[相片1][English/日本語]Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: TrashJapanese cit
[相片2][English/日本語]Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: TrashJapanese cit

Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: Trash

Japanese cities are famous around the world for their cleanliness and lack of litter on the streets. Why is that? In Japan, there are many rules regarding garbage. In addition, foreign students often get into trouble with residents because of this. In this article, I will introduce the rules regarding garbage.

No trash cans! Japanese who take their trash home

One of the most annoying things for foreign tourists when they come to Japan is that there are no trash cans. Where should you throw away the tissue you blew your nose with, or the candy wrapper you put in your mouth when you got hungry? When Japanese people have small trash, they put it in a pocket in their bag and throw it away when they get home. Also, many people with small children carry plastic bags for garbage in their bags. Some shopping malls and convenience stores have trash cans that anyone can throw away. When sightseeing, it might be a good idea to check the places where garbage can be thrown away with you.

How many kinds of garbage should I separate? How to separate garbage

When you first start living in Japan, one of the first things that confuses you is how to separate garbage. Let's take a look at the garbage separation in Hachioji City, Tokyo. Combustible trash, non-combustible trash, toxic trash, plastic containers and wrapping, magazines, paper packs, newspapers, cardboard, empty bottles, empty cans, plastic bottles, used cloth, oversize trash.... International students who have just arrived in Japan are surprised by the many types of garbage separation. Also, there are rules for each type of garbage. For example, PET bottles should not be thrown away as they are. The cap and label must be disposed of as plastic waste, while the bottle must be washed and crushed to become plastic bottle garbage. Furthermore, garbage should not be thrown away every day, but on the designated day of the week at the designated place. Depending on where you live, you may also have a set time to throw it away. And the rules change depending on the local government. For example, in Hachioji City, you have to buy the designated garbage bags at the supermarket. What do you think? There are so many rules for garbage disposal, aren't there? In fact, garbage separation is so complicated that even Japanese people make mistakes. Many foreign students who don't understand the rules of trash separation and throw away their trash randomly get into fights with other residents and have to move out. To prevent this from happening, first get a garbage calendar from the city hall and dispose of your garbage according to it. If you are not sure, you can ask a Japanese person. I'm sure he or she will be kind enough to help international students who are making an effort to sort out their garbage.

Were you able to learn about the rules of garbage? By the way, our school requires us to live in the school dormitory for six months. And during that time, the school will teach you about garbage. If you don't know how to throw away or separate garbage, you can ask the teacher in charge by e-mail. By learning about garbage for six months, you will be able to stay trouble-free even after you graduate from school. If you are able to separate garbage naturally, you will be able to live well as an international student.

