not only the beauty of the fireworks seen in this video of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, but also the power sounds and vibrations, considering seeing the fireworks in person. ◆Information for the 35th Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2022◆ 【Date】Friday, August 5, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. 【Address】The Chikuma River (downstream from Tokidashin Bridge) 【Access】 Public Transportation: JR Ueda Station, Shinano Railway Ueda Station, Ueda Electric Railway Ueda Station→5 min. walk Car: 6 km/15 min. from Ueda-Sugadaira IC on the Joshinetsu Expressway via Route 144 【Parking】No parking available (please use paid parking lots around the venue) 【Official Website】UEDA – Nostalgic Japan/Nostalgic Castle Town https://go.ueda-kanko.or.jp/ -
Video article 14:51
Koyasan Is a Holy Land for Japanese Buddhism Which Was Founded by Kukai. Come Purify Your Mind and Body at This Mysterious Power Spot in Wakayama Prefecture!
Art & Architecture- 13 plays
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Introducing Mt. Koya This video, titled "The Holy Land in the Sky – Mt. Koya (生きている天空の聖地 高野山) was created by "greentvjapan." It's an introductory video of the beautiful and mysterious Mt. Koya; one of the top holy cities in Japan. Mt. Koya is known as a holy place by those who follow Buddhism, folk religion, and mountain worship. The History of Mt. Koya Photo:Koyasan Daimon, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya, a sacred mountain located in Koya, Ito district (伊都郡高野町) in Wakayama prefecture, is a holy land for Buddhism, starting with Shuzenji Temple given to Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi (弘法大師)) by Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) in the Heian Period (794 AD - 1185 AD). Mt. Koya, which is the site of the head temple for Shingon Buddhism (真言宗, shingonshuu), is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site under "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range." The beautiful temples on Mt. Koya, created by talented carpenters and cypress bark roof craftsmen, are a must see for any tourist visiting the area! The Highlights of Mt. Koya Photo:Danjo Garan in Koya-san, Wakayama Prefecture Mt. Koya's "Danjo-garan" (壇上伽藍) features many temples and shrines including Konpon Daito (根本大塔), Sanno-in (山王院), Kondo (金堂) and "Oku-no-In" (奥之院) of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺). There are many Jizo statues at Oku-no-in. You can take a look at these in the video from 4:14. If you are visiting Mt. Koya on foot, why not trek along some of the famous pilgrimage routes, such as Kurokomichi (黒子道), Nyoninmichi (女人道), Kyoosaka-michi Fudozaka (京大坂道不動坂), Mitanizaka (三谷坂) including Nyusakadonojinja (丹生酒殿神社). You can also receive a special seal stamp called a "Go-shuin" at Mt. Koya for good luck! Other items you can purchase at Mt. Koya include good luck fortunes known as "O-mamori," "zukou" (a powder-type incense/perfume), and good related to Mt. Koya's character, "Koya-kun" (こうやくん). You can also take part in meditation practice, sutra-copying and flower-arrangement experiences. The Temple Lodgings at Mt. Koya Photo:Koya in Wakayama Prefecture Every morning at 6 am when the temple bell rings, the monks begin their ascetic practices. Every morning, the monks take breakfast to Kukai in a ceremony called "Shojingu" (生身供). If you decide to stay the night in one of the Buddhist temples on Mt. Koya you can enjoy vegetarian Buddhist cuisine called "Shojinryori" (精進料理), which includes food, such as sesame tofu and traditional Japanese sweets, with the monks as well as take part in Buddhist prayers. Events on Mt. Koya Source :YouTube screenshot Many events take place on Mt. Koya throughout the year, such as the Aoba Festival (青葉祭り), Koya Fire Festival (高野の火祭り), Obon Lantern Festival and Candle Festival, and man other events that celebrate the changing of the seasons. During fall, there is a special Buddhist service known as "Kinshu Daigaran Oneri Ho'e" (錦秋大伽藍お練り法会) and in winter there is "Gohei Osame" (御幣納め), "Shushoe" (修正会) and "Joyanokane" (除夜の鐘, the ringing of the New Year's bells). Many tourists visit Mt. Koya in spring during cherry blossom season and in fall to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the autumn foliage. Mt. Koya Introductory Video Summary Photo:Danjo Garan As explained in the video, Mt. Koya has a long history dating back more than 1,200 years and is a sacred place worshipped by followers of Buddhism. The entire mountain is sacred meaning there are a lot of tourist spots for you to visit within short distances of one another. Before visiting, we highly recommend checking out the public transportation access to and from the mountain, as well as parking availability, hours, and walking courses to make the most of your trip to Mt. Koya. 【Official Website】Mt. Koya, Shingon Buddhism, Kongobuji temple http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Koya https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:34
Yume no Tsuribashi - A Dreamlike Tourist Attraction in Shizuoka! Located at the Entrance to Japan's Southern Alps, This Is One to Throw on Your Bucket List!
