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Justin Schultz
Went to Hachioji over the weekend and had a blast exploring the area. We were able to check out the Musashi Imperial Mausoleum (Emperor Taisho and Emperor Showa's Burial Sites), eat some amazing food at a restaurant called "Gonsuke" (ごん助) and a bunch of other stuff. The Musashi Imperial Mausoleum was really amazing, it reminded me a lot of Meiji Jingu Shrine with the wide gravel paths through the forest, although I have a feeling this forest is natural and not man-made. Also the burial mounds seemed really traditional and reminded me of the burial mounds from the Kofun Period. The restaurant Gonsuke was so incredible. They had all sorts of different course menus and it was my first time trying boar meat too lol. I haven't had game meat in a long time so it was really cool getting to try it again and cook it over an irori (I think it's an irori) with actual coals. Can't wait to go back and explore the area again more. I'd love to hike up Mt. Takao and see everything else the area has to offer. Beautiful city
  • 日本
  • 东京都
  • 八王子市
  • 观光
  • 神社
  • 鸟居
  • 昭和时代
  • 大正时代
  • 自然
  • 野味