留学生が日本に来て驚いたこと ~ゴミ編~







[English/日本語] Things that Surprised International Students When They Came to Japan: The City 1 I wrote in my previous blog that there is no trash on the streets in Japan, but there are many other things that are unique to Japan. This time, I would like to introduce some of them. A city full of vending machines Japan is famous for its large number of vending machines. Not only in number, but also in variety. For example, there are vending machines at train stations that sell books, bananas, and other items. I have also heard many stories of people being surprised when a vending machine says "Hello" to them as they walk by. These days, some vending machines have digital images to help you choose a drink, and some even allow you to sign up for a subscription. It is a little more expensive than buying at a store, but it is very convenient, so try to use it. How to ride an escalator Of course, you have escalators in your country, but in Japan, there is an unspoken rule about escalators. In Tokyo, ride on the left side of the escalator, and in Osaka, ride on the right side. This is not an official rule or manner, but for some reason it is the way it is. Of course, there are manners. For example, you may see people walking up the escalator, but this is very bad manners and dangerous, so don't do it! WiFi spots are scarce! Compared to a few years ago, the number of free WiFi spots has been increasing, but compared to other developed countries, there are still very few WiFi spots in Japan. Of course you can use it in convenience stores and fast food restaurants, but be aware that it is often not available in small stores. It is recommended that you check out WiFi spots ahead of time when sightseeing. You too can become a collector. Manholes are art. In many parts of Japan, there are manholes that are designed in the image of the local area. Manhole designs have become so popular that some towns have made them into "manhole cards" and handed them out. Recently, manholes with various anime characters, including Pokemon, have appeared, and some places have become famous as tourist spots. When you are sightseeing in Japan, you are likely to look at the stores and scenery, but please take a look down there as well. (The photo is a manhole in Hachioji. Please come and see it.) What do you think? I plan to tell you more about the city in my next article. Look forward to it! 留学生が日本に来て驚いたこと ~街の様子編①~ 日本の街にゴミが落ちていないのは前回のブログで書きましたが、他にも日本ならでは様子が街の中には多くあります。今回はそのうちのいくつかを紹介します。 自動販売機だらけの街 日本は自動販売機がとても多いことで有名です。多いのは数だけではなく、種類も。例えば、本やバナナなどを売っている自動販売機が駅に設置されていたりします。また、歩いていると「こんにちは」と自動販売機に話しかけられてびっくりしたという話もよく聞きます。最近ではデジタル映像で飲み物を選ぶものや、サブスクの契約ができるものもあります。お店で買うよりも少し高くはありますが、とても便利なので利用してみてくださいね。 エスカレーター 暗黙のルール みなさんの国にはもちろんエスカレーターがあると思いますが、日本にはエスカレーターの暗黙のルールがあります。それは、東京では乗るときに左側に、大阪で乗るときに右側にのることです。これは正式なルールやマナーではありませんが、なぜかこのようになっています。もちろんマナーはあります。例えば、みんながたっていないほうを歩いてのぼっていく人達を見ることがあると思いますが、これはとてもマナーが悪く危険なのでやめましょうね。 WiFiスポットが少ない! 数年前と比べると無料のWiFiスポットは増えてきていますが、他の先進国と比べると日本のWiFiスポットはまだまだ少ないという問題があります。コンビニやファストフード店ではもちろん使えますが、小さな店などは使えないことが多いので気を付けましょう。観光をするときには先にWiFiスポットを調べておくことをおすすめします。 あなたもコレクターになる マンホールはアートだ 日本各地ではその土地をイメージしたデザインになっているマンホールがあります。マンホールのデザインはとても人気があり、街ではそれを「マンホールカード」というカードにして配っていることもあります。最近ではポケモンをはじめとする、いろいろなアニメのキャラクターが描かれているマンホールも登場し、観光スポットとしても有名になっている場所もあります。日本での観光中、お店や景色を見ることが多いと思いますが、ぜひ下も見てみてくださいね。(※写真は八王子のマンホールです。ぜひ見に来てくださいね!) いかがでしたか?次回も街の様子についてお伝えする予定です。お楽しみに!
[English/日本語] Things that Surprised International Students When They First Came to Japan: Public Safety Japan is known as one of the safest countries in the world. Even if you drop your wallet, you can often get it back,Of course, it depends on the location, but it is safe to walk alone at night. In addition, there is a unique culture born from this safety, which often causes problems for international students. In this article, I would like to introduce some of them. Handkerchiefs on the table Japanese people who secure their seats with luggage In Japan, when you go to a food court, you may find a handkerchief on the table, or sometimes a bag. And no one sits at the table. Even when the place is crowded, no one sits at the table. Why is this? Japanese people sometimes