Festivals & Events
Video article 10:36
The Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture Has Ties to Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi, One of Japan's Most Famous Warlords. The Young Kabuki Actors Are Quite Impressive for Their Age!
Festivals & Events- 58 plays
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日本文化を伝える長浜曳山まつりとは こちらの動画は「TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful」が公開した「Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga - 長浜曳山まつり」です。 今回ご紹介する動画では、日本の滋賀県長浜市で行われる長浜曳山まつりをご覧になれます。 長浜曳山まつりは長浜八幡宮の祭礼として日本文化を伝える歴史的なお祭りです。 祭礼中の行事として有名なものが日本三大山車祭としてあげられる曳山巡行です。 さらに子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧を行う子ども歌舞伎も話題になっています。 日本三大山車祭りの一つ長浜曳山まつり 日本には三代山車祭りという3つの有名な山車祭りがあり、岐阜県高山市の高山祭京都府京都市の祇園祭、そして滋賀県長浜のこちらの動画で紹介されている長浜曳山まつりです。 どの山車祭りも国の重要無形民俗文化財に登録されており、日本の祭り文化に大きな影響を与え続けていることは間違いありません。 日本の文化を後世に伝える子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりで執り行われる行事が、子ども歌舞伎です。 曳山の上で子どもたちが歌舞伎の化粧をし、演技を行います。 その様子は動画の中で4:01秒から紹介されています。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの歴史 長浜曳山まつりの歴史は1574年に日本の戦国武将であった豊臣秀吉が長浜城を築城した際に、城下町で開催されていた曳山祭で曳山を作り始めたのが始まりとされています。 以後、長浜市では伝統文化・伝統芸能として曳山まつりが発展し、江戸時代の中期には今のような狂言を行っていたという記録が残されています。 長浜曳山まつりは、その後も長浜市の人々の間で受け継がれていき、昭和54年には重要無形民俗文化財の指定を受けました。 さらに昭和60年には祭りで使用する曳山とその曳山を保存する山蔵が滋賀県の有形民俗文化財として認定され、平成28年には日本各地の山・鉾・屋台行事の一つとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されました。 滋賀県で行われる長浜曳山まつりの子ども歌舞伎 長浜曳山まつりの目玉は歌舞伎役者となった子どもが舞台屋台の上で狂言を演じる子ども歌舞伎です。 日本では歌舞伎と狂言は区別されますが、長浜市では5歳から12歳までの男子によって演じられます。 歌舞伎と変わらず男役と女役があり、勇ましく男役を演じる子や、つややかに振る舞う女役の子の狂言が上演されます。 また、この子ども歌舞伎を支える三役として、三味線・太夫・振付は不可欠な存在です。 現在では三役修行塾の塾生がその役目を努めていますが、かつては湖北地域で義太夫などが盛んに行われていて曳山の三役を努めていました。 日本文化を感じる長浜曳山まつり紹介まとめ 滋賀県の長浜市で歌舞伎に気軽に触れられる行事とあって多くの観光客が訪問する長浜曳山まつり紹介動画をぜひご覧になってください! 長浜曳山まつりは毎年4月中旬ごろに行われます。 -
Video article 1:12
Travel Back in Time to the Warring States Period at Tokai-Kassen World in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture! Put on Your Armor and Experience the Battle of Sekigahara!
Festivals & Events- 25 plays
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戦国時代を体験できるイベント「東海合戦ワールド」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「愛知県観光コンベンション局」が公開した「Tokai-Kassen World | 東海合戦ワールド」です。 皆さんは日本への観光の際、武将の体験ができる場所を聞かれたことはありませんか? 今回の動画は日本の戦国時代が体験できる東海合戦ワールドをご紹介します。 東海合戦ワールドへ行けば戦国時代の日本を肌で感じられること間違いなしです! 戦国時代を体験できる東海合戦ワールドの魅力! 東海合戦ワールドとは毎年11月ごろ名古屋市にある大高緑地(おおだかりょくち)で行われているイベントです。 現在はサムライニンジャフェスティバルと名前を変えてパワーアップして毎年開催中! 東海合戦ワールドでは観光客も戦国時代を体感できる 東海合戦ワールド当日、会場にはホラガイの音が鳴り響きます。 ホラガイの音を合図に鎧をつけた多くの武者・侍の大武者行列が出現。 その光景はまさに戦国時代そのもの。 大武者行列の人をご覧になると日本の観光へ訪れた外国人の方の姿もちらほら。 子供も戦国時代を体験!東海合戦ワールド 東海合戦ワールドでは子供も楽しめます。 鎧を着ながら日本刀のレプリカでチャンバラごっこをする姿も。 戦国時代の子供達も同じような光景があったのでしょうか。 会場は広大な広さを持つ大高緑地。 親子で行っても人混みに巻き込まれることはありません。 親子で戦国時代を楽しめること間違いないでしょう。 東海合戦ワールドではご当地グルメで日本を楽しめる。 東海合戦ワールドのもう一つの魅力がご当地グルメ。 イベント会場では名古屋を中心としたご当地グルメを楽しむことができます。 美味しいご当地グルメは日本への観光客にも人気。 東海合戦ワールド会場で行う火縄銃に圧巻! 東海合戦ワールド会場では火縄銃の実演も行っています。 この光景には多くの観光客がカメラを片手にその光景を写そうと必死。 ホラガイの合図に火縄銃を一斉に発射する光景は圧巻です。 東海合戦ワールド紹介まとめ 今回は東海合戦ワールドを紹介しました。 こちらのイベントは日本へ訪れた観光客も気軽に鎧を着て武者や武将になりきり、戦国時代を体感できます。 是非日本観光の際は東海合戦ワールドへ訪れてみてはどうですか? -
Video article 10:47
Don't Miss the 350 Year Old Abare Festival in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture! Watch as They Throw the Mikoshi Into the River!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 199 plays
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石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」とは? こちらの動画は「和倉温泉 多田屋 WAKURAONSEN TADAYA」が公開した石川県能登町宇出津に伝わる、「あばれ祭り」を紹介した「あばれ祭 - のとつづり」です。 あばれ祭りは350年以上の歴史がある日本の伝統行事で、無形民族文化財にも指定されています。 このお祭りは、キリコ祭りの先陣を切って行われる勇壮な祭りで、2日間に亘っておこなわれます。 1日目は約40基のキリコ山車が大松明(おおたいまつ)の火の粉を浴びながら無病息災を祈願し、御囃子や掛け声、太鼓に合わせて街を練り歩きます。 2日目には宮神輿が登場し、いやさか広場にキリコと神輿が集結しクライマックスを迎えます。 あばれ祭りという名前は宮神輿を水中や炎の中に投げ込んだり、地面に叩きつけるなどの過激なしきたりから由来しています。 祭りの期間は花火やライブ、屋台なども出て、能登の街はあばれ祭り一色になります。 石川県能登地方に伝わるキリコお祭りとイベント情報 あばれ祭りはキリコ祭りのオープニングを飾る祭りです。 キリコとは巨大な灯篭を模した山車のことで、キリコ吉祥文字と言われる地区ごとの願いや祈りを込めた文字を記し、御囃子や太鼓で祭囃子を鳴らしながら能登の街を練り歩きます。 キリコ祭りは石川県能登地方の住民にとって最も重要な夏祭りと言われていて、毎年祭りの時期には帰省し祭りに参加するしきたりなのだそうです。 特に宮神輿は一年を通じて石川県能登地方の祭りに参加し、貢献した担ぎ手だけが持つことを許されている特別な神輿です。 あばれ神輿の歴史と日本神話のつながり 江戸時代にかけて石川県周辺の能登地方は日本海に面した海上交通の要所でした。 加賀百万石と称された金沢を有し人の往来が絶えない豊かな地域でしたが、降水量が多くたびたび疫病の流行に悩まされていました。 そこで本格的に疫病が流行る前にキリコに魔を封じ、炎で清めたのがキリコ祭りの始まりと言われています。 昔から八坂神社では無病息災の祈祷が行われてきたのですが、肝心の宮神輿にまで悪鬼が取り付いてしまったので、神輿を乱舞させ地面に叩きつけ病魔ごと葬ったというのが神輿の扱いに関する由来です。 八坂神社の御祭祀、素戔嗚命(スサノオのミコト)は神仏習合により牛頭天王と同一格となり、京都八坂神社の祇園社信仰と結びつき、全国に広がりました。 素戔嗚命はヤマタノオロチを退治したことでも有名な日本神話を代表する神様で仏教では薬師如来が同格です。 このため、無病息災、悪鬼退散などのご利益があると言われています。 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統「あばれ祭り」のまとめ 石川県能登に伝わる日本の伝統奇祭「あばれ祭り」は1997年に「能登のキリコ祭り」として国から「無形民俗文化財」に指定され、その後2015年に文化庁から日本遺産の最初の18件の1つに選ばれました。 動画では2016年に行われた迫力ある祭りの模様を紹介しています。 来年はあなたも浴衣や、はっぴで石川県能登の「あばれ祭り」に足を運んでみませんか? 日程やイベント情報、当日の駐車場情報は「能登町観光ガイド」でご確認ください。 -
Video article 7:58
Fushimi Inari Shrine's Hongu Festival in Full Swing! Enjoy the Hot Summer of Kyoto With the Powerful Sounds of Taiko Drums in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りの紹介 こちらの動画は「Kyoto Fan」が公開した「Gion Matsuri in HD - Yasaka Shrine Events」です。 こちらの動画は伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りにおける和太鼓パフォーマンスを紹介します。 京都造形芸術大学生による迫力ある和太鼓と、伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りの夏祭りの雰囲気が日本文化を象徴します。 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り 京都にある伏見稲荷神社は正式には伏見稲荷大社といい、そこで毎年7月に本宮祭りと呼ばれる祭事が行われます。 この伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りには毎年多くの参拝者が訪れ、和太鼓の演奏や盆踊りなどの日本文化を楽しむ人がたくさんです。 伏見稲荷神社の大夏祭り 伏見稲荷神社の夏祭りには2つの大きな夏祭りがあり、一つはこの動画で紹介されている本宮祭りもう一つは宵宮祭となっています。 どちらの夏祭りにも大量の提灯が灯され、夜はライトアップのような美しい光景になります。 特に本宮祭りでは最寄り駅である奈良線稲荷駅からの参道・千本鳥居・境内・本社・キツネにいたるまで多くの提灯が灯されます。 伏見稲荷神社の楼門の大提灯 伏見稲荷神社の提灯の中でも特に必見なのが、楼門に設置される大提灯です。 これは本宮祭り・宵宮祭のどちらの夏祭りでも設置され、人気のスポットとなっています。 動画の後半でも美しく赤く光る大提灯が映されていますので、ぜひ御覧ください。 京都造形芸術大学生による和太鼓演奏 提灯が映える夏祭りに色を添えるのが、京都造形芸術大学生による和太鼓の演奏です。 毎年伏見稲荷神社境内において和太鼓の演奏を行い、日本文化の普及に努めています。 また提灯の並ぶ参道と、和太鼓のリズムが神妙な雰囲気を醸し出すとともに学生の若さや情熱を込めた和太鼓の演奏をご覧になれます。 伏見稲荷神社夏祭りの盆踊り 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り当日は日本文化の盆踊りに参加することができます。 盆踊りは日本の各所で夏祭りのイベントとして実施されています。 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り紹介まとめ 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りをご紹介いたしました。 動画を通じて、心躍る夏祭りと和太鼓の音色によって作られた日本文化と雰囲気を感じてください! -
Text only
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 was held at Tokyo Big Sight. One of the world's largest travel events, bringing together tourist destinations from around the world in anticipation of the full-fledged lifting of the ban on inbound tourism!
