Video article 3:23
There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Shizuoka Prefecture! One of Japan's Most Scenic Destinations Condensed Into Three Minutes!
Local PR- 26 plays
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魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「The Moment SHIZUOKA」が公開した「The Moment SHIZUOKA - 静岡県公式観光プロモーション映像」です。 「静岡」といえば「富士山」や「駿河湾」などの雄大な景色と「緑茶」などがまず連想します。 しかし、静岡の魅力はそれらだけではありません。 こちらの動画では、美しい自然と多くの名所が散在する静岡の見どころが存分に紹介されています。 観光地として日本有数の景勝スポットを誇る静岡の素晴らしさの一端を垣間見ることができるでしょう。 静岡県の素晴らしい絶景の観光スポット 静岡への観光旅行でまず決めるべきなのが宿泊先。 静岡観光で人気なのは伊豆市の「新井旅館」や藤枝市の「岡部宿大旅籠柏屋」など。 どちらも建物自体が貴重な文化財で、日本古来の伝統・文化を感じさせる宿泊施設です。 さて、宿泊先が決まったら、静岡の名所巡りを楽しみましょう。 静岡観光での最大の魅力は、無数にある絶景スポットです。 日本だけでなく海外の観光客からも人気を集めている美しい健勝地は「富士山」「富士川」「駿河湾」「大瀬崎」「柿田川湧水群」「鮎壷の滝」「河津七滝」「龍宮窟」「十国峠」「浜名湖」「弁天島」「新居関跡」「三保松原」「奥石廊崎」「城ヶ崎海岸」など。 これらに加えて「西伊豆の夕日」は静岡随一のインスタ映えする観光スポットとして大人気です。 静岡県の歴史に触れる史跡群と、たっぷり遊べる施設 静岡は「新居関跡」「黒田家代官屋敷」「韮山反射炉」「御前崎灯台」などをはじめとする、日本の歴史的建造物や史跡の宝庫としても知られています。 そして、神社・仏閣では「小國神社」「伊豆山神社」「三嶋大社」「須山浅間神社」「富士山東口本宮」「富士山本宮浅間大社」「松蔭寺(白隠さん)」などが有名です。 そして、日本の近代的な施設および建造物「焼津さかなセンター」「ヤマハスタジアム」「御殿場プレミアム・アウトレット」が人気で、「小山城」「徳川家家康公像」「韮山反射炉」も一度は訪れたい名所です。 さらに、ファミリー層へのおすすめが「小笠山総合運動公園エコパ」と「熱川バナナワニ園」。 どちらも一日たっぷり遊べる楽しいアミューズメントパークです。 また、空からのアクセスならぜひ「富士山静岡空港」の利用を。 建物自体がグルメにも遊びにもショッピングにも満足できます。 そして、美術鑑賞なら「伊豆の長八美術館」も静岡観光には外せないスポット。 スポーツ好きには、日本有数の自転車競技施設として知られる「伊豆ベロドローム」もおすすめです。 遠州の景観を存分に堪能しよう 静岡観光で日本古来の「遠州、駿河国・伊豆国」の歴史に触れたい方は「遠州横須賀街道」と「十国峠」は外せません。 そして、雄大な自然の景色を堪能したい方には「急勾配日本一」として有名な「南アルプスあぷとライン」がおすすめ。 また「世界一の木造橋」として知られる「蓬莱橋」も必見です。 さらに、日本有数の「秘境駅」とされる「奥大井湖上駅」からの眺望はまさに絶景と呼ぶに相応しい名所です。 魅力たっぷり静岡県紹介まとめ 動画をご覧になれば、すぐにでも観光したくなる、見処がいっぱいの魅力あふれる静岡。 あなたも静岡観光でその素晴らしさを存分に堪能してみてください。 -
Video article 11:42
Enjoy an Experience Unlike Any Other in Toyo, Kochi Prefecture. Nature, People, and Plenty of Delicious Foods Await You!
Local PR- 19 plays
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高知県東洋町の魅力紹介動画のみどころ こちらの動画は「一般社団法人東洋町観光振興協会」が公開した、高知県東洋町の魅力がたっぷりつまったPR映像「高知県 東洋町PR動画 ロングバージョン ~身をゆだね触れて感じる~」です。 高知県東洋町は日本でも屈指のマリンスポーツの名所です。 海水浴やサーフィンをしに高知県だけでなく全国から多くの人たちが訪れます。 高知県東洋町の中でも特に生見サーフィンビーチは、屈指のサーフポイントとなっています。 生見海岸、室戸阿南海岸国定公園、白砂青松などそれぞれのビーチで海水浴を満喫できます。 海だけでなく、山の自然も豊富で清流野根川では、鮎釣りが盛ん。 山間を歩くことができる野根川街道は、参勤交代でも使われた古くから日本の伝統を守る道の1つ。 「四国のみち」環境省ルートの1つです。 高知県東洋町で伝統的な観光を 真砂瀬セラピーロードでは緑をいっぱい感じることができます。 その中でも春日神社の千年杉は歴史を感じることができるスポットの1つで、豊かな山の気候を活かした歴史的な産業も盛んです。 キャンプでも使われる土佐備長炭の産地でもあります。 観光だけでなく、日本の中でも高知県東洋町はさまざまな産業が盛んで日本の文化を支えています。 高知県東洋町紹介まとめ 日本の古きよき時代を感じるとともに、伝統的な非日常体験を味わいたい方は、高知県東洋町での観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 10:47
Follow the Daily Lives of Four People Who Quietly and Earnestly Engage in Work That Can Only Be Done in Tarumi, Kagoshima. Enjoying the Unchanging Scenery of Japan and Getting in Touch With the Lives of the Locals; That's Is the Kind of Sightseeing You Can Experience Here
Local PR- 34 plays
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A Promotional Video on Tarumizu, Kagoshima This video, titled "Tarumi, Kagoshima Prefecture Promotional Video (Winter Full Version / Japanese) 【BLESSING WINTER 4K LIFE IN TARUMIZU】," was uploaded by "Secretary and Public Relations Section, Planning and Policy Division, Tarumi City" (垂水市企画政策課秘書広報係). It's a promotional video for Tarumizu, located in northwest Osumi Peninsula. There is no tourist information in this video, just beautiful 4K imagery of Sakurajima and Kinko Bay shot via drone and made into a time-lapse. It also follows the daily lives of four people working in Tarumizu. Tarumizu in Kagoshima is located about an hours drive from Kagoshima City via the Tarumizu Ferry on Kagoshima Bay. It has a mild climate and rich nature and is a place where you can see the original landscapes of Japan. The Four People Living and Working in Tarumizu Source :YouTube screenshot Shuichi Murota introduced at 0:44 in the video, is a Japanese black beef breeder. Kentaro Yagi brews sake. He brews the traditional Kame-pot-brewed shochu "Yachiyo-den" during the cold winter. He uses fresh sweet potatoes to make them, 70% of the sweet potatoes are grown by him. He's introduced from 1:54 in the video. Shiho Murota, a painter, has revived the beautiful and intricate Satsuma buttons, which were said to be a lost art. She is introduced from 2:28 in the video. Last but not least, in the beautiful winter, at the foot of Sakurajima's sea, we see Shigeto Shinohara, an aquaculture specialist who uses Kagoshima tea and shochu grounds as food to cultivate the Tarumi City Fishery Cooperative's brand of kanpachi, "Umi no Ohkan." He is introduced from 3:17 in the video. Each of the four people talks about their commitment and love for their work, as well as their goals for the future. Beautiful Winter Scenery of Japan and Tourist Spot Information for Tarumizu, Kagoshima Photo:The Sea of Kagoshima In Kagoshima, there's Kagoshima Bay, also known as Kinko Bay, located between the Satsuma and Osumi Peninsulas. Kinko Bay, which is shown many times in the video, is a beautiful bay near Sakurajima and has been selected as one of the Top 100 Sceneries of Japan. Roadside Station Tarumizuhamabira, where you can view the beautiful Kinko Bay, was opened in November 2018. There are stores that sell local agricultural products as well as restaurants, so it's very popular among tourists. There are unusually shaped granites and large boulders at Sarugajo Valley and you can enjoy the clear flow of water here as well. There are also cottages and revitalization facilities that can be used during the winter at Sarugajo Valley Forest Path Tarumizu (猿ヶ城渓谷 森の道たるみず). In summer, many tourists come to enjoy activities such as camping, canyoning along clear streams, and shower climbing. The hot spring cottage, Enoshima Hot Spring, reminiscent of Japan's Showa era (1926 - 1989), was established 70 years ago and will warm up your body during the cold winter. The hot water from the shower and faucet is also hot spring water straight from the source. The view of Enoshima with Sakurajima as a background quite beautiful as well. Summary of Tarumizu, Kagoshima Source :YouTube screenshot Other popular sightseeing spots in Tarumizu, Kagoshima include "Takatoge Tsutsujigaoka" located at an elevation of 550 meters, where azaleas bloom in spring, and "Tarumizu Thousand Ginkgo Garden" (垂水千本イチョウ園) where approximately 1,200 ginkgo trees change color in fall. Also, in the summer, you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Kinko Bay and swimming at Masakari Beach, located on the border between Kanoya and Tarumizu. Enjoy the unchanging scenery of Japan and experience the lives of the locals in Tarumizu! 【Official Website】Tarumizu City, Kagoshima Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.tarumizu.lg.jp/hisho/foreign-language.html 【Tripadvisor】 Tarumizu City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1022930-Tarumizu_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 12:08
Kyoto's Summer Attractions Introduced in Beautiful 4K! Cool River Terraces, Obon, the Goryo Festival, and More... Check Out Some of the Best Ways To Enjoy Summer in Kyoto!