put down their belongings when they reserve a seat for themselves. I once heard a student say, "I was surprised to see people leave their bags with valuables in them.” Handkerchiefs, for example, may not be noticed that they are placed there, so if you sit down by mistake, you may get into trouble. Make sure you check before you sit down. Children walking alone to school: Be careful to talk to them A student wrote an essay about how she was surprised to see a small child walking alone with a big bag on his back. Many elementary school children in Japan walk to school alone. Some of them are as young as six years old and ride the train to school by themselves. Some of the international students like children and will ask a child who is walking alone, "Are you okay by yourself?"or "You are so cute!“ However, if you do this, you may be reported to the police, so if you see a child walking alone, just watch him or her gently. Can I have these vegetables?:Unattended Vegetable Sales In the fields of Japan, there are sometimes small huts where no one is around and vegetables are sold. When you want to pay, you put money in a box inside the hut. The international students who saw the hut for the first time were impressed by the fact that the money box was placed outside. Many students use the unmanned market because they can get fresh vegetables at a lower price than at the supermarket. In addition, some students mistakenly take vegetables that are thrown away in the fields or nuts from trees in the park, thinking that they are allowed to take them, and end up being caught by the police. All plants grown outside have their owners, so please do not take them. Twice in one day!:International Students and Police check Japanese police officer often stops and asks questions to people he or she thinks are suspicious on the street. Thanks to these questions, crimes can often be prevented. International students are often questioned , especially male students, sometimes twice a day. During the questioning, you will be asked if you are carrying your residence card, which school you go to, and so on. Even if you are going to the local convenience store, be sure to take your residence card with you when you go out. What did you think? Even in Japan, which is considered to be a safe country, there is of course the danger of being involved in crime. Please do not feel overly secure, and be careful while you are studying abroad. By the way, when you enter our school, we try to get to know you by going to the police station in your neighborhood, participating in local events and volunteering, etc. Building a good relationship with your neighbors is necessary for a smooth life as an international student. When you come to Japan, be sure to greet the people you see every day with a cheerful greeting. 留学生が日本に来て驚いたこと ~治安編~ 日本は世界の中でも治安のいい国として知られています。財布を落としても戻ってくることが多く、もちろん場所にもよりますが、夜一人で歩いても安全です。また、この治安の良さから生まれた独特な文化があり、留学生がしばしば困ってしまうことがあります。今回はいくつかを紹介します。 テーブルの上にハンカチ:荷物で席を確保する日本人 日本ではフードコートに行くとテーブルの上にハンカチが置いてあったり、時にはバッグが置いてあったりします。そして、そのテーブルには誰も座っていません。人が込んでいても、お客さんは誰もその席に座ろうとしません。なぜでしょうか。 日本人は自分の席を確保するときに自分の荷物を置くことがあります。学生からは「貴重品が入ったバッグをそのまま置く人を見てびっくりした」という話を聞いたことがあります。ハンカチなどは置いてあることに気が付かないことがあるので、間違えて座ってしまった場合にトラブルになるかもしれません。確認してから座るようにしましょう。 一人で通学する子ども:声かけ注意! 以前、小さな子供が大きな荷物を背負って一人で歩いている様子を見てびっくりしたという作文を書いた学生がいました。日本の小学生は1人で通学する子が多くいます。中には6歳くらいの子が一人で電車に乗って通学する場合もあります。留学生の中には子どもが好きで、1人で歩いている子に「一人で大丈夫?」「かわいいね」など善意で声をかける人がいますが、警察に通報されてしまうこともあるので、1人で歩いている子がいてもそっと見守るだけにしましょうね。 この野菜はもらっていいの?:野菜の無人販売 日本の畑には時々誰もいない小さな小屋があり、そこに野菜が売られていることがあります。お金を払うときは、小屋の中にある箱にお金を入れます。その小屋を初めて見た留学生は、お金の箱が外に置いてあることに感動していました。無人販売所はスーパーで買うよりも安くて新鮮な野菜が手に入るので利用している学生も多くいます。 また、学生の中には畑に捨てられている野菜や、公園になっている木の実をもらっていいものと勘違いしてとってしまい、警察に捕まってしまう場合があります。外で育てられている植物などはすべて持ち主がいるので、とらないでくださいね。 1日に2回も!留学生と職務質問 職務質問とは、警察官が路上で怪しいと思った人を呼び止めて質問をすることです。この職務質問のおかげで犯罪を未然に防げることが多くあります。留学生は職務質問を受けることが多く、特に男子学生場合、1日に2回も受けることも。職務質問では在留カードを携帯しているか、学校はどこの学校かなどを聞かれます。近所のコンビニに行く時でも在留カードを持って出かけるようにしましょう。 いかがでしたか?治安がいいとされている日本でも、もちろん犯罪に巻き込まれてしまう危険もあります。安心しすぎないように、気を付けながら留学生活を送ってくださいね。ちなみに、本校では入学すると近所の交番に挨拶にいったり、地域の行事やボランティアに参加したりして、街の人たちから顔をおぼえてもらうようにしています。近所とのいい関係を築くことは留学生活を円滑に営むために必要なことです。日本に来たら毎日顔を合わせる人には元気なあいさつをしましょうね。