News Festivals & Events Travel- 121 views
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 is on! It's been two years since Cool Japan Video released its first video, and this will be our first coverage of the event! We will continue to publish articles about Cool Japan Video staff members who have actually visited Japan and provided first-hand accounts of their experiences. The first article in this series covers Tourism Expo Japan, which was held at Tokyo Big Sight for four days from September 22, 2022 (two days open to the public, from September 24 to 25)! The last time the event was held in Tokyo in 2018, a total of 200,000 people visited the big event over four days. This Tourism Expo Japan is one of the world's largest travel festivals and was held in Tokyo for the first time in four years. The exhibition is designed to bring various municipalities and companies a new form of travel that has been greatly changed by the Corona Transit. There were also many new styles of travel, such as VR experiences that make it seem as if you have actually visited the destination. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 - Photos from the First Day of the Expo Here are some photos from the first day, Thursday, September 22, 2022. The interview will be featured again later in this article, so stay tuned! Information has also been added for Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo:Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council Photo:Maritime Tourism Promotion Photo:Ibaraki/Tochigi/Gunma/Kusatsu Onsen Photo:National Parks in Japan/Haku Japan: National Parks Project Photo:Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Photo:Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization / East Japan Railway Company Photo:Kyoto of the sea/ Kyoto of tea/ Kyoto of the forest/ Another Kyoto/ Nishiyama, Kyoto "Bamboo Village, Otokuni Photo:Fukui Prefectural Tourism Federation Photo:VISIT JAPAN Travel & MICE Mart Lastly, ... To our surprise, former Prime Minister Suga also visited on that day! Tourism Expo Japan 2022, Day 2 The second day of Tourism Expo Japan was another great success. It will open to the public on the third day, Saturday, September 24, 2022, so here's a rundown of all the highlights for everyone to enjoy! First, booths of prefectures and local governments from all over Japan. Various booths will be lined up from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. It introduces recommended sights, top sights and gourmet foods, so it will help you decide what to plan for when you actually visit on your trip! At the Okinawa Prefecture booth, visitors were given information on sightseeing spots along with information from various remote islands. You can also learn about the history of Okinawa. The Kyushu booth features seven prefectures: Fukuoka/Saga/Nagasaki/Kumamoto/Oita/Miyazaki/Kagoshima! This day, September 23, 2022, marked the anniversary of the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen line. Of the 143-kilometer Shinkansen project between Hakata and Nagasaki Stations, 66 kilometers between Takeo Onsen and Nagasaki Stations has been opened. At the Shikoku booth, Kochi, Ehime, Kagawa, and Tokushima prefectures You will find a wide variety of natural activities and attractions. Hida Takayama, Matsumoto City, Kanazawa City, etc. in Hokuriku, Hida, and Shinshu 3 star road trip! You can also sample Shirakawa-go Cider, a local drink. Check out the booths where you can sample sake and other local beverages. Many of them have limited hours, so you need to check in advance. At the Ishikawa booth, visitors can compare three types of Ishikawa sake. I would have wanted to drink too if I wasn't working... The Hokuriku-Hida-Shinshu 3-star road trip includes a tasting of Shirakawa-go cider, a local drink. There are also several booths where you can try your luck at the gacha-gacha and raffle drawings. At the booth of the Eastern Kochi Tourism Council, visitors can win a stuffed yellowtail, a specialty of Kochi Prefecture, in the "Buri Lottery. You can't go wrong, so why not give it a try? The Japanese Heritage booth had a giant rumble machine that will be open to the public on September 24 and 25. Please visit and see what you can win. Experience booths and event booths that are a little bit different and can only be enjoyed here. You can actually enjoy the footbath! Why don't you try to heal your tired body in a hot spring? The history of life in Hokkaido is recreated. Actual seats from the Anpanman train running in Shikoku are on display. You can even sit down and have your picture taken! Take a great photo and feel like an astronaut! Yukimura Sanada's armor and ninja welcome you. This booth is a must-see for foreigners. There is also the World Scallop Fishing Championships: how many scallops can you catch in two minutes! If you can get the gold bars out of the box, you get a prize! I'd love to travel all over Japan in one of these campers! On the Overseas floor, you can also see booths from around the world. You will feel like you are on a round-the-world trip if you visit each booth. South Africa's colorful booth stood out in the large venue. In Malta, the holy land of cat lovers, of course, cats will welcome you! The Egyptian booth was so authentic, with its objects and costumes, I felt like I was actually visiting Egypt! There's so much more to see and do! Why not visit Tokyo Big Sight this weekend and find your favorite booth? On September 22, 2022, Prime Minister Kishida announced a policy of eliminating the cap on the number of people entering the country, allowing free personal travel, and waiving visa requirements for short-term stays, effective October 11, 2022, over waterfront measures for the new corona. We believe that the recovery of the tourism industry is another step closer to the after Corona. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 Details Date: September 22-25, 2022 (open to the public on September 24-25) Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Address: 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan Admission: 1300 yen at the door, 1000 yen in advance By train: Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Rinkai Line, approx. 7 minutes walk from Kokusai Tenjijo Station / Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Yurikamome Line Official website:https://www.t-expo.jp/public -
Video article 5:02
Seibuen Amusement Park - Experience a Massive Water Fight at This Retro Amusement Park in Saitama, Japan!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events Travel- 6 plays
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Water Fights at Seibuen Amusement Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Seibuen Amusement Park – Omizu Gassen" (【西武園ゆうえんち】大水合戦), was uploaded by "Seibuen Amusement Park" (西武園ゆうえんち). It's a PR video that introduces Omizu Gassen, an event at Seibuen Amusement Park. You can see performers on stage and swimmers enjoying a large-scale water fight together. Seibuen Amusement Park – A Look at the Popular Amusement Park in Saitama View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) Seibuen Amusement Park, located in Tokorozawa, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto region, reopened in May 2021 after renovations. The park, with its retro atmosphere, has become popular among Instagrammers in Japan. In addition to "Godzilla the Ride," there are many other attractions, such as interactive riddles, that will keep you occupied for the whole day! It's a place where men and women of all ages can enjoy themselves to the fullest. The "Grand Summer Festival" will be held from July 15 to September 4. The pool, open only during the summer, is crowded with many people, including families. One of the most popular attractions in the pool area is "Omizu Gassen," a large-scale water fight during the Grand Summer Festival! Children and adults alike can enjoy getting soaking wet during this exciting event. Omizu Gassen 2022 – An Interactive Event in the Pool Area View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) The summer-only pool area has a lazy river pool, speed slides, and a boat-themed pool, and visitors can even enjoy night swimming. One of the most notable events at Seibuen Amusement Park in summer is Omizu Gassen, a large-scale water fight. During the event, you can see performers on stage while also enjoying a water fight with other swimmers in the pool! Swimmers fight using large water guns while splashing around in the pool. Both adults and children will surely enjoy this summer event. [Video] 2:42 - Water Fight Summer Fun at Seibuen Amusement Park! Flames, Dancing, and Fireworks! View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) Seibuen Amusement Park holds the Grand Summer Festival every year, and Omizu Gassen is just one of the events during the festival. Below, we'll introduce three ways to enjoy Grand Summer Festival 2022, taking place from July 15 to September 4, 2022! The first is the Powerful Flame Performance. Performers put on a show on the stage as bursts of fire rise into the air behind them. The second is the Dance Performance. Dancers in cool costumes will be dancing, and viewers can also join in the dancing! It's an interactive event that brings the dancers and participants together. The third is the Powerful Fireworks Display. Fireworks are launched on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and August 15 (excluding August 11, 13, and 14) from July 16 to September 4. Visitors can experience the sound, light, and heat of the fireworks up close. In addition, Sunset Hill Shopping Street is filled with colorful lanterns during the event, creating a different scene from during the daytime. You can feel the nostalgia of a retro Japanese summer. There are tons of opportunities to take memorable photos as well! Summary of Summer at Seibuen Amusement Park Seibuen Amusement Park can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're looking for something to do in Japan this summer, the Grand Summer Festival at Seibuen Amusement Park is definitely something to check out. It features tons of exciting events at a hands-on amusement park full of entertainment for children and adults alike. The massive water fight in the pool and entertaining dance performances are quite the spectacle as well. In addition, Sunset Hill Shopping Street, fireworks, and flame performances, provide lots of opportunities to take some excellent photos. Seibuen Amusement Park is a popular spot that is highly rated online, so it's expected to be crowded with many families with children, students, and couples during Japan's summer vacation period. Tickets can be purchased online in advance. Purchasing tickets will allow you to enter the park smoothly on the day of your visit. There are also packaged tickets with discounts, so be sure to check them out if you're looking to save some money while still enjoying the event. As the video shows, Omizu Gassen is one of the most exciting events during the summer festival. If you're planning on visiting the park this summer, don't forget to participate! ◆Seibu Amusement Park◆ 【Address】2964 Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa, Saitama 【Telephone】04-2929-5354 【Access】 Train: Nearest station: Seibuen Yuenchi Station (If using the swimming pool: Tamako Station or Seibuen Station) Car: Via expressway ・Approximately 12 km from the Tokorozawa I.C. on the Kan-etsu Expressway (about 30 minutes) ・Approximately 10 km from the Iruma I.C. on the Ken-O Expressway (approximately 20 minutes) 【Parking】Available (Paid) 【Hours】Park: 10:00 - 17:00 or 19:00, Pool: 9:00 - 17:00 ※Opening days and hours vary by date. 【TripAdvisor】Seibu Amusement Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021369-d1425152-Reviews-Seibuen_Amusement_Park-Tokorozawa_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:40
Unshoji Temple – A Temple Home to 1,500 Blue Hydrangeas... Experience the Beauty of "Blue Heaven" in Akita, Japan
Travel Festivals & Events Nature- 38 plays
- YouTube