Travel- 135 plays
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Tons of Fun To Be Had During a Summer Trip To Kyoto! This video, titled "[4K]Kyoto summer JAPAN 京都の夏 観光 旅行 五山 送り火 灯篭流し 清水寺 鴨川 納涼床 風物詩 川床 Festival August Trip Visiting Guide," was published by Discover Nippon. Kyoto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan and is an ancient capital that has been around for more than 1,000 years. Kyoto, being a basin, gets very hot during summer! However, it's exactly because of Kyoto's harsh summers that there are many summer poems and cool spots that you can enjoy in the ancient capital. In this article, we'll introduce some of Kyoto’s summer traditions alongside a high-resolution video! Cool off Along Kyoto's Kamo River on the Way To Arashiyama Photo:Pontocho, Kyoto On days when it's so hot you start sweating just lying about, taking a stroll along the Kamo River to Arashiyama (嵐山, Arashiyama) is a great way to cool off and is a popular sightseeing route. There are many restaurants along the riverbank that offer platforms to cool off over the Kamo River, and we recommend enjoying a delicious lunch while soaking up the negative ions. This can be seen from 5:48 in the video. After that, consider checking out Arashiyama, one of the most popular tourist spots in Kyoto, and enjoy Togetsukyo Bridge (渡月橋, Togetsukyo) and other popular tourist spots in Kyoto? Gozan Okuribi - One of the Main Attractions of Kyoto During Summer Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto When it comes to summer in Japan, Obon is one of the most celebrated festivals. Gozan Okuribi has been designated an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan by the city of Kyoto as an important Bon event to send off ancestors to Buddhist paradise. The festival is nicknamed "Daimonji-yaki" (大文字焼き) because on August 16, during the sending off of ancestors during the Bon Festival, the character "大" meaning "big" (pronounced “dai”) is lit on Higashiyama after the sun goes down. Following Higashiyama, the characters "妙" and "法" (wondrous dharma, referring to Buddhism) are lit on Matsugasaki, a fire resembling a boat is lit on Nishigamo, and another "大" is lit on Kita Daisen. Lanterns then float down the river, illuminating the beautiful summer nightscape of Kyoto. This can be seen from 8:15 in the video. If You’re Visiting Kyoto in Early Spring, We Recommend the Goryo Festival Source :YouTube screenshot Shown at 3:33 in the video is the Goryo Festival (御陵祭り). This festival is held at Goryo Shrine, which is said to be the birthplace of the Goryo faith practiced in various parts of Japan. Since 2009, the parade of portable shrines through the city has been revived, making early summer sightseeing in Kyoto even more exciting! The Gion Festival - The Most Popular Event in Kyoto During the Hot Summer Months Photo:The Gion Festival, Kyoto The Gion Festival (祇園祭, Gion Matsuri), one of the three major festivals of Japan, is an event that heralds the arrival of summer in Kyoto. It's no exaggeration to say that Kyoto is consumed by the Gion Festival in July. The Gion Festival is a traditional festival held at Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto. The climax of the festival is Yamaboko Junko, a parade of floats through the city, held on July 17 and 24. On this day, many tourists dress up in kimono or yukata and enjoy the beautiful and majestic Yamaboko floats as they parade through the city. On the day of Yamaboko Junko, many travel agencies offer special tatami room dinner plans for tourists. When It Comes To Kyoto, the Temples and Shrines Are a Must-See! Photo:Ryozen Gokoku Shrine, Kyoto Touring shrines and temples is an essential part of sightseeing in the ancient capital of Kyoto, a place where one can feel the history in the air. Here we'll introduce a tour of temples and shrines in Kyoto that you can visit at night during the hot summer, as seen in the video. ・Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine (京都霊山護国神社, Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Jinja) (video 3:35-) Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine is a shrine dedicated to the spirits of the dead, and during the Mitama Festival, the shrine is lit up with many lanterns to welcome the spirits of the dead. ・Kiyomizudera Temple (清水寺, Kiyomizudera) (video 4:45-) In the summer, Kiyomizudera Temple hosts "Sennichi-mairi," a thousand-day pilgrimage where you can accumulate the virtue of a thousand days by visiting the temple for just one. On this day, there is also a special "Yoi-mairi" event that allows visitors to visit Kiyomizudera Temple at night making the temple bustling with visitors all day long. Gourmet Food in Kyoto You Don't Want To Miss When Sightseeing! Photo:Japanese sweets Kyoto is a city where you can enjoy a variety of gourmet foods from all over the country, but this time I want to recommend some gourmet spots between Nijo Dori and Gojo Dori. The area is lined with popular Kyoto kaiseki restaurants, international cuisine, and famous Japanese confectionery shops. Summary of Summer Sightseeing in Kyoto Photo:Kaju-ji Temple, Kyoto Kyoto is a popular tourist destination with many sightseeing spots, such as temples, shrines, and rich natural scenery that attract tourists all year round. The beautiful green maple leaves at Kifune Shrine (貴船神社, Kifune Jinja), "Kyo no Tanabata" at Nijo Castle, and the lotus blossoms at Kaju-ji Temple (勧修寺, Kajuji), a place famous for its cherry blossoms, are all places that you won't want to miss during your summer sightseeing adventure in Kyoto. In Kyoto, the roads are laid out in a grid formation, a remnant of Heian-kyo (平安京, Heian-Kyo), and the entire city is seemingly one massive tourist destination. During the harsh summer months, it's popular to take a one-day tour of Kyoto's sightseeing spots on a rickshaw with a sunshade, as you can see at 1:37 in the video. -
Video article 3:44
Discover the Rich Nature, Cuisine, and Culture of Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, a Place Brimming With Spectacular Views! Enjoy Wineries, Rose Gardens, and More to Your Heart's Content!
Travel Local PR- 21 plays
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Introducing Iwamizawa, Hokkaido! This video, titled "PR Movie of Iwamizawa / IWAMIZAWA TRIP ~digest~" (岩見沢観光PRムービー / IWAMIZAWA TRIP ~digest~), was uploaded by "Iwamizawa Tourism Association Official Channel" (岩見沢市観光協会 公式チャンネル). It introduces Iwamizawa in Hokkaido. Iwamizawa is located in central Hokkaido and it was once one of the 12 railroad towns in Japan which were officially designated as such by the former Japanese National Railway. There are tourist spots where you can enjoy an extraordinary atmosphere, including wineries and log cottages. Enjoy the attractions of Iwamizawa, Hokkaido in this video. Iwamizawa Is Brimming With Natural Scenery Source :YouTube screenshot Hokkaido is often visited by people seeking natural landscapes. One view we recommend seeing while in Iwamizawa is Hokkaido Greenland. Here, you'll find a popular garden with 8,800 roses of around 630 varieties. They can be enjoyed from late June to mid-October. You should stop by the rose garden, observatory and the hill of beach roses in Iwamizawa Park, which can be seen at 2:40 in the video, and Iwamizawa Shrine which is shown from 1:57. Places to Grab a Bite to Eat Around Iwamizawa, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot We recommend trying the famous Tengu Manju and soft serve ice cream. Of course, ramen from Hokkaido is some of the best you'll find in Japan. At Hosui Winery, wine is made from grapes grown in a rich natural environment which can be seen from 0:16 in the video. Recommended Hotels in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot "LOGHOTEL THE MAPLELODGE," "Little Rock Hills," and "Silver Pine" are all places we highly recommend. These can be seen from 0:54 in the video. What better way to relax than creating lifelong memories next to a fireplace in a special cottage. There are also camp sites and Japanese inns with natural outdoor hot springs and spas in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido. Enjoy Events in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido! Source :YouTube screenshot We recommend throwing on a yukata and heading out to the annual Furusato Hyappei Festival (ふるさと百餅祭り) held in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, as shown at 3:01 in the video. During the festival, mochi pounding is done with a massive mortar and mallet, using rice from Iwamizawa. At the end of the festival, mochi is thrown to commemorate the longevity of the people. Summary of Iwamizawa, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot There are a lot of photogenic places with natural scenery in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido. Consider booking a comfortable cottage like the one in the video and enjoying a relaxing tour of the popular Iwamizawa. 【Official Website】Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido City Hall Website https://www.city.iwamizawa.hokkaido.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Iwamizawa City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1122374-Iwamizawa_Hokkaido-Vacations.html -
Video article 5:11
The Keyhole-Shaped Tumulus Listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site in Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture Is a Popular Historical Tourist Attraction. Check Out Retro Spots Like Daikoku Temple and Shirotori Shrine!
Local PR- 23 plays
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大阪府羽曳野市の魅力を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「羽曳野市 公式YouTubeチャンネル」が公開した「Osaka:Half a day Spent in Habikino City」です。 大阪府羽曳野市には大黒寺や誉田八幡宮などの観光スポットが様々あります。 自転車を使えば、わずか半日程度で、大阪府羽曳野市の観光を満喫できます。 大阪府羽曳野市とは 大阪府羽曳野市は大阪市の南東部に位置しています。 大阪府羽曳野市を訪れるには新幹線で新大阪駅よりバスや電車などで向かうか、伊丹空港から大阪市内へ向かい、その後にバスや電車で向かうことになります。 大阪と言えばグルメランキングでたこ焼きやお好み焼き、串カツなどのグルメは有名。 そして大阪府羽曳野市周辺はたこ焼きやお好み焼き以外に焼き鳥やステーキなどを堪能できる店が多くあります。 大阪府羽曳野市が誇る特産品について 明治時代に大阪府羽曳野市一帯でぶどう栽培が盛んでした。 農業振興策の一環として、ぶどうを使ってのワイン造りが行われ、やがて大阪を代表するワインの生産地として有名になったのです。 ワインに適したぶどうの品種改良はこの頃から行われていたのです。 またワイン以外にも和菓子がおいしいことで評判なのが大阪府羽曳野市の特徴でもあります。 大阪府羽曳野市の名所及び世界文化遺産登録された古墳について 動画の1:50より紹介されている大阪府羽曳野市にある古墳は古市古墳群(遺跡古市古墳群)に含まれており、2019年7月6日の第43回世界遺産委員会にて世界文化遺産登録が決定しました。 これを受けて、古墳に関する観光ツアーが増加傾向にあります。 また翠鳥園遺跡公園には、旧石器時代の跡があり、旧石器人のアトリエもあります。 考古学に興味がある方は外せない観光スポットと言えるでしょう。 大阪府羽曳野市内のお寺や神社を自転車で巡ってみよう 大阪府羽曳野市内には多数のお寺や神社が点在していており、誉田八幡宮という神社から野中寺・法泉寺・大黒寺・西琳寺などを大阪府羽曳野市観光で外せないお寺がたくさんあります。 大阪府羽曳野市紹介まとめ 人気の観光スポットが盛りだくさんの大阪府羽曳野市。 この動画をご覧になるときっと大阪府羽曳野市に実際に訪れてみたいと思うはずです。 -
Video article 11:54
The Tuna Coordinator of Chuo City, Tokyo's Tsukiji Market Talks About His Passion for Tuna, an Essential Ingredient of the Sushi Loved Around the World! How Are the High Quality Ingredients Chosen?
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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"Tsukiji" - A Central Wholesale Market in Tokyo This video, titled "The Tuna King Reigns at Tsukiji Fish Market — Omakase Japan," was uploaded by "Eater." The video is an interview with Yukitaka Yamaguchi, a middle man wholesaler specializing in tuna, an important ingredient in Japanese food. He has a shop in Tsukiji Market, a central wholesale market in Tokyo. You can see him dressing a tuna and the beautiful, glossy cut of the tuna in this video. Tsukiji Market was opened in Tokyo in 1935 and it is one of the oldest comprehensive markets in Japan and one of the largest in the world in terms of seafood volume making it an important base for supporting Japanese food. Unfortunately, due to deterioration, the market was moved to "Toyosu Market" in October 2018. Tsukiji Market will be closed in the future, but the restaurants outside the market where you can eat fresh Japanese food still remain. They are very popular, especially among the tourists. This video was taken when Tsukiji Market was still open. An Intermediate Wholesaler Specializing In Tuna at Tsukiji Market Photo:Tsukiji Outer Market Yukitaka Yamaguchi is an intermediate wholesaler specializing in tuna, mainly bluefin tuna. Middlemen like Yamaguchi purchase tuna by participating in tuna auctions, and then sell it to retailers and restaurants. He is a particularly picky about the tenderness of the tuna used for sushi. He is a professional connoisseur who takes responsibility for his tuna and aims to be the best tuna seller in Tsukiji. He's introduced at 0:12 in the video. Tuna, A Valuable Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine Photo:Tuna In the past, red meat, called "zuke" in Japanese, was eaten and toro, a luxury food item today, was thrown out. It was not until sushi became available for the common people that sashimi toro came to be favored. Yukitaka Yamaguchi explains this from 0:44 in the video. His store sells five types of tuna: bluefin tuna, bigeyed tuna, yellowfin tuna, broadbill swordfish, and striped marlin. Yamaguchi purchases huge amounts of tuna to distribute to around 1,000 restaurants, mainly restaurants specializing in Japanese cuisine. He selects each tuna according to the cuisine it will be used for. Many restaurants rely on him as a tuna middleman to keep their business running smoothly. Summary of Tsukiji Market's Tuna King Photo:Tuna Yamaguchi says that the most exciting part of tuna is when he cuts in, because he cannot tell if it is a good tuna until he dress it. He gets really excited when he buys expensive tuna. Yamaguchi feels that tuna caught in fixed nets around Sado Island (佐渡島, Sado Shima) in the Sea of Japan in April and May, when the fat content is well-balanced, tastes the best, but he says that of the tens of thousands of tuna he handles, only about 100 per year are truly good, and they are rare. Because Yukitaka Yamaguchi loves tuna, he has been studying tuna and supporting the Japanese food culture of eating it! 【Tripadvisor】Toyosu Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134359-d15216764-Reviews-Toyosu_Market-Toyosu_Koto_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:41
The Beautiful Lotuses in Shinobazu Pond Are Absolutely Breathtaking! Introducing the Sights and Sounds of Ueno Park, Located in Taito City, Tokyo!