Travel Nature- 47 plays
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Video Introduction of Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge This video, titled "Sumata Gorge|Yume no Tsuribashi with GoPro [4K]" (寸又峡 夢の吊り橋 with GoPro[4K]), was uploaded by "NOMAD LIFE." It introduces Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka, Japan. Yume no Tsuribashi - A Bucket List Destination in Shizuoka, Japan Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Located in Kawanehon, Shizuoka lies Yume no Tsuribashi (Dream Suspension Bridge), a suspension bridge that should be on anyone's bucket list. It is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan, and crossing the suspension bridge over the milky blue lake is truly an unforgettable experience. Originally, Yume no Tsuribashi at Sumata Gorge was used as a path for villagers and lumberjacks to come and go. The forestry industry was thriving in the area around Sumata Gorge, and it's said that there were many villages in the area. Nowadays, it attracts attention not as a road for daily life but as a tourist attraction, and many people visit the area every year. With a total length of 90 meters and a height of 8 meters, this suspension bridge is truly one of dreams! The deck, made of wooden planks, has many gaps and no side walls, making it a thrilling suspension bridge. Due to weight restrictions, only 10 people can cross the bridge at a time. Furthermore, during the tourist season, the bridge is restricted to one-way traffic. Check out the video below to see how the thrilling Yume no Tsuribashi is crossed. [Video] 1:44 - Crossing Yume no Tsuribashi Cherry Blossoms, Autumn Leaves, and Other Seasonal Attractions and Activities to Enjoy Near Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka The area around Yume no Tsuribashi is also popular as a spot to enjoy the seasons, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you take a steam locomotive from Sumata Gorge to the Oi River, you can see approximately 280 Someiyoshino cherry trees from late March to early April each year. In addition, from October to November, when the beautiful autumn colors are in season, visitors can enjoy viewing the autumn foliage from Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge. The area around Sumata Gorge is an area where one can enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest. Fishing and trekking, as well as campgrounds, make this a spot full of attractions for outdoors enthusiasts. Hiking and driving courses are well maintained and can be enjoyed by families, couples, and friends. You can also buy cute souvenirs at the stylish retro café Seiko Udoku Village (晴耕雨読village), which offers a great view of Okuoikojo Station. You can also have a delicious lunch at café Uemaru or Suikoen. One of the attractions of this area is that you can enjoy a one-day trip to Sumatakyo Onsen. The area is lined with popular inns, where you can enjoy local delicacies harvested from the surrounding mountains for dinner. Things to Be Aware of When Visiting Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. Many tourists visit from all over Japan to catch a glimpse of the fantastic atmosphere. However, there are a few things you should know in advance. Because Yume no Tsuribashi is located deep in the mountains, entry is prohibited after sunset. Furthermore, the entire tour of the Sumata Gorge Promenade Course takes approximately 60 to 80 minutes, so visitors should allow plenty of time for this tour. In addition, be sure