Unshoji Temple in Oga, Akita: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] A Temple Where Hydrangeas in All Shades of Blue Bloom Across the Precincts: Oga, Akita|nippon.com" (【4K】青一色の紫陽花(あじさい)が境内一面に咲き誇る寺:秋田県男鹿市| nippon.com), was uploaded by "nippon.com." The 1,500 hydrangeas that cover the temple grounds, also known as 'Blue Heaven,' make Unshoji a popular spot in Oga, Akita. It was also selected as one of "The Best Scenery in Japan" in 2017. Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple Photo:Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita The highlight of Unshoji Temple is the beautiful blue world that can be seen there. On a clear day, the blue of the cloudless sky, the blue of the sea in Oga, and the blue of the hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple all combine to create a unique view that you won't find anywhere else. Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, also known as "hydrangea temple," date back to when the temple's deputy chief priest was captivated by the beauty of a single hydrangea that was blooming quietly in a corner of the temple's grounds. After seeing this he began to take cuttings and plant the hydrangea to the delight of his parishioners and local residents. After 15 years, the hydrangea bloomed like a carpet of blue, moving the hearts of all who saw it. At night, when the hydrangeas are lit up, their blue color becomes deeper and more beautiful than in the daytime, creating fantastic scenery. The best time to view the hydrangeas is usually from mid-June to early July, and they are in full bloom in late June. [Video] 0:55 - Hydrangeas Lit Up at Unshoji Temple Unshoji Temple and Highlights of the Temple Photo:A cute Jizo statue at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita Usually in June and July, the precincts of Unshoji Temple are filled with vivid blue hydrangeas. Even before you pass through the temple gate, you'll be overwhelmed by their beauty, and your soul will be spirited away. Now we'll introduce some of the other highlights of Unshoji Temple besides the hydrangeas. Unshoji Temple belongs to the Soto sect of Japanese Buddhism. The temple was founded in 1624 (early Edo period). In the main hall, there are statues of the Gautama Buddha, Kannon, the Goddess of Compassion, Bodhidharma, and Manjushri. In addition to the joint tomb of the statues of Kannon and Kshitigarbha, the temple grounds are dotted with photogenic spots where you can take great pictures for Instagram, including elegant bamboo groves, Japanese umbrellas (wagasa), and the view from the observation deck. There are also "heart stones" in seven locations around the temple, which are said to grant wishes if found, and the gentle-looking Smiling Jizo. Be sure to check them out when you visit. [Video] 1:26 - Smiling Jizo Charms and Souvenirs at Unshoji Temple Charms and other souvenirs, like shuin stamps available only at Unshoji Temple, are also popular. One charm containing a single hydrangea petal costs 700 yen. Hydrangeas are believed to ward off evil spirits, prevent women from getting sick, bring families together, and bring good luck. There are three types of shuin stamps available at Unshoji Temple, all Hydrangea-themed, and they can be purchased for 500 yen each. However, during the hydrangea viewing period, there are special shuin stamps you can collect as well. Summary of Unshoji Temple, a Hydrangea Temple in Akita, Japan Photo:Hydrangeas at Unshoji Temple, Oga, Akita The deputy chief priest of Unshoji Temple spent 15 years painstakingly cultivating the hydrangeas, and this 4K video enhances their beauty and transports the viewer into a fantastical world. With 1,500 blue hydrangeas blooming all over the temple grounds, Unshoji Temple is a must-see spot! ◆Unshoji Temple◆ 【Address】Kitaura-57 Kitaurakitaura, Oga, Akita 010-0683 【Access】 ・Approximately 45 minutes (34 km) by car from the Showa Oga Peninsula IC. ・Approximately 1 hour from JR Akita Station to Oga Station or Hattachi Station on the Oga Line. Approximately 20 to 40 minutes (16 km) by Namahage shuttle (なまはげシャトル), local bus, or cab. ・From Oga Onsen (Oga Hot Spring), it's about 7 minutes (4 km) by car. 【Parking】Designated parking lots are available. Free parking for standard cars. 【Hydrangea viewing (2022)】 Period: Saturday, June 11, 2022 - Monday, July 18, 2022 Viewing Hours and Admission Fees: ・Daytime: 9:00-17:00 (last admission 16:30) 500 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 300 yen for special admission fee during hydrangea viewing period) ※6/25 (Sat), 6/26 (Sun), 7/2 (Sat), 7/3 (Sun): 800 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 600 yen for special admission fee during hydrangea viewing period) ・Special nighttime illumination viewing: 18:45 - 21:30 (last admission 21:00) 1,000 yen (200 yen entrance fee + 800 yen special nighttime admission fee) ※6/24 (Fri.) - 6/26 (Sun.) and 7/1 (Fri.) - 7/3 (Sun.) 1,300 yen (200 yen for admission fee + 1,100 yen for special nighttime admission fee) Free for junior high school students and younger. Regular admission fee outside the hydrangea viewing period is 200 yen. -
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Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Heartwarming Photos That Will Put a Smile on Your Face!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events- 164 views
COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is always holding photo contests. In this article, we'll introduce some of the entries submitted to past photo contest, in which children were the subjects of the photos. Along with the photos, we'll also introduce related articles and other information. COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that introduces the charms of Japan to people around the world who are interested in Japan. Our photo contests allow you to participate and even win with photos taken via your smartphone! Stick around to learn more! ■Table of Contents - Children of Past Photo Contests A Tunnel of Cherry Blossoms Summer Vacation Down by the River Summer Is Here! Two Smiles in This Sunflower Field! Good Old Japan... Splashing About in Tokyo Mikan Picking in Tsukuihama Shichi-Go-San Snow Shoveling After Playing in the Snow A Little Oni With a Rattle Drum - Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests - Current Photo Contest - Summary of Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Children of Past Photo Contests From the many entries to our past photo contests, we have selected some of the most wonderful photos that feature children. CoolJapanVideos Photographer: Haya A Tunnel of Cherry Blossoms and a Hint of Dandelions… The warm spring weather and ephemeral cherry blossoms are simply enchanting. Even children are moved by the beauty of nature. A boy gleefully runs with dandelions through a tunnel of beautiful cherry blossoms. This is a work that warms the hearts of those who see it. An Article on Kenroku-en Garden, Selected as One of the Top 100 Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan Video article 7:32 Straight Out of the Edo Period! Enjoy Traveling Back in Time With the Quaint Atmosphere of Kanazawa City! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: rikopapa Summer Vacation Down by the River A retreat from the crowds and an escape into nature to avoid the feeling of isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Summer feels just a little bit cooler while splashing around in a river hidden in the mountains! The sun shines through the trees like a spotlight on the children frolicking in the river. An article on the NAGATORO AUTO CAMP SITE; Just 2 Hours From Tokyo Video article 7:32 NAGATORO AUTO CAMP SITE - Great for Families and Women! Spacious Campsites and Lodging Facilities, and Water-Based Activities! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: reichan84 Summer Is Here! Straw Hats, Yukata & Ice Cream! A girl enjoying summer and an exuberant smile! She's wearing her favorite straw hat and a yukata while munching on some watermelon ice cream! This picture, taken against a backdrop of rich greenery, depicts a vibrant summer. She probably broke out into an even more wonderful smile after enjoying some of that ice cream! An Article on How to Wear a Yukata Video article 11:59 The Yukata Is an Essential Item of Clothing for Summer Festivals and Hot Spring Trips! Learn the Tips and Tricks of Putting on a Yukata! We’ll Teach You How! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: N♡A Two Smiles in This Sunflower Field! A boy in overalls and a tall sunflower standing side by side cheerfully. If you look closely, you'll notice both the boy and sunflower are smiling. The white T-shirt and overalls look so refreshing against the blue sky and verdure. It's a photo with which you can feel the excitement of a warm summer. An Article About Sunflower Fields Video article 1:23 Akeno Sunflower Field in Hokuto, Yamanashi: A Breathtaking View of Nearly 600,000 Sunflowers in Bloom! Home To the Akeno Sunflower Festival and the Filming Location of a Popular Movie! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: st situation Location: Aina Satoyama Park (Kobe, Hyogo) Good Old Japan... Watermelon on the Porch and a Cute Mosquito Coil A shot of the Japanese countryside, taken at Aina Satoyama Park. It was also the location for the Rurouni Kenshin live-action film. The hanging onions, old-fashioned lanterns inside the rooms, and dog lying on the ground creates an atmospheric scene like something out of a Japanese painting. An Article on Sightseeing in Hyogo Prefecture Video article 7:28 Hyogo Prefecture Is a Fascinating Tourist Destination With Plenty of Delicious Food, Beautiful Scenery, Rich History, and Natural Landscapes! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: 長谷部なおき Location: Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park (Toshima, Tokyo) Splashing About in Tokyo Children splash around with water guns in their hands under the summer sun. It's a scene that would make even the adults watching over them somewhat envious. Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park is just outside the west exit of Ikebukuro Station. Located in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space, it's a place where many people come and go and various events are held there as well. An Article About Hands-on Children's Experiences in Tokyo Video article 3:55 KidZania Tokyo Is a Popular Place Where Children Can Experience Their Dream Job! Learn About Its Features, Appeal and the Types of Jobs Available! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: wataru Location: A Mikan Orchard in Tsukuihama (Yokosuka, Kanagawa) Mikan Picking in Tsukuihama In Japan, mikan are a common sight when the weather gets cold. Many children probably don't even know that mikan grow on trees. This photo captures a child enjoying picking fruit while surrounded by nature. The excitement can be seen in her eyes. Nothing tastes better than a freshly picked mikan straight from the tree! An Article on Sightseeing in Kanagawa Prefecture Video article 7:01 There Are So Many Fascinating Places to Visit in Kanagawa Prefecture! World-Famous Sightseeing Spots in Kanagawa Are Brilliantly Introduced With Smooth Dancing! YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: kyokyo Location: Yasaka Shrine (Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture) The Excitement After Getting Your Picture Taken on Shichi-Go-San Shichi-Go-San is a traditional Japanese rite of passage for three- and seven-year-old girls, and 5-year-old boys. Featured here is a 7-year-old girl excited after getting her pictures taken while wearing a kimono, obi, and a hairstyle that she would have been particular of. A professional photo taken at a studio is something to treasure, but a photo where you can let loose and enjoy the moment is something special. An Article on Autumn Colors at Eikando, Kyoto in Autumn Video article 2:00 Eikando Temple - Beautiful Autumn Foliage at a Famous Japanese Temple in Kyoto YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: まな Snow Shoveling After Playing in the Snow Children in areas that don't get much snow tend to be fascinated by the winter wonderland they see after opening their windows. After playing in the snow 'til their cheeks are bright red, they're eager to help with the snow shoveling! Their hard work shows how proud they are of their efforts. An Article on Snowy Landscapes in Japan Video article 7:26 Japan's Most Beautiful Snow-Covered Scenery and Popular Tourist Spots That'll Look Great on Your Instagram! The Country, Dyed in a Beautiful White, Shows a Different Face Than Most Are Used To YouTube CoolJapanVideos Photographer: めめめ09 A Little Oni With a Rattle Drum in Hand The custom of bean-throwing during Setsubun, a traditional Japanese event, is said to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune. At nursery schools and other events, children can be seen throwing beans at the ogres, saying, "Out with demons! In with fortune!" However, the oni in this photo is so cute that you might be tempted to just give him a handful of beans. This is a photo of a cute little oni walking around in a good mood while spinning his rattle drum. An Article on an Oni Banishing Ritual During Setsubun Video article 4:26 Banish the Ogres at the 'Oni Banishing Ritual' of Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto! Setsubun Is a Traditional Japanese Festival That Involves Throwing Beans at Demons to Drive Away Evil Spirits, and Has Been Passed Down From Generation to Generation Since Ancient Times in Japan YouTube Features of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests COOL JAPAN VIDEOS is a social, video curation site that shares the charms of Japan with people all over the world who are interested