Travel Nature- 136 plays
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Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond The video “TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo Ueno park, lantern floating event at Shinobazu pond” (TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo 上野公園・不忍池のハスと灯ろう流し 東京観光 花の名所案内), was created by “Discover Nippon.” Lotuses blooming on Shinobazu pond at Ueno park in Taito, Tokyo is a popular summer sight. We'll talk about the beautiful lotuses at Shinobazu pond as well as sightseeing information around the area. In the video, you can see the beautiful lotuses on Shinobazu pond and the lantern floating event along with relaxing music. The Beautiful Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond, Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond at Ueno park Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park is famous for its lotuses, which create a fantastic scene in the summer. It has a long history, and the lotuses in Ueno Park were once depicted in ukiyoe during the Edo period (1603-1868). You can take a closer look at the flowers from the "Lotus observation zone." Every lotus is unique, and it's fun to take a close look at the differences between each flower. You can see the beautiful lotuses in the beginning of the video. The turtles swimming elegantly in the pond will help you forget your everyday troubles. On Benten Island in Shinobazu Pond, there is a hexagonal pagoda called a Bentendo, which is a must-see attraction. It's introduced in the video at 2:15. The best time to see the lotuses differs from year to year, so we recommend checking the bloom conditions before visiting Ueno Park. The Traditional Japanese Event “Toro Nagashi” Photo:Toro Nagashi When the lotuses are in full bloom, the "Ueno Summer Festival" is held at Ueno park. Toro nagashi (paper lantern floating) produces an amazing atmosphere. The purpose of Toro nagashi in summer, is to send off the spirits of one's ancestors. Check out the video at 2:31 to see the lanterns floating on Shinobazu pond after sunset. This beautiful scene is quite moving. Recommended Route for Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond, Ueno Park The lotuses blooming on the surface of Shinobazu pond is the epitome of the summer season. You can also use a paddle boat to explore the pond. It's nice to see the different seasons at Shinobazu pond as there are a variety of different features, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Ueno park features several different museums with plenty to see. Ueno zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan, with over 3,000 animals, including the very popular pandas. There are also many hidden gems, such as museums and art galleries scattered throughout the city. Visit the Hanazono Inari Shrine or the Gojoten Shrine, 2 "Power Shrines" in the area. Summary of Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond In Ueno Park, there are many sightseeing spots where you can enjoy the unique Japanese atmosphere. Observe the beautiful flowers and visit the temples. Enjoy the video and see the beauty of Ueno Park, which is located right in the middle of the big city, Tokyo. ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】 Ikenohata 3-chome, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 2 minute walk from Ueno station on the JR, Tokyo Metro Ginza and Hibiya lines, and a 1 minute walk from Keisei Ueno station on the Keisei line. 【Hours】 5 am to 11 pm 【Telephone No.】03-3828-5644 【Tripadvisor】Shinobazu Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066461-d3747622-Reviews-Shinobazu_Pond-Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:42
Maxell Aqua Park, Shinagawa: A Dream Facility That Fuses an Aquarium With Cutting-Edge Visual Technology! Be Engulfed in a Fantastical Atmosphere and Enjoy an Out-Of-This-World Experience in Tokyo!
Travel Living Things Action & Adventure- 69 plays
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About Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa This PR video created by the Park introduces the Park’s facilities through the use of high-quality footage. Aqua Park Shinagawa is a theme park boasting both an aquarium and various other attractions. It is popular as an “Insta-worthy” location - the cutting-edge technology incorporated into the aquarium gives rise to images breathtaking enough to cause you to even forget that you are in Tokyo. In the video, each display of sea life in the famed aquarium is introduced one by one. We hope you can experience the excitement of visiting the Park through the video. What Is Shinagawa's Maxell Aqua Park? Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa is located in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, which can be found right beside the West Exit of Shinagawa Station (品川駅, Shingawa-eki). In 2005, it was first opened as Epson Shinagawa Aqua Stadium. As an indoor facility, it can be enjoyed regardless of rain or shine, sun or snow. The Park is a theme park comprised of an aquarium with more than 350 different species of 20,000 sea creatures, as well as other indoor attractions. The Park’s most prominent attraction is the aquarium’s use of Japan’s latest cutting-edge technology. With unique special effects and brilliantly creative performances, you can definitely have an out-of-this-world experience right here in Tokyo. Since its renovation in July 2015, Aqua Park Shinagawa is an aquarium that has undertaken a variety of initiatives based on the concept of "the fusion of sound, light, and images with living creatures". The dolphin show is one of the most popular attractions at Aqua Park Shinagawa, and can be enjoyed throughout the year as the content changes with the seasons in Japan. 1st Floor: Fashionable Café Bar and Indoor Attractions Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 0:05 to 1:14 in the video, the Park’s 1st floor is comprised of attractions and a café bar. Upon entering the Park your eyes will be drawn to a large screen with colorful displays that transform to suit the season. This is the park entrance. There are three “Magical Grounds” where you can have different unique experiences. As for the attractions, there is the merry-go-round “Dolphin Party,” where you have a choice of 6 species of sea creatures to mount, as well as the “Port of Pirates.” As the attractions are all indoors, you can enjoy them while surrounded by fantastical music and lights. The “Coral Café Bar” is a fashionable projection mapping bar, exceptionally well-known even in Tokyo. In addition, the first floor also boasts the “Touch Panel Aquarium”; a wall on which sea creatures appear in response to your touch, as well as the “Jellyfish Rumble” with its mysterious glowing jellyfish. 2nd Floor: So Beautiful You'll Forget That You’re Even in Tokyo! Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa’s 2nd floor is mainly comprised of the aquarium, and is introduced from 1:15 to 2:20 in the video. The “Little Paradise” has water projections that transform in accordance with various themes. Here, you can enjoy viewing a multitude of tropical fish, both big and small. Furthermore, in the 20-meter-long undersea tunnel “Wonder Tube,” you can see sawfish and manta rays swimming right above your head. You can even feed mantas on the Wonder Tube Guided Tour. Besides that, the Park’s greatest drawing point is the “Dolphin Performance” held at the Stadium. This dynamic dolphin show can be enjoyed from 360 degrees. You can view scenes of the day version and night version of the show from 1:58 in the video. The night version also incorporates a projection mapping dolphin performance. Speaking of performances, you mustn’t miss “Star on the Stage!”, a dance of animals, as well as the “Mini Performances” of sea lions and penguins. Beyond that, there is also the “Aqua Jungle,” where you can experience the natural atmosphere of the jungle where capybaras reside, as well as the “Life Museum”, with its display of specimens, the “Wild Street,” where penguins and otters roam, and the “Friendly Square,” with seal and penguin performances. As you can see, the Park is an aquarium with a whole host of attractions. We hope you find your own special spot in the Park. Maxell Aqua Park Summary Photo:Kids watching fish The video and this article have introduced the facilities and various charms of Aqua Park Shinagawa. After viewing the video, have you gotten the urge to interact with the lifeforms at Maxell Aqua Shinagawa Park? The Park is conveniently located near Shinagawa Station, and its long hours ensure that even visitors from outside Tokyo can enjoy it. The parking spaces at Shinagawa Prince Hotel are also available for use. “The Stadium Shop” provides snacks and alcoholic drinks such as beer, as well as soft drinks, so feel free to refuel while enjoying the dolphin performance. Furthermore, Park-exclusive plush toys and original goods are sold at "Aqua Shop Luce” as well. Why not pick out a gift to bring home or something to commemorate a good date? The entrance fee ticket price is ¥2,300 for adults (as of November 2019), and tickets can be pre-ordered from the official homepage. We recommend pre-ordering to customers planning a visit on weekends due to the high likelihood of overcrowding. Shinagawa Prince Hotel users will be happy to know that they can enjoy a discount! Besides the attractions introduced in this article, there are still a multitude of sea creatures to be found at Aqua Park Shinagawa. Those whose interest has been piqued after watching the video, or those who already have plans to visit Tokyo, why not consider adding the Park to your itinerary? We're certain that your spirits will be restored by the fantastical atmosphere and the adorable sea creatures to be found at the park. ◆Aqua Park Shinagawa Facilities Overview◆ Address: 〒108-8611 Tokyo-to Minato-ku Takanawa 4-10-30 (Inside Shinagawa Prince Hotel) Access: 2 minutes’ walk from Shinagawa Station, Takanawa Exit Entrance Fee: 2,300¥ for adults (as of November 2019) 【Hours】10:00~22:00 【Parking】Shinagawa Prince Hotel Parking Space 【Telephone】:03-5421-1111 【Official Website】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa http://www.aqua-park.jp/aqua/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066451-d1395640-Reviews-Maxell_Aqua_Park_Shinagawa-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery Around the Islands of Kagawa Prefecture! "Awashima", "Shishijima," "Ibukishima," and "Shounai Peninsula," Floating in the Seto Inland Sea, Are Sightseeing Spots With Plenty of Beautiful Nature.
Local PR Travel- 60 plays
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The Islands of the Seto Inland Sea This time, we bring you a video with a superb view of the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. The video “Kagawa's Best Holiday - Awashima, Shishijima, Ibukishima, and Shonai Peninsula" (かがわ極上休日 粟島・志々島・伊吹島・荘内半島), is produced by Kagawa Prefecture's channel “Udonken.” The Seto Inland Sea area, famous for the Seto Ohashi Bridge, which is introduced in this video, has about 700 islands and beautiful scenery. Shodoshima is one of the most famous islands in Shikoku, but the Seto Inland Sea has many other attractive and recommended tourist attractions. This video summarizes four recommended sightseeing spots in Awashima, Shishijima, Ibukijima and Shonai Peninsula all in under 3 minutes. Enjoy the video of these beautiful, natural tourist destinations. Awashima - Appreciating Art Photo: Awashima seen from Mt. Shiude About 15 minutes from Suda Port in Kagawa Prefecture, Awashima is characterized by its three-winged screw-like shape. It is known for being home to the National Maritime Training School founded in the Meiji era (1868-1912 AD) as well as the Awashima Ocean Memorial Hall. Saya Kubota's work, "The Missing Post Office," which stores letters in unknown boxes in a post office, and a buoy garden which is decorated with cute art using buoys floating on the sea, are also popular tourist attractions. We recommend taking your time and watching the sun set on the calm Nishihama beach. Shisijima - The Island Guarded by a 1,200 Year Old Giant Camphor Tree Photo:The Giant Camphor Tree of Shishijima From 0:51 in the video, you can see Shishijima, in Kagawa Prefecture, which is a small island characterized by mountainous terrain. The 1200-year-old camphor tree on the island is a large tree designated as a natural monument of the prefecture. You can see the enormous, powerful camphor tree from 1:01 in the video. Climb to Kusunokikura Observatory, where you can overlook the Seto Inland Sea, and enjoy the scenery in harmony with nature. Ibuki Island Photo:Iriko Ibukijima Island, seen at1:30 is a fishing town where Ibuki Irico, Kagawa's famous gourmet food, is actively fished. Ibuki Iriko is a dried sardine processed from Japanese anchovy caught on Ibuki Island. On the sea side of the island, there are many Iriko processing plants referred to as "Iriba." Visit unusual sights such as the Ibuki Folk Museum and the mysterious "Toilet House," an Instagram-worthy piece of art. The Seto Inland Sea's "Shonai Peninsula" Photo:The Shonai Peninsula seen from the main shrine "Takaya Shrine" Finally, we introduce the Shonai Peninsula, which can be seen from 2:04 in the video. From here, you can overlook the beauty of the Seto Inland Sea from the Shiudeyama Observation Deck. You can walk to Maruyama Island, a legendary place in Japan, where the legend of Taro Urashima remains, at low tide, from the Ninaihama Beach on the Shonai Peninsula. The end of the legend of Urashima Taro is also the grave of Urashima Taro. The Sanuki Misaki Lighthouse at the tip of Shonai Peninsula is also a great place to see! Other Remote Islands and Places to Visit in the Seto Inland Sea Photo:Evening view of Seto Bridge There are many other famous islands besides the islands introduced in this video. Awaji Island, the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea; Shodoshima, famous for the movie "Twenty-Four Eyes"; Teshima, Naoshima, and Megijima, where you can enjoy modern art; Ikuchijima, a sacred place for cycling; Suo-Oshima, called the "Hawaii of the Seto Inland Sea"; Mukaishima, the closest remote island to Hiroshima; Okinoshima, a former Japanese military fortress; Osaki Shimojima, the setting for Suntory's drinking water commercials; and Nekojima Sanagi Island. Don't miss the Setouchi International Art Festival, an event held on 12 islands and in two ports in the Seto Inland Sea! The Seto Inland Sea has many hot spring inns and hotels. The sightseeing plans, routes and courses are up to you! Enjoy your trip to the Seto Inland Sea as you please. Summary of the Seto Inland Sea's Islands Each of the islands featured in these videos has its own unique characteristics. Which one's your favorite? The islands around the Seto Inland Sea can be accessed by the Seto Inland Sea Steamship or cruise ferry. If you're looking for a sightseeing trip to some of Japan's most scenic spots, take a cruise tour to enjoy the beautiful islands of the Seto Inland Sea! 【Official Website】Kagawa Prefectural Government Homepage https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Kagawa Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298231-Kagawa_Prefecture_Shikoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:50
In the Town of Nishiki, Kyushu, There Are Many Charming Sightseeing Spots. Nature, Crafts, Historical Structures, You Name It! An Introduction to All the Places to Check off Your List in Nishiki!