to wear appropriate clothing. The path to Yume no Tsuribashi has many steep slopes and stairs, and is made up of gravel. Therefore, it's recommended that you wear comfortable sneakers. Yume no Tsuribashi is also a very popular spot for taking Instagram photos in Japan due to its fantastic scenery. However, the bridge can be somewhat wobbly, and some people accidentally drop their smartphones or cameras while getting absorbed in taking pictures. Such an accident can really kill the mood, so please be careful. Besides that, it's recommended that visitors check the weather forecast in advance as roads may be closed on days when the weather is bad. [Video] 2:24 - Steep stairs Summary of Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka In this article we introduced Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka's Sumata Gorge that should be on any bucket list. Visitors can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here, with cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, snow in winter, and beautiful greenery in the summer. It's a popular tourist attraction where you can really experience nature in Japan. The view from Yume no Tsuribashi is truly spectacular! It attracts many visitors. There are inns, campgrounds, and hot springs in the vicinity as well, so be sure to enjoy it however you like. To get to Yume no Tsuribashi, first take the Shimada Kanaya IC to the parking lot of Sumatakyo Onsen (about 90 minutes). From there, it's a 40-minute walk from the parking lot to Yume no Tsuribashi. Although it takes some time to get there, it usually passes quickly thanks to the beauty of the surrounding nature of Sumata Gorge. Be sure to check out the video to see the fantastical scenery of Yume no Tsuribashi! 【TripAdvisor】Sumata Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1121220-d1313698-Reviews-Sumatakyo_Valley-Kawanehon_cho_Haibara_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 7:37
Shima Kanko Hotel Hosted Many Countries' Leaders at the Ise-Shima Summit. Enjoy a Luxurious Time in an Extraordinary Space With Excellent Food in Shima, Mie Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 29 plays
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伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「都ホテルズ&リゾーツ/Miyako Hotels&Resorts」が公開した「【公式】◆志摩観光ホテル ー 志摩時間へようこそ。ー」です。 美し国、伊勢。 ここに世界各国から愛されるホテル「志摩観光ホテル」は2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが行われ、日本国内だけでなく世界からも注目を集めています。 日本を代表する迎賓館伊勢志摩の老舗ホテル。 クラシックホテルで過ごす美し国伊勢志摩の魅力をご紹介しましょう。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」とは 三重県志摩市にある志摩観光ホテルの基本情報をご紹介しましょう。 2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが開かれ、世界各国の賓客を極上のおもてなしをしました。 もともと志摩観光ホテルは、真珠の養殖が盛んな三重県賢島(かしこじま)に真珠を買い付けに訪れる外国人向けに1951年誕生しました。 ホテルの設計を担当したのは日本の建築家村野藤吾氏です。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」の魅力 志摩観光ホテルは贅沢なお部屋が特徴。 開業当時のクラシカルな客室のメイン施設ザ・クラシック、多彩なスイートが豊富なベイスイート。 コーナースイートでは、伊勢志摩の絶景、賢島の英虞湾が眺望できます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」で味わう絶品料理 伊勢志摩の賢島は真珠だけでなく伊勢海老をはじめとした魚介類グルメが豊富です。 フランス料理「ラメール」では地元で獲れた伊勢海老をはじめとした海の幸を中心としたシェフ自慢のフルコース料理、鉄板焼「山吹」では、日本を代表する松坂牛をふんだんに使用した料理が。 和食「浜木綿」では旬の食材の逸品を味わうことができます。 志摩観光ホテルで贅沢な食事のひと時をすごしましょう。 豊富なメニューの中には、G7伊勢志摩サミットで振る舞われたランチ、ディナーを味わうことができます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介まとめ 志摩観光ホテルは日本人のおもてなしの心がしっかりと詰まった観光ホテルです。 まずは紹介した動画で志摩観光ホテルに足を運んだ気分を味わってみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 4:34
Amazing Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama! Enjoy the Nightscapes of these Cities in Beautiful 8K!