in Japan. Click here for more information about COOLJAPANVIDEOS 「COOL JAPAN VIDEOS photo contests are open to everyone! Here are some of the features of our current contest. ・Photos taken not only with SLR cameras and digital cameras, but also with smartphones and other devices can be submitted. ・You can submit as many photos as you like during the contest period. ・Image editing, such as cropping and color changes, is also allowed! Here you can find all of the past photo contest winners in one place. You can also see the prizes for each contest, as well as the locations where the photos were taken and the judges' critiques. Click here to see past photo contest winners Text only Photo Contest Results - COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Winning Photos - Discover the Charms of Japan! Current Photo Contest The following is information about the current photo contest. [Ongoing From September 2022] The 13th COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contest Theme: Japan Travel Memories Submission period: September 1, 2022 12:00 AM - October 31, 2022 11:59 PM (Japan time) Prizes: ■Grand Prize: 30,000 yen Amazon gift card (1 Winner) ■Honorable Mentions: 10,000 yen Amazon gift card (5 Winners) Photo Contest -Japan Travel Memories - Summary of Children of COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests Among the many entries to our photo contests, we thought that the children featured in some photos were very impactful. The smiling faces of these children are a source of inspiration. The expressions and behaviors of small children change in the blink of an eye, and it can often be difficult to capture the best moments. However, out of the hundreds of photos you might take, there's sure to be one that stands out from the rest, and it's sure to be treasured for years to come. We invite you to share your photos of Japan with the people of the world by submitting them to COOL JAPAN VIDEOS. Related Articles Text only Photo Contest Landscape Photography - Introducing 10 Beautiful Japanese Landscapes Text only Autumn in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Beautiful Photos of Autumn in Japan Text only Mt. Fuji in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: 10 Photos Showcasing the Different Views of Mt. Fuji YouTube Text only Hokkaido in COOL JAPAN VIDEOS Photo Contests: From Popular Sightseeing Spots to Exotic Animals, Discover the Beauty of Japan's Northernmost Prefecture! .separation_line { border-width: 0 0 8px; border-style: solid; border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,') 0 0 100% repeat; width: 216px; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 50px; } -
Video article 2:30
Tokai City in Aichi Prefecture Is Full of Exciting Festivals and Events! Packed With Events You'll Want to Attend at Least Once, This Is a Place to Put on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Festivals & Events- 40 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Tokai in Aichi Prefecture This is a PR video titled “Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Promotional Footage - From 1969 to the Future” (愛知県東海市シティプロモーション映像 「1969年→未来へ」), produced by tokaicityofficial. Tokai is named in the hope that the city would represent the Tokai region. This short two-and-a-half-minute video is a speedy introduction of the attractive views, events, and tourist destinations in Tokai. Starting with the footage of old Tokai, scenes of the bustling city in the present day will give you the impression of a “Safe, Futuristic City that Connects People with Dreams” (the city’s slogan), and the footage makes one feel as if the city will continue to develop into the future. Sightseeing in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Photo:Shurakuen Buddha Tokai in Aichi Prefecture has many iron works from long ago, and developed as the “City of Steel.” In 1969, the present Tokai was born as the result of a merger between the towns of Ueno and Yokosuka. A large Buddha is perched on the scenic hill overlooking Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, as if it's watching over the city. The Shurakuen Buddha in Shurakuen Park, with a height of 18.79 meters (about 62 feet), that watches over Tokai, is bigger than the Buddhas in both Nara and Kamakura. Be sure to add this landmark to your itinerary when you visit Tokai. The Buddha statue is shown at 0:42 in the video. Even just from watching the video you can feel the scale of the statue. Tourists can also visit hidden gems, such as Observation Hill in Oike Park to enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. The Summer Festivals of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture One of the most popular summer events in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture is the Tokai Fireworks Festival. The popular firework festival, which represents Tokai, is held in the city at Oike Park. It provides a spectacular view for visitors. Experience the spectacular fireworks of the Tokai Fireworks Festival in the footage at 1:23 in the video. Tokai also has a unique festival called the "Silent Bon Festival" where locals dance to music played in their earphones, as not to annoy people living in the surrounding area. Event Information for Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Ota Festival and Owari Yokosuka Festival are known as the two largest float festivals in the city. Beside these, the city is filled with a festive atmosphere during tourist events such as the pop culture event ANIMAN, the Ryukyu Festival for introducing attractions of Okinawa City (one of Tokai’s sister cities), and the Tokai Autumn Festival. The Ota River area has events including the Nippon Domannaka Festival and the Ota River Hot Summer Garden during summer, and the Winter Illumination at Ota River during winter. The event venues are lined with stalls where tourists can purchase local food and souvenirs. The Tokai Half Marathon organized in December also gathers attentions from both locals and tourists. Check out the video to see footage of these events and festivals! Summary of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture The video has a lot of amazing things to see. So many traditional Japanese festivals and events are organized in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture! Enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the events/festivals in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, through the video. Tokai, Aichi Prefecture truly is a fascinating tourist destination! When you make a trip to the city, be sure to join in the festive events. It'll be an experience you won't forget! 【Official Website】Tokai, Aichi Prefecture city official website http://www.city.tokai.aichi.jp/ -
Video article 1:01
Gozan no Okuribi – A Traditional Event to Send off the Spirits of the Deceased During the Obon Festival of Kyoto, Japan
News Festivals & Events Travel- 47 plays
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Gozan no Okuribi – A Summer Tradition in Kyoto: Video Introduction This video, titled "Gozan no Okuribi 4K" (五山送り火 4K Gozan no Okuribi), was uploaded by "MOVIE JAPAN." The video begins with scenes of spectators at Gozan no Okuribi, part of the obon festival in Kyoto, on the banks of the Kamo River, and shows the different bonfires floating up into the summer night sky. What is Gozan no Okuribi? The History of the Festival and More Photo:Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji), Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji) is one of the four major festivals in Kyoto, along with Aoi Matsuri, Gion Matsuri, and Jidai Matsuri. The five mountains of Gozan no Okuribi, called 'Daimonji Yaki,' are all registered as Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Kyoto City. In Kyoto, the souls of one's ancestors are called "Oshorai-san." Gozan no Okuribi is an event held every year on the night of August 16 to send the spirits back to the realm of the dead after they have returned during the Obon Festival. During Gozan no Okuribi, visitors can offer a homa stick, a prayer stick used in a ritual burning to ask for blessings. It is said that if you write your name and the name of your illness on the homa stick and offer it, your illness will be cured. The homa sticks will then be carried by the preservation group to the fire beds at the top of the mountains, where they will be burned in bonfires. For a donation of 300 yen per homa stick, anyone can make an offering, not just local residents. ※Homa sticks are only accepted at specific locations at specific times. Please confirm the acceptance periods, etc., via the FAQ on the official website as they differ for each location. As for how long the Gozan no Okuribi has been held, there are actually few historical documents of the event, and almost no records remain. The oldest documented historical account is from Ozuki Tadatoshi (Tadatoshi Sukuneki), which records that in 1649 Ozuki Tadatoshi saw the Nishiyama Daimonji, Fune (boat), Higashiyama Daimonji, and Minami (South) bonfires. The locations for Gozan no Okuribi are as follows. Bonfires will be lit at different times. Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Daimonji】8:00 PM... Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Myoho】8:05 PM... 'Myo' (妙) West Mountain of Matsugasaki; 'Ho' (法) East Mountain of Matsugasaki 【Funagata】8:10 PM... Funeyama in Nishigamo 【Hidari Daimonji】8:15 PM... Okitayama (Mt. Daimonji) 【Toriigata】8:20 PM... Mt. Mandara in Saga-Toriimoto In the past, many other characters were lit as send-off fires. Where to See Gozan no Okuribi Photo:Kamigamo Misono Bridge, Kyoto Here are some viewing locations where each of the five bonfires can be seen clearly. Daimonji: Around Misono Bridge, Marutamachi Bridge, Mt. Funaoka, Matsugasaki Station, Takano Bridge Myoho: The area around Notre Dame Jogakuin/Mt. Funaoka/Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Toriigata: Seiryouji Temple North (清涼寺北)/Hirosawa Pond (Matsuo Bridge) Hidari Daimonji: Mt. Funaoka/From Kinkakuji Temple to Saiin on Nishi Oji Street/Shogunzuka Funagata: Around Misono Bridge/Mt. Funaoka/Kitayama-dori/Northwest from Kitayama Bridge/Around Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Gozan-no-Okuribi can be viewed from restaurants, such as those on the Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka (summertime decks with restaurants). Advance reservations are recommended for those who wish to view the bonfires while enjoying a meal in a relaxed atmosphere. Viewing the event and the bonfires in this way is sure to be an exceptional experience. If you're looking for some Instagram shots, you can also view the bonfire from higher places. From the observation deck of Kyoto Tower in front of Kyoto Station, you can enjoy Gozan no Okuribi along with a night view of Kyoto. A viewing event will be held for the first time at Kyoto Tower in 3 years. Tickets for this event will be sold in advance, so be sure to look up the information if you wish to attend. Other Obon Events in Kyoto: Arashiyama Toro Nagashi & Hirosawa Pond Toro Nagashi Photo:Hirosawa Pond Toro Nagashi Lantern Float, Kyoto On August 16, the same day as Gozan no Okuribi, a lantern floating ceremony is held to send the spirits of ancestors to the realm of the dead in lanterns. Below are the lantern floats held at Arashiyama and Hirosawa Pond. The toriigata bonfire can be seen from both locations. Arashiyama Toro Nagashi (Lantern Float) Date & Time: August 16, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Arashiyama Park Nakanoshima Area (Kyoto Prefectural Arashiyama Park) Access: Kyoto city bus 28 "Arashiyama Koen" Henjoji Temple Toro Nagashi (Hirosawa Pond) Date & Time: August 16, around 7:00 PM Location: Henjoji Temple Access: Kyoto City Bus 26 "Yamagoe" Summary of Gozan no Okuribi in Kyoto, Japan In the video, you can see tourists gazing up at the bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi. [Video] 0:45 - People Admiring the Bonfires of Gozan No Okuribi This short video contains the charms of Gozan no Okuribi, an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Kyoto. Unfortunately, the 2020 and 2021 festivities were greatly reduced due to the novel coronavirus, and although the bonfires were lit, the floating letters could not be viewed. 2022 is scheduled to be the first time in three years that the entire festival will be able to be viewed. Bus tours that include meals, lantern floating, and viewing of Gozan no Okuribi are also available. Consider joining one one if you're traveling to Kyoto in the summer! The bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi, a summer tradition, float silently in the night sky of Kyoto. Enjoy the end of summer by remembering your ancestors. 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 2:19
YORU MO-DE 2022 at Toyokawa Inari! A Fantastical Summer Event Whose Beauty Revitalizes the Community!