Local PR- 27 plays
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About the Enticing Promotional Video of Nishiki There's probably a lot of people who want to enjoy an amazing experience Japan, yet don’t know where to go... For a fulfilling trip to Japan, you're gonna want to do at least a little bit of research about the country. This can be done through a variety of methods such as books, review sites, and videos that introduce aspects of Japanese culture. In this article, we'll introduce the video “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション”, created by “NISHIKI KUMAMOTO JAPAN.” This video contains information about Kumamoto Prefecture, specifically Nishiki Town, in the Japan's Kyushu region. Whether you’re specifically interested in Nishiki, or if you’re interested in touring Japan as a whole, definitely check out this video. Highlights of the Video Source :YouTube screenshot “Nishiki, Kumamoto Japan 錦町プロモーション” is a 2-minute 50-second video about Nishiki As it introduces all the unique features of Nishiki, do take the time to view this video before visiting Japan. There are a multitude of Insta-worthy, scenic areas of abundant nature. As for crafts, from 0:35 in the video, the process of a potter creating one of his works is shown, and from 0:46 in the video, a craftsman creating a knife in a foundry can be seen. From 1:23, a swordsman appears, carrying a powerful sword. What is Nishiki? Source :YouTube screenshot Nishiki can be found in the southern area of Kumamoto Prefecture. To the south is a mountainous area reaching an elevation of 1,000m, and to the north is the Hitoyoshi Basin that the Kuma River runs through. This is a sightseeing area famous for its swordsmen and fruit villages. Fruit-picking is available in certain seasons, so for those interested, definitely check this place out. Nishiki’s Ohira Valley is a famous spot where you can enjoy camping. Savor the magnificent scenery of Nishiki to your heart’s content! The fireflies in summer, the red-and-gold leaves of the Shingu-ji Temple, and the gingko trees in autumn are all beautiful sights shown from 1:13. For those who want to experience the mysteries of nature, we recommend the Nishiki Himitsukichi Museum shown at 0:31 in the video. As seen from 0:54, you might even get the chance to see bats. Source :YouTube screenshot For those who want to learn more about Japan’s history, definitely check out the Kuwahara Family Residence . The residence is built in the architectural style of the later years of the Edo period (around 1750 to 1850), and has been designated as one of Japan’s Important Cultural Properties. At the Hitoyoshi Naval Air Station Secret Base Museum , visitors can find out more about Japan in the final stages of World War 2. The Tsuchiya Kannon-do , with more than 550 years of history, is another spot we recommend. There's some delicious food waiting for you when you get to Nishiki as well. Be sure to check out Nishiki Horumon Street, where there are many restaurants serving horumon (beef or pork offal) dishes. Things to Note When Visiting Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot Here are some things to note before going sightseeing in Nishiki. Before setting off, besides the video introduced here, there are other sources to check for information. Nishiki’s homepage contains information about various sightseeing areas. When planning your sightseeing schedule, be sure to pay attention to each area's opening hours as well as regular holidays. The next point of note is what to do in Nishiki. For those who enjoy physical activity, there are places such as the Rafting HEART sports complex, as well as Nishiki Kurando Park. For those who want to check out Nishiki’s specialty products, make sure your stop by the Roadside Station Nishiki Farmer’s Market. Located right beside Roadside Station Nishiki, various specialty goods can be purchased at the market. This area is also known for its abundant wild roses, the sight of which can be enjoyed from late May to early June. Also, do make sure to plan the right time for your trip if you hope to view autumn scenery, summer fireflies, or take part in events such as the Nishiki Festival. Furthermore, traditional crafts such as akazu yaki, as seen from 0:35 in the video, are also famous. At the Toshogama Factory, you can even try your hand at pottery. Summary of the Introduction to Nishiki Source :YouTube screenshot In Nishiki, there are many charming sightseeing spots, so do include this town on your list of places to visit in Japan. There are so many interesting areas that it’s impossible to visit them all in one day. Around Nishiki there are many hotels and ryokans available, so we recommend planning an overnight stay. Furthermore, the Hometown Tax is applicable to souvenirs, the local cuisine, as well as fruits such as peaches, pears and chestnuts. Definitely check those out as well! The video introduced in this article neatly captures the charm of Nishiki, so for those interested in Japanese culture and/or wilderness, do take a look. You're sure to feel the urge to make a trip to Nishiki. 【Official Website】 Kumamoto Prefecture Kuma Village Office http://www.kumamura.com/gyousei/ -
Video article 2:08
Watatsumi no Yado – A Luxurious Hot Spring Inn on Awaji Island! Great Rooms, Delicious Food, and a Great View in Hyogo Prefecture! What More Could You Ask For?!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 66 plays
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Watatsumi no Yado Are you looking for a luxurious getaway during your trip to Japan? Well, if you're going anywhere near Hyogo prefecture then Awaji Island is something you've got to check out! This video, titled "introduction video of "Awaji Island|Natural Radium Hot Spring|Cuisine|Restaurant and Inn [Watatsumi no yado] Introductory Video" (淡路島天然ラジウム温泉料理旅館【海若の宿】紹介動画), was produced by jenovacojp. The video is filled with charms of Watatsumi no Yado, an Inn located in Awaji, Hyogo prefecture. Watatsumi no Yado is a popular accommodation on hotel and ryokan review and comparison sites, and is renowned for the great hospitality and luxurious time it provides for its guests. In this article, we'll introduce the popular ryokan (inn) Watatsumi no Yado on Awaji Island. The video includes amazing images of hot springs, rooms, foods, and views that will leave speechless! About Watatsumi no Yado Source :YouTube screenshot The hot springs of Watatsumi no Yado are 100% natural radium hot springs without any filtration or additives. It's a natural high quality hot spring that warms the body naturally. The ryokan has a natural rock bath, a large public bath, an open-air bath, sauna, and more! We highly recommend it to those looking for the ultimate relaxation. The hot spring "Kusushi yu," is certified as a medicinal hot spring and is said to be very effective in maintaining good health. Private family baths are also available at Watatsumi no Yado. Relax and unwind in the indoor or outdoor baths and rid yourself of fatigue. You can see a beautiful view of the hot springs at 0:36 in the video. The water is said to be effective against gallstones, chronic cholecystitis, gout, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, chronic women's diseases, sensitivity to cold, hemorrhoids, sprains, bruises, bruises, paralysis, stiff shoulders, joint pain and neuralgia, and also offers relief from fatigue. Watatsumi no Yado's Gourmet Cuisine Source :YouTube screenshot At Awaji Island's Watatsumi no yado, you can enjoy delicious kaiseki cuisine with seasonal ingredients and more! This can be seen at 0:58 of the video. You can enjoy excellent Naruto sea bream cuisine and juicy Awaji beef from Awaji Island. In addition, there are a variety of delicious Japanese dishes made with fresh, young sardines from Awaji Island and conger eel, which are only available for a limited time. Nothing beats relaxing in some hot springs after eating some delicious food! You'll be reinvigorated and ready to get back to your daily life! Inside of the facility, they have the restaurant Hamakaze (浜風), the teppanyaki restaurant Bistec, and a banquet hall as well. You can even enjoy a drink after dinner in the karaoke room to finish off your day and unwind. There is also a one-day lunch course a Watatsumi no Yado that includes access to the hot springs, and amenities are also provided, so you can visit empty-handed. Rooms at Watatsumi no Yado Source :YouTube screenshot Watatsumi no Yado has beautiful Japanese-style rooms where you can relax while enjoying a beautiful view of the sea. The inn offers a breathtaking view of the sunset as well. You can see it at 1:48 in the video. At 1:18 in the video, you can see the special suite room, where you can experience the ultimate in relaxation. It's great for anniversaries and other special occasions. Sightseeing Around Watatsumi no Yado There are many great places to visit in Awaji, Hyogo Prefecture, where Watatsumi no Yado is located! Awaji Hanasajiki Flower Park (あわじ花さじき, Awaji Hanasajiki), Awaji Yumebutai (淡路夢舞台), Izanagi Shrine (伊奘諾神宮, Izanagi Jingu), Akashi Kaikyo Government Park (国営明石海峡公園, Kokuei Akashikaikyo Kouen), Kiseki no Hoshi Botanical Museum (奇跡の星の植物園, Kiseki no hoshi no shokubutsuen), Awaji Highway Oasis (淡路ハイウェイオアシス, Awaji Haiwei oasisu), Roadside Station Awaji (道の駅 あわじ, michinoeki Awaji), Hokudan Memorial Park (北淡震災記念公園, Hokudan shinsai kinen kouen), Awaji World Park ONOKORO (淡路ワールドパークONOKORO, Awaji Wa-rudo pa-ku ONOKORO), Awajishima Park (淡路島公園, Awajishima kouen), and more! If you plan on coming to Watatsumi no Yado, be sure to check out some of these popular sightseeing locations! Summary of Watatsumi no Yado This video shows the delicious food and natural hot springs of Watatsumi no Yado on Awaji Island. If you're curious about Watatsumi no Yado after reading this article, be sure to watch the video! Watatsumi no Yado, a place where you can enjoy the natural hot springs of Awaji Island, is also a Japanese heritage site. With great food and beautiful photogenic scenery, you're sure to have a great time! Access is about 20 minutes from the Awaji Interchange on the Kobe Awaji-Naruto Expressway or about 15 minutes from the Hokudan Interchange. Rates vary by season and plan, so be sure to check the official website. The inn is very popular, so we highly recommend making a reservation before visiting. ◆Watatsumi no Yado General Information◆ 【Address】〒656-1721 150 Nojima Hikinoura Awaji city, Hyogo 【Access】~20 minutes from the Awaji Interchange on the Kobe Awaji-Naruto Expressway or ~15 minutes from the Hokudan Interchange by car. 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0799-82-1616 【Official Website】Awaji Navi - Awaji Island Tourist Guide - Awaji Island tourism, travel accommodation, hot springs, gourmet food, and event information! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:14
Enjoy Great Food and Hot Springs at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu! A First-Class Hotel in Kanagawa Prefecture Where You Can Feel the Luxury!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 187 plays