Travel- 556 plays
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Beautiful Night Views of Tokyo and Yokohama! This video, titled "Japan Night Aerials in 8K," was produced by Armadas. This video was made using aerial footage of Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Sky Tree, and other beautiful views of the nightscapes of Tokyo and Yokohama. The aerial views of the Tokyo and Yokohama nightscapes from a helicopter are absolutely stunning. Highlights of Tokyo and Yokohama's Nightscapes The centers of Japan, including places like Shinjuku and Yokohama, are usually overcrowded with people and things, but what you see in this video are simply beautiful views of each city without all of the crowds. The beauty of Japan lies not only in the mountains and rivers, but also in the urban landscapes. Especially in Tokyo and Yokohama, there are many people, which leads to more buildings being built and more people gathering and lighting up the area. These dazzling lights and buildings create wonderful nightscapes. Nowadays, Tokyo's population has surpassed 9 million, and the crowds in the city are becoming more and more stressful by the day. Yokohama is just as overpopulated as Tokyo, but the night view of Tokyo and Yokohama shows no sign of such internal deterioration. You can even feel the frustration and stress of daily life melting into the nighttime scenery of Tokyo and Yokohama, which can only be experienced through aerial photography. One of the ways to enjoy this film is to compare Yokohama and Tokyo. This too is only possible thanks to aerial photography... Try to compare the intensity of the light and the number of buildings. You're sure to find something about Tokyo and Yokohama that you never noticed before. Summary of the Beautiful Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama This video gives beautiful aerial views of Tokyo and Yokohama. We highly recommend checking it out. You'll see another side of Tokyo and Yokohama that you won't find walking through the city during the day. -
Video article 2:42
Maxell Aqua Park, Shinagawa: A Dream Facility That Fuses an Aquarium With Cutting-Edge Visual Technology! Be Engulfed in a Fantastical Atmosphere and Enjoy an Out-Of-This-World Experience in Tokyo!
Travel Living Things Action & Adventure- 69 plays
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About Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa This PR video created by the Park introduces the Park’s facilities through the use of high-quality footage. Aqua Park Shinagawa is a theme park boasting both an aquarium and various other attractions. It is popular as an “Insta-worthy” location - the cutting-edge technology incorporated into the aquarium gives rise to images breathtaking enough to cause you to even forget that you are in Tokyo. In the video, each display of sea life in the famed aquarium is introduced one by one. We hope you can experience the excitement of visiting the Park through the video. What Is Shinagawa's Maxell Aqua Park? Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa is located in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, which can be found right beside the West Exit of Shinagawa Station (品川駅, Shingawa-eki). In 2005, it was first opened as Epson Shinagawa Aqua Stadium. As an indoor facility, it can be enjoyed regardless of rain or shine, sun or snow. The Park is a theme park comprised of an aquarium with more than 350 different species of 20,000 sea creatures, as well as other indoor attractions. The Park’s most prominent attraction is the aquarium’s use of Japan’s latest cutting-edge technology. With unique special effects and brilliantly creative performances, you can definitely have an out-of-this-world experience right here in Tokyo. Since its renovation in July 2015, Aqua Park Shinagawa is an aquarium that has undertaken a variety of initiatives based on the concept of "the fusion of sound, light, and images with living creatures". The dolphin show is one of the most popular attractions at Aqua Park Shinagawa, and can be enjoyed throughout the year as the content changes with the seasons in Japan. 