Justin Schultz

[相片1]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片2]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片3]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片4]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片5]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片6]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片7]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片8]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片9]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua
[相片10]On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casua

On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casually enjoy our time.

We ended up going to Marugame Castle as our first destination. It was really cool as it's one of the 12 castles in Japan that still has an original castle keep. The castle itself isn't very large, but the area surrounding it is. From the bottom of the castle the keep is quite small so it's hard to get a good photo of it, but we got a photo of it with one of the turrets along the moat wall which was cool.

We reserved a rickshaw ride the previous night as well so when we got to the castle we did a little exploring and then we went on a guided tour around the lower area of the castle. The rickshaw guide was a really nice guy and quite funny as well. Apparently he was a comedian but he enjoyed doing this job as well. He told us a bunch of different things about the castle and it's construction while also telling some jokes occasionally.

After the rickshaw tour we climbed our way up to the top of the castle and there were saw really amazing views waiting for us at the top. You could see the entire city almost. We also entered the castle keep, but it was relatively small. It was still nice to see the architecture on the inside but the stairs were a bit scary. They were incredibly steep and I was holding the handrails the entire time going up or down them.

After checking out the castle we were pretty hungry and so we decided to get some lunch. Being Kagawa is the udon prefecture we went to an udon specialty restaurant. I haven't been to many udon restaurants so it was kind of a new experience for me. They had it set up kind of like a cafeteria and you go through and choose what you want and other toppings to go with your udon.
I didn't see the trays for the extra toppings so I just ended up putting the karaage on top of my udon lol.
I got niku udon and it tasted really good. The karaage was a nice touch as well. Not the usual tempura most people get but it went surprisingly well with the soup.

After eating we headed towards Nakazu Banshoen, a garden with art exhibits as well. Before getting there we decided to stop by a Lupin-themed cafe though. It was a really tiny shop but we were able to cool off for a bit and relax which was nice since we were walking quite a bit.

The garden was quite large and had a lot of different points of interest within it. The stepping stones were fun to cross and the row of torii gates was pretty cool as well. You can definitely take some nice photos with them.

And that concludes our trip to Takamatsu! Overall it was a really fun trip and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't been to Shikoku or Kagawa before. We didn't even get to do everything we were looking at but we still had a blast!

在旅行的第二天,我们前往小豆岛,这是濑户内海众多岛屿之一。 唯一的方式是乘渡轮,所以我们买了一些船票,然后上了船。这是一次非常好的旅程,因为周日天气很好,外面很暖和,但不太热。坐在楼上的甲板也很不错,因为我们可以看到该地区的其他一些岛屿,还可以看到人们钓鱼等。另外,微风也非常清爽。 当我们到达岛上时,我们试图租一些自行车,但不幸的是他们都被租出去了。在那之后,我们试图买一辆车,但他们也被租出去了,所以我们决定把公共汽车带到我们需要去的地方。不过效果很好。 我们决定去的第一个地方是橄榄公园,但当我们到达它所在的巴士站时,有一个非常漂亮的海滩,所以我们决定检查一下,把脚放在水里降温。有人游泳和风帆冲浪,还有一个不错的小小吃棚,有一些美味的食物。 在沙滩上闲逛了一会儿后,我们前往公园。有很多人租用扫帚来做Kiki's Delivery Service的照片,看着它很有趣。我们想过这样做,但扫帚就像等待了45分钟,因为人太多了,所以我们决定传递它。 我们还在公园主楼内的一家餐厅吃了午餐。他们有一些非常好的食物(照片#4)和非常美味的饮料。我不记得那是什么,但我很高兴我得到了它。餐厅的景色也俯瞰着这个地区,很不错。 午饭后,我们向风车所在的地方走去,途中在一个小神社停了下来。风车区也有很好的景色,有人试图从岩石上跳下来拍照,哈哈。 在公园结束之后,我们决定前往天使路。我们看了看你可以穿过沙桥的时间,我们提前到达,但似乎那天的时间有点偏离,我们在完美的时间做到了。沙桥上只剩下一点水,所以我们就可以脱鞋过马路了。不幸的是,有一堆非常小的石头,所以它有点伤你的脚,但还不错。我们设法穿越了它。还可以拍一些像样的照片。我们在附近的一家商店也吃了一些冰淇淋。味道很棒! 我们检查完天使路后,我们回到渡轮上,当我们开始离开港口时,我大声说:“闻起来像芝麻油,不是吗?” 原来我身后有一家芝麻油厂,所以我们有点笑。是成功的一天!