[相片1][Englsh/日本語]It's March from today. Restrictions on the entry of new foreign nationals into Japan wil

It's March from today. Restrictions on the entry of new foreign nationals into Japan will be greatly eased from March 1. Foreign students who have been waiting to enter Japan for the past two years will finally have a chance to come to Japan. This is a great thing for both international students and Japanese language schools. Even though the restrictions on new arrivals have been eased, there are still rules regarding vaccines and quarantine. In this article, I will briefly introduce the rules.*This information is current as of March 1 and may be subject to change in the future. Please check the website for details.

1 People who have completed their third vaccination people entering the country from designated countries or regions
People who have completed three doses of vaccination with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are subject to a seven-day voluntary waiting period. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period.

2People who have completed their third vaccination people entering Japan from countries and regions other than those designated
Those who have completed three vaccinations with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are exempted from the waiting list.

3People who have not completed their third vaccination people entering from designated countries/regions
You wait for three days in accommodations provided by the quarantine office.If the PCR test is negative on the third day, you will be allowed to leave the accommodation and will not be required to stay at home.

4 People who have not completed the third vaccination people entering the country from outside of the designated countries and regions
You will be placed on voluntary standby for 7 days. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period.

If you are on voluntary standby, you can use public transportation within 24 hours of your arrival. In addition, waiting at the quarantine station can be done by public transportation if the PCR test is negative on the third day.
I think it has been a difficult two years for the students who were planning to study in Japan. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.