1st Floor: Fashionable Café Bar and Indoor Attractions Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 0:05 to 1:14 in the video, the Park’s 1st floor is comprised of attractions and a café bar. Upon entering the Park your eyes will be drawn to a large screen with colorful displays that transform to suit the season. This is the park entrance. There are three “Magical Grounds” where you can have different unique experiences. As for the attractions, there is the merry-go-round “Dolphin Party,” where you have a choice of 6 species of sea creatures to mount, as well as the “Port of Pirates.” As the attractions are all indoors, you can enjoy them while surrounded by fantastical music and lights. The “Coral Café Bar” is a fashionable projection mapping bar, exceptionally well-known even in Tokyo. In addition, the first floor also boasts the “Touch Panel Aquarium”; a wall on which sea creatures appear in response to your touch, as well as the “Jellyfish Rumble” with its mysterious glowing jellyfish. 2nd Floor: So Beautiful You'll Forget That You’re Even in Tokyo! Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa’s 2nd floor is mainly comprised of the aquarium, and is introduced from 1:15 to 2:20 in the video. The “Little Paradise” has water projections that transform in accordance with various themes. Here, you can enjoy viewing a multitude of tropical fish, both big and small. Furthermore, in the 20-meter-long undersea tunnel “Wonder Tube,” you can see sawfish and manta rays swimming right above your head. You can even feed mantas on the Wonder Tube Guided Tour. Besides that, the Park’s greatest drawing point is the “Dolphin Performance” held at the Stadium. This dynamic dolphin show can be enjoyed from 360 degrees. You can view scenes of the day version and night version of the show from 1:58 in the video. The night version also incorporates a projection mapping dolphin performance. Speaking of performances, you mustn’t miss “Star on the Stage!”, a dance of animals, as well as the “Mini Performances” of sea lions and penguins. Beyond that, there is also the “Aqua Jungle,” where you can experience the natural atmosphere of the jungle where capybaras reside, as well as the “Life Museum”, with its display of specimens, the “Wild Street,” where penguins and otters roam, and the “Friendly Square,” with seal and penguin performances. As you can see, the Park is an aquarium with a whole host of attractions. We hope you find your own special spot in the Park. Maxell Aqua Park Summary Photo:Kids watching fish The video and this article have introduced the facilities and various charms of Aqua Park Shinagawa. After viewing the video, have you gotten the urge to interact with the lifeforms at Maxell Aqua Shinagawa Park? The Park is conveniently located near Shinagawa Station, and its long hours ensure that even visitors from outside Tokyo can enjoy it. The parking spaces at Shinagawa Prince Hotel are also available for use. “The Stadium Shop” provides snacks and alcoholic drinks such as beer, as well as soft drinks, so feel free to refuel while enjoying the dolphin performance. Furthermore, Park-exclusive plush toys and original goods are sold at "Aqua Shop Luce” as well. Why not pick out a gift to bring home or something to commemorate a good date? The entrance fee ticket price is ¥2,300 for adults (as of November 2019), and tickets can be pre-ordered from the official homepage. We recommend pre-ordering to customers planning a visit on weekends due to the high likelihood of overcrowding. Shinagawa Prince Hotel users will be happy to know that they can enjoy a discount! Besides the attractions introduced in this article, there are still a multitude of sea creatures to be found at Aqua Park Shinagawa. Those whose interest has been piqued after watching the video, or those who already have plans to visit Tokyo, why not consider adding the Park to your itinerary? We're certain that your spirits will be restored by the fantastical atmosphere and the adorable sea creatures to be found at the park. ◆Aqua Park Shinagawa Facilities Overview◆ Address: 〒108-8611 Tokyo-to Minato-ku Takanawa 4-10-30 (Inside Shinagawa Prince Hotel) Access: 2 minutes’ walk from Shinagawa Station, Takanawa Exit Entrance Fee: 2,300¥ for adults (as of November 2019) 【Hours】10:00~22:00 【Parking】Shinagawa Prince Hotel Parking Space 【Telephone】:03-5421-1111 【Official Website】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa http://www.aqua-park.jp/aqua/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066451-d1395640-Reviews-Maxell_Aqua_Park_Shinagawa-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:12
Tokamachi in Niigata Prefecture Is the Number One Tourist Spot to Experience Beautiful Scenery! Skiing, SUP, Rafting... There’s Plenty of Activities to Enjoy!