News Festivals & Events Travel Traditional Culture Action & Adventure History- 12 plays
- YouTube
YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari: Video Introduction This video, titled "A Temple Visit at Night With a Fantastical Atmosphere|Using Technology to Prevent Infection|Toyokawa Inari, Aichi (2022/7/25)" (幻想的な雰囲気の中で「夜の参拝」を 感染対策には驚きの演出も 愛知・豊川稲荷(2022/7/25)), was uploaded by "CBC News [CBC TV Official]" (CBCニュース【CBCテレビ公式】). Toyokawa Inari x NAKED YORU MO-DE, which began last July, is a safe and secure, new-style nighttime worship event that focuses on preventing infection. Be sure to check out the video as it shows Toyokawa Inari and the photogenic light art, illuminated approach, and many other attractions that can be seen at YORU MO-DE. Toyokawa Inari - Is It a Temple or Shrine? Photo:Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes at Toyokawa Inari, Aichi Prefecture Toyokawa Inari, located in Toyokawa, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region, is a temple officially called Enpukuzan Myogonji Temple and is one of the three major Inari shrines in Japan. The reason it is called Toyokawa Inari is that it enshrines a deity called "Toyokawa Dakini Shinten," a god astride a white fox (Inari shrines are dedicated to foxes), who is believed to bring prosperity to business and safety to one's family. It is said that this may be due to the fact that the shrine is also associated with the Inari faith. Toyokawa Inari is famous for offering four types of shuin stamps. The summer-only shuin stamps with cool designs are quite popular. In addition, a variety of good luck charms are available, including some with cute foxes on them. Toyokawa Inari has branch temples throughout Japan. Toyokawa Kaku Myogonji Temple in Akasaka, Tokyo, also known as Toyokawa Inari Betsuin, is a popular urban power spot. The fortune-telling service at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin is particularly popular due to its accuracy, causing there to often be a queue of people waiting to receive their fortunes. Ticket and Event Information for Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 is from July 22 to August 6. This is a limited-time event to enjoy a nighttime temple visit, and tickets must be purchased in order to participate. Tickets can be purchased at the on-site reception during the event period, or in advance on ticket websites. Admission is 1,500 yen for adults. Elementary school students and younger can enter free of charge. During YORU MO-DE, visitors can enjoy a variety of illuminated artworks in the precincts of Toyokawa Inari, which attract a lot of attention due to how photogenic they are. In addition to the approach to the temple being lit up, this year the light-up area has been expanded even further! Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes, where approximately 1,000 fox statues are enshrined, will be illuminated with light and sound effects, creating an even more beautiful and mysterious atmosphere. In addition, the colorful flower-shaped mikuji that have become popular on Japanese social media will add color and delight visitors. Summer is also the best time for yukata! The FOX MASK, available in limited quantities, goes perfectly with yukata, and allows visitors to take memorable photos! Also, the "Tsukubai," a stone wash basin used to purify oneself, emits disinfectant when hands are held near it and projects motifs of goldfish and fireworks. In addition, the light patterns on the lanterns allow visitors to maintain safe social distancing while enjoying the attractions. How Crowded is Toyokawa Inari YORU-MODE 2022? Source :YouTube screenshot With the number of people infected with the new coronavirus on the rise, one concern people have inevitably expressed is how crowded the event will be. At this year's YORU MO-DE, in addition to infection prevention measures, such as alcohol disinfection and lanterns that allow people to naturally maintain distance from other visitors, as mentioned above, a new system has also been introduced. On the day of the event, visitors will obtain a digital numbered ticket by scanning a QR code before entering, and will receive a message on via LINE when it's time to enter. Through this system, the number of visitors allowed into the temple grounds per hour is limited to 1,500 to prevent crowding and to prevent the spread of the virus. Until you can enter with a digital numbered ticket, you can fill your stomach at the food stalls and stores in the shopping area. This system allows visitors to make good use of their time while waiting instead of just standing in line until they can enter. Delicious Food to Try at Toyokawa Inari! When you visit Toyokawa Inari, be it for sightseeing or to pray, there's one food that you've got to try. That is, Toyokawa Inari Sushi! Named after Inari Okami's favorite abura-age, this sushi is a must-try. We recommend Okitsune Honpo (おきつね本舗) if you want to try it! They also offer take-out, so it is perfect for eating while you walk around. The "Okitsune Burger," which uses fried tofu instead of buns, is also popular according to reviews. Consider giving it a try! Summary of YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari If you haven't already seen the video introducing the precincts of the temple and other areas decorated with light effects, be sure to check it out. When visiting the event, although a large parking lot is available, we recommend using public transportation instead of a car, as parking is expected to be crowded during the event. Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE is a festival where visitors can enjoy beautiful art with the aim of revitalizing the local community. There are many hotels and other lodging facilities in the area. If you're visiting Aichi for sightseeing, definitely give YORU MO-DE a thought, it's a fantastic summer-only event! -
Video article 11:28
A Life-Size 8-Meter-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu, Tokyo! The Giant Robot From the Live-Action Film "Mobile Police Patlabor" Is the Most Powerful and High Quality Robot in Japan!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 140 plays
- YouTube
What Is Mobile Police Patlabor? The video we'll introduce this time is titled "A Life-Size, 8m-Tall Ingram Stands in Toyosu! Live-Action ‘Patlabor’ Event." It introduces the promotional event held as a part of a project for the live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor launched in 2014. Mobile Police Patlabor is a near-future science fiction work that gained popularity from the 1980s to the early 2000s as a media mix (manga series, anime series, short novel, game, etc.). Ingram, the giant robot introduced in the video, is a robot that belongs to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Vehicle Section 2, Division 2 (aka: Special Vehicle Section 2, Labor Division). The story is set in a world where Japan has succeeded in developing an industrial robot (labor), but there is a high incidence of large-scale crime using labors. In response, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department introduced a large man-made general purpose machine, code-named Ingram, to combat labor crime. Mobile Police Patlabor has been adapted into a TV anime series and three feature films, but ‘The Next Generation: Patlabor’ launched in 2014 is the first live-action version. The car that transports Ingram is called the ‘labor carrier’, and the signal ‘deck up’ is used to launch Ingram from the bed of the carrier in the movie as well, so it must have been exciting for the fans to witness the impactful scene of the life-size Ingram decking up in Toyosu, where Special Vehicle Section 2 is located. Specifications of the Life-Size Ingram Source :YouTube screenshot Let’s compare the specifications of the Ingram from the truly popular comic and anime series and the life-size Ingram in this article. The Ingram in the serialized manga and anime series moves acrobatically to the extent where it is physically impossible as it operates in a 2-dimensional world, but that is not possible using the available technologies in the real world, and "the biggest challenge of the life-size AV-98 Ingram was to make it stand on its own." The first-generation Gundam which used to be exhibited in Odaiba, and the Unicorn Gundam, with a transformation mode, are famous as the first life-size robots, and are popular tourist spots in Tokyo. However, the life-size Ingram is a large-scale standing model following these two. You can see the life-size, 8m-tall Ingram deck up in the video at 1:34. As you can see from the video, the Ingram is highly detailed, but it is slightly different from the original draft as many parts have been added to its legs and feet in order to have it stand on its own, giving it a more muscular look on its lower body. The public exhibit of the life-size Ingram as part of the highly-anticipated new project for Mobile Police Patlabor "The Next Generation: Patlabor," was held in major cities all across the country, such as Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukushima, after launching in Toyosu, Tokyo. Moreover, at Huis Ten Bosch in Nagasaki and at the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival, the Ingram which was actually used for shooting was exhibited. Summary of the Life-Size Ingram From Mobile Police Patlabor Source :YouTube screenshot The live-action version of Mobile Police Patlabor features an all-star cast, including director Mamoru Oshii, Erina Mano as Ingram's pilot, Akira Izumino, and Toshio Kakei as the captain of Division 2, Keiji Gotoda, and culminates in seven short films plus a feature-length theatrical production, "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War." You can watch the interviews in the video as well; Erina Mano from 7:08, Toshio Kakei from 8:18, and the director, Mamoru Oshii, from 8:51. It is said that the story of the live-action version "The Next Generation Patlabor - Tokyo War" is based on the second film, but the characters and settings have been revamped. The new series was welcomed by long-time fans, saying it was "Nostalgic!," and "Cool!," and it was highly praised overseas as well. In Japan, there are novelizations and games, as well as plastic models and figurines of Ingram on sale, so be sure to check them out! -
Video article 1:16
Japan Expo 2022 in Paris, France! Cosplay, Tasty Food and More at Europe's Largest Celebration of Japanese Culture!
News Festivals & Events Modern Culture- 29 plays
- YouTube
Japan Expo Paris 2022: Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan Expo - The Largest Celebration of Japan in Europe, Opened for the First Time in Three Years in France, Drawing More Than 250,000 Visitors (July 15, 2022)" (欧州最大級「ジャパンエキスポ」仏で3年ぶり開幕 25万人超が来場か(2022年7月15日)), was uploaded by "ANNnewsCH." It introduces Japan Expo, an event focused around Japanese culture, such as manga and anime, as well as Japanese food and traditional performing arts, held in the suburbs of Paris. What Is Japan Expo? The History and Summary of the Exciting Event in Europe! Photo:Female cosplayers Japan Expo is a major event that brings together not only contemporary Japanese culture such as anime, manga, and cosplay, but also traditional Japanese folk arts, martial arts, traditional music, and much more. It's held in France and attracts fans of anime, cosplay, and Japanese culture from all over Europe every year. The history of Japan Expo dates back to the 1990s. The founders of Japan Expo, Jean-François Dufour, Sandrine Dufour, and Thomas Sirdey, were exposed to Japanese anime culture and gradually became fascinated by Japanese culture as a whole. With the desire to reach a wider audience, Jean-François Dufour and his colleagues organized an event in France for anime fans, a precursor to Japan Expo. After traveling to Japan and deciding they wanted to learn more about Japan and share it with other fans of Japan, the first Japan Expo was held in 2000. Guests at Japan Expo 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Every year, the guests at Japan Expo attract a great deal of attention on the day of the event. In 2022, celebrities from various genres, including manga artists, cosplayers, and animators, participated as guests. Here are a few of them. Cosplay: PION A popular Korean cosplayer Musician: miwa Theme song "神無-KANNA-" for the movie "Child of Kamiari Month," etc. Animator: Junichi HAYAMA Character designer and animation director for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Singer: Mika Kobayashi A singer who performed music from Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan, etc. In addition to artists, Japanese and local companies alike had booths where visitors could purchase goods and traditional Japanese crafts. For Japan lovers, this event has tons of exciting attractions. Cosplayers and More: A Look Inside Japan Expo Paris Source :YouTube screenshot Japan Expo Paris has been held since 2000; the 2019 event attracted a record 104 artists and achieved the highest sales in its history. There were high expectations for the following year's event, but due to the novel coronavirus, it was cancelled in 2020 and 2021. While many fans were saddened by this, the event was held for the first time in three years in 2022. Japan Expo 2022 was a huge success, attracting a whopping 250,000 people over the course of four days! Many cosplayers attended the much-anticipated Japan Expo. There were also cosplayers of anime such as Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, and the ever-popular Dragon Ball, which have been extremely popular in recent years. In the video, you can see people enjoying the long-awaited Japan Expo. [Video] 0:25 - Demon Slayer and Dragon Ball Cosplay [Video] 0:36 - Mobile Suit Gundam Statue [Video] 0:48 - Tokyo Revengers Cosplay Japan Expo Summary Japan Expo Paris is a celebration of Japanese culture and was held for the first time in 3 years in Paris, France after record sales in 2019. The event attracts Japan fans not only in Europe but from all over the world. This event is a great opportunity to meet Japanese artists, as well as cosplayers, allowing people to take photos with many of their favorite characters to share on Instagram and other social media sites. The event is immensely popular among YouTubers and fans, and the atmosphere of the venue has also been covered by international media, showing just how popular it really is. Seeing the enthusiastic atmosphere at the event, people who've never attended before will definitely be interested in attending next year's event. Tickets are required to enter Japan Expo. In addition to advance tickets, tickets can also be purchased on the day of the event. In addition, a limited number of VIP tickets are also available, including special tickets that allow prior admission and tickets that include participation in handshaking events, so we recommend purchasing tickets in advance if you want to enjoy the event to the fullest. We're looking forward to Japan Expo Paris 2023! Throw on your best cosplay and get ready for next year's event! Start prepping for next year's event and gather information about tickets and event dates in advance! 【Official Website】Japan Expo https://www.japan-expo-paris.com/en/ -
Video article 4:23
The Combination of Traditional Japanese Culture, Fireworks, and Cutting Edge Technology Create a Fireworks Show Full Of Colors, Shapes, and Amazing Performances!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 21 plays
- YouTube
A Close up Look at This Fireworks Show This video, titled "Fireworks Show – A Fusion of Master Techniques and Modern Entertainment" (花火ショー 〜匠の技と現代エンターテインメントの融合〜), was uploaded by "Japan Video Topics – Japanese." Do you know how Japan's traditional summer fireworks are made? This is a documentary video of how the craftsmen at Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks, a long-established fireworks factory in Tokyo, create a fireworks show that has become a new fascination for fireworks. Find a new fascination of fireworks by watching this video! The History of Japan's Amazing Fireworks Source :YouTube screenshot The history of fireworks in Japan dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868). 300 years ago, a fireworks festival was held by the shogun as a memorial to those who had died of starvation. The general public enjoyed the fireworks, so fireworks festivals became common during the summer in Japan. From 0:35, you can see fireworks in Edo (today's Tokyo) portrayed in ukiyo-e. Japan probably has some of the most advanced fireworks in the world because of its traditions and the long history of fireworks in the country. Music and Fireworks! An Entertaining Fireworks Show By a Young Craftsman! Source :YouTube screenshot In Japan, you can hear the shouts of onlookers during the fireworks. These days, on top of festivals, there are also fireworks shows with music. By collaborating fireworks with music, a new way to enjoy fireworks has been created. From the timing of the launch to the color and type of fireworks, the fireworks and the performance come together to create the best performance possible. In the interview from 1:03, you can feel the passion the fireworks craftsman has for the handmade fireworks he creates. Fireworks on Wheels! A Popular, Instagrammable Fireworks Show! Source :YouTube screenshot Fireworks are even more exciting when there's a performance to go with them. A combination of skyrockets, exhibition fireworks, and rapid volley fireworks culminate to create and exciting show for the audience. "STAR ISLAND" which was held in Toyosu, Tokyo, provides futuristic fireworks entertainment by combining "3D Sound," lighting, and "show performance" with the latest technology. The performance shown from 2:37 in the video will give you an idea of its awesomeness. A total of 12,000 fireworks were launched that night. Summary of Japan's Fireworks Source :YouTube screenshot We hope this article/video helped you learn a little about the culture/history of fireworks in Japan. One of the reasons why fireworks became popular in Japan was to comfort people after a famine that occurred during Japan's Edo period. We hope this video will help you enjoy Japan's fireworks even more! -
Video article 4:17
With the Unprecedented Boom in Japanese Food, the Volume and Value of Food Exports Could Increase Significantly! A Look at the Efforts to Expand Sales Channels for Japanese Food Exports!
