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Justin Schultz
Went to Chiba over the weekend and we were originally planning on visiting Mt. Nokogiri but decided to stay near the bay area instead since the weather was so nice. It really felt like we were in a resort area and it was a lot of fun. We managed to book a cruise of the nearby factories and it was a blast. They had snack bags for feeding the seagulls on board the ship that you could buy for ¥100 and once we started moving the seagulls started to follow and it just became a feeding frenzy. You’d throw the chips out to the seagulls as the flew side by side with the ship and they were really skilled at catching the chips as well. If it was a weak throw or the wind caught it, the seagull would dive down to catch it. Even if they missed it, another seagull behind it would swoop into the water and grab it. We bought two bags and halfway through the second bag you could tell the seagulls were getting full or tired because they weren’t as agile as they were at the start?. We also ate at a few restaurants. The steak and fried rice and the beef ramen was from Niku no Gyuuchu (肉の牛忠) I’m not sure if it has an English name or not. And the pizza was from a place called “Salvatore Cuomo.” Both tasted pretty good, I enjoyed the Italian restaurant more I think, but the steak restaurant had a nice, relaxed atmosphere compared to the rest of Lalaport which was pretty lively. I somehow lost the pictures I took of my pasta and the salad unfortunately. We also went inside Chiba Port Tower and it had some nice views and a “lovers corner” for taking photos, etc. They also had heart-shaped locks that visitors could buy and lock to a wall to signify their love or something to that effect. Overall it was a really fun experience and not too far from Tokyo. Would definitely like to go back and visit again!
  • 日本
  • 千叶县
  • 观光
  • 海滨/沙滩/海
  • 上镜
  • 美食
  • 意大利餐
Dylan Gibson
What an amazing view. I've only been to Chiba a few times, but never this far down south. This Cape Nojima looks really amazing though. I can imagine it's quite the view for anyone living near the water. I guess there's a lighthouse here as well, I'd like to see that, maybe take some photos. There's also an "Ocean Museum" near here as well I guess that looks pretty cool. They have some paintings, scrolls, ship ornaments and other stuff like that it seems. I wonder if you can learn about the history of fishing in the area or something. I always like seeing documents and materials that show stuff about how people lived in the past or how a certain region has changed. This photo feels so strange though, it feels like it's a deserted area almost, despite being modern looking. Just a weird feeling I guess lol. Great photo though!
  • 千叶县
  • 海滨/沙滩/海
  • 日本
  • 观光
  • 绝景
  • 网美照
明治2年に創業という南房総市内で最も古くからやっている老舗の寿司店「大徳屋」にて、1番人気というカニ汁が付いた日替わりの寿司盛り合わせ『おまかせ握り鮨』を注文。 内訳は房州いさき、本鮪の腹とろ、活〆カンパチ、地がつお、イカと飛魚卵のサラダ鮨、生うに、にし貝の地酒蒸し、自家製厚焼き玉子、大徳家式煮あなご、生くるま海老ポン酢漬け、南房総産地あじ、天然やりいか。
  • 在线GoTo旅游
  • 日餐
  • 日本
  • 美食
  • 寿司
  • 海鲜
  • 海鲜
  • 千叶县
  • 南房总市
  • 摄影比赛