Local PR Action & Adventure Nature- 41 plays
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Introducing Tokamachi, Niigata! This is a video to promote outdoor tourism in Tokamachi, a city located in the southern part of Niigata prefecture. Here, we will introduce you to some of the nature-rich sightseeing spots in the Shinanogawa area of Niigata Prefecture. The video introduces a variety of outdoor activities in various spots and seasons, including rivers, plateaus, and snowy mountains. There's sure to be something for everyone! Outdoor Locations in Tokamachi, Niigata Photo:glamping If you want to go camping in Tokamachi city, we recommend the beautiful Daigonji Kogen Camping Ground or the Fushikurojoseki Camping Ground. You can see the scenery at each campground at 0:29 in the video. Besides that, there are also facilities where you can enjoy the popular activity "glamping" around Tokamachi. There are various outdoor activities to enjoy in Tokamachi city, such as cycling along the Shinanogawa river, SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding) at the Shinanogawa river, canoeing, and rafting down the amazing Shinanogawa river. These can be seen at 0:39 in the footage. Known as one of the areas of Japan that has extremely heavy snowfall, there are many famous tourist spots where you can enjoy winter activities in Tokamachi city. It's been designated a special heavy snowfall area, so you know the snow will be great! You can also try cross-country skiing in the scenery of the great outdoors, or airboarding and snow biking at the Matsunoyama Onsen Ski Resort. These winter activities are shown from 1:24 in the video. Appealing Tourist Spots in Tokamachi City ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying In addition to Chotokuji Temple, which is famous for Senju Kannon (the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy), the stone Buddha of Hachi, where approximately 200 stone Buddhas are enshrined, Suwa Shrine and Matsuo Shrine, Saieiji Temple, and Jinguji Temple, a nationally renowned sight and national monument, and Tashiro no Nanatsugama, are all must-see tourist spots that show the history of Tokamachi city. You can also visit the ruins of Oida Castle, which was home to a local wealthy family during the Kamakura period. At the Tokamachi Museum, you can see the flame-shaped earthenware that was found in the area. Kiyotsu Gorge, the Hoshitoge rice terrace fields, and the beech forest, given the name Bijinbayashi, are all secret tourist spots overflowing with natural beauty. The Art Festival of the Earth - Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, one of the world's largest art festivals, attracts many visitors as well. When you visit Tokamachi city of Niigata prefecture, be sure to try the local cuisine. The Kashiwazaki Tai Chazuke (sea bream rice with tea), Soba inari, and Hegi soba are famous local specialties. Traditions of Tokamachi City In Tokamachi, Shinbo Kodaiji Bushi, which is said to be the root of Japanese folk music, has been passed down since ancient times. Akakura Kagura, which has been passed down from one generation to the next in Akakura Village, is a Shinto ritual within which you can feel the traditions of Japan. Tokamachi Kouta, which was made for the commercial of the traditional "Akashi Chijimi," is performed at the Tokamachi Summer Festival. In the city, the Tokamachi Snow Festival is held in the winter season and it's always a lively event. There are places where you can experience making Tsumariyaki, a traditional craft of Tokamachi, using soil from the area. Tokamachi city is also the second largest producer of silk fabrics after Kyoto, and is even called “Kimono town” for having many kimono and fabric shops. Accommodations in and Around Tokamachi If you're traveling to Tokamachi, we recommend staying at Hikari no Yakata, a hotel built by James Turrell in the image of Junichiro Tanizaki’s book “In the Praise of Shadows.” There are also many appealing hot spring inns in the city, so choose the one that suits you best. Summary of Tokamachi, Niigata Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we introduced the outdoor activities in Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture as well as tourist attractions and traditional performing arts that are featured in the video. We hope you enjoyed reading about some of the attractions of Tokamachi, as it has a lot to offer. As you can see in the video, Tokamachi city, where the magnificent Shinanogawa river flows, is a great place to visit for those looking to actively experience nature. This video introduces many outdoor activities, such as skiing and SUP. Find anything you're interested in? It might be difficult deciding what to do when there's so many options! 【Official Website】Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture Town Hall Website http://www.city.tokamachi.lg.jp/english/index.html -
Video article 1:58
The City of Ibusuki in Kagoshima Prefecture Is Famous for Its Unique and Relaxing Sand Baths! Ibusuki Onsen, a Place With More Than 300 Years of History, Is the Perfect Spot To Refresh Both Your Body and Mind!