News Festivals & Events- 25 plays
- YouTube
Japanese Food Exports Today, we'll take a look at the video titled "Overseas Buyers Rush to Get Their Hands on Japanese Food!" (日本食に海外バイヤー殺到). The fact that Japanese food was registered as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2013 is still fresh in our minds, but in recent years there has been a global boom in Japanese food, drawing attention to Japanese ingredients and food culture. Let's take a look at some of the strategies used to expand the sales channels for Japanese food, shown in the video! JAPAN'S FOOD - EXPORT FAIR Source :YouTube screenshot At 0:24 in the video, foreign importers line up for the Japanese food exhibition at Makuhari Messe. This is JAPAN’S FOOD EXPORT FAIR, where foreign buyers come to negotiate business deals. 700 Japanese companies participated in the expo and 4,000 buyers from 80 countries and regions visited the event. As commented by a Chinese buyer in the video at 0:58, Japanese food products are very popular overseas because of their high quality processing techniques and safety. Of course, setting up a manufacturing base overseas is one effective sales channel. However, there is also the option of directly exporting processed food and marine products made in Japan using Japanese ingredients. Buyers and company representatives aiming to expand the sales channels for Japanese food products are aiming to sell domestically produced food products with a focus on "a taste of Japan." The Demand for Japanese Food Overseas Source :YouTube screenshot Domestic companies and brands selling bread, curry, Japanese tea, and confectioneries, are aiming to expand their sales channels through the production of products for overseas markets and other PR methods. An increasing number of trading companies and corporations are also setting up specialized export departments within their companies. By developing products for overseas markets in anticipation of the annual inbound demand of more than 30 million people, they are trying to capitalize on that demand after these visitors have already returned home. These moves are expected to increase the volume and value of Japanese food exports. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is also currently working on a project to expand exports by creating an environment where foreigners visiting Japan can experience Japanese food even after returning to their home country. Source :YouTube screenshot Pasco Shikishima, introduced at 1:12 in the video, a major bread manufacturer, is marketing its products for export as being made in Japan with packaging similar to what you would find in Japan. Pasco Shikishima exports bread baked at its factory in Japan, which is quickly frozen to preserve the quality of the product. S&B Foods, introduced in the video at 2:46, also exports its main brand products to about 80 countries, targeting demand from foreigners after they return to their home countries. The company is committed to the same taste and quality as what they sell in the Japanese market. Summary of Japanese Food Exports Photo:Washoku With the Japanese food boom, many Japanese restaurants have sprung up in Japan and abroad. There are also many wealthy people who are mass buying all of Japan's unique ingredients and luxury foods. In anticipation of demand of travelers returning home, Japanese food brands need to have a global perspective. As the Japanese food boom is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, it will be interesting to see what kind of strategies food-related companies will come up with. -
Video article 6:47
Experience Japanese Tradition and Culture With "Toyosaka no Mai," Performed at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's "Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert" in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka. The Elegant Gagaku Performance Is Quite the Spectacle!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 240 plays
- YouTube
"Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Performance! The video, titled "Toyosaka no Mai Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert 2018" (豊栄の舞 さくらまつり雅楽演奏会2018), was released by "YAKISOBA1BAN." It shows a performance of Gagaku, a traditional Japanese performing art. The performance featured in the video is "Toyosaka no Mai" at the 2018 Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The musical performance by the Ohito Gagaku Ensemble (大仁雅楽会) at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's main shrine is very elegant. Gagaku and Other Traditional Japanese Cultures Photo:Noh Japan has a variety of traditional music and dance cultures, including the well known Noh and Kyogen. Some of the notable traditions are the dedication of Bugaku and Kagura (Shinto music) performed with an accompaniment of Gagaku music at traditional festivals held in various regions of Japan. Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) and Kagura are traditional cultures that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times as traditional music of the court. For those who are interested in Japan's beautiful Gagaku and Bugaku performances, we recommend visiting shrines and temples during traditional Japanese events, such as Hatsumode (New Year's visit), Setsubun, Ouka-Sai (桜花祭, Cherry blossom Festival), Nodate (an open‐air tea ceremony), and more. Toyosaka no Mai, the Gagaku Performance Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai, the performance shown in the video, is a very joyful performance held in the spring. Women wearing red and white clothing, holding a sakaki or a flower of each of the four seasons, perform a dance to the accompaniment of a sho (a Japanese free reed flute), Hichiriki (a double reed Japanese flute), gaku biwa, Koto and other instruments. Miko (the shrine maidens) who perform Toyosaka no Mai, as shown at 0:44 in the video, spend countless hours practicing and mastering the dance before the actual performance. The Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine! Photo:Yabusame The Ouka-Sai Festival at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine also includes a performance of "Kujishi no Maki," which originates from Minamoto no Yoritomo's "Fuji-no-Makigari." It also includes a performance by the Tenma Taiko Preservation Society and the annual festival of the Massha Tenjin-sha Shrine. In May, "Yabusame" a heroic horseback archery festival is held, attracting many tourists. Besides the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert, there are many other events that you can visit to experience the charms of Japanese culture. Summary of "Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai is a traditional performance that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The fantastic Bugaku performance under the cherry blossoms at night is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of watching it. If you'd like to learn more about traditional Japanese performing arts, be sure to check out the video to see all of the intricacies of the performance! -
Video article 11:00
The Beauty of Himeji Castle With 3D Projection Mapping. This Colorful Fusion of State-Of-The-Art Technology and History in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Spectacle to Behold!
Art & Architecture Festivals & Events- 99 plays
- Vimeo
Himeji Castle's Colorful 3D Projection Mapping This video was created by “beaphoto1” and introduces Himeji Castle's 3D projection mapping event- "HAKUA." This event was held in May 2015. The national treasure Himeji castle, located in Honmachi, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, was designated as Japan's first World Cultural Heritage Site in December 1993, along with Horyu-ji Temple in Nara. Nicknamed "Shirasagi Castle" (白鷺城, lit "White Heron Castle") for its graceful appearance that resembles a white heron spreading its wings, it has been selected as one of the 100 most famous castles in Japan. Photo:Himeji Castle post-restoration In October 2009, the restoration and repair of the castle's main tower began, which included repainting the plaster and replacing damaged tiles. Himeji castle regained its brilliance and re-opened in March 2015. The light show, "HAKUA," was held to celebrate the reopening of Himeji Castle as the part of the 66th Himeji Castle Festival. In the 11 minute video, you can watch the entire projection mapping show from beginning to end. Enjoy the beautiful 3D projection mapping that lights up the famous white castle. It's amazing how different the castle looks with all of the colorful lighting. The 3D Projection Mapping of Himeji Castle Source :YouTube screenshot The projection mapping event at Himeji castle actually has a story to go with it. Prologue. (0:51) The title and the outline of the story beautifully appears on the white castle. Chapter 1. Prologue -Birth- (1:59) The highlight of this chapter is the construction of Himeji Castle. You can see the construction at 3:10, where the castle is being built as the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves grow around it gradually. As more levels are added to Himeji castle, you can feel the flow of time through the cherry blossoms, red leaves, and snow that signify the changing of the seasons. Chapter 2. Tradition -Legend- (4:56) This chapter shows the birth of Kanbei Kuroda, who later became the lord of Himeji Castle. He aimed to rule the world. Chapter 3. Brilliance -From Tradition to Modernity- (6:15) This chapter shows the pictures of Himeji Castle drawn by 731 elementary school students in Himeji City. 100 of them have been selected and animated. Chapter 4. Conclusion -Finish- (8:11) White herons dance gracefully on Himeji Castle and a grand fireworks display brings the story to a close. This article is only a brief overview of the castle. Be sure to watch the video and enjoy the 3D projection mapping! It's so beautiful watching time pass in the blink of an eye. The history of this projection mapping is surprisingly old, and it is said to have been started in the 1960s. It became more well-know when they had a projection mapping show at the Marunouchi side of Tokyo Station in 2012. Tourist Spots at Himeji Castle Photo:Himeji Castle Cherry Blossoms Himeji Castle, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, is also popular for cherry blossom viewing. Lots of people visit Himeji park to see the cherry blossoms in the spring. When all the cherry blossoms are in full bloom surrounding and contrasting the white Himeji castle, it's an absolutely amazing scene. Be sure to bring you camera and get some Instagram pictures! The World Heritage Himeji Castle Marathon is held every February and is also a popular event. There are several cafes and restaurants near Himeji castle as well. Check out the reviews on yelp and look for a restaurant you want to visit. There are also many parking spots around Himeji castle if you'd rather drive. Access is about a 16-minute walk from Himeji Station off the JR Kishin Line, JR Bantan Line, and JR Sanyo Main Line. The admission fee is 1,050 yen (~$10 USD) for adults and 360 yen children (as of October 2019). Please be aware that Himeji castle may be very crowded depending on the season and time. Summary of Himeji Castle's 3D Projection Mapping What'd you think of the Himeji Castle 3D projection mapping video? It's not possible to fully convey the beauty of the actual event through words, so be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! Himeji castle’s 3D projection mapping event in 2015 was a one-time event, but another projection mapping event, "The 25th Anniversary of the World Heritage Registration of Himeji Castle "CASTLE OF LIGHT - Garden of Light at" was held here and was also very popular. Of course, there is more to see at Himeji castle besides the events. Lately, goshuin (the honorable red seal)has become popular among young people in recent years, and some castles have a similar "Goshouin" (castle seal) to commemorate your visit to the castle. If the video of the heron spreading its wings over Himeji Castle has intrigued you, be sure to put it on your itinerary! You might even get to meet the official character “Shiromaru Hime.” ◆Infomation about Himeji Castle Facility◆ 【Address】68 Honmachi Himeji, Hyogo 670-0012 【Access】16 minutes walk from “Himeji Station” on JR Kishin Line, JR Bantan Line, and JR Sanyo Main Line. 【Entrance fee】1,050 yen for an adult, 360 yen for a child (As of November 2019) 【Hours】9 am to 4 pm 【Closures】December 29th to 30th 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No.】079-285-1146 -