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Introducing the Popular “Xiv Yugawara Rikyu” If you're thinking to yourself "I want to stay somewhere luxurious when I visit Japan" then look no further than Xiv Yugawara Rikyu! Check out the video “Xiv Yugawara Rikyu PV,” created by “Resort Trust Official.” It introduces a membership-only luxury resort hotel called Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. This hotel is used by VIPs and is very popular on review sites. The facilities are photogenic, food is delicious, and it has a lot of attractions. This video will make you want to stay at this hotel. In this article, we'll introduce the attractions of Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. Delicious Food at XIV Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot At Xiv Yugawara Rikyu, you can enjoy a variety of exquisite cuisine. There's a teppan-yaki restaurant where guests can enjoy the finest of seasonal ingredients, as well as an Italian restaurant where you can dine in an open space. There's also a Chinese restaurant with a beautiful yin and yang interior with a variety of dishes to choose from. In addition, Xiv Yugawara Rikyu offers a wide range of other gourmet services such as Japanese cuisine and a buffet breakfast, all of which use a variety of ingredients from the sea and mountains. You can check out some of the beautiful dishes at 2:06 in the video. Relaxing Hot Springs at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot Make sure to visit the hot springs when staying at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu. There are 4 different types of outdoor hot springs at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu: Takebayashi-no-yu, Tsukimi-no-yu, Iwami-no-yu, and the single person baths, each of which have their own unique features. It's perfect for hot spring lovers. There are also dry saunas, private baths for a fee, and a range of other amenities. br> The benefits of each bath are as follows: ■Iwami-no-yu Spring qualities: Sodium, calcium chloride, sulfate (alkaline). Effective against: burns, scars, chronic skin diseases, neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, cold sensitivity, and fatigue. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Single Person Baths Spring qualities: Sodium, calcium chloride, sulfate (alkaline) Effective against: burns, scars, chronic skin diseases, neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, cold sensitivity, and fatigue. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Tsukimi-no-yu Spring qualities: Simple alkaline hot spring Effective against: neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive diseases, and cold sensitivity. Aids in relaxation and promotes beautiful skin. ■Takebayashi-no-yu Spring qualities: Simple hot spring Effective against: neuralgia, arthralgia, chronic digestive disease, sensitivity to cold and fatigue The feeling of getting into an open-air bath while admiring the beautiful nature of Yugawara is unbeatable! Take a break from your daily grind at these hot spring spots. The hot springs are shown at 1:31 in the video. How to Spend Your Day at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu The interior of XIV Yugawara Rikyu is an extraordinary space that utilizes the traditional Japanese beauty motif “Rimpa modernism,” where you will be greeted with traditional and modern designs in the four colors: gold leaf, jet black, oboro silver, and white sesame. Admire the amazing entrance and beautiful gardens surrounded by the main building. Places to See at Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Be sure to enjoy the tourist attractions in Yugawara. There are so many places to visit, such as Makuyama Park, Yugawara Plum garden, Hakone Turnpike Daikanyama Parking Lot,Anest Iwata Sky Lounge, Fudou Waterfall, Ningenkokuhou Museum, Nishimura Kyotaro Museum, Yugawara beach, Gojo Shrine, Choritsu Yugawara Museum, and more. Also, there are places where you can enjoy hot springs, like Doppo-no-yu and Miyakami-no-yu. Summary of Xiv Yugawara Rikyu Source :YouTube screenshot The video “Xiv Yugawara Rikyu PV,” created by “Resort Trust Official,” introduces the popular luxury resort hotel. Its hot springs and restaurants are loved by VIPs, and there's a ton of places to visit in the area. You need to be a membership in order to stay here, so be sure to check out the official website for prices and reservations. The hotel definitely won't fail to impress, and it's a great way to relax. ◆Xiv Yugawara Rikyu◆ 【Address】631-1 Miyakami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Pref. 259-0314 Japan 【Access】Approximately 30 minutes from the Ishibashi Interchange on the Odawara-Atsugi Road or Seisho Bypass 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】0465-60-2555 【Tripadvisor】XIV HakoneRikyuHakonemachiAshigarashimogun https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298171-d16780381-Reviews-XIV_Hakone_Rikyu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:59
Izu Islands' “Niijima”: A True Paradise Only 35 Minutes From the City. Its Scenic Views Will Have You Wondering If You’re Really in Tokyo
Local PR Travel- 375 plays
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Izu Islands' “Niijima” The video “Niijima - The other Side of Tokyo : 80 Days Travel” created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful,” is a promotional video that introduces the beautiful "Niijima," in the Izu islands. Many people might not have heard the “Niijima” before. Although Niijima is part of Tokyo, it has a warm climate all year round. The beaches are reminiscent of one's you'd find in Hawaii. There are so many things to see in Niijima, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the views. This article will talk about some scenic locations on Niijima, full of nature, and great for taking Instagram photos. The video is only 2 minutes long, but there's no shortage of things to see. Popular Tourist Spots in Niijima Photo:Aerial view of Niijima Niijima, in the Izu islands, is located south of Japan's main island, Honshu. Niijima village is actually part of Tokyo. Unlike the big city Tokyo, Niijima is an island overflowing with nature, beautiful beaches, and ocean. Niijima attracts a lot of tourists, and it is also a popular surf spot, with the world championships occasionally being held there. Check out the video from 0:11 to see how beautiful Niijima's ocean is. You can also visit the historical temples and enjoy swimming in the ocean. You'll have no regrets after your visit to Niijima. Niijima can be accessed by either ferry or plane. If you would like to spend some quality time on the ferry, we recommend taking the ferry from either Tokyo Takeshiba Pier, or the one from Shimoda Port in Shimoda, Shizuoka. If you would like to save travel time however, we recommend you fly from Tokyo Chofu Airport. By high speed jet ferry, it takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes. Large passenger ships take about 10 hours and 35 minutes. From Shimoda Port, it will take 2 hours and 40 minutes. The flight time from Chofu Airport is just 35 minutes. Niijima tours are available with different plans. If you're looking to spend a couple nights in Niijima, be sure to check the tour packages to see which package fits your plan. Sightseeing Spots at Niijima Photo:Habushiura Beach There are so many different tourist spots around Niijima: beautiful scenic ocean views, relaxing hot springs, and an observatory where you can see a panoramic view of Niijima. If you would like to enjoy the beaches, we recommend “Mamashita Beach,” “Habushiura Beach,” “Honsonmae Beach,” “Kurone Beach,” “Wada Beach,” and “Wakagomaehama Beach.” If you want to relax in the hot springs, we recommend “Yunohama Hot Springs,” or “Mamashita Hot Springs.” For scenic views, try visiting “Ishiyama Observatory,” and “Fujimitoge Observatory.” Fujimitoge Observatory offers an all inclusive view of the ocean, mountain, and the city. At Ishiyama Observatory, you can look over Shikinejima and other islands. Besides these popular tourist spots, there's Daisan Oji Shrine and Miyahara Sakagura where you can experience Japanese culture. There are also popular activities such as “Dolphin spotting.” From 0:08 in the video, you will see many different places and activities you can enjoy in Niijima. Be sure not to miss out on all it has to offer! When you visit Niijima, don't forget to try the fresh seafood as well! There are so many restaurants to have lunch and dinner at on Niijima. Popular gourmet food of the Izu islands includes, “Kusaya,” “Shima Sushi,” and Red Squid Yakisoba.” Summary of Izu Islands' Niijima How did you enjoy the video of the beautiful "Niijima," located in the Izu Islands? There are fun events and festivals throughout the year in Niijima, such as the “Niijima Triathlon,” “Niijima Open Water Swimming,” Niijima O-Odori (dancing event),” the “Islanders Festival,” “Niijima Aquathlon,” the “Niijima International Glass Art Festival and the “Jusan Shrine Festival.” You'll be surprised such a beautiful island is only 30 minutes away from the large city Tokyo. It will be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Tokyo Niijima Village. Village Office Website https://www.niijima.com/ 【Official Website】Niijima Tourism Association - Niijima Tourism and Accommodation Information https://niijima-info.jp/ -
Video article 7:04
Visit Scenic Spots in Toyama Prefecture on the Tateyama Line Train in Winter! The Age-Old Traditions and Beautiful Silver World Will Be Etched in Your Memory for a Lifetime!
Travel- 41 plays
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富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「富山地方鉄道 冬の立山線PR映像 (ロング版)」という動画を中心に、冬の立山線エリアの魅力を紹介します。 冬の時期に旅行をするなら、日本ならではの自然と気候をたっぷりと堪能が出来る観光スポットがいいですよね。 ここでは、日本の冬にぜひおすすめしたい観光スポットである富山地方鉄道、冬の立山線について詳しく紹介をしていきます。 景色を堪能出来るだけでなく、富山の地産地消のグルメでお腹も満たされる素晴らしい観光スポットである立山線について、少しでも知って頂ければ幸いです。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線おすすめ観光名所! 富山地方鉄道観光のスタートは、動画0:33でも紹介されている『電鉄富山駅』から。 そこで名物でもある『アルプスエキスプレス』という電車に乗って、立山線の道のりに広がる雪で彩られた路線と幻想的な景色を堪能しましょう。 途中には、動画1:12で紹介をされている日本の伝統工芸として有名な和紙製造をされている『川原製作所』や動画1:29で紹介されている漆器製造をされている『荻野漆工房』があり、どちらも日本の歴史と文化に興味がある方にはおすすめです。 そして更に進んでいくと、動画2:29で紹介をされている『陶農館』があります。 ここでは実際に伝統工芸品の陶芸体験や園芸教室が開催されているので、ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。 そして、動画3:00で紹介されている富山地方鉄道立山線の名物で選奨土木遺産にも認定されている『千垣橋梁』を通ります。 そして動画3:35の立山駅に着いたら、富山地方鉄道立山線での旅は終了となります。 富山地方鉄道立山線を堪能した後はここ! 鉄道での旅も終了したことで、ご当地グルメを味わいところ。 ですが、まずは長い旅の疲れを癒す為にも、動画4:39で紹介をされている立山吉峰温泉ゆーランドへ寄ることをおすすめします。 サウナやハーブ湯等の4種類のお風呂が楽しめ、身も心も温まるはずです。 その後は、動画4:50でも紹介をされているグリーンパーク吉峰にて、立山の旬の素材をふんだんに活かした『立山育ち御膳』を。 もしくは『立山芦峅ふるさと交流館』にて日本の古き良きお食事を頂きましょう。 日本ならではの四季によって彩られた景色を堪能し、温泉で疲れを癒してご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つ、これこそ観光の醍醐味と言えるでしょう。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線の魅力紹介まとめ 立山線、そして立山駅周辺のおすすめ観光スポットについて紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 インスタ映えのする景色や絶景は勿論のこと、食事や温泉、伝統文化の体験など楽しみが盛りだくさん。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた記事と動画がきっかけとなって、富山県への観光を検討してくれる方が少しでも居て下されば、幸いです。 -
Video article 3:27
Reserve a Desert Island and Spend Your Dream Vacation at “Kujira-Jima” in the Seto Inland Sea! Glamping, Camping, Barbecuing... There's Plenty of Ways to Spend Your Time on This Desert Island in Okayama Prefecture!