Travel- 139 plays
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Video Introduction: Sand Baths at the Popular Ibusuki Hot Spring Resort in Kagoshima Prefecture This video "Ibusuki city sand bath hot spring" (指宿の砂むし温泉, ibusukinosunamushionsen) was created by Don Don Kagoshima Channel and introduces the sand baths at Ibusuki Hot Spring resort which is located in the eastern part of Ibusuki city, Kagoshima prefecture. Normally, when visiting a hot spring one bathes in the hot water, however as shown in this video at a sand bath you are instead buried in the warm sand. Many popular hotels and luxury ryokan are situated around the Ibusuki Hot Spring area and several are also equipped with their own private outdoor hot springs called "rotenburo". The sand bath area which faces the sea offers picturesque views which attracts tourists year after year. More About the Ibusuki Sand Baths Introduced in the Video Photo:Sand steam baths Sand baths such as those featured in the video taken at the Fushimi coast (伏見海岸, fushimikaigan) have been around for over 300 years in Japan and are a famous type of hot spring. According to Professor Tanaka, a medical professor at Kagoshima University, bathing in the sand baths can increase your heart rate, increase the rate of waste product emission from the body and improve oxygen consumption which can help you feel refreshed. If you are interested in experiencing an Ibusuki sand bath, we highly recommend visiting Sayuri (砂湯里), Tamatebako Onsen (たまて箱温泉), Hakusuikan (白水館) or Saraku (砂楽). Other hot springs such as Ginsho (吟松) and Shusuien (秀水園) are also located in Kagoshima prefecture. There are many reasonable price plans for those wish to visit the hot springs on a day trip. How to Take a Sand Bath Photo:Sand steam baths As you can see from 0:51 in the video, after changing into a yukata and wrapping a towel around your head you are then buried in the warm sand at the beach. The sand is fairly hot at around 50 to 55℃ so in as little as 5 to 10 minutes you will be drenched in sweat. After taking the sand bath, make sure to thoroughly wash off any sand and then take a dip in a regular hot spring to refresh. It is perfectly acceptable for women to take a sand bath without removing their make up and children can enjoy the sand baths too! What Are the Benefits of Taking a Sand Bath at Ibusuki Hot Spring? Photo:The effects of hot springs Ibusuki sand baths, which are also called Japanese saunas, have many health benefits for the human body because of the sodium chloride springs. These include relief from nerve pain, rheumatoid arthitis, lower back pain, stuff shoulders, knee joint pain, improvement of symptoms from stroke induced paralysis, bone fractures, sensitivity to cold, menopause, stiff joints, asthma, eczema, diabetes, menstrual cramps, infertility, anemia, constipation and also obesity. On top of all the health benefits, sand baths are also thought to be great for the skin and can be used as a beauty treatment. Ibusuki Hot Spring Sand Bath Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Another hot spring which is gaining popularity is Kirishima Hot Spring in Kagoshima prefecture. If you are planning an overnight stay, make sure to enjoy not only the hot springs but also the delicious seafood dishes on offer. We highly recommend checking business hours and access information online prior to booking your stay at Ibusuki Hot Spring. Sand baths at Ibusuki Hot Spring are gaining popularity not only with Japanese tourists but also tourist visiting from abroad. It is definitely an experience worth trying! 【Official Website】Healthy Land | Rotenburo/Outdoor hot spring "Tamatebako Onsen", Sand bath "Sayuri", Restaurant "Chinetsu no Sato" (地熱の里) http://ppp.seika-spc.co.jp/healthy-en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tamatebako Onsen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298210-d1155070-Reviews-Healthy_Land_Tamatebako_Onsen-Ibusuki_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 4:08
A Look at Sensoji Temple With No Visitors in Sight! Be Whisked Away by the Mystical Aura of Sensoji Temple at Night!