Video article 4:00
Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko - Experience Hino, Shiga, Decorated With Adorable Hina Dolls! Introducing the Hinamatsuri Event Held in a Town That Will Transport You Back to Japan’s Showa Period!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 60 plays
- YouTube
Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko in Hino, Shiga This video, titled "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue" (Good Sign 第14回放送「日野」ひな祭り紀行), was uploaded by "Good Sign." It introduces Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri event in Hino, Shiga, located in Japan's Kansai region. Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko is an annual event held from early February to early March, from Okubo in southeastern Shiga, to the shopping arcade and merchant residences of Murai and Nishioji. The cityscape of Hino has a nostalgic atmosphere reminiscent of Japan's Showa Period. Hina dolls are displayed along the streets and in merchant houses. There are also special viewing windows called "sajiki-mado" (桟敷窓) with which you can enjoy dolls that are on display. This can be seen from 1:00 in the video. Check out the video to see what kind of event "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" is. Hinamatsuri - A Traditional Japanese Event Hinamatsuri is an event celebrated on March 3rd, traditionally known as "Momo no Sekku" (the Peach Festival) to wish for the healthy growth of girls by decorating hina dolls with peach-blossoms, serving hina-arare (sweet rice cakes), and Japanese sweets, and preparing food such as chirashizushi, a type of bright and colorful sushi. Hina dolls generally consist of a male and female doll (Dairibina, 内裏雛), three or five court ladies (Kanjo, 官女), five musicians (gonin bayashi, 五人囃子), two ministers (Daijin, 大臣), and the protectors (Shicho, 仕丁). The history of Hinamatsuri dates back to before the Edo period (1603-1868). Nowadays, Hinamatsuri is a popular event for girls, where hina dolls are decorated and chirashizushi, sweets, and cakes are prepared. Also, during the event, children sing “Ureshii Hinamatsuri” (Happy Hinamatsuri), which can be seen at the end of the video. Hino Hinamtsuri Kiko by the Hino Tourist Association "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" started in 2008 with the aim of making Hino livelier, says Minoru Nakata, the organizer of the event, shown at 1:12 in the video. In the past, hina dolls were brought back by merchants of Hino for their daughters when they went out on business. Hino was a plain town where women and children generally stayed in the home. Now, there are more than 150 places, including the Omi Hino Merchant Museum (近江日野商人館), Omi Hino Merchant Furusato Hall (近江日野商人ふるさと館), Hino Machikado Kanno (日野まちかど感応館), and Umamioka Watamuki Shrine (馬見岡綿向神社), as well as merchant houses with sajiki windows, private homes, and store counters decorated with hina dolls, attracting tourists to Hino. Take the bus bound for Kitabataguchi (北畑口) from JR Omihachiman Station (JR近江八幡駅) or Omi Railway Hino Station (近江鉄道日野駅), and get off at Okubo Nishi (大窪西) or the Mukaimachi (向町) bus stop. There is also a parking for those driving. You can also enjoy specialties, such as Omi Hino Beef, pickled vegetables from Hino, and Hino Udon. Summary of Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko, a Hinamatsuri Event in Hino, Shiga In this article, we introduced "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko" along with the video "Good Sign Vol.14 "Hino" Hinamatsuri Travelogue." You can get a good idea of what Hino looks like during the event. In addition to old hina dolls, cute origami dolls made by kindergarteners can also be seen in the video. If you're headed over to Shiga Prefecture, consider dropping by "Hino Hinamatsuri Kiko"! -
Video article 1:52
6 Million Lights at "Lake Sagami Illumillion," One of the 3 Great Illuminations of the Kanto Region! Create Life-Long Memories at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events- 44 plays
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Lake Sagami Illumillion! This time, we'll introduce the video "Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019-2020 Digest" (さがみ湖イルミリオン2019-2020ダイジェスト), publicized by "Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest." Lake Sagami Illumillion is an illumination event held at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. The video contains highlights of Lake Sagami Illumillion's 2019-2020 season. What Kind of Illumination Events Are There at Lake Sagami Illumillion? Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events at Lake Sagami Illumillion, including Rainbow Lift, shown at 0:04 in the video, the Hot Air Balloon of Light, which can be seen at 0:18 in the video, and more! From 0:34 in the video, you can see the City of Light and Music, the main attraction of Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019, in detail. Spots such as the Zoo of Light, the Flower Garden of Light and the Aquarium of Light are also shown in the video, so please take your time and enjoy it. Lake Sagami Illumillion Photo:Sagamihara Illumination Lake Sagami Illumillion is a popular event chosen as one of the 3 great illuminations of the Kanto Region. An astonishing 6 million lights are used for the event. In addition to the spots introduced in the video, there are many other mysterious areas such as the Sea of Light, Tulip Lane, Fantasy Walk: The Seven Colored Galaxy, Illumillion Tree, full of Christmas spirit, The Fortress of Trickery/The Maze of Light, and more! We recommend enjoying the nighttime attractions, such as the Ferris Wheel of Life, Pilot Paradise, or seeing a show. About Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest is a leisure destination located in Wakayanagi (若柳,Wakayanagi), Midori Ward (緑区, Midoriku), Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The amusement park area is popular for its outdoor sports facilities, such as the attractions of Paddington Town, the thrill ride "Ozoratengoku," and the "Muscle Monster" athletic facility. There is also a barbecue area, a souvenir shop, and a spot where you can enjoy spending time with your pets. Summary of Lake Sagami Illumillion Source :YouTube screenshot At Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest's popular "Lake Sagami Illumillion" event, you too can enjoy the stunning illumination featured in the video. Event times and lighting schedules change every year, so be sure to check the website before heading out. Please note that it is very crowded on weekends. We recommend taking a bus tour to visit. ◆Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Facility Information◆ 【Address】〒252-0175 1634 Wakayanagi, Midori Ward, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture 【Access】An 8-minute bus ride from JR Sagamihara Station 【Admission Fee】Adults:1800 yen Children:1100 yen 【Hours】Weekdays 10:00〜16:00, Weekends 9:00〜17:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0570-037-353 【Official Website】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021282-d1881044-Reviews-Sagami_Lake_Resort_Pleasure_Forest-Sagamihara_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:35
Hajime Miura - The Young, Japanese Yo-Yo World Champion. A Look at the Breathtaking Skills of This Yo-Yo-Bending Athlete!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events- 66 plays
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Introducing Hajime Miura, the Champion of Competitive Yoyo! The video this time is titled "2018WYYC Final 4A 1st Hajime Miura|Film by C3yoyodesign," produced by "c3yoyodesign." The video shows footage of the yoyo world champion Hajime Miura manipulating the competitive yoyo to his will, at the official world championships. The yoyo is a toy made of small disks stacked on a central axle with a string looped around it. Professional yoyoers use competitive yoyos and as you can see in the video, you can perform some amazing tricks with them. What Kind of Person Is Hajime Miura, the World Number 1 Ranked Yoyoer? Source :YouTube screenshot The yoyoer Hajime Miura, seen performing in the video, is from Hachioji, Tokyo Prefecture and as of 2020, is a high school student that goes to a local high school. He is a top tier yoyoer in the competitive yoyo world, and has had 6 consecutive wins at the world championships. The yoyo world championships “WORLD YO-YO CONTEST 2018” was held in Shanghai, China in 2018. It is the only official contest held once a year to determine the Yoyo World Champion. From 1:46 in the footage, he does a free performance using 2 yoyos and you can hear a big cheer from the audience. At 2:20 in the video, you can see him performing tricks expected of a world class yoyoer, such as throwing the yoyo high into the air, one after another. At the world championships in 2019, Hajime Miura won 5 of the 6 divisions; an incredible feat. A Look at Competitive Yoyo Source :YouTube screenshot At the world championships of competitive yoyo, players compete against one another in 6 freestyle competition divisions: 1A division, 2A division, 3A division, 4A division, 5A division, and the Art & Performance division. Most tricks are done with 1 or 2 yoyos fixed on their strings. However, there are some tricks that involve throwing the yoyo into the air without it being fixed to their string. As you can see in the footage, yoyoers perform original tricks to the music of their choice, within a fixed time. The Origins and History of Competitive Yoyo Photo:Yoyo Competitive yoyo competitions have a long history, with competitions being held as early as 1932. In 1997, there was a fad of Hyper Yoyos in Japan and many Japanese yoyoers won prizes at the yoyo world championships in 1999. The World Yoyo Contest is a world championship competition of competitive yoyo organized by the International Yoyo Federation. In the “WORLD YO-YO CONTEST2014,” a women’s division was created, and in 2015, a division for competitors 40 years and older was introduced. They both became quite popular. Summary of Hajime Miura and Competitive Yoyo Source :YouTube screenshot The performance of world title holder Hajime Miura is so awe-inspiring that it's hard to take your eyes off of it. If once wasn't enough, enjoy the dynamic yoyo performance of Hajime Miura as many times as you'd like! For those thinking they want to try picking up yoyo themselves, consider buying a competitive yoyo and practicing your moves! -
Video article 1:32
The Tokyo Marathon Is a Fierce Competition! A Look at the Highlights of This Global Event, Which Takes Runners Through a Number of Popular Tourist Attractions!