Local PR- 81 plays
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Kujira-Jima, a Desert Island in the Seto Inland Sea This video, "The desert island in the Seto Inland Sea that you can reserve: KUJIRA-JIMA’ promotion video 3-minute version" (【瀬戸内 貸切 無人島 KUJIRA-JIMA】プロモーションビデオ 3分Ver.) created by “瀬戸内 貸切 無人島 KUJIRA-JIMA” will introduce you to Kujira-jima, a desert island drifting in the Seto Inland Sea. There are many islands in the Seto Inland Sea, and they are increasingly being recognized as the mecca of Instagrammable scenery. Kujira-jima, one of those many islands, is a desert island that can be reserved by one group per day. For those who want to have a special experience enjoying activities and glamping on a private beach in Japan, don't forget to reserve the little-known yet incredible Kujira-jima! This video shows 4 youngsters having the time of their life on this reserved island. Spending the night on a desert island…Sounds like a dream doesn't it? Immerse yourself in the experience of renting a desert island through this video! What Is Kujira-Jima? Source :YouTube screenshot Kujira-jima is a camping spot that can only be reserved by one group per day. It’s located about 30 minutes by boat from Uno Port (宇野港, Unoko) in Okayama Prefecture (岡山県, Okayamaken) in Japan's Chugoku region (中国地方, Chugokuchiho). Enjoy unique experiences and activities while camping on this small desert island. Some people even rent the island to hold wedding parties or private live events. Escape from the bustle of the city and spend a fruitful time with your friends and family while gazing at the rich landscape surrounding the sea. Special Activities at Kujira-Jima's Beach! Source :YouTube screenshot You can enjoy various activities on this desert island surrounded by the Seto Inland Sea. Experience anything you like- sea kayaking, SUP (standup paddle boarding), fishing and more- all while gazing into the scenery of the Seto Inland Sea. You can observe this from 0:47 in the video. As you can see from 2:45 in the video, one attraction of Kujira-jima is that you can sway in a hammock and feel the sea breeze on your skin, an extraordinary experience that you just can't have in the city. Source :YouTube screenshot As demonstrated at 2:16 in the video, we recommend that you enjoy the night with a barbecue using plenty of the popular Seto Inland Sea dishes. You can also make a separate reservation to use the catering service. If the weather is nice, how about a campfire after your meal? Tourist Attractions of the Seto Inland Sea Photo:Evening view of Seto Ohashi There are many tourist attractions around the Seto Inland Sea, where Kujira-jima is located. It’s full of tourist spots that you're sure to want to visit, such as Awajishima Island (淡路島, Awajishima) which is the biggest island in the Seto Inland Sea, Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (明石海峡大橋, Akashikaikyoohashi), the Naruto whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮, Narutonouzushio) which is one of the three major world currents, Shodoshima Island (小豆島, Shodoshima) which is famous as the setting for the movie "Twenty-Four Eyes" (二十四の瞳, Nijushinohitomi), Teshima Island (豊島,Teshima), Naoshima Island (直島, Naoshima), Megijima Island (女木島, Megijima), all three of which are famous for modern art, Aoshima Island (青島, Aoshima) which is famous as the island of cats, and Okunoshima Island (大久野島, Okunoshima) which is famous as the island of rabbits. Be sure to check some of these out when you visit Kujira-jima! Summary of Kujira-Jima Source :YouTube screenshot If you could reserve a desert island, how would you spend your day there? This video introduces many ideas on how to spend a special time at this reservable desert island in Japan. Seto Inland Sea has a stable climate and calm waves, so you can enjoy your time there in peace. If this video sparked your interest in Kujira-jima, why not create an original plan with your friends and family, and set out on a magical trip to spend a special time at this gorgeous beach? The accommodation fee and rental fees differ by plan and season, so be sure to check the official website. 【Official Website】The desert island in the Seto Inland Sea that you can reserve: KUJIRA-JIMA https://www.kujira-jima.jp/ 【Official Website】Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture City Hall Homepage http://www.city.setouchi.lg.jp/kurashi/ -
Video article 1:52
Hachijo-jima, Tokyo: An Island With Spectacular Scenery and a Tropical-Island Feel. Enjoy Fishing, Diving, and a Morning Market, All on Japan's Izu Islands!
Local PR Travel Nature- 69 plays
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Izu Islands' Hachijo-jima This video, titled "Hachijojima - The Other Side of Tokyo : 80Days Travel," is an introductory video on the scenery of Hachijo-jima (Hachijo Island), an island in the Izu Islands of Tokyo. The video was produced by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful.” Most people think of Okinawa when it comes to tropical resorts in Japan, but there's a sightseeing destination in Tokyo where you can enjoy that same tropical resort atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce Hachijo-jima, a resort near the city, as well as some sight seeing information about the area. The video shows some of the amazing scenery of Hachijo-jima, located in the Izu Islands. Can you believe this place is part of Tokyo? Hachijo-Jima: An Island Rich in Nature, Created by an Active Volcano Photo:Hachijo-jima The Izu Islands are located at the southern end of Tokyo and connected to the Pacific Ocean. They consist of about 100 different islands of all different sizes. Among the Izu islands, Hachijo-jima is especially popular as a sightseeing destination, thanks to its beautiful natural scenery and subtropical climate. Izu Islands' Hachijo-jima is the second largest inhabited island among the "Izu Seven." Hachijo-jima’s Nishiyama, also called “Hachijo Fuji,” is an active volcano but the volcanic activity has settled down since the Edo Period (1603-1868). The beautiful natural scenery that the volcano created is definitely worth checking out. Sightseeing on Hachijo-Jima! Source :YouTube screenshot There are many travelers who visit Hachijo-jima to enjoy swimming, fishing, and diving. At 0:24 in the video, scenes of sea turtles swimming elegantly in the beautifully clear sea are shown. Thanks to that subtropical climate we mentioned earlier, you can enjoy diving year round at Hachijo-jima. If you want to enjoy some marine activities, we recommend checking out the crystal clear waters of Sokodo Beach! The beautiful, natural scenery is popular among travelers for taking Instagram photos. Recommended Sightseeing Locations on Hachijo-Jima Source :YouTube screenshot Hachijo-jima's untouched tropical forests allow you to enjoy walking around sightseeing, while taking in the island's history. After hiking, it's time for a dip at some hidden hot springs! Miharashi no Yu and Ashiyu Kirameki, are two places you can relax and rid yourself of fatigue while taking in the ocean views. The footbath, Ashiyu Kirameki, can be seen at 1:07 in the video. When visiting Hachijo-jima, you've got to try the local specialty "Shima Sushi." The Hachijo Morning Market is held on the third Saturday every month. We recommend matching up your schedule with some of the events on the Island if possible. Summary of Izu Islands' Hachijo-Jima Hachijo-jima can be accessed by ferry or airplane. There is a regular ferry service from Tokyo that makes one round-trip per day, and the journey is approximately 11 hours long. If you use the airplane from Haneda airport to Hachijo-jima airport, you can get to Hachijo-jima in just 45 minutes. Hachijo-jima is a beautiful island where you can enjoy a wonderful time away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in the midst of nature. We hope we've piqued your interest in visiting Hachijo-jima! 【Tripadvisor】Hachijo-jima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1122052-Hachijo_jima_Hachijo_machi_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:52
The Breathtaking Beauty of Nakatsu, Oita's “Hon-Yabakei.” Enjoy a Powerful, Aerial Video Showing Its Spectacular Cliffs!
Local PR Travel- 179 plays
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Hon-Yabakei, Oita. One of Japan's Most Beautiful Sightseeing Destinations The video “Drone Trip 本耶馬渓(大分県 中津市),” was created by “大分県中津市” (Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture) as a promotional video to introduce recommended sightseeing spots at the popular sightseeing destination Hon-Yabakei. Hon-Yabakei, with its unique landscape due to lava flow, as well as its collection of historical landmarks, is an immensely popular sightseeing destination. Yabakei is located in Kyushu’s Oita Prefecture, Nakatsu City, Kusu Town (大分県中津市・玖珠町, Oita-ken Nakatsu-shi Kusu-machi). The vast scenic area of historical and cultural importance was even designated as a Heritage Sight of Japan in the year 2017. Besides Yabakei, other famous sightseeing spots, such as Aonodomon Tunnel (青の洞門, Aonodomon), Fururakan (古羅漢, Fururakan), and Kyoshuho Cliff (競秀峰, Kyoshuho), all come together to make up Nakatsu, Oita’s Hon-Yabakei. In this video, drone recordings and time-lapses are used to introduce Oita’s Hon-Yabakei. The video is chock-full of impressive aerial views. Information About Hon-Yabakei, Oita’s Foremost Sightseeing Location Photo:Aonodomon Tunnel Shown at 0:06 in the video, as the camera moves along the Yamakuni River (山国川, Yamakuni-gawa), what comes into view on the right-hand side is the Aonodomon Tunnel, which is especially popular in the fall. The Aonodomon Tunnel is one of Hon-Yabakei's representative sightseeing spots. It was constructed during the Edo period (1603 – 1868) to enable monks to safely cross the treacherous cliffs along the river. Though dug by hand by stonemasons using only chisels and hammers, the tunnel was completed in a mere 30 years. After completion, tolls were collected for passage, making this tunnel Japan’s very first toll road. Next is Yabakei Bridge (耶馬渓橋, Yabakei-bashi), characterized by its 8 arches. This bridge is also known as the Holland Bridge (オランダ橋, Oranda-bashi), and is one of the "Top 100 Famous Bridges in Japan." The Yabakei Bridge is also Japan’s longest stone-masonry bridge. This is introduced at 0:23 in the video. Hon-Yabakei, Oita’s Popular Sightseeing Spot: Fururakan Photo:Rakan-ji Temple At the top of the mountain lies the Fururakan View (古羅漢の景, Fururakan no kei). After viewing the Rakan statues, you can pass through Tenjin Bridge (天人橋, Tenjin-bashi) and the stone mountain gate of Fururakan. Tenjin Bridge is the main entrance to Rakan-ji Temple (羅漢寺, Rakan-ji), a mysterious area where man and nature coexist. Here, you can worship with peace of mind. From 0:35 in the video, you can see the Fururakan towering over the mountains and expanse of nature. Next is the Running Dog View (犬走りの景, Inu-hashiri no Kei), a low-water crossing named for its river stones which are shaped like dogs. On bicycle, you can proceed to the entrance of the Kyoshuho Cliff Exploration Path (競秀峰探勝道, Kyoshuho tansho-do). Go through the mountain path full of greenery and proceed to an area where ancient statues of Buddha and other deities remain. Then, travel down the chain to reach the steep cliff "The Rock of Jin" (陣の岩, Jin no iwa). The Rock of Jin at Kyoshuho Cliff offers a 360-degree panoramic view that'll definitely look great on Instagram. This is a popular spot not only for people in Japan, but also people from overseas as well as mountain climbers. The Kyoshudo Cliff Exploration Path also has a beginner’s course that takes only about 70 minutes. It's a rock exploration course where you can experience Mother Nature. Summary of Hon-Yabakei, Oita Photo:Kyoshuho Cliff Hon-Yabakei is located in Nakatsu, Oita in the Kyushu region of Japan. It's 1.5 hours from Fukuoka Airport by limited express train (特急列車, Tokkyu-ressha), and 45 minutes away from Oita Station, similarly by limited express train. As seen in the video, this is an incredibly scenic area full of mysterious mountains. However, as it is not yet particularly well-known in Japan, it can be said to be a hidden sightseeing area. The sight of autumn leaves clinging to the steep cliffs is especially popular, with many tourists visiting in the fall. Furthermore, in recent years, Nemophila flowers (ネモフィラ, Nemofira) have been blooming in the fields in front of the Kyoshuho Cliff (Aonodomon Tunnel). The Nemophila Festival, to celebrate these refreshing blue flowers, is held from mid-April to Golden Week, and it has become a new sightseeing attraction. You can feel the majesty and beauty of this scenic area in the video. We hope that were were able to convey the charm of Hon-Yabakei through this article and video. Experience the mysteries of nature in the lava plateau of Hon-Yabakei! 【Official Website】Oita Prefecture, Nakatsu City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city-nakatsu.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Hon-Yabakei https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023431-d1424981-Reviews-Honyaba_Valley-Nakatsu_Oita_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 2:32