[English/日本語] The day before yesterday, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced that cherry blossoms had bloomed in Tokyo. In Japan, the weather forecast at this time of the year tells not only the temperature and weather, but also the cherry blossoms. Hanami, a traditional Japanese event, began 1,300 years ago and is popular among foreign tourists. In this issue, we will introduce the etiquette of Hanami. 1 The star of the show is the cherry blossoms Cherry blossom viewing means eating and drinking under the cherry trees. Cherry trees are very delicate plants. When eating, do not place a sheet at the base of the cherry tree. The base of the cherry tree is where it breathes. Please place the sheet away from it. Also, do not break the branches of cherry trees just because of their beautiful blossoms. Cherry blossoms are a plant that easily decomposes. You may also have to pay a fine for "damage to property" if you break a cherry blossom branch. Please be careful. 2 Rules of the park During the holidays at this time of year, the number of people viewing cherry blossoms in the park increases greatly. Some of them are also lit up at night, making them popular date spots. Each park has different rules, so be sure to check the park's rules before going hanami. For example, some parks prohibit the bringing of alcoholic beverages, while others do not allow the use of fire. Also, be sure to take your trash home with you and clean up properly before you finish your hanami. Even though it is spring, the nights can get very cold, so be sure to take warm clothing. 3Cherry blossom motif goods Cherry blossom viewing is not limited to parks. During this season, you can see many cherry blossom-inspired decorations in the city and in stores. At cafes, you can enjoy cherry blossom latte art and pink-colored cakes. At general stores, you can find products with pictures of cherry blossoms. Since they are only available during this season, they are popular as souvenirs. Please look for them! Hachioji, where our school is located, has many famous cherry blossom viewing spots. Some parks are lit up at night, so be sure to visit them! 東京は一昨日、桜が開花したと気象庁が発表しました。日本ではこの時期の天気予報は気温や天気だけではなく、桜の様子を伝えます。日本の伝統的なイベントである「お花見」は1300年前から始まり、外国人観光客からも人気があります。今回はお花見のマナーを紹介します。 ①主役は桜 お花見と言えば、桜の木の下で食事をしたりお酒を飲んだりすることをさします。桜はとてもデリケートな植物です。食事をするときは桜の根本にシートを置かないようにしましょう。桜の根元は呼吸をする場所です。離れたところにシートを敷いてください。また、桜の花が美しいからと言って枝を折ってはいけません。桜は腐りやすい植物です。また、桜の枝を折ると「器物破損罪」として罰金を払わなければならないこともあります。気を付けましょう。 ②公園のルール この時期の休日は公園でお花見している人がとても増えます。また、夜になるとライトアップをしているところもあり、デートスポットとしても人気があります。公園によってルールが違うので、お花見をする前には必ず公園のルールを調べてからにしましょう。例えば、お酒の持ち込みを禁止しているところや火を使ってはいけないところもあります。また、ゴミはきちんと持ち帰えり、きちんとそうじをしてからお花見を終えましょう。春と言っても夜はとても冷えるので、防寒対策も忘れずに。 ③桜モチーフのグッズ お花見は公園だけではありません。この季節は街の中やお店の中にも桜をイメージした飾りを多くみることができます。カフェでは桜のラテアートやピンク色をしたケーキなどを食べることができます。雑貨屋では、桜の絵が描いた商品がお店に並びます。この季節限定なので、お土産としても人気があります。ぜひ、探してみてくださいね。 本校がある八王子は桜の名所が多くあります。夜、ライトアップしている公園もあるのでぜひ訪れてみてくださいね!
[English/日本語] February 22 is "Cat Day" in Japan. In Japan, February 22 is "Cat Day", and there is a lot of excitement as people upload pictures of cats on social media. Do you like cats? Or do you prefer dogs? In this article, I would like to talk about the pet situation in Japan. 1 Cat boom In Japan, many people have always owned dogs, but in 2017, the number of cat owners surpassed the number of dog owners. The reason for this is that Japan is an aging society. Dogs have to be accompanied on walks, and elderly people who are worried about their physical strength tend to choose cats that don't need to be walked. Also, more and more people are keeping pets because they are spending more time at home due to the influence of Corona. I wonder if it's the same in your country? 2Can international students have pets? Very few international students have pets. To own a dog, you have to pay several hundred thousand yen at a pet store and also have to get shots. In addition, most apartments in Japan do not allow pets. However, sometimes people keep hamsters, which are relatively cheap and do not have as long a life span as dogs and cats. I heard a story about a Japanese language school that had a problem with a student who suddenly decided to return to his home country and asked them to take in his turtle. Pets are life. It is important to keep them responsibly. 3 If you miss your pet... Some people who used to have pets in their home countries may become stressed out because they cannot interact with their pets during their long stay in Japan. Recently in Japan, there has been an increase in the number of cafes with cats and dogs, where you can casually interact with cats and dogs for just a fee and a drink. In addition to cats and dogs, some of these animal cafes also have birds and reptiles. Please try to use them. Our school does not allow pets in the dormitories. However, there are cat cafes and dog cafes around the school. There is also a zoo just a few stops away from the school. If you are an animal lover, I think you will enjoy your study abroad experience at our school. 2月22日は日本では「猫の日」です。雑貨店などでは猫の絵が描かれた商品が売り出され、SNSでそれをアップする人で盛り上がっています。みなさんは猫が好きですか?それとも犬が好きですか?今回は日本のペット事情についてお話します。 ①猫ブーム 日本では昔から犬を飼っている人が多くいましたが、2017年に猫の飼育数が犬の飼育数を上回りました。理由としては日本が高齢化していることにあります。犬は散歩についれていかなければならないということもあり、体力に不安のある高齢者は散歩の必要のない猫を選ぶ傾向にあるそうです。また、コロナの影響により家で過ごす時間が増えたため、ペットを飼う人も増えているそうです。みなさんの国でも同じでしょうか? ②留学生はペットを飼える? 留学生でペットを飼っている人はほとんどいません。犬を飼うためにはペットショップで数十万円払い、さらに注射を打たなければなりません。また、日本のアパートなどではほとんどがペットを飼うことを禁止しています。しかし、比較的安く寿命が犬や猫ほど長くない「ハムスター」を飼う人はときどきいます。ある日本語学校で、急に帰国することになった学生から亀をひきとってほしいと言われ、困ったことがあったという話を聞いたことがあります。ペットは命です。ちゃんと責任を持って飼うようにしましょう。 ③ペットが恋しくなったら… 母国でペットを飼っていた人は長い留学生活でペットと触れ合えず、ストレスがたまってしまう人もいます。日本では最近、猫や犬のいるカフェが増えていて、利用料とドリンク代だけで猫や犬と気軽に触れ合うことができます。また、この動物と触れ合えるカフェは、猫や犬だけではなく鳥や爬虫類などを扱っているところもあります。ぜひ利用してみてくださいね。 本校では寮でペットを飼うことを禁止しています。しかし、学校周辺には猫カフェや犬カフェがあります。また、動物園も学校から数駅のところにあります。動物好きの人は本校で留学生活を楽しむことができると思いますよ。