Sports Festivals & Events- 24 plays
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The Tokyo Marathon and Japan's Men's Olympic Team! This time we'll look at the video, "[Fuji T.V. Official] Tokyo Marathon 2020 Live From 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 1, 2020!!" (【フジテレビ公式】東京マラソン2020<コース紹介>2020年3月1日(日)午前9時00分から生中継!!), which introduces the course of the Tokyo Marathon held in 2020. The Tokyo Marathon is a competition first held in 2007. In 2013, it was designated as a World Marathon Majors competition. It is one of the 6 major marathons in the world, along with Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York. Photo:Marathon The Tokyo Marathon is more than just an invitational sports event for invited runners and the general public; it is also an important event that serves as a qualifying event for major international sporting events, such as the Olympics and the World Athletics Championships. In Japan, the Fukuoka International Marathon and the Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon also serve as selection events to select athletes that will compete in international competitions. However, in 2020, having been designated as a World Athletics Platinum Label Road Race, it became Asia’s highest level marathon event, and in 2019, 38,000 runners participated in the event. The Tokyo Marathon was awarded Gold Label certification by the IAAF's rating system in 2010, making it one of the largest civic engagement races, on par with New York City. The 2020 men's marathon was touted as a one-on-one race between Suguru Osako and Yuta Shitara. However, in the end, Suguru Osako finished 4th, making him the highest placing Japanese runner and confirming his participation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Tokyo Marathon Course Source :YouTube screenshot The course of the Tokyo Marathon has been drastically changed since its predecessor, the Tokyo International Marathon. The main feature of the course is that it is a flat, high-speed course with few ups and downs, with runners running on public roads in the center of the city. This video gives an overview of the course and we'll go over it below. ・[Video 0:23] A five meter stretch starting from the front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku with an elevation difference of 35 meters. ・[Video 0:33] A section along Sotobori-dori and Chuo-dori to reach the 10km point in Nihonbashi. ・[Video 0:40] Running through Edo-dori, runners will pass the 15km mark of Asakusa/Kaminarimon ・[Video 0:48] The 20 km mark of Monnakacho- the first turnaround point. ・[Video 0:59] The decisive moment is the 30 km mark in Ginza. At this point, the pacemaker will drop out of the race and the wheeling and the tactics begin. ・[Video 1:10] The 35 km mark at Takanawa is the last turnaround point, and the strongest runners will use their last bits of energy for bursts of speed. Every year, it's an incredibly close competition. ・[Video 1:21] The finish line of the course is in front of Tokyo station. The front runner will break through the finish line tape while being greeted by a large crowd and volunteer staff. The Tokyo Marathon is popular among international runners because, with the exception of the starting point, it is a flat course that allows for record breaking, and also takes in the sights of Tokyo from start to finish. For this reason, the number of applicants has been increasing every year, and for the 13th marathon, the general runners’ odds of being selected to run in the race was less than a 1 in 12 chance thus making it very difficult to enter. There are three race categories: the Men's and Women's Marathon, the Wheelchair Marathon, and the Junior and Youth Marathon, with the wheelchair marathon starting five minutes before the other events. Summary of the Tokyo Marathon Course Photo:Marathon Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation considered cancelling the 2020 marathon, but decided to hold only it with only elite athletes being considered for selection, with participation by the general public cancelled. The 2020 Tokyo Marathon was controversial, because although an entry fee is paid prior to the race, the terms state that no refunds would be given in the event of cancellation. Because the Tokyo Marathon is a race with traffic restrictions on public roads, there are fears that the date of the race could affect the capital's logistics infrastructure. However, because it is a top-level marathon race even by world standards, it has a positive economic effect, and the event continues to grow yearly. We're looking forward to Tokyo Marathons of the future! 【Official Website】Home Page|Tokyo Marathon 2020 https://www.marathon.tokyo/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tokyo Marathon https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14133673-d8820386-r441644983-Tokyo_Marathon-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:49
Discover More Than 5 Million Spider Lilies at the "Red Spider Lily Festival" at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Blooming Areas in Japan! The Sea of Red Will Take Your Breath Away
Nature Festivals & Events- 58 plays
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Introducing the Red Spider Lily Festival of Saitama Prefecture This video, titled "[4k] Lycoris (red spider lily) at Kinchakuda, Saitama|Red Spider Lily Festival (Higanbana) Japan Flower garden" ([4k]巾着田の曼珠沙華(彼岸花)埼玉、Lycoris(red spider lily) in Kinchakuda 曼珠沙華まつり ヒガンバナJapan Flower garden), was released by "Discover Nippon." The video introduces the "Red Spider Lily Festival" (曼珠沙華まつり, Manju-shage Matsuri) held in Hidaka, Saitama, when red spider lilies are in bloom. The Red Spider Lily Festival, held every year from mid-September to early October at Kinchakuda Manjushage Park in Hidaka, Saitama, is an event to admire the beautifully blooming spider lilies in Kinchakuda Manjushage Park. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information, such as transportation access and the best time to see the Red Spider Lily Festival. From 0:46 in the video, you can see the greatest display of red spider lilies in Japan. The sight of so many beautiful spider lilies blooming in one location is truly breathtaking. Kinchakuda, A Famous Sightseeing Location for Flowers in Saitama Prefecture Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture Kinchakuda, located in Hidaka, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto region, is a flat land spanning roughly 54 acres, the equivalent of about 4.7 Tokyo Domes. The Komagawa River also crosses through this area. Kinchakuda is also popular as a tourist destination where visitors can observe rape blossoms in spring and spider lilies and cosmos in autumn. The red spider lilies of Kinchakuda creates one of the largest blooming areas in Japan with approximately 5 million flowers, and around 300,000 visitors when the flowers are in bloom. Access to Kinchakuda Manjushage Park are, if coming by train, about a 15-minute walk from Koma Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. There is a paid parking lot available as well, but the surrounding roads can be quite crowded when the spider lilies are in bloom, so we highly recommend visiting the park by train. The Red Spider Lily Festival of Hidaka, Saitama, One of the Largest Red Spider Lily Displays in Japan Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture Dates for the Red Spider Lily Festival vary depending on the bloom each year, but it is generally held from mid-September to early October. During this period, stalls, including food vendors, will also be set up around the area. Admission to Kinchakuda Manjushage Park is 300 yen. You can see spider lilies blooming as far as the eye can see from 0:27 in the video. The number one spider lily location in Japan awaits you! Summary of the Red Spider Lily Festival at Kinchakuda in Hidaka, Saitama Photo:Red spider lilies at Kinchakuda, Saitama Prefecture This video introduces the best spider lily blooming area in Japan. The images in the video are incredibly beautiful, so please enjoy the scenery of Kinchakuda, a famous place of flowers in Japan. In this article, we introduced tourist information, including transportation access and dates for the Red Spider Lily Festival of Saitama Prefecture. We hope this article has you interested in seeing the beautiful natural scenery of Saitama! 【Tripadvisor】Kinchakuda Manjushage Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021408-d1367853-Reviews-Kinchakuda_Manjushage_Park-Hidaka_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:01
The Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park - One of the Most Famous Hanami Spots in Tokyo! The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Taito City Boasts Approximately 1,200 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom!
Travel Festivals & Events- 162 plays
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Cherry Blossom Blizzard at Ueno Park! This video is titled "Beautiful Japanese scenery,Cherry blossoms blizzard in Ueno Park." It introduces the cherry blossom blizzard at Ueno Park in Taito, Tokyo. It's produced by sandabee. In this video, we see the cherry trees standing in rows at Ueno Park along Sakura Dori, a street famous for the statue of Saigo Takamori, in full bloom. The cherry blossom petals fall like a snowstorm, dyeing the surrounding area pink. The beautiful video of Japan in the spring is filled with the applause and cheers of many tourists. It's a must-see! Photo:Ueno Station Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami sites in Japan and is just a two-minute walk from Ueno Station on foot. The park has a long history and was designated the first public park in Japan in 1873. Officially called "Ueno Onshi Park," Ueno Park has many popular attractions including Tokyo National Museum, Ueno Zoo, where pandas attract many tourists, The National Museum of Western Art, which was designated a World Heritage Site for its Le Corbusier architecture, and more. The park is popular among people for its historical, cultural, artistic, and natural views. The verdant park has around 1,200 cherry trees and many people visit every spring, when the cherry blossoms come into bloom. Recently, the park has attracted increasing numbers of overseas tourists as well. Cherry Blossoms in Ueno Park and the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival! ©r_abe01 Modifying Since about 40 species of both early and late blooming cherry trees, including Yoshino cherries, are planted in Ueno Park, you can enjoy hanami for around two months, from March until the end of April. The Annual Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is organized when the Yoshino cherries are at their best and the park makes for one of the best hanami spots in Tokyo. The schedule changes every year based on the bloom forecast. In 2019, the festival was held between March 21st and April 7th. During the festival, tourists can enjoy a quaint view of cherry blossoms illuminated by bonbori (a type of Japanese paper lamp) at night. Planning a hanami trip at night is another great idea if you're looking to avoid the crowds. Ueno Park is of course lined with many stalls and a large number of tourists enjoy hanami parties while sitting on picnic blankets. You can enjoy viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms while eating delicious food at a hanami party with friends! Information on the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Shinobazu and Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park The best place to see the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park is from the Sakura Dori (さくら通り, Sakura-dori) Street and the Shinobazu Pond boat ramp to the Ueno Park Open-Air Stage. You can also enjoy the wonderful view of cherry blossoms reflecting off the pond's surface while on a boat ride. During the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, events including the antique market are also held. Beside the stalls, Ueno Park has many restaurants and cafes to enjoy delicious food while viewing cherry blossoms as well. As the area around Ueno Station has many restaurants where takeout options are available, you can spend a whole day here enjoying tourist spots in the area and the view of the cherry blossoms. Although Ueno Park has parking lots, they are often full by early morning during the cherry blossom season. That being said, the best way to visit the park is by public transportation. Summary of the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival in Ueno Park is a festival in Japan's spring that everyone should visit at least once. Since Ueno Park is one of the most popular hanami spots, you may need to save a place to have a hanami party during the flowering season when many tourists are gathering. You don't need to worry about restrooms since there are plenty throughout the park. If you're lucky, you can see the instagrammable, mystic view of the surrounding landscape dyed pink by the falling cherry blossoms. Experience the beauty of Japan's cherry blossoms with the video! ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】3-chome Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo. 【Access】A two-minute walk from JR/Tokyo Metro Ginza Line/Hibiya Line Ueno Station, and a one-minute walk from Keisei Ueno Station on the Keisei Line 【Hours】5 a.m. – 11 p.m. 【Telephone】(+081) 03-3828-5644 -
Video article 3:49
Osaka Is Just as Awesome as You Imagined It Would Be! 110% Fun in One of Japan's Major Cities!
Local PR Festivals & Events Travel- 32 plays
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Enjoy Sightseeing in Osaka, One of Japan's Major Cities! A large number of people go to Osaka for shopping and sightseeing. There are many tourist attractions and events you'll want to be aware of when you come to Osaka. This article will introduce "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video," which will shed some light on the sights and sounds of Osaka. Don't miss out on this popular destination! A Look at Osaka! Source:YouTube screenshot The video, "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video," is designed to promote the attractions of Osaka Prefecture to both Japanese and foreign audiences, and is characterized by its focus on events held in 2018. The 3 key points of the video are as follow: ・A video presentation of Osaka and the scenery of the area ・A wide variety of information about Osaka packed into a 4-minute video ・Knowledge about events in Osaka If you're going to Osaka with friends who are planning on going sightseeing in Japan, be sure to check this video out; you can use it to build your itineraries together. Events and Tourist Attractions in Osaka Prefecture Source:YouTube screenshot "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video" features the Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway), The Tower of the Sun at Osaka Expo Park, the Osaka Culture and Art Festival, and the Midosuji Illumination. First, let's take a look at the "Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway)". This Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway) was held in Midosuji, on the main street of Osaka, to promote the charm of Osaka both in Japan and abroad. Various celebrities, entertainers, and prominent figures also joined in to set the mood for the event. The main MC of "Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway)" was Koji Imada, a famous Japanese comedian. Various shows and parades were held in Midosuji, and the main event was attended by Japan's leading comedians Masatoshi Hamada and Hitoshi Matsumoto, otherwise known as the comic duo "Downtown," who have been selected as ambassadors for the 2025 Osaka Expo. The excitement was turned up to 100! Next up is the "Tower of the Sun" at Osaka Expo Park. The memorial tower was built by artist Taro Okamoto as part of the theme hall of the Japan World Expo '70 And Osaka Expo held in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture in 1970. This tower still remains in the expo park even today. The interior of the Sun Tower, decorated with a variety of artworks and monuments, is open to the public. It's a facility where you can experience the essence of Taro Okamoto's famous phrase "Art is an explosion!" The Osaka Culture and Arts Festival became a hot topic of conversation when Junko Koshino, featured in the video, held the first fashion show in Osaka in 30 years. From traditional performing arts to modern music, art, and F1 cars, Osaka is packed with exciting content that is the pride and joy of the city. Last but not least is the "Midosuji Illumination." The total length of Midosuji, which was the venue for Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway), is surrounded by fantastic, dream-like illuminations. The 4km-long illumination has been recognized as a world record and has become one of Japan's most popular events, celebrating its 10th year in 2018. In recent years, the Midosuji Illumination has become very popular among instagrammers. Summary of Osaka! Photo:Osaka As you can see, Osaka offers a variety of attractive sightseeing spots and events. If you are interested, be sure to check out the video and do some exploring. The Osaka Expo, which will be held in 2025, is an increasingly exciting tourist attraction! Don't forget to try some of Osaka's local gourmet food when you're in Osaka! Osaka's specialties include takoyaki (fried octopus), kushikatsu (cutlet skewers), and okonomiyaki (a savory "pancake" with various meat & vegetables of your choosing). Osaka Castle is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Osaka, and there's events to learn about history and culture of the area! Enjoy 100% fun in Osaka! 【Official Website】OSAKA CITY https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/contents/wdu020/enjoy/en/content_administration.html