Enjoy the Breathtaking Nature of a Mountain Village at 'Taishoya Shiibasanso' at Ureshino Onsen in Saga Prefecture! Hot Springs, Food, Rooms, Sightseeing Spots...We'll Show You the Best Places to Spend Your Time!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 65 plays
- YouTube
Ureshino Onsen Hot Springs, Taishoya Shiibasanso ‘Ureshino Onsen Hot Spring Shiibasanso 2012 PV’ (嬉野温泉 椎葉山荘 2012 PV), presents the superb views and excellent services of Taishoya Shiibasanso. It is a Japanese Ryokan inn located in Ureshino Onsen. Ureshino Onsen is kind of like a secret tourist spot tucked away in the mountains of Ureshino City in Saga Prefecture, Kyoshu Island. The area boasts Onsen facilities listed as one of three famous beauty hot springs in Japan. On top of this, the area has clear clean rivers where fireflies gather. You can forget about the world around you and just relax. Within this relaxing area, Taishoya is our recommendation. It was established in the Taisho Period (1912~1926) and has a long history. Here, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of a mountain village. Ureshino Onsen Shiibasanso is a popular ryokan inn due to its warm welcome and services, and it's rated high on hotel and ryokan review and comparison sites. This video shows all the appealing points of Ureshino Onsen Shiibasanso. Please enjoy! Open-Air Baths at Ureshino Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot Rotenburo (open-air baths) and the large bathing areas at Taishoya Shiibasanso are shown from 0:10 in the video. The onsen's hot water will heal your body and mind. In addition to baths such as Shikinoyu, with water flowing directly from the hot spring source, Shiibanoyu, and Yamanoyu, the rooms are equipped with their own baths as well. You can also use the hot springs bathing facilities on a day pass. Amenities are provided as well, so there's no need to worry about bringing your own. Ureshino Onsen is an alkaline hot spring (Sodium hydrogen carbonate spring) and is effective against nerve pains, muscle pains, joint pains, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, the hardening of joints, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, excessive sensitivity to cold, and also aids in post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and promotes health as well. How to Enjoy the Facilities of Ureshino Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot When visiting a Japanese ryokan, you can look forward to Japanese cuisine like the dish shown at 0:41 in the video. After taking a bath in the hot springs at Ureshino Onsen Taishoya Shiibasanso, change into a Yukata bathrobe and enjoy some fine dining. Taishoya Shiibasanso has a famous restaurant, and it was listed in the Michelin Guide in 2019. You can enjoy delicious buffet or Kaiseki style traditional Japanese meals including Saga beef. At Taishoya, you can eat at the Yudofuhonpo Tofu Restaurant, Restaurant Yamaboushi, Restaurant Shiiba, and the Private Room Kohaku for groups. Beautiful views of ryokan are shown from 2:01 in the video. Rooms at Taishoya Shiibasanso are Japanese style. You can even enjoy the nature of the mountain village just by relaxing in your rooml. There are annex rooms, maisonette-type rooms and barrier-free rooms as well. Room rates vary by season and plan. Be sure to visit the official website and travel websites to check prices before booking. Have a wonderful trip! Summary of Ureshino Onsen Photo:Scenery at Ureshino Onsen In the Ureshino area of Saga Prefecture, you will find many natural, Instagram-worthy landmarks, relaxing open-air baths, and Japanese ryokan where you can enjoy exquisite Japanese cuisine. Among these wonderful places, Taishoya Shiibasanso, shown in the video, is an excellent place to experience a traditional Japanese atmosphere. This popular inn offers barrier-free facilities and is perfect for both children and adults. There are also many popular sightseeing spots in the Ureshino Onsen area. They include Siebold’s Foot Bath (シーボルトの足湯 Sieborutono Ashiyu), Siebold’s Bath (シーボルトの湯 Sieborutono Yu), Tateiwa Observation Deck (立岩展望台 Tateiwa Tenbodai), Hirokora Camp Site (広川原キャンプ場 Hirokora Campujo), Hizen Yoshida Pottery Museum (肥前吉田焼窯元会館 Hizen Yoshidayaki kamamoto Kikan), Miyuki Park (みゆき公園 Miyuki Koen), Toyotamahime Shrine (豊玉姫神社 Toyotamahime Jinja, Zuikoji Temple (瑞光寺 Zuikoji), Todoroki Falls (轟の滝 Todorokinotaki) and Daichaju Tea Tree (大茶樹 Daichaju). These tourist attractions can be easily accessed when staying at Ureshino Onsen Taishoya Shiibasanso. Of course, these are just a few suggestions. Feel free to enjoy your stay at Ureshino Onsen Taishoya Shiiba Sanso however you please. If you would like to spend a relaxing time in an extraordinary space, be sure to watch the video and check out some review sites. Plan your trip to Ureshino Onsen! ◆Ureshino Onsen Taishoya Shiibasanso◆ 【Address】1586 Aza Shiibaotsu Iwaya-Kawachi, Ureshino Town, Ureshino City 【Access】30 minutes by bus from JR Takeo Onsen Station. 5 minutes by shuttle bus from the bus terminal 【Parking】Free parking spaces (up to 100 vehicles). 【Telephone No】0954-42-3600 【Official Website】Ureshino Onsen Ryokan Taishoya Staishoya Ureshino shiibasanso/Serenity in nature https://www.shiibasanso.com/lg_en/index.html 【Official Website】Ureshino Onsen Tourism Association Ureshino Onsen Nohoho-n Information Bureau https://spa-u.net/ 【Tripadviser】Ureshino Onsen Hot Spring https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023551-d1425134-Reviews-Ureshino_Onsen-Ureshino_Saga_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 5:06
Enjoy Luxurious Japanese Cuisine at the Michelin-Listed Inn "Hakuunso" in Kanagawa Prefecture! Spend a Relaxing Time at the Source of Yugawara Hot Spring!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 193 plays
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Yugawara Hot Spring, Kanagawa Prefecture This video was created by "Japan Explorers," and it is a PR video of the Japanese inn (旅館, ryokan) "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. The title is "The luxury ryokan Yugawara Onsen Mano no Sato Hakuunso published by Michelin" Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [High quality ](ミシュラン掲載の高級旅館 湯河原温泉 万葉の里 白雲荘 Yugawara Hotspring Hakuunso [高画質])". In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Yugawara Hot spring’s "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso," which has been posted on Michelin for four consecutive years. Yugawara Hot spring, in Kanagawa Prefecture is a popular inn. The video introduces luxury rooms and hot springs, as well as beautiful Michelin-rated dishes. Before we get started, please enjoy the video showcasing the hospitality of a Japanese hot spring inn. “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”: The Luxury Japanese Hot Spring Inn Located at the Historic Yugawara Hot Spring Source :YouTube screenshot Manyo no Sato Hakuunso is a luxury hot spring inn located at Yugawara Hot spring, one of Japan's leading hot spring towns. Yugawara Hot spring is located in Ashigarashimo-gun, in Kanagawa prefecture, and is easily accessible from Tokyo and Yokohama. Every room at the Yugawara Onsen "Manyo-no-Sato Hakuun-so" has an elegant and luxurious structure where you can relax and enjoy the natural view of the Chitose River. There are five rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, three separate rooms with an open-air hot spring bath, one room with an open-air bath, and nine general guest rooms with an indoor bath. Each guest room has a name, "Soseki Literature Museum," "Fujimura Literature Museum,”" "Dokuho Literature Museum," "Manyo," "Tsubaki," "Sakuraba," "Hydrangea," "Hana Mizuki," "Hakumo," "Jukuni," "Seseragi," "Satsuki," "Chitose," " Yayoi," "Minami," and "Hatsune." Accommodation plans include one-day spa plans and banquet plans for groups. Introducing Manyo No Sato Hakuunso, Also Recognized by Michelin Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the guest rooms with hot spring baths, there are also Sanukinoyu (large public baths) and suite private spa (private open-air bath), where you can fully enjoy Yugawara Hot spring. The large baths overflowing with rich spring water are introduced at 1:52 and 4:51, and private open-air baths are introduced at 3:48. The quality of the hot spring is calcium chloride. It's effective against rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, wounds, chronic eczema and keratosis, weakness, gynecological disorders, hypertension, poor circulation, arteriosclerosis, gout, uric acid, and more. The baths are also fully equipped with amenities, so there's no need to worry about bringing your own. Japanese Cuisine at Manyo No Sato Hakuunso Source :YouTube screenshot Speaking of the pleasures of Japanese hot spring inns, Hakuunso also serves delicious Japanese cuisine. Manyo no Sato Hakuunso has been published in the Michelin Guide "Yokohama / Kawasaki / Shonan II Special Edition" for four consecutive years. The dinner course is introduced at 2:19 in the video. The kaiseki cuisine, which uses fresh seafood purchased directly from local fishermen and locally grown vegetables, is changed monthly, and the chef, Koichi Okuyama, provides exquisite, seasonal Japanese cuisine that has earned the restaurant a Michelin listing. One of the features of the evening meal is "Horaku-yaki," in which seafood is steamed and grilled in a ceramic pot. This can be seen at 2:51 in the video. Breakfast, typical of a traditional Japanese ryokan, is introduced at 4:18. Small plates of brightly colored dishes are elegantly presented, and local dried horse mackerel is roasted on a cooking stone and freshly grilled giving it a savory flavor and also making it a spectacle to behold. Both dinner and breakfast are served with glistening rice cooked in an earthenware pot, giving it the most flavor possible. I know you're probably looking forward to eating here now, just be careful not to eat too much before you go sightseeing. Facilities at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" “Manyo no Sato Hakuunso” at Yugawara Hot spring, has a wide range of in-house facilities. In addition to the private open-air baths and the large hot spring baths, there is the blissful, relaxing Ajisai-no-Mori (Forest of Hydrangea), the aesthetic salon, the private room space Suzukaze, and the dining room Senkei. You can use the facilities of "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso" at your leisure. Sightseeing at "Manyo No Sato Hakuunso" Photo:Gazebo In the Yugawara area, one of the most popular hot spring sightseeing spots in Japan, there are many sightseeing spots we recommend. If you want to get in touch with the nature of Yugawara, visit Manyo Park, Makuyama Park (Yugawara Bairin), Hoshigayama Park Satsuki no Sato, Fudo Falls, and Yoshihama Beach. The best natural scenery is also a great spot for Instagram. The "Doi Castle Ruins," where you can experience the history and culture of Yugawara, has the best view. You can experience the art of Yugawara at the "Municipal Yugawara Art Museum," "Pumpkin Museum," "Kyotaro Nishimura Memorial Museum," "Living National Treasure Museum," "Hakone Lalique Museum," "Hoshino Prince Museum," "IZU PHOTO MUSEUM," "Buffet Children's Museum," and "Iri." If you want to enjoy the popular local gourmet restaurants in Yugawara, go to the ramen shop "Ramenya Iida Shoten" or the bakery "BREAD & CIRCUS." Popular festivals and events include "Yugawara Onsen Sunday Sightseeing Morning Market," "Watching the Show," "Training tour of Yugawara geisha," "Yugawara Onsen Marine Fireworks Festival," "Firefly Party," "Ikemine Momiji no Sato, and Tea Room." As you can see there are plenty of sightseeing spots in Yugawara! Please enjoy sightseeing in Yugawara as you see fit! Summary of “Manyo No Sato Hakuunso”- The Michelin Listed Inn How'd you like the video filled with the charms "Manyo no Sato Hakuunso"? The gentle Japanese style guest rooms provide a relaxing space. If you want to spend a relaxing time at a Japanese inn, tasting Michelin-starred cuisine and taking a dip in a hot spring, watch this video to experience the wonders of Manyo no Sato Hakuunso. Room rates for reservations vary depending by season and room, so please check the official website and travel websites for details. ◆ Manyo no Sato Hakuunso Introduction of Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 716-1 Miyagami, Yugawara-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture 259-0314 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from Yugawara Station on the Tokaido Main Line 【Parking】Available. 15 cars. 【Telephone No】0465-62-2341 【Official Website】 Yugawara Onsen Manyo-no-Sato Hakuunso Yugawara Luxury Ryokan-Ashigarashimo-gun https://www.hakuunsou.com/en/ 【Official Website】Yugawara Onsen official tourist site "Onsen town 60 minutes from Yokohama" http://yugawara-resort.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Yugawara Hot spring town https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121143- Yugawara_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 0:58
The Genso Garden Event: Enjoy the Beauty and Romantic Scenery of Okayama Korakuen. The Illuminated Garden in Okayama City, Okayama Truly Makes for a Special, Unforgettable Experience!