Art & Architecture- 81 plays
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A Beautiful Night View of Sensoji Temple This video, titled "Asakusa Sensoji Temple at Night" (浅草雷門 昼間とは別世界 浅草寺の夜景 - Asakusa Sensoji Temple at Night), was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." The video shows scenes of Sensoji Temple at night. Sensoji Temple is located in Tokyo's Taito Ward (台東区, taito-ku). Every day from sunset to around 11:00 in the evening, the Kaminarimon Gate (雷門, kaminarimon), Nakamise Shopping Street (仲見世, nakamise), and the main hall of Sensoji Temple are lit up beautifully. Even at night, visitors are allowed to worship at the brilliant red Kaminarimon Gate and the temple itself. Many people pop in to visit after checking in at a hotel, or while waiting for the bullet train. Nighttime Events at Sensoji Temple Photo:Nakamise Street at night, Tokyo Sensoji Temple is hosting a light-up event to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Edo Period, aiming to promote the image of Asakusa as an international city under the slogan "Asakusa - Shining in the 21st Century" (輝く21世紀の浅草). The main hall, Hozomon Gate, and the five-storied pagoda of Sensoji Temple are lit up, creating a mystical, breathtaking night view. As seen from 2:13 in the video, on Nakamise Shopping Street, there are also painted shutter murals known as "asakusa emaki (浅草絵巻)" painted on the gates to the shops. The night view of Sensoji Temple, with Tokyo Skytree soaring into the sky opposite Nakamise Shopping Street, coupled with beautiful weeping cherry blossoms, is great for taking Instagram photos, so be sure to bring along your camera when exploring the area. More About Sensoji Temple Photo:Sensoji Temple Kaminaramon, Asakusa, Tokyo Sensoji Temple is known for being the oldest temple in Tokyo, on top of having huge numbers of visitors (ranked within the top 10 temples in all of Japan). The temple belongs to the Sho-Kannon Sect and is dedicated to Kannon Bosatsu (the Bodhisattva of compassion), with a statue of the deity enshrined within Kannon Hall. Sensoji Temple is the only temple in Tokyo to be part of the "Bando Sanjusankasho" (The Bando 33 Kannon Pilgrimage) (#13), a series of 33 Buddhist temples in Eastern Japan sacred to Goddess Kannon. Additionally, Sensoji Temple is also the only Temple in Tokyo to be part of the "Sites of Edo Sacred to Kannon Bosatsu" (江戸三十三箇所観音霊場の札所) (#1). Sensoji Temple's omikuji are known to contain many bad luck fortunes, but why not test your luck?! We also recommend purchasing an omamori, a protective charm. Summary of Sensoji Temple at Night Photo:Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo As you can see, Sensoji Temple is a must-visit spot not only during the day, but also at night! As times vary by season, be sure to check out times for the light-up event before visiting. There are also many restaurants near Sensoji that serve delicious food! Kamiya Bar (神谷バー), Asakusa ROX (浅草ROXまつり湯), and Hoppy Street (ホッピー通り), are a few popular spots. In the video, you can also see Tokyo Skytree, another popular tourist attraction in Tokyo. The beauty of the crossover between "new" and "old" in Tokyo is one of the highlights of the video! ◆Sensoji Temple|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito Ward, Tokyo 【Access】A 5-minutes walk from Asakusa Station off Toei Asakusa Subway Line' Tobu Skytree Line, Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, and Tsukuba Express. 【Hours】Open 24 hours (The Main Hall is open from 6:00 - 17:00) 【Parking】None 【Telephone】03-3842-0181 【Official Website】Sho-Kannon Sect Asakusa Kannon Sensoji Temple Official Site https://www.senso-ji.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sensoji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134311-d320447-Reviews-Senso_ji_Temple-Asakusa_Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html