Travel- 48 plays
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The Okayama Korakuen Genso Teien Event The video, produced by "Takashi Matsuo", catches a glimpse of the 2018 Okayama Korakuen Genso Garden summer event. Korakuen, situated in Okayama city, capital of the Okayama prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is one of Japan's three great gardens. A wonderful light-up event called “Genso Garden” is held in this gorgeous garden every summer, and in less than a minute the clip manages to convey the beauty of its scenery and its illumination under the night sky, all in 4k quality. What Is Korakuen? What Are Its Attractions? Photo:Okayama Korakuen Built 300 years ago by Tsunamasa Ikeda, the second daimyo of the Okayama clan, Korakuen is a historical cultural heritage and one of Japan's three most famous gardens. In addition to being designated as a national special place of scenic beauty, it has been awarded a three-star rating by the Japan Michelin Green Guide. The garden, which also goes by the name of Gokoen, is a stroll garden based on classic Japanese gardens, where the visitors can enjoy the most emblematic features of the four seasons such as cherry and plum blossoms in spring, or moonlit skies and autumn leaves in the fall. The Enyotei house and the Yuishinzan Hill are a must-visit, and if you happen to be there at the right time you should not miss the early summer tea picking and the traditional lawn burning. The garden currently hosts eight Japanese cranes, which freely range around the park from fall to winter. Also, buildings that are generally reserved for private rental, such as the Noh Stage and the Eisho room, are open to the public once a month so that anyone can enjoy the views the they offer. The "Genso Garden Event" Source :YouTube screenshot Korakuen's "Genso Garden" is a popular sightseeing event meant to bring some extra color to Okayama’s summer. In 2019, it was held at the same time as Okayama Castle's Ujo Togenkyo. In addition to the summer event shown in the video, there is a spring version of it which is held between late April and early May. Going through the video, at 0:17 you can see some tourists walking around the Japanese garden in their light yukata. A stroll through the park featuring wind chimes (0:22) and the carp pond (0:29) will certainly make for a relaxing visit. The highlight of this video is the illuminated view of Okayama Castle, featured at 0:41. The magnificent Okayama Castle shines in its pure white tones behind two of the garden’s main features, the Asahigawa and Tsukimi Bridges. Both are sights you want to experience at least once in your lifetime. The garden hosts a number of events throughout the year, such as a beer garden, a Japanese culture experience tour and Yukata Day, and many people regularly come even just to have a nice, cool evening while strolling around the park. Other Sightseeing Spots Around Korakuen Photo:Momotaro Some of the most popular places in the area are the Okayama Castle's Castle Tower, Ujo Park, and Mt. Mikai Zenkoji Temple with its wonderful treasure towers. Many people also like strolling through the retro-style streets of Izushi-cho in Monzen-machi, or visiting the healing spots in Nishigawa Green Road Park and Edagawa Green Road Park. And since we are talking about Okayama, one can’t forget about the statue of Momotaro, the iconic Japanese fairy tale character. Pottery from Bizen is another very popular feature from this area. You can also have lunch at at one of the many nearby hotels, eat local gourmet dishes such as the castle parfait and Okayama Castle rice cakes, or savory Japanese sweets and matcha from the local cafes. Korakuen Genso Garden Video Summary In less then a minute, this video manages to capture the atmosphere of both Korakuen and the summer atmosphere of Japan. Historic Japanese gardens change radically between day and night. That being said, if you want to walk through this beautifully lit up Japanese garden, don’t miss your chance to visit Korakuen during the Genso Garden event! ◆Overview of the Okayama Korakuen Garden◆ 【Address】1-5 Korakuen, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by bus from Okayama Station or 25 minute walk from the Okayama station 【Admission Fee】Adults 410 yen, seniors 140 yen, free for high school students and younger children (* 2019) 【Hours】From 17:00 to 20:30 【Average time spent here】30-60 minutes 【Parking】Available (100 yen per hour) 【Telephone】086-272-1148 【Notice】Pets are not allowed to enter the park, admission is until 20:00 【Official Website】Okayama Korakuen https://okayama-korakuen.jp/foregin_taravelers.html 【Tripadvisor】Okayama Korakuen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298134-d321203-Reviews-Okayama_Korakuen_Garden-Okayama_Okayama_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 7:21
Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Is Steeped in History and Culture. Enjoy Kusatsu City as Introduced by Local Idols and Mascots!
Local PR Travel- 30 plays
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滋賀県草津市の魅力を満載した動画の見どころ こちらで紹介する動画は「滋賀県草津市役所」が公開した「草津ストーリー」です。 今回は「草津ストーリー」と題した7:21秒の動画をご紹介! 案内役は今滋賀県で売り出し中のご当地アイドル「フルーレット」と「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」です。 滋賀県草津市のご当地ゆるキャラのたび丸も出てくるのでちびっこも楽しめますよ。 みんなが楽しめる観光名所がいっぱいある草津! 動画の冒頭は草津のフルーレットと草津市公認マスコットキャラクターのたび丸君が滋賀県草津の魅力と観光名所を案内してくれます。 豊かな自然が残る景勝地、そして日本の歴史文化を今に伝える街、近畿圏住みやすさナンバーワンの街など様々な魅力溢れる草津にあなたも一度観光で訪れてみてはいかがでしょう? 草津の絶景ポイントでインスタ映えする記念写真を撮ろう! 日本最大級の本陣と言われる草津宿本陣は400年の歴史を持ち、当時の日用品や資料を見学することができます。 さらに江戸時代を再現した衣装体験ができるので、殿様や姫君気分の仮装でタイムスリップ!インスタ映えする記念写真を撮ることができますよ。 滋賀県草津で歴史文化を体験しよう 街道の宿場町として400年の歴史を持つ草津には伝統工芸を体験するイベントやお土産もいっぱい! お土産として有名な瓢箪専門店の加工品や銀峰工房、吾亦紅を使った草木染め工房ではオリジナルストール作りが体験できます。 滋賀県草津のグルメをご紹介! 草津はご当地グルメの宝庫!その一部をご紹介しましょう。 一つ目は近江草津産コシヒカリ「匠の夢」というブランド米!琵琶湖は淡水と海水が交わる湖。琵琶湖から引かれた水には豊富なミネラルが含まれ、伝統的な製法で栽培されたブランド米は甘みと歯ごたえが絶妙のおいしいお米です。 動画の5:30頃から登場する「草津市観光使節グッドウィルナー」が紹介するのは江戸城改築にも携わった太田道灌を先祖に持つ太田酒造という日本酒の酒蔵。 滋賀県産の原料にこだわった日本酒やワインを製造しています。 まだまだあるよ!滋賀県草津の穴場的おすすめ観光スポット 滋賀県草津の穴場的なおすすめ観光スポットはまだまだあります。 例えば東海道と中山道が通っていたことを示す道標や、1200年の歴史を持つ立木神社をはじめとした弁天池や印岐志呂神社、荻の玉川、宿場町裏路地など街のあちこちに歴史と文化、そして人々の信仰を感じる穴場スポットがたくさんあるのです。 これらのエリアは草津観光の散策ルートとしてもおすすめです。 滋賀県草津市の魅力紹介まとめ 滋賀県草津では宿場まつり、熱気球フライト、草津街あかりなどの人気イベントも行われます。 是非あなたもこの歴史ある滋賀県草津市に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 2:57
A Paradise Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons in Miyazaki! Introducing Popular Sightseeing Spots in Nishimera, Where the Wonders of Japan Can Be Found!
Local PR- 27 plays
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宮崎西米良村紹介動画 こちらの動画は「宮崎県町村会」が公開した「西米良村」です。 今回はカリコボーズの宿(双子キャンプ場)、川床など日本の素晴らしい自然が思う存分楽しめる観光スポットがたくさんある宮崎県児湯郡西米良村について紹介していきます。 日本の素晴らしさが凝縮された宮崎県児湯郡西米良村。 是非、動画をご覧になって宮崎西米良村の魅力を味わって下さい。 宮崎県児湯郡西米良村ってどんなところ? 西米良村は宮崎県の西部に位置する人口1,134人ほどの小さな村です。 小さな村でありながらも、「1,000人が笑う村」というキャッチフレーズを掲げており、大人も子供も関係なく楽しむイベント「メラリンピック」や村人達と触れ合える村所神楽など人々の交流が盛んです。 また、日本の美しい景観や絶景を楽しめる「蛇渕」や「布水の滝」。 神のふるさとである宮崎を象徴している「児原稲荷神社」に「狭上稲荷神社」など日本の歴史を感じることができる観光スポットなどたくさんあります。 また、村のシンボルである「かりこぼうず大橋」はインスタ映え間違いなしのスポット。 西米良村のおすすめ観光スポット ここからは、宮崎県児湯郡西米良村に観光で訪れた際におすすめしたい観光スポットを2つ紹介します。 日本の、そして宮崎の美しい自然を体感出来る場所ばかりですので、是非訪れてみてください。 ・日本といえば温泉!西米良村「ゆた~と」 日本の代表的な観光スポットである温泉。西米良村には、「ゆた~と」と呼ばれる温泉があります。 この温泉の特徴は、なんといっても大自然を五感で感じることが出来るお風呂の数々。 岩風呂やヒノキ風呂、露天風呂などがあります。 また、1人3,900円から宿泊出来る宿泊プランもあり、宿泊旅行には最適の場所です。 ・川のせせらぎを聞きながら食事を楽しめる!「川床」 動画では、0:12からご覧なれる「川床」。 毎年夏に作られる屋外型のお座敷で、川のせせらぎを聞きながら食事を楽しむことが出来ます。 日本が誇る美しい川を眺めつつ、西米良村の食材を使った食事を食べられるのは最高の贅沢です。 日本の素晴らしさを感じたいなら宮崎県児湯郡西米良村へ 今回、宮崎県児湯郡西米良村についての情報を紹介しました。 紹介した観光スポット以外にもおがわ作小屋村や菊池記念館、双子キャンプ場など魅力溢れる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日本、そして宮崎が誇る自然の素晴らしさを西米良村で是非、体感してみてください。 -
Video article 6:01
Kagoshima's Okinoerabujima Has Emerald Green Waters That Are Out of This World! Water Sports in the Outdoors and a Historic Culture Awaits You!
Local PR Travel- 78 plays
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鹿児島の沖永良部島(おきのえらぶじま)の観光動画について こちらの動画は「GHIKLI」が公開した「沖永良部島PR(奄美の隠れ観光スポット!)Okinoerabu island」です。 エメラルドグリーンの美しい海や、独自の景観を楽しめる鍾乳洞など、沖永良部島の自然の豊かさが伝わってくる動画です。 こちらの記事では、日本の綺麗な海を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の絶景スポットや周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島の沖永良部島とは? 鹿児島の沖永良部島は、奄美群島の南西部に位置する美しい海が特徴の島で、沖縄のような雰囲気があります。 スキューバダイビングやフィッシングなどのアクティビティを求め、人気が急増中の観光スポットです。 雄大な自然に恵まれた沖永良部島は、西郷隆盛ゆかりの地としても知られており、大河ドラマ「西郷どん」の撮影地としても使われました。 美しい景観を楽しみたい方、アクティビティを満喫したい方、歴史を感じられるスポットを見たい方、さまざまな方が楽しめる観光地となっています。 沖永良部島へのアクセス方法は、鹿児島空港や那覇空港から飛行機で行くのが一番早くおすすめ。 南国のような景色を楽しめる鹿児島の沖永良部島の海 日本で人気上昇中の観光地である沖永良部島の海では、南国のような雰囲気のある美しい景色を楽しめます。 島の北側にあるワンジョビーチは、沖永良部島でもっとも人気のビーチです。 ワンジョビーチの穏やかな波を綺麗な砂浜のビーチで眺めているだけで、とても癒やされるはず。 海の透明度が高く、インスタ映えスポットでもあります。 映画のロケ地にもなったことがある半崎は、沖永良部島の美しい海を一望できる場所。 緑豊かなエリアでもあり、自然を満喫できます。 ウミガメなども鑑賞できる美しい海で、沖永良部島の景色を堪能しましょう。 日本の観光スポットである鹿児島の沖永良部島の人気エリア 日本のおすすめ観光地の沖永良部島は、海以外にも楽しめる場所がたくさんあります! 沖永良部島に旅行する際に、ぜひ体験したいのがケイビングです。 沖永良部島にはフーチャ(潮吹き洞窟)や大蛇洞、銀水洞といった洞窟や鍾乳洞がたくさんあるので、洞窟探索をしてみましょう。 迫力のある鍾乳石など自然の景勝を楽しめますよ。 他にも沖永良部島には、自然を満喫できる名所の笠石海浜公園や奄美群島国立公園、ソテツジャングル。 歴史好きな人には西郷南洲記念館や和泊町歴史民俗資料館といったスポットもあります。 日本の観光スポット「鹿児島の沖永良部島」紹介記事のまとめ 南国のような自然を満喫できる鹿児島の沖永良部島。 日本で美しい海を堪能したいならおすすめの観光スポットです。